- - - 2017 Hurricane Season - - -
- Good Afternoon
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2017 14:05:35 -0400
Hi from beautiful Vieques! It has been a long time since I posted. I have started many posts but never finished them. I couldn't find the words. Hopefully today I will finish and post this one. The good news... Vieques is really green again. We could use some rain but I am so delighted to see Vieques returning to her lush self. Sun Bay is looking great! I went for my first beach day since the storm this past Sunday. We need to plant palm trees but everyone did a great job cleaning up the beach! Sunset was spectacular. Simply breathtaking. The municipal generator was up and operating for a couple of days. That powered town and the road to Mambo. Unfortunately it is out again but at least it can work and they are working on it. The Malecon has lights! Local businesses, private individuals and Rotary International made this happen. There are solar lights on the front of all the businesses, string lights powered by generators, and new solar post lights in the parking lot. It was incredible to watch the lights turn on. It is still incredible to see it every night. The Post Office has incoming and outgoing mail. As long as they have system we can send things out. If they don't have system we can only receive packages. The tough stuff... The ferry is the same debacle that it has always been. The difference is that we need food and gas. That is our lifeline to the main island. Right now the one operational boat is running the triangle between Culebra, Vieques, and Main Island. This is beyond ridiculous. Even Norman Paperman didn't have to deal with this. ATM get your act together. Power from Main Island. Still no word on this one. There is a meeting tomorrow that may shed some light (haha) on this situation. I will keep you posted. Gas and diesel. Right now it is good but the lines can be very, very long when we run out. See above ferry situation. Water. Water is out again at high elevations. Really frustrating. No news on this one just rumors about maintinance on the generator that was running the pump. Cell phone service. Spotty, very spotty. AT&T just sent a text giving all of us another free month. Internet is come and go. Some days are great others are not. Garcia Gate Beaches. The gate is still not open. Possibly that will be coming soon and we can add that to the good things. Spirits are good and we are all working together. So many people have left and are leaving for the States. Hopefully they will come back when life isn't as challenging. That said we have adapted to the new, temporary Vieques. That is what this is, temporary. In 5 years time we will look back at this and tell the stories to the new comers. By then all the sharp edges will have rubbed off the bad memories (I hope) and the funny moments will seem even more outrageous. Thinking of everyone out there. We really appreciate your warm wishes and support! By the way if you sent me an email before October 10 I never received it. All my emails from before then are gone. Until next time, K
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
- Vieques
- By Valerie Mcdyer <vmcdyer at yahoo.com>
- Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2017 17:54:29 -0400
On Sunday last we heard of a helicopter flight from Vieques to San Juan.
Nothing had improved in Vieques, no deliveries of food or water, so we paid
$400 each to go to San Juan, figuring that from there we could make some phone
calls for help for Vieques, as we still had zero communication. The flight was
sad as we saw the same devastation in Puerto Rico as Vieques. We were diverted
to Isla Grande airport where we eventually got a cab into Old San Juan and
checked into Hotel Casablanca. No water or power as their generator had crapped
out. We were able to call Congresswoman Nydia Velasquez who scrambled a ship
with food and water to Vieques.
Val Mc Dyer reporting on Vieques.
Sent from my iPhone
- Vieques
- By Valerie Mcdyer <vmcdyer at yahoo.com>
- Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2017 14:56:46 -0400
From Valerie Mc Dyer
Sent from my iPhone
Vieques was hit badly. On Tuesday night 18th the winds were whipping around by
6 pm so we moved down to our more sheltered bottom floor. We got one dog in but
the other one would not budge.
Sleep was fitful, we could hear objects crashing all around the house. At 4am
we ran to the bathroom and hunkered down intil 9am, when the winds died a
The eye crossed Vieques at Green Beach, on the western end. Winds of 168mph
were recorded.
There were trees down everywhere. Power lines were torn down and transformers
littered the roads. We had no water, power, cell signal, money as the bank was
closed, and ferries and planes had stopped running, so Vieques was literally
cut off from the world. Many wooden homes were destroyed and their contents
spread all around.
