- Updates from the Islands -

- - Trinidad & Tobago - -

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- ? Is it Really All Clear ? -
  • By Ian Martin Borde <readkrox51 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 05:03:54 -0400
Visitors and People of Paradise,

Together, without Fear !
We have to do a Post-Mortem.
No confessions, no blame, no punishment, NO FEAR !!!!!!
It is REALLY and TRULY a Post-Mortem, . . . .
Lifes Were Lost !

Did We Plan Properly !!!!
Did We Pray Properly !!!!
Did We Prepare Properly !!!!
Did We Procure Properly !!!!

Congratulations on The Entire Relief Efforts,...!

But as those in the Relief Efforts KNOW?
Ad Hoc Money-Making Publicity in Relief Efforts
is only adding 'Shame to Misery'.

Without Money, we can arrest Global Warming by MORE THAN 55%'.

Simple Education and Training;
To those 07 - 70 years old can arrest Climate Change and Disasters,...
Respect and Followthru for Essential Services is BADLY LACKING.
The SURPLUS, from Doing THIS !

Instead we have a 'Solution' Culture of Abandonment and Elimination.

This can't go on!

God Bless


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- A luckly wobble or a miracle
  • By Adesh Nanan <adeshcnanan at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 19:49:28 -0400
Dear Gert,
Tobago was spared the brunt of hurricane beryl when it moved slightly north.There was a report that tobago would have experienced the most amount of damage of all the islands while beryl was following the predicted track.However in the middle of the night there was eyewall reformation.....you decide if this was heavenly

Dr Adesh Nanan

- Deadly Landfall & General Conditions at 10:10am. -
  • By Ian Martin Borde <readkrox51 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 10:46:05 -0400
P r a y


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- 2nd Update: Specs for Centre of Circulation !!!!!! -
  • By Ian Martin Borde <readkrox51 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 07:10:47 -0400
Tobago, Barbados, Grenada, St. Vincent and Trinidad,....
...., are in the inner Cyclonic Centre at 06:30am !!!!!!!

Winds: 17kph - 74kph and Intensifying
Waves: Immeasurable, (10' - 15' was a long time ago).
Water: 3" - 4" ins. in an hour. (Not the Main Event for Monday).

Over-Confidence and Under-Confidence causes fatal mistakes,...!!!!!!!


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- 1st Update -
  • By Ian Martin Borde <readkrox51 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 01:53:11 -0400
The entire island of Barbados and Tobago, (inner cyclonic bands),
and the entire island of St Vincent and St Lucia, (precipitation bands),
have been the subject of Landfall at ten past one.

I am in touch with Gert but we seem to have a bad connection.
(To have backroom chat???)
Everything is NOT YET,
Because the Eye makes Landfall at 08:00am.


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- Eerie calm!
  • By Adesh Nanan <adeshcnanan at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 20:42:36 -0400
Dear Gert
The temp is 27 deg's in Palmiste San Fernando, extremely calm ...moved my satellite dish as I await the outer bands of Hurricane Beryl.This reminds me of Bret that hit at midnight and was responsible for massive flooding.Since Beryl is fast moving it is more the winds that are a threat I believe.However the ground is saturated from the passage of the last tropical wave so there may still be the possibilty of landslides
It is unnerving to just sit and wait 
Stay blessed all

Dr Adesh Nanan

  • By Ian Martin Borde <readkrox51 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 19:58:27 -0400
Distressed, People of Paradise !!!!!!



Obey the AUTHORITIES , . . . .

GET INDOORS, KEEP YOUR NERVES ! (Until Tuesday Morning !!!!!!).

'Berta', made Landfall at 6:30pm in Barbados.
With 40kph Winds,...!!!!!!
(Within 6 - 8 hours, most of us won't have.
Potable Water, Electricity and Internet, etc.)
at the VERY LEAST, keep injury, illness and death DIGNIFIED !


(Don't Criticize and Complain, because in Unity. There is Strength,...)


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- Hurricane Beryl
  • By Adesh Nanan <adeshcnanan at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 15:51:37 -0400
Dear Gert
The sun is shining in Palmiste San Fernando.There is no wind at this time .Nobody knows what the next few hours will bring.The satellite picture looks ominous and we have been told to prepare for storm force winds and heavy rain later tonight
Our schools remain open for tomorrow at this time.
God will protect us

Dr Adesh Nanan

- Weather In Trinidad
  • By Stephen Abouhamad <stephen_abouhamad at hotmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:36:27 +0000
Michael Abouhamad

Good night everyone,
This is just an update on hurricane Beryl. Hope everyone is taking this seriously and staying safe.
Beryl's winds are approximately 90 miles per hour. 
Weather wise in Trinidad it has been rainy all day with a few thunder storms. We have also had reports of flooding in the capital Port of Spain this morning. With the path of hurricane Beryl passing to the north of Trinidad we are still preparing for a wet and windy few days. God Bless.

