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- Sept. 25- Thunderstorms la be st night…!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 23:46:34 -0400
So I heard.  I slept through those as i  slept through H. MARIA. 
Tonight more thunderstorms are expected. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who will be impacted by Hurricane HELENE in Florida and beyond.  May God bless therm and us all. 


Another beautiful day.
Evening Glory

- Sept. 24 - Hurricane HELENE
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 00:16:18 -0400
“It is going to be massive” and evacuations are underway. Folks had better move away if ordered to do so. The stronger the hurricane the more powerful the impacts and storm surge iis  one of them. We continue quiet, but are ready for whatever may come.. May God bless us all.


End of day photos  :

- Sept.23 - PTC # 9 / HELENE
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 23:56:06 -0400
Tampa seems to be one of the targets. We have family there. We are always present though far away when loved ones are in peril. We wish them well and all those within the hurricane warning zone. May God bless us all.


End of day photos:
 It was a very busy, hot, dry day. Forgot my phone when we went to the beach on the cay, so I couldn’t take photos.

Last Thursday evening a beepkeeper came after complaints of bees buzzing around my head at the gazebo.  Fortunately,  he came, those were Africanized bees, very danderousy and they came from inside a long box bench. He did the routine of smoking the bees then proceeded to gather them into a rechargeable vacuum bucket where they would be safe until released in the Rain Forest together with their cones.Here is a short video:

 Lo injury is not 

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- Sept. 22- Remain Prepared!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 23:16:02 -0400
There are tropical waves from Africa which can impact us in some way or another. As we know even in November we can be impacted as indeed we were with Hurricane LENNY, even coming from the opposite side. So, let’s keep in mind that we’re in the hurricane season and must remain prepared . We thank God for the fine weather we’ve been having. May God bless us all.


Early morning

Late afternoon

- Sept. 21 - Something in the Tropical Atlantic
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2024 00:29:42 -0400
Looks like a northerly direction. We may not have to be concerned about it. Let’s just track it and see where it goes. Have a good weekend. May God bless us  all.  


End of day photo

- Sept. 20 - The quiet before the Storms?
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2024 00:27:16 -0400
What storms? The ones they predicted  before the season began- 25- 30 in some cases. Well, here we are. It has been beautiful. May God bless us all.


Looks ferocious…

End of day photo 
It was very sunny today.

- Sept. 19 - Raining NOW
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 00:37:49 -0400
There were thunderstorms in the afternoon but not a drop of rain, now it’s raining. The sea looked like an ice skating rink that’s how stlill it was. So far no threats for us. May God bless us all.


End of day photos

- Sept. 18 - Felt like 111 degrees at noon
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 23:15:48 -0400
At 93 degrees It definitely was hotter than yesterday. It hasn’t rained for a while. A little tropical system would be quite welcomed to cool our days. So far no trouble in sight, but I heard it’s coming. Let’s hope it’s not too strong for us or anyone else. May God bless us all.


Always blue
End of day photos:
Bear cloud family on the march

- Sept. 17 - Searching for a potential storm
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 23:27:03 -0400
I think the weather people are frustrated because it’s either too quiet or disturbed weather does not make it to storm status. But there’s hope! One of them announced an explosion of activity starting from the last week of September to the middle of October or something to that effect. We are ready, so we shall wait and see what happens. May God bless us all.


Today’s weather—Excessive heat warning.
End of day photo:

Full Moon 9/17/‘24

- Sept. 15 - What a Glorious day!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2024 19:47:28 -0400
Hope everyone out there had a great day too. Apparently, the next threat from Africa will be during the last week of September and we seem to be in the path. So let’s remain storm ready! May God bless us all.


Our newest feral kitten, Miki, taking a nap on my Lenny tree.

End of day photos

- Sept. 14 - Enjoy these days While we can
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 23:42:33 -0400
These days have been really beautiful with just a few spotty showers once in a long while. However, I heard today that it was about to change. That should be happening during the last week of September.  If we are ready, we are smart. May God bless us all.


The drama in clouds 
View from the Gazebo in the lower garden.
End of day photos:

- Sept. 13 - It’s Quiet
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 00:22:57 -0400
But they’re out there. We could be feeling the effects of the first one these day.  The second one will probably remain out in the Atlantic. But more will be coming off the coast of Africa. Colorado has maintained its initial stand of a hyperactive season. It’s only because of the dust that the storms have not developed. But the dust will soon clear. May God bless us all.


This morning-so blue

End of day photo

- Sept. 12 - 94 L is Staring at Us.
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 23:27:50 -0400
That disturbance could be something to deal with. The BWI were mentioned , so it’s possible the track will be more to our North. There are others behind that one. Remain in a state of preparedness. It’s that time of year. May God bless us all.


Early this morning 

End of day photos:

- Sept. 11 - Unforgettable Day
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2024 23:36:56 -0400
It was a beautiful day in New York in 2001. It is a beautiful day here today at the peak of the hurricane season, but the horror there in 2001 was so intense that it is deeply felt to this day.Those were my favorite buildings. I would stand on the plaza and look straight up. Thy were so beautiful. We took our visitors to the top  each time. The buildings were part of our living room view. We have a friend who managed to get out of his tower on time and has never been back even though he lives a short bus ride away. We moved back to St. Croix in 1996 after my husband’s retirement. May God bless us all.


A beautiful 9/11 day 

In memory of all the victims of 9/11

End of day photo:

- Sept. 10 - What was that!?
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 21:47:46 -0400
It sure felt like the peak of the hurricane season today. Thunderstorms rolled through bringing with it the usual strong winds, heavy rain, flash flooding. How surprising! If had been very quiet. The temp dropped to 74, it’s usually 10 to 15 degrees higher. We needed this no-name storm. May God bless us all.


I could not take photos at the height of the storm as it was too dark. We certainly got a lot of rain !