Next day we ventured out to Esperanza on the south shore and the destruction
there was shocking! The sea rose so high as to completely cover the road with a
layer of sand, and all of the businesses along the road had sustained serious
More to come.
Val Mc Dyer from Vieques
- Vieques
- By Valerie Mcdyer <vmcdyer at yahoo.com>
- Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2017 14:56:46 -0400
From Valerie Mc Dyer
Sent from my iPhone
Vieques was hit badly. On Tuesday night 18th the winds were whipping around by
6 pm so we moved down to our more sheltered bottom floor. We got one dog in but
the other one would not budge.
Sleep was fitful, we could hear objects crashing all around the house. At 4am
we ran to the bathroom and hunkered down intil 9am, when the winds died a
The eye crossed Vieques at Green Beach, on the western end. Winds of 168mph
were recorded.
There were trees down everywhere. Power lines were torn down and transformers
littered the roads. We had no water, power, cell signal, money as the bank was
closed, and ferries and planes had stopped running, so Vieques was literally
cut off from the world. Many wooden homes were destroyed and their contents
spread all around.
Next day we ventured out to Esperanza on the south shore and the destruction
there was shocking! The sea rose so high as to completely cover the road with a
layer of sand, and all of the businesses along the road had sustained serious
More to come.
Val Mc Dyer from Vieques
- Wednesday, September 20th, 2:00 am
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2017 02:03:58 -0400
Winds have really picked up. It.is howling right now. So loud with louder gusts. Way We coming in under the doors. Towel brigade is in full motion. Eye looks like it is missing St Croix. K
- Tuesday, September 19, 11:12 pm.
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017 23:14:38 -0400
No lights on main island. Not sure if it is due to his ability or lack of power. Maria is starting to push a bit. Winds are picking up. Off for a nap... K
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
- Tuesday, September 19, 8:50 pm
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017 21:12:37 -0400
Back again, Things are going well. Main Island from Caguas more or less to Fajardo does not have electricity. We see the generator lights from some buildings but nothing else. The winds are starting to pick up only in gusts. The towel brigade has started due to rain and wet shoes. We do have widow maker branches snapping from Irma. Nothing too unusual. Heard from friends that dove up here around 5:00 that the communications signal in Esperanza was really weak or down. As with the last storm I think my signal is from Main Island. I do not think it will last. Looks like we might get lucky. Eye of Irma will pass 28.3 miles to the South. That doesn't mean we are out of the woods. We will have hurricane force winds over Vieques. We will be in the powerful NE quad. It can jog again. No reason to celebrate. This will hurt St. Croix. This will hurt the damaged Virgin Islands. This will still hurt us. But it is better to miss the eye. Looking for small silver linings. More later, K
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
- Tuesday, September 19, 4:24 pm
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017 16:39:42 -0400
It is gray and cloudy. The breeze is blowing with occasional gusts. Power is out island wide. I don't know what time it went out as power was never restored to our house after Irma. It is surreal sitting here knowing what is coming but knowing that I cannot comprehend it until it happens. We have played out every scenario we can think of and have a plan for each. All our friends are hunkered down. We have a plan in place to start chainsawing our way to each other as soon as conditions permit. I spoke to my friend Buddy last night who was on St. John for Irma. He said make a plan and follow it. It will be ok, he said. I believe him. He and his family are safely in Arizonia now. But he has a plan to return to St. John soon to figure out a new plan. We will have a new plan soon I suppose. Enough rambling, back to the weather. The waves are breaking over the road on Rompeolas (Mosquito Pier). We cannot see main island. We will know soon if they have power or not. Water and communications are holding up. The hubby has dinner cooking, the dogs and cat are sleeping and we have cold wine. Waiting... K
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
- Hurricane Maria
- By Valerie Mcdyer <vmcdyer at yahoo.com>
- Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017 13:08:41 -0400
Maria is approaching Vieques and we are already experiencing high wind gusts..
The ferries stopped running at 11 yesterday and our power was cut off this
morning. Two of the three gas stations ran out yesterday and there are lines at
the one remaining one.
Wapa TV has come from Puerto Rico and has set up on Isabel Segunda, our main
town. The government introduced a dry law at noon today, but we are stocked up
at home.
