- - - 2012 Hurricane Season - - -
- Navidad
- From: Alejandro Read <alejandro.read at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2012 20:00:44 -0400
Feliz Navidad, Merry Xmas, Joaux Noel. from Santo Domingo to all. A.Read
- West breeze....mainly sunny Punta Cana Skies
- From: Mike Bryant <puntacanamike at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2012 12:18:03 -0400
Looks like the worst of what was never bad is over and the sun has made a return. There are some quick passing showers scattered about, but all looks good. The wind is out of the west...an unusual feeling for us locally who experience easterly winds 90% of the year.
Hopefully all the hope of Sandy moving north is like those who hype bad movies....once you get there...they are wrong. -- Cheers
Punta Cana Mike's Dominican Adventure
Reality Tours for People Just Like You 829 981 7989
puntacanamike at gmail.com
- Wednesday in Punta Cana
- From: Mike Bryant <puntacanamike at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 05:46:40 -0400
Good early morning The joys of having a 3 month old is the hour you wake up in the morning and thanks to her your weather report is coming to you a bit early!
Since around 10pm last night we have enjoyed an almost continuous soaking rain. I would not call it heavy...simply continuous...the plants and water table are loving it!
These conditions should continue through the day with continued showers and a few thunderstorms to brighten up the day. Winds should pick up a touch as the day wears on, but nothing of concern for anyone here or flying in. Expect a breeze in the high teens to low twenties out of the southeast.
Tomorrow looks more of the same, with improving skies Friday.
-- Cheers
Punta Cana Mike's Dominican Adventure Reality Tours for People Just Like You
829 981 7989
puntacanamike at gmail.com
- Light Show In Punta Cana
- From: Mike Bryant <puntacanamike at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 20:04:31 -0400
Good evening ! Just spent a great day in Boca de Yuma with a mixed bag of
weather but no rain until I got home tonight. Good thunderstorms in the
region right now...loads of rumble and lightning, but very little in the
way of precipitation. Looks like a heavier squall is closing in from
the east. Great night for skywatching! LOVE IT!!!!
I photographed something you do not see everyday...a few waterspouts
out to sea...very impressive! One of those special moments nature
provides us and ....often when you don't have a camera! I was lucky this
We are now entering that period I mentioned the other day where we
will see an increase in clouds and thunderstorms. This will likely last
the next 36 hours or so as Sandy tracks due north over Jamaica
and Cuba. This will give us unsettled weather for this time period
followed by dramatically improved conditions towards Friday at the
Sandy is NOT FORECAST to be ANYWHERE NEAR Punta Cana....although we
will see some precipitation and thunderstorms over the next day or two.
PuntaCana Mike...under the lightning....and loving it!
-- Cheers
Punta Cana Mike's Dominican Adventure Reality Tours for People Just Like You 829 981 7989
puntacanamike at gmail.com
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- North coast
- From: carol read <carolread1945 at yahoo.com>
- Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 13:41:09 +0100 (BST)
After 2 very dry months here we finally had some much needed rain overnight. Not a torrential downpour. but the soft steady sort that soaks in. Hopefully this will cool us off a bit and this morning it is 32c and 71% humidity - feels cooler already. At the moment it is bright and sunny but it looks like more rain to the East. At least I won't need to get the hosepipe out today!
- Just another day in the island life
- From: Mike Bryant <puntacanamike at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 11:52:25 -0400
As our friend to the east (200-300 miles) get the rain and gusts, we here on the eastern tip of the DR get sunshine and a low humidity breeze...literally a perfect day to do whatever you want. There are some passing clouds, but nothing more or less than we would get on any October day.
-- Cheers
Punta Cana Mike's Dominican Adventure Reality Tours for People Just Like You 829 981 7989
puntacanamike at gmail.com
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- Santo Domingo weather
- From: Alejandro Read <alejandro.read at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 10:12:55 -0400
So far we have been blessed for there is foul weather to the east and to the west of Santo Domingo.......currently, blue skies, not too hot, (lets see how long this last....) A.Read
- Effects of Issac
- From: Teresia Rosario <galax_y at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 21:22:54 +0000
Here in Sosúa the effects of Isaac was a lot a of rain, and wind gusts, but no damage
But the south of the contry got hit with a lot of rain, that caused rivers to flood, and hundreds of houses destroyed,
and more than 29 000 thousand people had to leave their homes, most of them to friends and relatives, but around 1000
people in refugees. There have been four deaths reported to drowning when trying to croos watermasses.