- Sept. 9 - Tropical Storm FRANCINE
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 00:11:13 -0400
So far so good on this peak tomorrow of the hurricane season. The waves coming from Africa may or may not affect us. Some rumblings of thunder from the north brought heavy clouds but no rain. The rain alerts never touched our area. My book Isabel vs Hurricane LENNY is aiming to be published soon for the 25th anniversary of LENNY in November. May God bless us all.  


Heavy clouds but no rain for us.

Cruise ship in the distance. It was here all day.

- Sept. 9 - Suspense in the Atlantic!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2024 00:31:57 -0400
Is the GFS model accurate after all? Judging from one of the updates it would seem that way. Impacts would be felt be feli next week. If it starts organizing itself we could have a hurricane. Be ready just in case.  May God bless us all.


Today’s face with a splash of sunshine now and then.

- Sept. 8 - Drama in the Atlantic!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2024 00:00:31 -0400
There are two tropical waves in the Atlantic between Africa and the Caribbean. According to the GFS model it had the first one impacting us as a cyclone in 7 days. However, Ruben Garcia, Meteorologist in PR said, it’s not a reliable model and we should just track it and be prepared. He thinks it might just dissipate. The second TW has a 50% chance of developing in 7 days but it should be turning away from us. A third wave out of Africa will be  swallowed up by the one before which is going out in a more northerly  direction.  We may not have anything but rain on and off for the next two weeks. We MUST DO SOME TRACKING! May God bless us all!


Another beautiful day about to end

End of day photos

- Sept. 7- A Beautiful Day!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 00:10:20 -0400
A brief shower and looming dark clouds almost changed our plans to go to the Cay for an hour of therapy in the cristal clear water at that lovely little beach across from the beautiful historic site where Alexander Hamilton lived and worked. It paid off, we went anyway and the sky cleared. We were able to have a wonderful time. There is rain in the forecast during the next few days, most probably not continuous. However, there is trouble off the coast of West Africa that bears watching. May God bless us all.


(See photos taken at the Cay a few days prior)

End of day photo

- Sept. 5 - Possible Activity later this Month
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2024 23:42:08 -0400
This hurricane season is suppose to become more active this month. So far the tropical waves are just rain makers, some upcoming rainy days are in our forecast, but that is suppose to change later to storms . It does not mean that we are going to deal
with a storm or worse; they will either go to the north or the south, though there is the ONE that might come through us. So, we have to remain in a state of preparedness throughout the season. May God bless us all.


At dawn today

At Sunset 

- Sept. 4 - Two Tropical Waves to our East
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 23:15:25 -0400
The first one will be passing by the northern Leeward Islands spreading showers through the area for a few days. This is subject to change. The second one looks as if it will be passing right through us, again that’s subject to change. So far there is no potential development for either TW according to what I heard. Several ingredients have to be present in order for a TW to become a storm/hurricane. We just have to keep in mind that the season is far from over and it only takes one to make it our own as those in the past have been. Be safe. May God bless us all.


This Morning 

This Evening
Animals in the sky

- Sept. 3 - All is quiet …..
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 00:40:48 -0400
It seems that nothing is expected until the latter part of this month . This is highly unusual and certainly a blessing as the temps have been high. The sea is very warm.Let’s enjoy it while we can. May God bless us all.


- Sept.2- Beach day!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2024 23:59:22 -0400
We were able to have a great time at the Mermaid Beach and made it home before the rain came down.  It was on and off from then on. I was  inspired  to toast to all the women in labor today that their little bundles will bring them much joy, and prayed for those without work that that will be remedied. I hope everyone had a happy LABOR DAY !
May God bless us all.


Find the kitty!

End of day photo

- Sept. 1 - Another Beautiful Day
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 23:50:38 -0400
After 10 pm tonight we started getting some intermittent showers which could be related to the tropical wave which will pass to our south and possible send some rain this way. The weather has been absolutely great and so far no threat to us . ERNESTO as a tropical storm managed to bring down some big trees and many large branches on the roads crippling transportation everywhere. Since then it has been quiet and according to one forecaster the peak (10th) should be also. May God bless us all.


A beautiful hurricane season

End of another beautiful day.

- August 31 - Green equals Rain
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2024 00:01:30 -0400
In this case lots of rain associated with the tropical wave that will pass to the south of us as it tracks west by Monday or Tuesday. I have been trying to find out if we are going to be impacted in any way but no information at all. We shall soon find out. May God bless us all.


We were at our favorite little beach at the cay in Christiansted today.
They just set up a Chess board on the beach as well as other games.

- August 30- The Tropical Wave has shifted
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 23:31:21 -0400
It will be passing to our south, however. it can shift up again.There’s a certain percentage of rain for each day of the long weekend but we are still planning to go to the beach and make the best of it while we can. Enjoy Labir Day Weekend! May God bless us all.


End of day photo: a passing shower

- August 29 - Tropical Wave on the Way
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 21:22:08 -0400
It seems to have a good chance for developing-40% at this time. All the islands have been put on Alert. Apparently, this is only the beginning of a long parade of TWs that will be threatening the Caribbean this season. It’s almost a guarantee that they will develop into hurricanes according to some forecasters. Well, we know the rules. May God bless us all.



Late afternoon

End of day photo:

- August 28 - Lightning, thunder, rain…
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 23:27:58 -0400
Going on right now as I write. This was the little wave that was in the forecast to come by these days. Another one will be coming in a few days . The most dangerous one, if it holds together,  is fresh off the coast of Africa. That one must be carefully monitored. May God bless us all.


Our home has been buffeted by several hurricanes since we built and occupied it in 1997. The worst being LENNY Iin 1999 with winds of 155 mph.