We expect Maria to pass south of us but we will probably experience gusts of
100 mph or more. We were without power for 9 days after Irma due to downed
The hardware stores are out of plywood as everyone is boarding up windows. We
hsve heard of people siphoning gas out of other people's cars.
We await Maria.
From Vieques - Val Mc Dyer
Sent from my iPhone
- Tuesday, September 19 8:07 am
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017 08:35:11 -0400
Good morning, It is gray and cloudy on Vieques. The breeze has picked up and there are whitecaps in the channel between Vieques an Puerto Rico. The ferry stopped running yesterday. Some people are trying to charter flights out of Vieques but I hear it is next to impossible to get out of San Juan. We are hunkered down with a few little details left. Photo of main island from the back porch is attached.
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- Maria
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2017 05:04:58 -0400
Good evening, It is with a heavy heart that I report that the closest point of approach for Maria is 8.5 miles from Vieques. Not good. We are prepared,and watching. Poor Dominica. What a blow for the lovely, Nature Isle. More Later, K
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
- Groundhog Day
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2017 20:16:27 -0400
Tonight it is so still. No breeze. The stars are so bright peeking above the tree tops. The frogs are chirping. A beautiful evening overall. It is such a respite from today. I am officially calling today Groundhog Day. It is an exact repeat of two weeks ago to the day. I will admit that the boarding up and heavy lifting projects that were completed two weeks ago did not have to be redone. However, the moving of the important papers, water, wine, and laundry was the same. Buying gas was the same. Preparing the plants the same. Watching the NHC updates every 3 hours the same. So Groundhog Day it is. We are preparing for another storm. Maria could be a high-end Cat3 as it slips South of us. We are prepared. Folks around here are taking it seriously as they should. The last ferry from Vieques to Fajardo is at 11:00 am tomorrow. Flights will continue until they have to stop but the word is they are booked. The gas lines were long but orderly. Electricity should stay on until right before the storm for those that have had it restored. Water will last until the diesel fuel for the generators at the pumping stations runs out. In our thoughts are our Irma impacted sister islands. They do not need this. Also for St. Croix who could take a direct hit and is housing so many people who left the other Virgins after Irma. We have this. We can do this. Vieques is strong and resilient. Sometimes the waiting is the worst... K
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
- Vieques Status
- By Valerie Mcdyer <vmcdyer at yahoo.com>
- Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2017 08:55:42 -0400
Just as electricity is being restored (we got ours fixed yesterday), we are
getting reports of Maria approaching. Some were without water or electricity
but Vieques fared well compared to other islands.
We had the Puerto Rico State Guard helping to restore the island, we had 6-hour
lones at gas stations, our ferries did not run, but the community came out to
help neighbors.
Our beautiful beaches in the Reserve are still off-limits, but we expect
Caracas beach to be open tomorrow.
Already there are gas lines, the supermarkets are crowded and the ferries are
being taken out of commission tomorrow.
We await Maria!
Val Mc Dyer in Vieques
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- Islands helping islands
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2017 20:31:50 -0400
Good evening everyone, It is a cool breezy evening here on Vieques. We had a bit of rain today as Jose wobbles around above us. Too many painkillers after stumbling by the Caribbean islands. Since Vieques was spared the horror of Irma we continue to help our sister islands. Christian is not only flying much needed supplies into Totola but he is also bringing folks back out. Yesterday he brought out a family of three and today he brought out a Mother and daughter. Please keep sending supplies! He is committed to delivering them. There is a tremendous need out on those lovely islands. On a much more personal note Mikie Duffy took a boat to St John and brought Casie and Buddy, their two sons Knox and Ollie and a friend Jacob back to Vieques. It was a bittersweet reunion of Vieques restaurant friends. Buddy and Casie are headed to Arizona to regroup after the total loss of their restaurant in St. John. Despite this tremendous blow we know that they will come back bigger and better. We believe in you both and you have our unconditional support. Last but not least I was on the main island of Puerto Rico today. While I was at Costco they were moving palettes of water by forklift to the front door. Groups of men were piling the cases in SUV's . I spoke with one man and he said they were headed to the marina and then to St. Thomas. Gotta love the Puerto Rican Navy (Our name for the crushing yachts that travel in groups). He said this will be their 4th trip. We traveled home on the cargo ferry piled down