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- - Culebra (PR) - -

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For the most recent reports from Culebra see this page.

- - - 2009 Hurricane Season - - -

- Amazing
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 02:00:03 -0400
Watching the loop of the Central Atlantic is incredible. Fred fighting to move ahead, the rest of the weather system resistant. Attaching way too much (and any is too many) anthropomorphic qualities to the weather, it feels like protection. But I like it anyway.

Yesterday was another hot day that got muggier as it went on, the sky a scrim of drifting clouds. I walked  as my little engine was being contrary and on the way home was rescued by a driving friend, sweat dripping, about half way home. My original idea for a swim collapsed, after a shower, into a nap - and by the time I woke up, it was cool again. I think today will be much the same. Another day in Paradox.

September 11. To all the good people of the world, you know your task. To those who lost loved ones on that awful day, my sorrow. We can only try to be the light, one to one to one to one.

Save what's left!

for news   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
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- Clear!
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 06:16:43 -0400
This is the most clear I've seen our radar in ages! Some teeny bits to the south of the big island and that is it! The sky is cloudy to the east but it is still early and those may turn into puff balls later on. Again another morning of very still air. So far, no peli's out divebombing, maybe the sardines aren't awake yet?

One of the better sunrises this morning, reminding me that winter is coming...

Save what's left!

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- Who left the window open?
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 08:08:52 -0400
I left the sweet arms of Morpheus to a pounding of rain on the roof and the window crank not working...so out into it (having, of course, to pass under the dumping from the rain gutter) I went to close it by hand - which worked fine. And back to sleep.

It's been raining on and off all morning - well, it's only 8 o'clock but I get up early! preceeded by thunder with no lightning in sight. I just cut the grass yesterday so the smell is delicious, rain and earth and cut grass, along with the tang of my patch of racao (Puerto Rican cilantro) that rain always releases. A breakfast feast for the nose.

Hurricane Fred is j u s t starting his northward curve...and I am glad.

Save what's left!

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- TD 7
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2009 17:24:39 -0400
Hopefully TD 7 will do just as expected and curve harmlessly out to sea far far away from us. Today has been one of the more beautiful days and seeing the 5 p.m. advisory just didn't fit in! I actually got the dinghy out to Dakity (our reef coming into the big bay) and cleaned her bottom...almost feeling guilty stripping a whole ecosystem off and blurrying up pristine water. Almost.

On the way home I happened to be watching a friend of mine sailing his tri (the fastest tri I've ever seen sail - he built her and she looks fast at anchor) and noticed a water spout growing by the second on the cloud tunnel that often stretches from St. Thomas, over us, to the big island. I was sort of hoping it would suck up the ugliness that is Costa Bonita, but no such luck...

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- "Erica" Rainfall in Culebra
  • From: "William Kunke" <wkunke at verizonmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2009 07:39:38 -0400
Good Morning,

After my post yesterday, the heavens opened up and Culebra received 
2 inches of rain in a bit more than two hours.  All rain associated 
with "Erica" total 2.70 inches of rain.

This morning dawned with plenty of pink in a cloudy sky,  William

Bill's Daily Notes & Photos:

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- It might be over...
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2009 15:11:30 -0400
The rain has been stopped for over an hour now, and while the radar shows we might get some more, the respite is good. I bailed a good 4-5 inches out of the dinghy, but I'm not sure how much we actually got. One of these days I'll remember to buy a rain gauge when on the big island.

The air isn't moving now. While the sky isn't quite like the photo I'm sending along (you can see the horizon now), it was very odd right after the rain quit...and it still, well, it just ain't right yet!

Save what's left!

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- Culebra & "Erika"
  • From: "William Kunke" <wkunke at verizonmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2009 08:12:52 -0400
Good Morning,   Culebra seems to be on the edge of this system, 
just missing the big rains over in PR.  Culebra received 7/10 of 
inch with the passing of this system so far.  This morning is heavy 
overcast except for this sliver of sunshine over towards St Thomas. 
  We are getting some drizzle type rain, and the cooler air is 
nice, giving the ceiling fans a break from the heat of the past 

Enjoy,  William

Bill's Daily Notes & Photos:

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- Winged monkeys next!
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 13:33:12 -0400
Watching one of the latest loops was like watching Dorothy throw water on the Wicked Witch of the West...the yellow center just slunk/shrunk away to barely anything.