End of day as seen from our porch and garden :

- August 27 - Tracking Potential # 6
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 23:22:37 -0400
There’s a smaller “non-violent” tropical wave that should bring us some rain ahead of the big one, so let’s not freak out. As I understood from the last report the weekend should be good. From Monday onwards it can be precarious. We have to hope and pray that # 6 does not develop into anything extreme. May God bless us all.


Late afternoon
End of day photo

- August 26-Something to Watch!!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 23:38:23 -0400

This has potential to develop and become a major threat for us by the middle  of next week. This report is courtesy of Ruben Garcia of Puerto Rico. He focuses on our region. We better boost our preparations on time so that we’re ready. May God bless us all. Isabel

- August 25- Another Beautiful Day!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 22:55:03 -0400
This is highly unusual for the latter part of August, but much appreciated. We know that it’s not going to remain this way. We have to enjoy it for as long as it lasts. May God bless us all.


This morning

This evening

- August 24 - Another pleasant day
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2024 23:47:41 -0400
We are in suspense as to what is coming . This is suppose to be a “hyperactive” hurricane season as Colorado reaffirmed this past week.Today as I waited at a traffic light I noticed a huge tree which was uprooted by Tropical Storm ERNESTO. That was no ordinary tropical storm. That tree is proof of that . May God bless and protect us all.


Another beautiful day ends:

Bobby is sharing with a homeless kitten. Awwww…

- August 23 - Lots of Activity Coming..
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 23:30:59 -0400
This quiet time we have should be a time of serious preparedness. An explosion of tropical waves and endless rain according to weatherman Meteo Mark is on the brink. He is thorough and very serious about his work, but are we prepared for what’s coming? I for one am concerned about the slope behind our house. We had a landslide already with the last tropical storm, which was stronger than expected. Otherwise, I like the sound of rain and stormy weather. May God bless us all.


Weather today: a mixed bag.

End of day photo:

- The Quiet Before the Storms..??
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 21:56:34 -0400
According to Colorado State U. forecast the hurricane season is still going to be hyperactive.All we need is one after the other to make it just that. Today was a lovely day. We had an interesting tour of the house from which 15 yr old Alexander Hamilton wrote his famous letter to his father about the terrifying hurricane he experienced in 1772. His mother Rachel is buried on the property. It’s worth the while if any of you should visit St. Croix. The next seven days should be all clear, then after that begins the hyperactive season. May God bless us all.


End of day photo: 

- August 19 - A tropical wave is passing through
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 13:41:16 -0400
It’s one of those phantom waves  hardly noticeable. It’s been raining on and off all morning into the afternoon. It’s the kind of thing you expect  during the hurricane  season. The big stuff is coming later on. May God bless us all.


- August 17- Power gradually being restored
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 19:06:13 -0400
Ernesto was underestimated. It was stronger than a regular tropical wave.The internet has been sorely affected. I’ve been having difficulty getting out the posts. The last week of August should see the next storm. May God bless us all.


Remnants of a tropical wave which passed today mostly over St. Thomas.

- August 14 - ERNESTO is GONE !!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 23:34:39 -0400
Thank God it‘s out of here! HEAVY rain, strong wind, and the biggest rock slide we‘ve had so far.  We lost power around 9 pm and got it back this afternoon. This storm was more than we expected. Like a two in one storm. It covered a  lot of territory from the northern Leeward islands to the windward. I keep hearing that another one is coming along the same track sometime next week. I hope we’re completely recovered by then. May God bless us all.


“Unable to attach photos”

Maybe an ERNESTO video..?
     Neither! Sorry!

- Update
  • By Valeria Rogers <riarogers at yahoo.com>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 08:15:53 -0400
Well, Ernesto was up and down all night after all. And all from the south. It stripped a tall palm of all but 2.5 fronds. There's a kestral using the new shoot for a lookout point. Took these videos 5 min ago. Still getting gusts and rain dragging through tail end I hope. Buck Island side is my north. I put my hummer feeders back out. Banana kits and Hummers were eating. Water is moving East to West. And we're going to get a rain squall from the East. My neighbor was able to go ck his boat. Is back so roads not too bad. Pouring again, gusting South but pretty much straight down and a must so can see Buck Island. Birds still eating. 😊

JPEG image

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- August 13 - ERNESTO has Arrived!!!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 21:34:47 -0400
It arrived with FURY . Power outage almost immediately.  Tried to catch some of the action from the porch on video, hope it justifies the reality. So far no lightning/thunder, but torrential rain. The emergency alert signal came on loud and clear. It is dangerous to be out there. There is coastal flooding, and other Flooding alerts. This is suppose to last several hours. May God bless us all.


This was esrlier this evening.

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- Fwd:
  • By Gert van Dijken <gert at vandijken.com>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 13:54:13 -0700
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: valeria rogers <riarogers at yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 1:50 PM

We aren't seeing anything of Ernesto in St. Croix on east side yet. All waves are coming in directly from the north. This video is from my balcony across from Buck Island about 5 minutes ago. 

Ria Rogers

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Description: MP4 movie

- August 12 - T.S. ERNESTO is almost here!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 23:41:04 -0400
Everyone is waiting in suspense to see where ERNESTO is headed. We are already getting a very stiff breeze . By tomorrow night, if not sooner, the storm should be here in our s neighborhood according to the reports. There’s a Flood Watch for us until Thursday morning; 3-6 ins. of rain here; hope it will not become a major problem for anyone along its path. May God bless us all.


Today’s face

- August 10 - 98L Soon to Be T.S. ERNESTO
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2024 21:36:07 -0400
By this time it could very well be. We are mentioned often as being in the track of the storm. What we don’t know is if it will be a direct hit. So far it seems to remain a T.S., but considering the warm Caribbean Sea anything can happen . Travelers are being warned to stay away from the Caribbean for now. May God bless us all.


