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- Beryl the Beast...
  • By Fedaw Shercloh <fedawshercloh at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 05:45:56 -0400
Hurricane Beryl attaining Category 5 Strength at this time of the Year in the Caribbean- being so early in the Hurricane season is just mind blowing... 
And with the bulk of the Season still ahead this is a serious Omen for the Caribbean region indeed it is also a critical reminder that it Only takes just one Storm to make it a terrible season. Indeed, the Fact that we're getting something to that Catastrophic level this early- just cannot be understated. 

& Of course, as a result the Swells from Beryl on the Western- Caribbean shores of the Lesser Antilles islands have been really surging overnight. With it's extreme to Catastrophic impacts over much of the Southern Caribbean islands like the Grenadines, St. Vincent and Grenada -This Hurricane is definitely one for the Record Books!

We are Caribbean Strong!
God Bless us All!

- Beryl's Bashing...
  • By Conan Shillingford <conanshillingford4 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 15:35:43 -0400
Indeed, it has been so sad to see the damage caused by Beryl in the Grenadines, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Tobago and Grenada. Let us All do our part Re: aid recovery and relief for our brothers and sisters who have been affected. 

Today we have had ongoing squall bands from Beryl, which certainly picked up into the afternoon time to the surprise of many. Appropriately, there has been a Flash Flood warning issued. Praying and trusting that no significant flooding issues will occur.

Take good care.
And stay safe everyone.
God Bless!

- Brunt of Beryl... Post Premature Cancellation by Govt
  • By Fedaw Shercloh <fedawshercloh at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 13:44:48 -0400
Well the Cancellation of the Tropical storm Watch for Dominica earlier today by the Government authorities was really Premature, and imprudent given the fact that the core of then steadily Intensifying Hurricane Beryl had not yet crossed into the Caribbean sea by the 11a.m advisory. In fact, as I'd mentioned a Tropical Storm Warning should have been issued for the island.

Hence, As expected the more intense feeder bands from the Hurricane have been steadily spiralling towards the Nature Island area, and we are now having true Tropical storm conditions Island wide. Apparently winds have been frequently gusting and a bit stronger in the southern areas of the island, which is of course closer to the core center of Beryl. Whereas areas more to the North of the island have not had too many strong gale force gusts in squalls caused by Beryl's feeder bands.

As I posted earlier these storm conditions should continue into the evening time. Let's hope and pray that the area of disturbed weather termed as invest (96L) in the Atlantic does not undergo rapid intensification as it nears our islands similar to how Beryl did.

It's heartbreaking to see that Beryl underwent an additional period of intensification before Crossing the Grenadine islands. Beryl was just 6 mph shy of being a Category 5 which is mind blowing. Reports of devastation are coming in from Grenada, SVG islands, Barbados, Tobago and St. Lucia. Let's All rally to help our Sister islands in their time of need & recovery.

Please Stay safe everyone.
Blessings to All!

- Beryl's Bountiful rains...
  • By Fedaw Shercloh <fedawshercloh at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 07:00:21 -0400
As can be expected most streams and rivers are elevated at this point. & As the day progresses with multiple bands from Hurricane Beryl anticipated, it likely that many of our rivers will reach threshold levels and full capacity. Vigilance is required.

We are All praying and trusting that persons residing in flood prone areas take all the necessary precautions and the like. & Also Hoping that our Sister isles to our South have done adequate preparation and stocking up on essential items.

Stay safe everyone.
God Bless!

- Brutish Beryl...still barreling Westward
  • By Fedaw Shercloh <fedawshercloh at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 03:50:08 -0400
So far rain- wise Beryl has been giving us a dousing here in the Nature Isle of the Caribbean, Dominica. It will be interesting to see how much our River levels on the Leeward side of the island may have pushed up by morning light. Of course, Peripheral and feeder bands are expected to continue into Monday evening.

We're thankful though that so far we have had nothing much to report. Winds have remained generally under 20 knots, and seas are only slightly agitated. However, the thunderstorm activity has picked up after midnight here.

 I suspect that later on Monday morning into the afternoon that mild wind factor may begin to change for the worst including the West Coast sea state once the centre of Hurricane Beryl crosses into the Caribbean sea.

Stay safe folks especially those in the Southern Windward islands where the worst conditions are anticipated by Late Monday morning into the afternoon. The 'Lesser Antilles rule' could further enhance the strength of the Hurricane post -Eye wall replacement cycle, and a slightly slower forward speed could be more consequential Re: the severity of impacts. Time will tell...

