- Updates from the Islands -

- - Saba - -

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- - - 2017 Hurricane Season - - -

- Saba
  • By Lou vin hassell <vin_lou at hotmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2017 11:56:28 +0000

Saba has took a tremendous blow with some Houses having lost their roofs completely

No loss of life reported.

will report some more as I receive it.


- Irma #2
  • By Mark Sharobim <mark.sharobim at mail.utoronto.ca>
  • Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2017 19:37:26 +0000
Not on the island but local government has reported there are no casualties as 
of 330 PM. Those with power that I've contacted have generators. 

Seems like storm is out of the area 

Thank God the worst has passed 


Sent from my iPhone

- Saba up date
  • By Lou vin hassell <vin_lou at hotmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2017 00:09:44 +0000

we are all prepared for Irma and what she has install for us.

people and residents are and have taken the necessary precautions and we are now awaiting the arrival of Irma.

This is going to be a devastating blow to this 5 square mile Island and our surrounding neighbors.

All houses and businesses are secured to the best of their ability and we have nothing to do but ride out the system.

All fishing vessels have either been hauled out at the Fort Bay or sought refuge on St Maarten.

I will report during or after the Hurricane 


- Irma
  • By Mark Sharobim <mark.sharobim at mail.utoronto.ca>
  • Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2017 14:50:28 +0000
Not on the island currently but I know the local government has ordered a 
curfew from 10 PM tonight until Thursday morning. 

Airport closed yesterday. 

Our hearts and prayers are with you in the north eastern Caribbean. 

May God bless you all and keep you safe 


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