Early this morning a baby tropical wave must have passed by. Heavy rain showers on and off for a few hours beginning at 5 a.m. then the sun shone and we went to Mermaid beach to enjoy the delightful Caribbean Sea.
Mermaid Beach

End of day photo:

- August 9- Tropical Storm or Hurricane…?
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2024 23:52:58 -0400
However it developes, it’s coming here by Tuesday evening/ Wednesday morning. Be ready! May God bless us all.


Cats in a cool wooden roof

End of day photo

- August 8- The “E” Storm is Around the Corner!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 21:56:15 -0400
It’s coming straight this way through the US and British Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Everyone is agreeing to this path. Still, it can wobble. However, we have to prepare for the worse while hoping for the best. May God bless us all.


It was a bright, very warm, beautiful day.

The Christmas Palm
End of day photos

- August 8 - All Eyes Turn to the East
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 00:21:32 -0400
Mr. Weatherman is watching a Tropical Wave which should impact us the middle of next week. Let’s keep watch with him and track of what could become the next name system of the season as a Tropical Storm.. We have a few days to complete our preparations. Be mindful that a T. S  can deliver dangerous impacts such as Tropical Storm DEBBY is currently doing in the southeast  coast. May God bless and protect us all.

Today at Mernaid Beach at the Buccaneer Hotel.

End of day photo

- August 6 — Hot , Dry, and Breezy
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 23:39:23 -0400
The breeze was great. It makes a big difference when the temp is 92 degrees F .
And felt like 102! Rain cools the day, but where’s the rain…? Not seen much since BERYL passed by. I’m just surprised that it has not been as active and we’re half way through. I know, the worst is yet to come. May God bless us all.

A very hot day

End of day photos:

Creatures in the clouds

- August 5 - A Passing T. Wave
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 6 Aug 2024 00:07:36 -0400
At first it seemed as if the cone of uncertainty was very close to us. The latest cone does not include us and is farther west. That’s good, but there are more on the horizon. Enjoy each day to it’s fullest before the weather gets overactive. Today there was a delightful breeze. We didn’t feel the excessive heat as other days. May God bless us all.


A perfect day for sailing.

No sunset photo today.  

- August 4 - Tropical Storm DEBBY…?
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2024 23:09:47 -0400
The storm is expected to reach Cat 1 status soon. It is going to drop  tons of rain along the Southeast coast. Can you imagine 30 inches? The second wave should be passing us to the south, but might only spray us . The one behind it  could  pass closer. We have to keep an eye on it. May God bless us all.


Hi! I’m Bella. I like to sunbathe any chance I can get.

Crown of Christ Plant—it’s full of thorns..

End of day photo:

- August 3 - Who is Watching the Atlantic ?
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2024 23:57:45 -0400
Currently all eyes are on DEBBY as it heads to Florida. In the mean time there are tropical waves heading toward us  Any of these can become a threat to us. But who is watching?  May God bless us all.


The St. Croix—St. Thomas Ferry heading to  the pier in Schooner Bay.

End of day photos:

- Aug. 2 - PTC #4 DEBBY (almost!)
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 23:30:04 -0400
Potential Tropical Cyclone! That’s the system that gave us so much rain. The next TW  looks as if it’s going straight west; we may not get anything out of that one. There will be many more coming off the coast of Africa. It’s a long road ahead. May God bless us all.


Today’s weather

End of day photo:

- Aug. 1 - Thunderstorms! Heavy Rain!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2024 00:16:22 -0400
What a day! Part 2! Yesterday was only the beginning! We had a quiet period today after those very dramatic thunderstorms and now the rumbling is starting again. . Rain is in the forecast during the night into the morning. This is a large system which is taking its time . It is now expected to develop  into a tropical storm or a hurricane when it gets closer to the Gulf. May God bless us all.


End of day photo

- July 31 - The Tropical Wave Arrived
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 23:34:26 -0400
We got a bit of everything but nothing overwhelming . It’s not over til it’s over. We expect rain everyday from the same system as it moves away. The sun left us a beautiful afterglow to end the day. The air is so much cooler. I hope this system is gentle to others as well. May God bless us all.


 Today’s face

End of day photos:

- July 30 - Tropical Wave Approaching
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 23:15:26 -0400
Tomorrow the first rains will be arriving. A mixed day according to the forecast. We don’t expect a lot of rain, just enough. As it moves on westward it will have a better chance of becoming a storm. I hope the folks along the way are prepared. May God bless us all.


 End of day and evening rain

- July 29 - Waiting for the rain
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 23:57:46 -0400
It’s been hot and dry except for some scattered showers. Our lawn is beginning to sound crunchy. We need the rain, nothing too overwhelming, please. We still don’t know for sure if the tropical wave will affect us as a stronger storm. The Saharan dust is trying to stifle it. All I know is that we do have to prepare for impacts from now on. Each system will be stronger. There is more than enough warm water fuel to feed monsters. May God bless us all.

This morning at the Cay in the morning, where Alexander Hamilton once graced as a teenager.

End of day photos:

- July 28 - Disturbance on the way…
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2024 23:29:45 -0400
Yes, it will bring heavy rain and gusty winds by Wednesday from the last report I heard. It could become a Tropical Depression which is stronger than a Tropical Wave . It has a 40% chance of becoming a hurricane after it passes us. Prepare well, it will have impacts. May God bless us all.


No dust today
Peeking through the branches of our 24 yr old LENNY Flamboyant Tree.

End of day photos: 

- July 27 - Watching the Disturbance to our East
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 20:54:19 -0400
It is forecast to arrive as a large Tropical Wave with impacts and the potential to become a Storm/Hurricane as it makes it way west. We still have the effects of the Saharan dust, but an occasional rain shower comes by and freshens the air  as in this evening. May God bless us all.