with baby wipes, diapers, dog food, ramen noodles, flashlights, insect repellent and batteries. All of that will be delivered to Tortola tomorrow. Home Depot was even kind enough to offer us a small discount when they heard that we were helping out folks. That was gracious and allowed us to stretch the budget. So we are continuing to do our best to help. I think we all suffer from a bit of survivors guilt. It could have been Vieques. To all the angels that are helping the cause thank you from the bottom of our hearts! For those of you that keep meaning to donate, get on it! It is not to late. If you have questions on how to help you can email me at kate at elquenepovieques.com. Please see the screenshots below to see the happy faces of Christian and the families that he has helped. Lots of love to all of the islands, K
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Description: PNG image
- Out of town donations
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2017 16:17:11 -0400
Please take a look at the screenshot below. If you are in the States you can use Amazon and mail items to the P.O. Boxes below. Dig deep ladies and gentlemen. This could have been Vieques. We were just lucky. K
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- Relief for Tortola from Vieques
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2017 16:09:31 -0400
Vieques is gathering toiletries and food to send to Tortola by plane on Wednesday. Please take all items to the Shanklin property. Dire need for any items you can spare. Unfortunately it is a small plane and cannot carry water. Dig deep folks... we can get more they can't. A special thanks to Christian, Tyler, and Nathan. You guys rock! More Later, K Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
- Still so thankful...
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 14:19:31 -0400
All is well here in Vieques. The roads are cleared, communications are back up and the water is flowing as of a couple of hours ago. We still lack electricity but water is making all the difference. The ferries are running. Not sure of the rules. Cargo is for ticket holders only. They are not selling tickets as the power is out. I think passengers can still purchase tickets. Weird but true. Unfortunately our ferry that was in dry dock in St. Thomas is destroyed. What a waste. Gasoline is coming in via the ferry but the wait for gas is running about 5 hours. The National Guard was here yesterday distributing food. As far as I know the shelter is still housing people. The sound of generators and chain saws fill the air. We are cleaning up our little island quickly although it will be months until the last of the widow maker branches fall. Some bars and restaurants are reopening but only accept cash due to the power outage. Amazingly the little pier in Esparanza only suffered minor damage. As we say to each other a dozen times a day we were so lucky. Please donate to our sister islands. The need is so great there. They were absolutely clobbered by this Storm. The American media forgot about the United States citizens that live down here. I find it interesting that so many of those reporters vacation in the islands but forgot about us in their reporting. Again we are just so grateful, K
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- Thursday and all is well
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2017 14:25:29 -0400
Vieques fared really well. Trees down of course. The major roads are already cleared. There is minimal damage to the power lines ( they have been maintaining a green space underneath them for months). The Malecon suffered only salt burn on the plants. A good friend told me that North side only suffered fallen trees (he was out cutting trees off the road to help folks). So all in all our island community was blessed this time and don't we know it. We are grateful. Beyond grateful. Lazy Jacks opens at 5:00 tonight and El Blok is offering free WiFi as many communications towers are down. Our hearts are with those folks piecing their lives back together and for those folks in Irmas path. Beyond thankful, K
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
- Still blowing
- By Reservations <reservations at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2017 19:21:34 -0400
I haven't been able to reach anyone in Esperanza. Thinking their tower is
down. Also thinking I am pulling a signal from main island. Still spotty
service but amazed we still have anything. Darkness makes the gusts seem
stronger. Still things breaking, snapping and hitting the house. No lights on
main island. Not surprising. We have to wait for this to finish, for the
morning light to come and then access the situation. Going to try and get down
to Esperanza tomorrow and check the Malecon.
PS- Go away Jose. Do not follow Irma.
Sent from my iPad
- Losing service
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2017 18:31:37 -0400
Hoping this makes it through. Darkness is falling. The frogs and crickets can be heard through the wind. Still blowing. Trees down. What a mess. We don't know about Esperanza. I don't think they have service any longer. A report from the North side says trees are down.
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- Winds now from the west....