Best regards,
Michael Abouhamad

- !! Centre of Circulation off Grenada 's South Coast !! -
  • By Ian Martin Borde <readkrox51 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 03:26:03 -0400
At 02:00am Tuesday 25th June 2024,
The Centre of Circulation passed just off Grenada's South Coast.
Tobago, (and Trinidad), were spared for now,...
ABC Islands and Haiti and Jamaica keep a Watch !

(Starting to Rain Heavy with the Tail (03:20am.).!.

No Complacency !!!!


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- Beware of Aftershocks,...!!! -
  • By Ian Martin Borde <readkrox51 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 02:47:53 -0400
T'dad & T'bgo had a 6.0 Earthquake, approx. 90kms. Deep,
70 miles from the tip of Trinidad. Lasting over a minute,... !!!

Lost current and internet for an hour. No Damages.

For three reasons there will be no tidal fluctuations;
Epicentre too shallow.
Surface to seabed too shallow.
Magnitude less than 6.5

Listen, Look, Smell, Touch for symptoms of Hazards,...
Whether or Not stay away from Disastrous Locations, SEcure Vulnerable !!!!!!!
(The SEa is a Disastrous Location)!!!!!!!
Call for Help !!!!!!!

On Standby


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- !!!! Complacency Kills !!!! -
  • By Ian Martin Borde <readkrox51 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 07:08:11 -0400
Thank God for GErt, Dave, Martha, Jane and Isabel !
People of Paradise !!!!

Without this Site , ... , people will be Dead.

Pray for Belize, (Honduras), and Trinidad and Tobago, ... !!!!

Standing By,


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- ..., here we go again,... -
  • By Ian Martin Borde <readkrox51 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 10:36:33 -0400
People of Paradise,

Do I have to tell You !!!?
In 36 hours a stronger Wave is coming,... !!!!

Pray, Plan, Prepare, Procure


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- Rain Intensifying Monday till Wednesday -
  • By Ian Martin Borde <readkrox51 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 03:20:09 -0400
People of Paradise,

This is REAL !
a) We are a few thousands. The population in Small-Island States 
is in the Millions of which the Elderly are Significant.
b) Climate Change is Real. A hurricane before was winds in the 
70's, 80's 90's and less than 2" - 3" inches of rain. 
Now at least once every three years we get winds above 150mph. 
Rainfall of four (04') inches can fall 27 times in a year with something 
as simple as a trough.
c) I can't talk for everybody and all the Central Caribbean.
If part of a tree falls on a high tension, electricity line. 
We then have a National Blackout. 
At least Three Different Disaster Groups have to correct the Damage.
Then as if to add shame to misery, volunteers help clean up.

If you know me. I talk positively about tourists attractions as well.
However our situation is becoming more desperate !!!!!!!!

GOD! Please Bless


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- 48 Hours of Thunderstorms as of NOW -
  • By Ian Martin Borde <readkrox51 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 13:38:09 -0400
I Beg of People of Paradise,...


During this Hurricane Season !


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- Bad Weather Saturday and Sunday T&T -
  • By Ian Martin Borde <readkrox51 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 17:39:56 -0400
Brace for it,...

Approx 02ins. of rain,...

Stay away from Rivers and the Beach.

Brace for it !!!!


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- Lamentations -
  • By Ian Martin Borde <readkrox51 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 18 May 2024 08:37:16 -0400
Our Dearest People of Paradise !

The ITCZ is currently over Trinidad and Tobago.
This means over one inch of rain in localized areas.
for the next two Days, ...

Instead of God Bless, I include,


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- Proactively, Make a List -
  • By Ian Martin Borde <readkrox51 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 13:09:17 -0400
Hello, People of Paradise,

We have two weeks of Preparation without Climate Hazards, ...

Use the Time :
Firstly, Get (a List) started getting an Emergency Supply, 
including a First Aid Kit.
Giving a Donation and early Season Shopping gets some things 'Free'.

Secondly, Identify Emergency Shelters and Volunteer in some way.
What is not strictly emergency supplies, like clothes and food and linen.
Proactively put aside.

Thirdly, Buy a) a safety deposit box, or b) a vault, and c) a document receptacle.

This is to avoid last minute shopping,...
Last minute shopping endangers Lifes.

God Bless


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