End of day photo: RAIN


- July 26 - A dusty sky, excessive heat…
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 23:43:44 -0400
Photo of the day:

- July 25 - Saharan Dust is Clearing
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 23:52:29 -0400
So they say, but today was still very hazy. Sooner or later it will clear completely. That’s when we can see more rain. We did have a lovely breeze. There was an unexplained three and a half hour power outage today making it very difficult to keep cool when the temp is at 33 cel/ 91 F. Fortunately, we have a Gazebo in the lower garden which is like an oasis. Next week we should be having more consistent rain from a large tropical wave. May God bless us all.


End of day photos

- July 24 - August Sounds Fearsome
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 23:55:05 -0400
I hope everyone is ready because August is right around the corner! There’s a large tropical wave approaching which is showing signs of becoming a threat. We will probably get a lot of rain by the color green all around St. Croix and vicinity. That would be by next Tuesday. Today seemed especially hot so I’m grateful for the breezy conditions. May God bless us all.

Oh, what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day….

End of day photo:

- July 23 - We‘re Almost there…
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2024 23:29:41 -0400
The busiest part of the hurricane season is almost upon us and many tropical waves are parading out of West Africa to get a name, maybe even some fame. If we are not prepared as yet we should hurry up and do so.  May God bless us all.


Warm and  beautiful 

End of day photos:
 Never seen a square cloud before.

- July 22 - A Lovely Day
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 23:39:18 -0400

Early morning glow

End of day photos:

 Tropical waves are rolling off the coast of Africa like bowling balls. We should expect rain everyday from now on. May God bless us all.


- July 21 - Very Warm, hazy, ! and breezy
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2024 23:36:52 -0400
A great combination!  We got some fast moving showers in the evening , some quite heavy and brief, thankfully. We’re good so far. May God bless us all.


Crown of Christ plant:
Like a postcard 
Rain coming

End of day photo:

- July 20 - A Quiet Spell
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2024 19:00:30 -0400
Yes, the quiet before the storms. This is a good time to come down to the Caribbean. Certainly, I can vouch for St. Croix where I live. Refreshing passing showers are great especially with the heat advisories everyday. So come on down. It should be storm free for the next week or two. All you have to do is track before you plan. May God bless us all.



End of day photos:;

- July 19 - A Showery day!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 19:23:00 -0400
It did not feel as hot due to the fast moving  intermittent showers and some heavy downpours. A wet weekend is in store for us. May God bless us all.


End of day photo:

- July 18 - Excessive Heat Warning today!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 23:33:51 -0400

- July 17 - Suspense is Mounting!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 22:57:52 -0400
Are we, in the Caribbean, going to be the hosts of the many named storms on the list…? Ready or not, they will be here. We were side-swiped by IRMA seven years ago; left many without power. Two days later there was a hurricane warning. What? My niece next door said it must be a mistake. It was Hurricane MARIA! She finished the job! She went on to Puerto Rico to killed approximately 4000 people. We all lost power! We recovered ours 4 days before Thanksgiving Day, others had to wait 9 months. JOSE passed by in between flooding the islands even long after it had passed us. What kind of year is this going to be…? May God bless us all.


Today’s face:
End of day photo:

- July15 - A Very Blue Day
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 23:35:14 -0400
We know things can change rapidly during the hurricane season; in the meanwhile we enjoy what we have. May God bless us all.


End of day photo:

- July 12 - A Tropical Wave passing through
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2024 00:13:31 -0400
If it holds true we should be getting a few inches of rain through this weekend as the wave passes by. The fierce wave coming off the coast of Africa is one to watch. It seems to be following the same pattern. It’s evading the dust plume as BERYL did 2and that is scary,! May God bless us all.


End of day photo

- July 11- Another hot day !
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 23:35:05 -0400
I was amazed at the full AA flight on the 9th when we picked up our son . They all looked like tourists! I’m sure some were local but I wish I had asked them : local or visitor? They all looked so happy! Glad that the weather has been as good as it can be expected for the season. Except for the heat it was a very pleasant, breezy day. We’re keeping an eye on the tropical waves as they come off the coast of Africa. May God bless us all. 


Some like it hot! Bella is sunbathing.

End of day photo: Looks dusty.

- July 10 - a beautiful hurricane season day!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 23:43:41 -0400
The rain threats were there but nothing substantial fell in Christiansted. We were able to get most of the gardening done in the morning and late afternoon. It was a hot day and a very cool evening on our hill. I heard forecasters talking about the many tropical waves coming off the coast of West Africa. It’s going to get rough. May God bless us all.


Early this morning:
Historic Christiansted
Late Afternoon

- July 9 - A Blessing, the Saharan Dust
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2024 23:05:55 -0400
Had it not been for the dust we would have been impacted by a named Storm. This tropical wave has been moving along without causing much harm by developing into a storm. It stands no chance with the dust. So, what a blessing!
May God bless us all.


End of another hazy beautiful day:

- July 8 - BERYL Lands in Texas
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2024 22:06:07 -0400
A friend of mine in St. Croix is visiting her Mom in Houston was preparing coffee the old fashioned way In a little cloth coffee brewing bag with boiling water from her little emergency stove. Power was knocked out by BERYL. She was glad to be with her Mom who lived alone. There’s a lot of damage in Houston. I fear for what’s coming our way. I know, all we should fear is fear itself and just face whatever comes. May God bless us all.

Early morning
 End of day photo: doesn’t it look like a thing or a person?

- July 7 - Clear before the next Plume of Dust
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2024 21:17:27 -0400
It was a beautiful day, hot though it was..but soon the dust will be here again. That’s always bad news but good at the same time. The dust prevents tropical waves from developing into cyclones. We know that cyclones will definitely come, however, they don’t always cause direct impacts. We just have to hope for the best. 
May God bless us all.



