It's been a couple of years since last contribution. Security problems in country have forced many organizations to cut back operations, re-locate or simply close completely. In general the state of affairs within Haiti is worse than ever, in every imaginable way. Certainly there is no preparation for or capability to manage any natural disaster, and none planned. We have been fortunate to avoid major hurricanes in past couple of years, but such is unlikely to continue.
Whatever may be the specific etiological factors shifting weather patterns, they seem to be changing, especially in our region.
In general, there is almost no functional infrastructure through Haiti, and no meaningful longterm plans to remedy these deficits. We have no operating electrical utility in our region (Grand Anse) and our hospital operations are necessarily and entirely off-grid with solar power.
Nonetheless, despite unrelenting poverty and consistent denigration from its overwhelmingly powerful neighbor to the north, the Haitians remain a proud and special people.
May the sun shine and reasonable rains fall.