Trees down, and a lot of plantain and papaya fields destroyed by the wind. Over 70 towns cut of from flooding, and bridges and roads
destroyed. It´s gonna take weeks before it goes back to "normal".
Today nine provices (Pedernales, Barahona, Monte Plata, Distrito Nacional, San Cristóbal, Peravia, Duarte (especially Bajo Yuna ) and Azua), are still in red alert due to flooding, and risk of landslides.
Take care!
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- North Coast
- From: carol read <carolread1945 at yahoo.com>
- Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2012 15:02:23 +0100 (BST)
Yet again the storm seems to have stalled on Hispaniola and we have had steady rain (7 inches in 72 hours which is nothing out of the ordinary). Occasional strong gusts but not enough to cause damage. The barometer has dropped slightly (6 milibars). Talking to a friend on the south side of Puerto Rico, he has lost 1000's of plantains, and now poor Haiti will be suffering - hurry up and move on Isaac!!!!
- Juan Dolio
- From: "Info at Dunhill Systems" <info at dunhill.ws>
- Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 16:34:19 -0400
There he is .. feels like a cat.1

- Isaac
- From: Alejandro Read <alejandro.read at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 16:31:18 -0400
It has been raining cats & dogs for about two hours, very windy, looks like we are catching the storm¨s tail. AR
- Punta Cana East
- From: "kurt van opstal" <funbug at fun-buggy.com>
- Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 11:24:22 -0400
Hello Last night we past it very good, some wind, some gusts, light rain some times, completed clouded, but good,wind now like 5,5 mph, gusts of 14,5 mph, 28 C and humidity of 76%. My avocado tree tide up but having a hard time with the wind 
Greetings Kurt http://www.fun-buggy.com/ |
- post Issac
- From: Alejandro Read <alejandro.read at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 08:21:25 -0400
Good morning all
a sunny morning, light winds, (wellcome sight), very little rain, seems that we have been very lucky that Baby turned a little south.....will gladly undo storm shutters er all.
wishing the best to those west of the DR. Stay safe. God bless all. A. Read
- Re:- North Coast
- From: Alex Urban <sosuaalex at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 07:32:25 -0400
Good morning again - Isaac has passed and it looks like a nice day today.
Right now in Sosua, the sun shines a little.....but it does look rather cloudy out there, it is currently 28 C or 83F in the shade and there is
almost no breeze.
Have a great day!
- Dominican republic/Punta Cana
- From: "kurt van opstal" <funbug at fun-buggy.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 22:00:28 -0400
Its quiet now, maybe just for the storm, the supermarket was filled with people but nobody was actually stocking up. Some rain today, showers, went to La Romana to attend a funeral of a good friend you passed away, on the new highway El Coral, from Punta Cana to La Romana some very heavy rain with visibility of maybe 20%. Now 9.54 pm local time, 27,9 C,76% humidity, wind 4 mph with gust of 8.9 today Greetings Kurt http://www.Fun-buggy.com https://www.facebook.com/funbuggypuntacana |
isaac weather.jpg
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- isaac
- From: Alejandro Read <alejandro.read at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 17:22:15 -0400
Its 5:15 PM, Isaac is starting to blow, not much, grey skys, still no rain , storm shutters closed, plenty of drinking water, food, books, scotch & rum, in other words, we are ready... Stay safe, dont take unesecary risks....A. Read
- North coast
- From: carol read <carolread1945 at yahoo.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 16:23:25 +0100 (BST)
The heavy rain from this morning has now stopped although we have total overcast and distant thunder, the barometer hasn't moved at all. The rain gauge registered 3.4 inches and I expect that Sosua will flood as usual! The power went off about half an hour ago and if it is a long outage, when the batteries give out we have plenty of diesel for the generator.