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2017 16:30:33 -0400
Winds are now from the Northwest. The tops.of the trees are broken off everywhere. Vegetative debris is all over the yard. Wind is a lot louder than before. Still have some things bumping against the house. We still have a couple of hours of wind and rains. Now we are under a flash flood advisory. Not a problem for us up here but could be for others in lower elevations. So far we are truly lucky. I cannot believe the hit St. Thomas took. More Later, K
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
- Getting louder and closer
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2017 12:30:46 -0400
The tops of the trees are starting to fail. Several are down. Here is video of current conditions.
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- Getting Stronger
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2017 12:10:11 -0400
Watching her eye on San Juan radar. Wind is now gusting strongly. Praying for St John and St Thomas. Looks like they are going to receive a direct hit. Worried, K
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
- Wednesday Morning
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2017 08:46:21 -0400
Good morning, Things are gray and rainy this morning. The breeze picked up at 7:45. Around the same time Authoridad de Energia (the electic company) shut off the power. Small tree litter is starting to come down. Nothing big so far. Looks like the brunt of this, whatever it will be, will occur later this afternoon. Trying to act normal by drinking the morning coffee and folding laundry. Thank goodness the cat came home around 5:00 am. More Later, K
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
- Update
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2017 08:44:15 -0400
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone Attachment:
Description: JPEG image
- North Side
- By Reservations <reservations at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2017 16:25:01 -0400
Up here in Pilon breezy conditions. Still sunny but hot. The channel between
here and main island is filled with whitecaps. A haze is obscuring the view of
Fajardo. Waiting for the 5:00 update.
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- Esperanza Bay today.
- By kate <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2017 15:25:00 -0400
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S8+, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone Attachment:
Description: JPEG image
- Prepared
- By Reservations <reservations at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2017 15:23:51 -0400
Good afternoon,
We are prepared. All that is to do is finish the laundry and eat one last
healthy meal. Boards and shutters are up on many homes here in Vieques. Most
folks are taking this very seriously. The Malecon is boarded secured and
quiet. The gas stations had long lines. I didn't brave the market as we are
stocked up.
Please let that eye miss us. No swerves or jogs to the forecast path. We can
handle regular storms but a direct hit is truly beyond comprehension. That
said we have prepared for the worst we can imagine.
I do want to say thank you to all of the folks who have reached out to us
today. We will keep you posted as long as we can.
Currently a breezy, sunny lovely Vieques Day. Enjoying it while we can.
Sent from my iPad
- Preparing for Irma
- By Reservations <reservations at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2017 18:17:16 -0400
We are still watching Irma diligently. The hurricane hunters are checking her
out and will provide more info for the models and the NHC. As noted in Jane's
update in St. Thomas the Coast Guard has authorized condition Whiskey effective
at 8:00 pm tonight. Tomorrow could be condition XRay. For our ferries the
municipal government has informed us that there will not be any ferries after 8
am Tuesday. Facebook gossip says they might stop service after the 3:00 pm
ferry from Vieques to Farajdo tomorrow. That is not confirmed.
We are in full preparation mode. Waiting and watching....
Sent from my iPad
- Irma
- By Reservations <reservations at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2017 12:20:26 -0400
Watching Irma here in La Isla Nena. She is rapidly intensifying and will be a
major hurricane. We are watching both tracking models, GFS and Euro. NHC is
leaning toward the Euro but I prefer the track of the GFS ( it sends her North)
but fear the Euro is closer to being correct. Needless to say Irma is still a
ways out and long term forecasts are notoriously fickle. This is your wake up
call. More like a wake up siren. Get your supplies together and have a plan.
Unfortunately she looks like she is going to pummel someone on her trek. Be
prepared in case that is you.
Diligently watching Irma,
Sent from my iPad
- All Eyes to the East
- By <kate at elquenepovieques.com>
- Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 17:48:01 -0400
Good evening everyone! It has been a long time since my last post. Take a look to our East. That is Ms. Irma. We won’t know until later this week/ weekend where she is thinking of going. Keep you eyes on her. She is a Cape Verde storm and could be a problem. Keeping our fingers crossed that she makes that swing North and out to sea. The alternate option is not good. More updates if needed. K 