End of day photos:

- July 6 - Excessive Heat Warning today
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 23:24:02 -0400
Was it ever hot!! It’s worrisome! Soon the dust will clear and all the tropical waves will have a chance to develop. The sea is warmer at a deeper depth. What does all of that amount to? The prediction of many hurricanes with more major ones than normal will become a reality. I feel that  BERYL has opened a path through the Caribbean which others will follow, not necessarily hitting the same places. We have to be sure to be ready for the next one.  May God bless us all. 


A very hot day!

End of day photo:

- July 5 - Quiet in our neck of the woods
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2024 21:32:03 -0400
Not even a passing shower where I live in the heart of Christiansted. However, it has been mostly cloudy with Rain Alerts a few times today. I don’t know what happened to the tropical waves coming off the coast of Africa. All eyes have been on BERYL and with reason. We certainly enjoy the quiet. We know it’s not going to last.  The          hurricane season is only just beginning.
May God bless us all.


Cloudy day:

End of day photo: (this evening)

- July 4 - Happy Independence Day!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2024 23:52:36 -0400
Hope those of you who celebrated had a great time..it started out rainy here with one big thunder clap then all was calm for the rest of the day. Met a visiting couple who were enjoying themselves regardless. Fireworks were on at one of the beachfront restaurants. The Macy’s Fireworks was on the Hudson River this year. When we lived in NY the fireworks were right in front of us on the East River. A memorable time. No other storm threat in the near future. We pray for those who were hit hard. May God bless them and us all.


This was the face of our day with some brightness in between.

- July 2 - Powerful Cat. 5 BERYL passed safely Byington
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 23:36:44 -0400
That was a close call!. Another wobble up and it could have been on top of us. What a disaster it left in the windward islands. !! BERYL is aiming for Jamaica and is expected there by morning as a Cat. 4 as it was when it “trashed” them, and St. Croix with HUGO, the monster. Is this how the season is going to be? I pray that everyone  will get through this safely. As the Weather Gurl Dani’i said, material things can be replaced. May God bless them and us all and may HELP be on the way to the Windwards. 



- July 1 - A Category 5 hurricane..??
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 23:38:34 -0400
Is that a harbinger of the next 30+ storms? There will be nothing left of us by the end of the season if they all cause catastrophic  impacts! The next one is being closely monitored  as it follows in the path of BERYL. Unfortunately the same folks will be hit again. It seems that we will be impacted more that once.  Tomorrow, as BERYL passes to our south, we expect costal flooding and possibly some rain bands coming across. Then the next system should be passing us by the weekend. So, it’s not the best time to travel to the Caribbean as the TWaves are rolling off the coast of Africa like bowling balls and each one can develop. May God bless the folks in the Windward islands and us all.


Today’s Weather face

End of day photo

- June 30 - Powerful Cat 3-4 Hurricane BERYL
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 19:52:25 -0400
That,  and it hasn’t even arrived at the Windward Islands. We want the folks there to know that we are praying for them that they get through it safely. The point is to make sure that all precautions are taken including sheltering elsewhere if the authorities recommend it. Often when rhat is ignored there is loss of life as happened in Florida. We have to keep our eyes on the next storm, now Invest 96 L , which is following the same path as H. BERYL. We definitely are told to expect a good amount of rain from this one. That would be for the upcoming weekend. Only Time will tell as these systems have their own minds. May God bless us all.


End of day photos

Garden pet Mimi loves that nook on the Flamboyant tree.

(I had to put  this little video  at the bottom; it wouldn’t allow it otherwise.)

This shows the strong winds at midday; 
and the waves were quite rough .Don’t think it was related to BERYL.

Attachment: IMG_9770.MOV
Description: MP4 movie

- June 29 - Hurricane BERYL
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:33 -0400
The first hurricane of the season is showing signs of becoming a  monster. Unfortunately it will have to pass through some islands to get to the Caribbean. It is to our south but has jogged up somewhat. Everyone in the Caribbean will be feeling the effects of its presence, either wind, rain and high waves. The closest it will be to us will be on Tuesday around 1 pm. That is all subject to atmospheric changes. Dear folks in the Windward islands please be safe. Take all the precautions necessary. May God bless you and us all.


End of day photo

- June - 28 The Caribbean Sea to have a Cat 2 Hurricane
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 21:28:44 -0400
The sea is so warm that it can go well above a Cat 2. We heard months ago rhat the season will be very active with many major hurricanes. A scary forecast which is becoming a reality . There is one wave after the other coming off the coast of Africa. That’s quite a challenge. It’s been seven years since Hurricane Maria;  we got spoiled with the quiet. May God bless us all.



End of day photos:

- June 27 - Invest 95L heading to the Lesser Antilles
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2024 19:59:06 -0400
So far the current track is well to our south through the Windward islands. However, as we well know, there are wobbles which moves it lower or higher. Also, depending on the size and strength of the storm, we can still be impacted in one way or another. Time will tell in another few days when it gets closer. My hope and prayer is that those who will be directly impacted are paying attention and getting ready. May God bless them and us all.


A beautiful day

End of day photos

- June 26- All Eyes on Orange TW !
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 23:54:42 -0400
It is not easy for the weather people.  This disturbance is truly disturbing .  I guess by tomorrow we shall get a better idea of its track. At the moment it seems that it will pass to our south, but then, that can change. May God bless us all. 


Early afternoon rain

End of day photo

- June 25 - TS Coming this way?
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 23:54:02 -0400
This is what I heard earlier today. One of my favorite weathermen was only covering  94L,- which will be another headache for Mexico and surrounding areas. No word about the approaching system that all the computer models have as a storm for the  Lesser Antilles in 5 -7 days! I heard it from a new Weatherman who has relatives in PR. So, we have to be ready in case it becomes a cyclone. May God bless us all.


Another Saharan Day

End of day photo:

- June 24 - Saharan Dust is Here!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 19:08:59 -0400
The sky is gray, the sea is gray, the sun is veiled with gray chiffon. A thunderstorm rolled by today on the way to other islands. It was steamy hot a bit hotter than yesterday. A refreshing breeze came around every now and then.  A long, lazy, hazy day with lots to do. Each day is a gift; how we use it makes a big difference. May God bless us all. 