- Heavy rain
- From: Teresia Rosario <galax_y at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 14:55:01 +0000
Got some heavy rain and thunder that lasted about an hour this morning. If it´s gonna continue like this we´ll
probably get flooded, but for now the rain stopped.
To be continued...
Teresia, Sosúa
- Fwd: report
- From: Gert van Dijken <gert at vandijken.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 07:11:59 -0700
Below an update from Teresia, living in the Dominican Republic. -- Gert van Dijken Caribbean Hurricane Network http://stormcarib.com
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Teresia Rosario <galax_y at hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 4:44 AM [...]
"This morning we now have overcast here on the northcoast. Some showers and thunder, but really calm.
Looks like Issac is moving more south of us, we are no under tropical storm alert as from this morning. So the
warning has been downgraded from last night. The south part of the island though is under hurrican warning.
Let´s wait and see what Issac brings. I´ll go shopping for supplies now, cause you´ll never know.
Teresia, Sosúa
- Typical north side of the rotation
- From: Mike Bryant <puntacanamike at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 06:38:02 -0400
Went out here in Punta Cana for a few drinks last night with friends. Around 11pm a few short lived but moderate showers passed through. Overnight, a bit of rain, but nothing more than we might receive on any August night. We will see what the day and next 24 hours brings, but I suspect...not much.
-- Cheers
Punta Cana Mike's Dominican Adventure Reality Tours for People Just Like You 829 981 7989
puntacanamike at gmail.com
- North coast
- From: carol read <carolread1945 at yahoo.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 10:53:28 +0100 (BST)
Here in Puerto Plata province it is 5.30am and the thunderstorm is shaking the house - I am surrounded by quivering dogs! No wind but heavy rain and looking out I can see standing water in the garden although it is too dark to see what the raingauge reads.
- Let the rains begin...
- From: Mike Bryant <puntacanamike at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 00:59:15 -0400
As of an hour ago, the northwest bands of Isaac have entered the region. From looking at Google Earth, we can expect continued bands...short lived...to pass through the night. Once again...we here in Punta Cana seem to be on the outside looking in...not a bad thing!Winds are from nothing...to maybe 15 knots in squalls.
-- Cheers
Punta Cana Mike's Dominican Adventure Reality Tours for People Just Like You 829 981 7989
puntacanamike at gmail.com
- Isaac
- From: Alejandro Read <alejandro.read at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 12:30:27 -0400
Hola, long time no hear from the DR
Waiting for Isaac......done all the preps......very warm almost no breeze....hoping for the best ( do not know what that is ) will keep in touch. stay safe in las menores....
A. Read
- The east coast braces...the south coast worries
- From: Mike Bryant <puntacanamike at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 06:47:45 -0400
Good morning....party clear skies as I look out and the night provided a nice breeze with comfortable temps.
This morning little has changed in the forecast, other than the
projected track moving a little closer....now "predicted" to be 83 miles
to the south. A hurricane warning has been issued for our south coast
and storm "watches" have been issued for our region. The biggest effects
of this system will be felt on the south coast....La Romana (Bayahibe) through Barahona.
Should Isaac track further to the north, we too could be in for a
gusty Friday, but I will wait until tomorrow morning to make that call.
As mentioned by Mike Wagner ( the fishing Mike), our biggest issue to
deal with locally will be the result of rainfall...moreso than wind. As
we are generally a flat area, water does not drain too quickly and
should the rains be heavy, we can expect some localized flooding.
As a precaution, I will be doing my shopping early this morning ( something I usually do on Fridays.
As for flights in and out...all I can say is "if they can...they
will....if not...they won't". For those arriving or departing
Thursday...you should not encounter any delays. Friday and Saturday
could be a different scenario. Simple tropical storm conditions seldom
disrupt air traffic...they land in those conditions back home on a
regular basis.
For the record...no one here is running around and freaking out. If
we are not...neither should you. We potentially have far more to loose
than a couple of vacation days. Please do not over react.
Time for coffee and drive my little on to school....more later today.