Blessings to All!

- Bad Beryl...
  • By Fedaw Shercloh <fedawshercloh at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 00:27:57 -0400

Well Sunday's weather gave us on and off shower activity with the occasional breeze in the Nature Isle. Although, the weather actually held up enough on Sunday morning to allow some Parishes to Celebrate the Feast of St. Peter & Paul (a type of Feté Mariné) in Honour of our Fishermen. The West Coast community of Colihaut was one such example.

With the sun initially peeking through and then radiating brightly-a Lively Street procession complete with a band and conch shell went through the streets led by the Priest & altar Servers. The Parish Priest even ventured to Bless the Sea and lay a wreath in remembrance of those who were lost at sea after the Mass. Kudos to St. Peter's Parish community for really keeping the Original St. Peter's celebration & tradition alive!

Well, immediately after the festivities boats were hauled in quickly as the rains picked up once again & the necessary precautions were taken in light of the coming storm. 
Now with every passing hour as Beryl inches nearer to the Southern Island chain the rain and feeder band activity are unfortunately set to pick up even more here in the Northern Windward isles and Leewards.

Occasional Tropical storm conditions are expected within about a couple hours here in Dominica -according to the French radar estimates as some feeder bands move through. 
Of course, the East Coast will be affected first and then the rest of the island. It would be a prudent move by the authorities to perhaps upgrade our Tropical Storm watch to a Warning. Time will tell... Work tomorrow anyone? Hmmm Thankfully schools are already closed.

Stay safe everyone.
& Thoughts and Prayers go out to the islands to our South.
God Bless!

- Bracing for Hurricane Beryl...?
  • By Conan Shillingford <conanshillingford4 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 08:04:50 -0400

Well how quickly the 'Tropical tides' can change... I think the unprecedented formation & anticipated rapid intensification of Tropical storm Beryl particularly in the Main development region of the Atlantic is a major warning bell for any persons who were still skeptical as to the veracity of the hyper- active prediction issued by the CSU/ NHC for the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season.

Moreover, what's likely to 'soon' be Chris and Debby etc. from the multiple areas of future interest & investigation (invests) -given the well anticipated Tropical Atlantic wave train etc. -are a rude awakening for all those who were perhaps imprudently questioning this hyper-active forecasted Hurricane season. 

We are already seeing conditions much more typical of August than the actual end of June- into early July period. Thus, We can only do our very best in the islands at ensuring our finest resilience and mitigation practices are at play, & Of course; let us All continue to watch & Pray.

No doubt, We are all training our eyes eastwards to Beryl & company with a rare 'back to back' impact from two Atlantic tropical systems expected in the Lesser Antilles chain in the coming week. & With rapid intensification expected from Beryl it's too soon to speculate just how much impact- soon to be- 'Hurricane Beryl' could have in the Lesser Antilles in roughly 24-36 hrs time. 
One thing seems sure that All of the Windwards islands -including even some of the Southern Leewards need to take this System very seriously as peripheral impacts from Beryl are very likely especially if it's wind field etc. expands.

So far conditions have been super moist in most of the Lesser Antilles given the train of tropical waves which have made it through the islands over the last few weeks.
Here in the Nature island of the Caribbean, Dominica, which is typically very green from coast to coast; we are undoubtedly extremely lush Island wide. 

The excessive humidity and heat period from late April into most of May is largely a distant memory, however, with such Tropical cyclonic activity looming and forecasted for the islands- I do believe that one would definitely choose some unsettling heat over damaging Cyclonic impacts and the like. Nonetheless, this is the reality & dire consequence of the era of Accelerated Human caused Global warming & Climate change.

Currently the precipitation from Tropical wave number 15 is serving as a tropical predecessor event for Beryl in the islands. Likely a harbinger of things to come and a precursor for what's unfortunately billed to be a historic Atlantic Hurricane season. 

I'll update some more by Sunday night God's Willing- if warranted, as conditions are expected to begin deteriorating then- with Beryl making it's closest approach thru the islands south of the Nature Isle, Dominica, if the forecasted track holds. 

In the meantime I'm trusting that folks will maximize the opportunity for Sunday Mass & Worship etc. at Churches tomorrow morning as we implore God's Mercies, Protection & safety for our Caribbean people. With God All things are possible in Jesus' Mighty Name. (Matt 19:26), & Of course, God helps those who Help themselves...

Thoughts and Prayers go out to our Sister islands to our South. Continue to stay Vigilant and well Prepared folks. 
We are Caribbean strong!
God Bless!

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