of Caribbean Hurricanes |
Tobago (TTPT)
Location: 11.15N 60.83W
Tropical systems passing within 60nm (= 69mi.) of the island. Used latitude/longitude coordinates (11.15N, 60.83W) might not be the center of the island. Often the location of the island weather station was used, which is normally at the airport.
Please note that not only hurricanes (h1-h5) are included but also tropical storms (ts). Wind/category reported is maximum measured while the system moved through region (box). Each category storm has its own color (see color bar below; ts=tropical storm; h1=category 1 hurricane; etc., see the guide for definitions). Different projections can be selected, the island projections are most zoomed in (select if you want to see how close the systems passed by the island [not available for regions]), while the world projection most zoomed out (select when you want to see the complete path of the storm). Winds are in miles per hour. It is also calculated how close the center of the storm came to the island, the so-called closest point of approach (cpoa, in miles).
Below you can see all stormtracks for each decade since 1851 for Tobago. All storms since 1851 in one image [colored spaghetti] can be found elsewhere. In the climatology section there is also a weekly analysis of the data which shows when the real peak of hurricane season is for Tobago and a five-year analysis to find out if more storms have passed close by Tobago recently.
Projection: Island | Caribbean | Atlantic | World |
2010 - 2019 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
22 Sep 2019 40 ts 59 KAREN
2000 - 2009 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
1 Oct 2000 40 ts 9 JOYCE
15 Aug 2004 52 ts 45 EARL
7 Sep 2004 127 h3 42 IVAN
14 Jul 2005 86 h1 40 EMILY
1 Sep 2007 52 ts 65 FELIX
1990 - 1999 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
25 Jul 1990 52 ts 21 ARTHUR
7 Aug 1993 58 ts 24 BRET
1980 - 1989 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
14 Oct 1988 52 ts 58 JOAN
1970 - 1979 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
14 Aug 1974 46 ts 64 ALMA
11 Aug 1978 52 ts 59 CORA
1960 - 1969 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
20 Jul 1961 58 ts 40 ANNA
30 Sep 1963 104 h2 6 FLORA
1950 - 1959 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
5 Oct 1954 63 ts 67 HAZEL
1940 - 1949 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
17 Aug 1944 69 ts 68 UNNAMED
1930 - 1939 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
10 Aug 1938 46 ts 32 UNNAMED
1920 - 1929 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
8 Sep 1921 92 h1 41 UNNAMED
1910 - 1919 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
1900 - 1909 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
1890 - 1899 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
6 Oct 1892 75 h1 3 UNNAMED
27 Nov 1896 46 ts 25 UNNAMED
1880 - 1889 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
1870 - 1879 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
22 Sep 1877 81 h1 45 UNNAMED
2 Sep 1878 92 h1 20 UNNAMED
1860 - 1869 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
1850 - 1859 |
date wind cat. cpoa name
13 Aug 1856 81 h1 65 UNNAMED
Tobago: all dec peak 5yr rank
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