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- Thoughts after Beryl
  • By Ann P <annlouisephelan at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 08:52:02 -0400
Like most of you, I have been glued to social media to follow what has transpired in the Caribbean post Beryl. It is staggering to see 5 islands so devastated. With the amazing relief efforts underway, there is still so much to consider; PTSD due to trauma, animal welfare, healthcare and long term considerations. 

I came across this article on the Facebook Page WIld Caribbean. Barbuda was left so vulnerable after Irma. I hope the people in Union, Mayreau, Canouan, Carriacou, Petite Martinque and others are able to retain their land and get back to living. The carbon footprint for these islands is small but the environmental disasters will impact these fragile places year after year. 

Ann Phelan

- Antigua weather!
  • By Martha Gilkes <gilkesm at me.com>
  • Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2024 04:35:01 -0400
Sharing Steve Coghlans post  (thanks Steve)  and nice to have some quiet time 
after the nightmare of hurricane Beryl.  Many don’t know about our “dust”. 
Goggle it for more !    We continue to have eyes 👀 to the east as we “weather 
the hurricane season “. 

The SAL (Sahara Air Layer) is quite active at the moment, and as a result there 
are high dust levels over much of the Atlantic and even the Caribbean 
Basin........Persons whose health is adversely affected by this dust should 
take note and precautions as necessary!

Sahara dust over the Atlantic is not a completely negative issue for us 
however, as it causes very dry and sinking air which provides a hostile 
environment for tropical cyclone formation and development.

Additionally, the dust helps to keep the Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) cool 
by shading some of the sun's rays from the ocean surface....It might not make 
much of a difference this year, as these waters are already much warmer than 
usual, but every little bit helps I reckon!

The Atlantic to the East of the Eastern Caribbean is quiet at this time!

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- Palm Island
  • By Ann P <annlouisephelan at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2024 06:16:14 -0400

- Gratitude
  • By Ann P <annlouisephelan at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2024 06:12:34 -0400
I have been glued to my many internet weather sources for days. Anyone connected to the Caribbean feels darkness that has settled amongst the community, post Beryl. 

 I started tracking storms in the late 80's when I lived in Antigua. A few times when off island during hurricanes, I used ham radio operators to relay information to my husband. Times have changed. Gert, how long have we had this amazing community? How grateful I am to have this connection to stay close to the islands whether I am in the Caribbean or on Cape Cod. 

I am gutted about the tragedy that is unfolding in Carriacou and Petite Martinique. I was in Carriacou in 1990 and was planning a trip back in March.  30 minutes of weather created hell for the people. There is some astounding footage of Beryl during and after.

Union was one of the 11 islands I visited in 7 days (work trip) in 1990. WC Kitchen has been reporting from there. They are incredible, really. Their reports are staggering. I heard Mayreau was hit too. There used to be a hotel there, Salt Whistle Bay. I had lunch there and later swam in the Tobago Cays.  How will they bounce back? How is Palm? I met the owner Coconut Johnny once and was a rep for the property. I hope to hear all is well. 

Thanks for keeping this community alive, Gert and Dave and all the weather spotters. Gert needs some change to pay the fees to keep this site running. If you can add a little to the fund, it will be wonderful.  

I am a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher (MBSR) and one word that has created calm in my own crazy life is "impermanence.".

PM Mitchell of Grenada made a comment in his address.   The summary was his country had little contribution to the fossil fuel mess yet his islands are going to face devastation as seen already. 

Be well

Ann Phelan

- Antigua this afternoon
  • By Martha Watkins Gilkes <marthawatkinsgilkes at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 16:34:27 -0400

4 pm  MONDAY  and Antigua  is  covered in the outer bands and clouds from 
Hurricane Beryl.   Quite gusty  winds  here on the  East  Coast  and rough seas 
 at HALF MOON BAY.     I  am  with out  power   with APUA coming  to  try to 
restore  to  some of the homes in the area.    Not sure  WHY as  we have NOT 
HAD SUCH STRONG  WINDS.   Sadly  very little rain also.  Seeing tragic reports  
from  Grenada  with   an address by the Prime  Minister on what they fear is 
terrible damage on  Carricou and the smaller islands as we wait more  details.  
  Hopefully no loss of life.       Antigua was spared  this time  but  we know 
we have  a long  hot summer ahead  and have to be  prepared for the worst.    
Tragic times   with  global  warming  and the  effects. 

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> Thankful to GERT AND  DAVE FOR  STORM CARIB and the service this provides in 
> getting  info out there.   