A Saharan dusty day 
Rolling thunder in that cloud

End of day photos:

- June 23 - Heat Advisory today!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 21:45:14 -0400
There was a very pleasant breeze on our hill and at the boardwalk in the historic site in downtown Christiansted where we had brunch at the popular Rumrunners Restaurant. Concerns are growing as the tropical wave on the way seems more likely than not to form. It’s moving west to then turn northwest bringing it closer to the islands. It probably will be a big rainmaker, but we know what rain can do. It does’t have to be a storm. May God bless us all.


It was 32 degrees celsius with a breeze.

End of day photos:

- June 22 - Eyes to the East !
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 23:35:11 -0400
That ‘s right! There seems to be a general feeling that the wave coming from Africa is looking to form. So, we are asked to keep watch. We checked our large new bedroom shutters of the door going out to the East Deck. The original shutter was blown off by Hurricane Maria seven years ago. It seems solid enough. We all have to be prepared for the worse while hoping for the best. May God bless us sll


We were at the Cay across from downtown for a swim and barbecue.
Iguanas wanted us to share our lunch.

This beautiful blk bird was perched on a tree branch nearby. Does anyone know the species?

End of day photos:

I took this one without looking..
There is a picture in this cloud !

- June 21 - All Eyes on our TW!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 19:21:23 -0400
Yes, more and more weather enthusiasts and experts are watching the tropical wave that could become a threat to the Lesser Antilles. By next weekend it should be close or on top of us depending on speed and track. Anyone planning to visit should track this system. Even if it does not become a storm it will be packing a lot of rain which is not the best thing to have when visitors come especially for sunny days to swim and all the rest that goes with a Caribbean vacation. I always hope they disintegrate before they form into anything. May God bless us all.


Rainy on and off today.

End of day photos:

- June 20 - First Tropical Wave to Watch !
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 23:40:01 -0400
This one will come too close for comfort. In about 10 days it should be approaching either as a tropical storm or worse. This is the time to make sure we are well prepared. We are getting sudden downpours these days. Tomorrow there’s a 40% chance of rain. Everyday we can expect rain. May God bless us all.

Always faithfull, always there.

End of day photos:

look at the people below!
Flying carpet over Christiansted!

- June 19 - Tropical Storm Alberto!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 18:45:55 -0400
Not anywhere as yet, but producing huge amounts of rain and other impacts along costal areas of Mexico and Texas. So far nothing’s threatening us. Every now and then, like this morning a heavy rain shower passed by. Then the sun was out ! However, it’s been a mixed bag with even some Saharan dust passing through. Being a holiday today, it’s been quiet all around. Hope everyone had a nice day. May God bless us all.


“A thing of beauty is a joy forever”, even if it requires work to keep it that way.

These clouds announce rain. I just got a rain alert..

Looks like an angel flying by..

 End of day photo:

- June 18 - Potential Tropical Cyclone #1
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2024 18:47:16 -0400
It is about to be born, or so they said . The labor has been long, hopefully he does not develop into a monster. 

So far, so quiet here. Just a relentless heat, but we’re not the only ones; others are getting it perhaps worse than us. This morning our quiet broke suddenly with an unexpected thunderstorm at 4:30 a.m. it did not last long, with hardly any rain. Sorry for all the folks in the U.S. and all over the world, especially those who were poor and now poorer losing everything. And this is only the beginning. May God bless us all.


Early morning


End of day photo

- June - 17 A new Invest 91 L!!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 19:04:30 -0400
Not in our area…as yet. And we hope not until much later. Can one ever be ready for a Tropical Storm/ Hurricane? Ready or not, they will be coming. Saharan dust is still the saving grace in eliminating or at least diminishing potential storms. We haven’t  had as much visible dust as in past years, maybe it’s thicker elsewhere. To top off everything El Niño is gone and mischievous La Niña is prepping for her role in what is predicted as a very powerful hurricane season! May God bless us and protect us all.


Early afternoon

Rest of day:

End of day photo:

- June 16 - Light Rain
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 18:33:12 -0400
This should continue for the next few hours. I’m glad for our newly uncovered coconut palm.  With this moisture and the fertilizer it should be very happy.  There’s a lot going on all over the Caribbean. But so far no serious threats. This is still early in the hurricane season. 

I wish all the dads that see this a long, healthy, and happy life. May God bless them and us all.


Our newly uncovered coconut 🌴 

Rain in the distance

End of day photo

- June 15 - Rain Approaching…
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2024 21:54:49 -0400
Not a continuous rain as I understand it, however, it has been so hot that it will be most welcome. Also, today we managed to free our one and only remaining low coconut palm from the grasp of the Colombian vines which are very aggressive. The poor palm could hardly breathe! Thanks to our garden helper he was able to cut through the bush in the way to reach the palm. It took a good while under the intense heat of the day to free it and it seemed to stretch out its frounds like wings ready to fly. The newest one was a Kelly green, it looked especially happy. I gave it some water. So the rain will help to refresh it and hopefully one day have’s coconuts easily picked because if it‘s low variety. The rain will be great! May God bless us all.


Late afternoon sky
The coconut palm below 
End of day photos

- June 14 - Another EXCESSIVE HEAT WATCH today. There was hardly a ripple in the sea. Very still! Scary!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 19:25:54 -0400
Tomorrow we can expect the same. I don’t see any rain in the forecast until next week; perhaps that’s from the large tropical wave crossing the Atlantic now.  We sure can use some rain to bring down the temp a bit. We have teasing, promising clouds coming around every now and then, but drops a bit of rain and that’s it; or it rains in the sea like a moment ago. We just have to take it as it comes. I feel sorry for the people in Florida and all over the world who are dealing with devastating floods. May God bless them and us all.