PuntaCana Mike
-- Cheers
Punta Cana Mike's Dominican Adventure Reality Tours for People Just Like You 829 981 7989
puntacanamike at gmail.com
- North Coast Dominican Republic
- From: Alex Urban <sosuaalex at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 13:08:27 -0400
Good morning,
Looks like it will be another HOT day in Sosua! It is already 33C/91F
with the humidity at about 76%. The sun is shining bright and there is
just a little hint of a breeze. Ocean looked rather calm this morning, and we are hoping to get to the
beach this afternoon.
Enjoy the day!  Alex 809 757 6717
- Wait and Watch
- From: Mike Bryant <puntacanamike at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 20:23:59 -0400
Good evening.
A great day here today if you like sunshine and sticky conditions!
Expect more of the same tomorrow with little threat of rain over the
next 24 hours.
As for 94L, development has been slow, but with each passing day, it
tends to get itself a little more organized. There is a strong chance
that it will become a TD or TS by this time tomorrow.
The forecast path is still uncertain, but one thing is for sure...the
core of the predictions is getting closer to the region...not further. A
few (4 of 13) projection programs have the center of the system
crossing us within 50 miles, while most of the others have the system
tracking south of us by about 70-80 miles. In any case, the chances of
us having a blustery end of the week look considerably more
imminent...likely as a weak tropical storm (no need to worry if that is
the case....really nothing more than a breezy day with occasional heavy
Maybe I am completely wrong...who knows! Been wrong before!!! These
storms have a tendency to make you look a little foolish 3 days out!
Tomorrow evening about this time should paint us a pretty accurate
Until then...I will enjoy this sultry tropical night beneath the stars! Cheers Mike bryant
Punta Cana Mike's Dominican Adventure Reality Tours for People Just Like You 829 981 7989
puntacanamike at gmail.com
- Back to sunshine
- From: Mike Bryant <puntacanamike at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 08:48:02 -0400
Woke this morning to bright skies. Aside from a few typical short showers scattered about the region, we should be back to sunshine for the next couple of days. Now we can watch 92L roll across the Atlantic. Too early to predict whether it will be a weather maker for us or not.
-- Cheers
Punta Cana Mike's Dominican Adventure Reality Tours for People Just Like You 829 981 7989
Watch my live feed from Punta Cana at http://veetle.com/index.php/channel/view#4f1d39aa253c5
- North coast
- From: carol read <carolread1945 at yahoo.com>
- Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2012 22:06:14 +0100 (BST)
We have a general heavy overcast with occasional bands of wind and heavy rain passing through courtesy of Ernesto I suppose, although I would have thought he was far enough away not to affect us this much. As we had many bunches of bananas starting to ripen (why do they always ripen together?) we have cut them all down except for the strongest. So now it is banana bread, banana chutney, bananas to the neighbours and frozen sliced bananas to use on breakfast cereal. Fortunately we have some great tasting ones among the 9 varieties we grow. Sometimes we are happy to see a small bunch of only a few hands, instead of the current 60 to 80lb bunches, as we are not growing them commercially - just for fun.
- A Blessing from the Rain Gods
- From: Mike Bryant <puntacanamike at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2012 16:18:40 -0400
Enjoying a really nice day of overcast skies, light soaking rain and the rumblings of thunder in the distance. We have needed a day like this for 2 months now and the results of limited rainfall is very evident. The local lagoon in Cortecito is dried up...the first time I have seen this occur since I arrived in 2005. The fact that this wave seems to have stalled out over us, makes many of us who live here happy...not so much for those on vacation though.
Now to watch 99L. I have learned from the past few years not to trust forecast models.
Cheers Mike Punta Cana Mike's Dominican Adventure Reality Tours for People Just Like You
829 981 7989www.puntacanamike.com
- Torrential rain on the North Coast
- From: carol read <carolread1945 at yahoo.com>
- Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 19:11:44 +0100 (BST)
Strong winds and torrential rain accompanied by thunder and lightning have been blasting us for the last 2 hours. Towels are out of course and we have had over 2.5 inches of rain. The dogs are scared when the thunder shakes the house so they are cowering round my feet. No damage except for some bananas blown down, but it looks as if there is more to come so probably a big garden cleanup tomorrow.