- 4 am Monday Storm Carib Report
  • By Martha Gilkes <gilkesm at me.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 04:02:08 -0400
All quiet here.  4 am.  Even tree frogs singing.   But this sat shows outer bands in upper area to pass.   Devastated to see the monster approaching Grenada st Vincent & Grenadines.  Hopefully Barbados spared the worst 🙏. https://www.myfoxhurricane.com/storm2_satellite.html


- Antigua Met office warning
  • By Martha Gilkes <gilkesm at me.com>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 19:11:53 -0400
Just out.    We may get some gusty winds from outer band and high seas 

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- Hurricane Beryl
  • By Martha Gilkes <gilkesm at me.com>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 09:32:39 -0400

On this  Sunday morning,  the last day of  June,  it  feels surreal this early in  the  hurricane season  to be  tracking  what is becoming a monster hurricane  - NHC says it will be a  CAT  4   (winds 130 -156 mph)  which is what HURRICANE LUIS was in  1995 when it tore up  Antigua and my  home !  My heart  goes out to  those in the path   (Barbados is home to my husbands  family ) and Grenada was my home as a Peace corps volunteer in  1974 with many friends  there…..and  a long time friend in  St Lucia — so while  I am  thankful Antigua is not getting  hit it is heartbreaking to  see these islands  affected—  and  others  in the  path beyond -    
ALSO   watching  DISTRUBANCE 2  just behind  the hurricane  with concerns  on  this and the path it will take.    As of now  it is   moving ‘“GENERALLY  WESTWARD”  -  the same path  as Hurricane Beryl but these  systems often make a north turn so those of us in the  Leeward islands need to pay close attention.    It is going to  be a  trying summer “weather watching”.   




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  • By Martha Watkins Gilkes <marthawatkinsgilkes at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 16:12:04 -0400

IT SEEMS  looking at the  models,       95 L  WILL  STAY  SOUTH  OF the LEEWARDS     and  track  thru the  WINDWARDS  hopefully  AS A  STORM AND NOT A HURRICANE.      There is  a  DISTRUBANCE   JUST    BEHIND   95  L  that  may  do a more   NORTH  TURN  so       we are all watching .      Image 28-06-2024 at 4.06 PM.jpegImage 27-06-2024 at 3.24 PM.jpegImage 28-06-2024 at 4.01 PM.jpeg

- Possible weather
  • By Martha Watkins Gilkes <marthawatkinsgilkes at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 08:28:38 -0400
Early days to be seeing this !!!

> This  system  seems to be  staying  SOUTH    but could do a north turn as  
> they often do… It  is moving around   20  mph  ( 300 miles to the  east )   
> so  SHOULD  be  thru  the islands  in     24 hours      (FRIDAY)… or  i would 
>  think  by    SAT … they do slow down tooo!!     SO I WOULD  THINK  BY SUNDAY 
>   WE WOULD  SEE IT  GONE.  ( but  always something else  behind   !!!    We 
> never know  with  weather… 

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- Tropical wave
  • By Ann P <annlouisephelan at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 14:44:08 -0400
I was reading Crown Weather's daily tropical report that suggested some weather possible for T&T and Barbados. It will be interesting to see how and if this develops. I am always concerned about flash floods and poor infrastructure.  In the US, climate change is already wreaking havoc on towns and cities; fire, floods, heat. Be safe all.

Ann Phelan 

- Hurricane season is here again
  • By Martha Gilkes <gilkesm at me.com>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2024 11:49:46 -0400

JUNE 1st     -   THIS DATE HAS  MIXED  FEELING  IN MY LIFE………. THE    START  OF THE HURRICANE  SEASON  which  for those of us ISLAND BASED is becoming more  and more  of a  “worrying time”   as climate change is causing   more severe hurricanes.   It is the  “small island states”  paying the highest  price for  what the  “BIG WORLD COUNTIRES” have  caused with the  damage to the  ozone layer and  atmosphere.   
    June  1st is ALSO  my  ANNIVERSARY   ( this year of   43 years )   so  it is also a  “celebration day”!   

AND NOW THE OFFICIAL HURRICANE SEASON HAS STARTED.  I consider myself somewhat of a   seasoned hurricane “amateur expert”  having  gone thru the  eye of   5  HURRICANES  -  One  IN THE AIR  FLYING WITH THE  elite US  HURRIANE HUNTERS into HURRICANE FABIAN  ( Category  4 ) -  but that is  another story !!!     

  All  forecasts are  SERIOUS ones… and we  expect  severe heat  during the summer months…….NOAA  is  saying  17  to 25 named storms and    4 -7   major  hurricanes !   There is only  SO MUCH  homeowners  can do to be  prepared  but   I for one  WILL BE  GETTING PREPARED  well ahead      (  generator serviced  with fuel on hand ,  gutters  cleaned,   checking all hurricane shutters    food supply  on hand,    first  aid supplies   on and on  -  we all  should  know and have  the  “check list”      SO    “people get ready”  as  that  song says.  A few years back we  added   rafter supports  in all of our roofs across the normal rafters which  we were  advised  gives  a lot of strength to the roof  not  ripping off  in a hurricane.   So hope that  extra step helps !   

    IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to know which islands will  fall  victim to  a hurricane  and even  when one is  barreling  down on   an island there can be a  last minute turn  ( as happened to Antigua  with HURRICANE IRMA in  September  2017  as she approached us  in what  forecasters said was a Category 5  PLUS PLUS PLUS   causing the HAIR TO STAND UP on our heads….    and during   the night  she took a NORTH TURN and  DESTROYED our sister island of  Barbuda,  sparing  Antigua.    

THE OLD TIME SAYING    for hurricanes  


But  this is no longer the  norm  as  THERE IS NO NORM!    EYES TO THE EAST   as we  begin the  “long hot summer” !!!    






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