A beautiful day, not a ripple in the sea.

Sheets of rain in the sea
End of day photo:

- June 13 - Large Tropical Wave out of Africa
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 19:23:53 -0400
That one is slightly higher. Something to watch. I have been watching with shock at the major flooding in Florida . I saw something like that happening in Poland so I texted a friend there with the accompanying video he said that no such thing was happening there. All was quiet. I’m counting that in this case the Networks are reporting accurately.  My best friend there is currently on a cruise so she may not even know. Otherwise, we continue with the high heat watches and warnings. May God bless us all.


Today’s weather
End of day photo

- June 12 - Invest 90L- a precursor?
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 18:53:01 -0400
The first Invest that I know of for this year is dumping huge amounts of rain on Florida. We’re talking about many hours of the same. I saw footage of cars floating away, etc. Is that what we should be expecting throughout this hurricane season? That and worse! We must be prepared ! In the meanwhile, our weather continues hot and  beautiful at the same time. Happy the visitors who have escaped soggy weather. May God bless us all.


Today’s weather: 

Noon from the porch.
Afternoon from the garden

End of day photo

- June 11 - 90 L to cross Florida from west to east. Fr de c yde
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 20:00:51 -0400
Parts of Florida are in for some serious flooding. I have been seeing the same senario from reports all over the world. Murcia, Spain had rushing rivers instead of roads, as I saw today. Water is more dangerous than wind, unless you are in the middle of a Tornado. Our weather continues hot, but today we got a sprinkling at least. It came up from one of the tropical waves traveling below us. 
May God bless us all.



Afternoon-the way to the Secret Garden.
End of day photos

- June 10 - Hot and Dry!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 18:22:16 -0400
So, for those of you who like hot and dry weather with not the smallest hint of rain for the next days, this is your paradise! We know that rain is coming and more than we would like, but for the time being it is what it is. May God bless us all.


End of day photo:

- June 9 - Eyes on Tropical Waves
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 18:13:31 -0400
They are continuous off the coast of Africa and getting bigger. Soon they will be higher at our level. The prediction I heard early on is that this year the Caribbean will be the most frequented by the many name storms mentioned. We are currently having some beautiful days though quite hot. There are heat advisories every day, from Watches to Warnings; from Extreme to Excessive. It is wise to be careful outside. Right now I’m sitting in a shady spot with a refreshing breeze every now and then. May God bless us all.


Early morning


End of day photos;

- June 7 - Excessive Heat Warning today!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2024 18:50:55 -0400
It’s been HOT for sure! We’re looking forward to the next rain which can be as early as tomorrow. I feel sorry for the seniors graduating in an outdoors venue. They will have fancy tents to provide whatever shelter they need. It’s an exciting day so I doubt rain will dampen their spirits. It the meanwhile I’ve been noticing some very big tropical waves coming off the coast of Africa. I expect that by this time the countries to our south are prepared. We all should be. May God bless us all.


Beautiful but excessively hot.

 End of day photo

- June 6 - Stormy Morning, Quiet Evening
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2024 18:50:25 -0400
What a storm it was! It continued for a good hour with more to come but it never did. However, something seems to be brewing and all eyes are on that to our west. That would be an early one. We’d better be ready! May God bless us all.


Stormy morning

Quiet evening


- June 5 - RAIN
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2024 18:26:38 -0400
There was rolling thunder earlier. The northern islands must have been getting that rain. I managed to do some trimming before. Perfect timing! More rain is expected later. With all the tropical waves coming from Africa, frequent rain showers are expected. Anyone planning a trip here during this season should expect this kind of weather : sunny and hot  rainy, wet, and hopefully cooler. The sea is neither blue, nor gray, it is clear, perfect for a dip
at any time (except during storm).
May God bless us all.


Photos of the day

- June 4 - Tropical Waves are Coming..
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2024 19:08:10 -0400
Today we had heavy downpours but could not take a photo as I was driving. Missed a photo op. However, there are many more ahead. Must say that the day in general was still beautiful. Glad for the visitors especially who invest so much on these trips to paradise . We’re getting some rain at the moment. May God bless us all.


It’s raining… 
At the lower garden

End of day photo

- June 3 - Rain Alerts- No Rain
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2024 18:44:51 -0400
The only reason we would like rain is to  cool off. What a difference! The cold cloud tops send cool breezes so we know it’s going to rain. At the moment we have full cisterns from past rains; everything is green, blossoming, and growing faster than we can handle it. As the weeks pass the Tropical Waves are going to travel higher, right through us, unfortunately, that would apply to hurricanes as well.  Preparedness is the key to survival. May God bless us all.


This was before noon. 

This was the rest of the day…amazing difference between the morning photo and not too long after.

- June 2 - Rain for the next days
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 18:38:41 -0400
It has been overcast and raining in some areas. It will be raining on and off until Tuesday. This is nice compared with what’s coming. The Caribbean will be targeted through the hurricane season, judging from what the weather people are saying. The hurricanes will be plentiful and stronger due to the very warm sea. Let’s do our part and be well prepared. May God bless us all.


Today’s photos

- June 1 - Hurricane Season 2024 is here!
  • By Isabel Cerni <isabelcerni at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2024 18:38:41 -0400
Greetings to all my Caribbean neighbors and beyond! We have been warned often enough of the intensity of this particular season. It is expected to be stronger than any so far. Are we ready? We have been through the preps each year, but are we really ready for whatever comes? I’ll try to keep up. I’ll be posting photos of the day each time. We have not had rain for a while now. But that is suppose to change by tomorrow according to the forecast. Be well, be safe, and may God bless us all.


Been kind of dull this afternoon/evening but this morning it was sunny and very hot. Temp was pass 90 degrees. 
Look closely at this photo and see if you notice a circle around the sun.

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