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- - Culebra (PR) - -

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- - - 2019 Hurricane Season - - -

- Dorian
  • By MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 23:21:19 -0700
While I am in California with family, I was in touch with numerous friends in Culebra - oh the power of the internet! 
It seems we made out very well on Culebra, with some rains and not too strong winds. I know this wasn't the case on all of the islands, we were very, very fortunate; even with the predictions on the much safer side it wasn't hard to fear it could change for much worse. 
I think every superstitious bone that doesn't exist in my body comes to life when I say Culebra, for being in the zone, did very well from all reports. 

"Being good and kind, that will carry you through the world." ~ Alvin, gardener at Biras Creek

My blog:   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/

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