Moments ago...the sun came out! Eye achingly bright, it seems to me, who is feeling somewhat like a mole. And the sky...I see blue!

I'm hearing reggae and salsa from the bay and the street above me...like a bit of rain was going to stop a party week end? I think not! But now I'm hearing cars...it's like the whole neighborhood is coming out of a nap.

Which means I'm ready FOR a nap!

Save what's left!

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- Light and dark
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Sep 2009 10:09:47 -0400
I suppose it could be called gloomy, but the sky has been so changeable since an eerie late dawning that I'm enjoying it. We've been getting bands of rain, hard rain, middling rain, rain that almost stops before it hits the ground. Enough to barely need to bail the dinghy...not enough to truly soak the ground. I've gotten in a little gardening but doubt the laundry will get done this morning. Maybe this afternoon?

Except for the economic fact of this holiday weekend looking pretty ragged, I don't mind being home after a time away. The cat is rather pleased herself and though I know better, I'd not be surprised at her taking credit for arranging this prolonged homecoming.

The flower photo is from Jost. If you go into the backyard to see the boat (or the donkey Lagerhead, glance between the shop and the microbrewery...hidden there is this plant, blooming in unaware glory.

Save what's left!

for news   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
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- Wind and water?
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 07:38:38 -0400
The sky here is alternating, quickly, between cloudy sunny, while a small breeze moves through. Like yesterday, but with more clouds. The expectation of rain amounts varies in degree and timing, right now we are getting the barest of sprinkles. The cat is glad she is inside, watching out the window.

Another guessy day in Paradox. Hoping no one gets flooded and that Erika is only a largish, passing storm.

Save what's left!

for news   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
for stuff  http://www.cafepress.com/IslandWomanMJ
for hot sauce   http://islandwomanhotsauce.weebly.com/

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- While we were eating...
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 21:10:29 -0400
Having a welcome home surprise dinner and talking what we're doing for preps and reality, I came home to read the 8 p.m. report. And it sounds like a very good thing. Not to let our guard down but to say, hey! it's getting close enough that a perhaps soon forthcoming downgrade sounds pretty great as far as our neck of the sea.

Save what's left!

for news   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
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- Elusive Erika
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 15:56:03 -0400
After being on Jost for a bit over a week, and an overnight on STT, we sailed in earlier this afternoon, watching Erika on the computer go through her daily 'you aren't the boss of me!' dance, befuddling more than a few. Happily, everything has stayed in readied condition so it's now just a wait and see time...again. At least the cat gets to be inside (and she's quite delighted about it).

We must have had rain while I was gone as the rain bucket is overflowing but today is hot and sunny and everything we expect Sept. to feel like. We'll see what happens next, next.

The photos are what I spent a lot of my time on JVD seeing. It was exhausting...

Save what's left!

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for hot sauce   http://islandwomanhotsauce.weebly.com/

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- Culebra Rainfall Data
  • From: "William Kunke" <wkunke at verizonmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2009 07:23:34 -0400
Good Morning,  Culebra received 3.90 inches of rain for the month 
of August. That is just a bit above average for the month.  Our 
yearly total to date is 16.9, which is below normal for this time 
of year.

Meanwhile we are watching a "system" to the East of the islands 
that looks like it could develop into something soon.  As the NWS 
San Juan says, at least a lot of rain:


I do believe the Sahara Dust Layer is working as a bit of a buffer for this 
We will take whatever help we can get in keeping it away from the islands.

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- Still beautiful after all these years
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 07:25:36 -1200
If there was nothing to do but watch the water colors do shapeshifting...oh wait, that's what I've been doing! A nice motor over to Tortola today for lunch after a morning eating mangoes and bananas and talking story. So much history and the JVD Preservation Society is bringing it to life. Glory.
And over all of that, watching the weather system, wondering how close the race will be between here or not, sailing home Monday or Tuesday or not...getting interesting. Where's that curve?

Save what's left!

for news   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
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- Invest 92L Rainfall
  • From: "William Kunke" <wkunke at verizonmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 08:47:44 -0400
Good Morning,  with the passage of 92L to our North yesterday, 
Culebra received 9/10th's inch of rain (0.90).  It is predicted to 
bring us more rain up from the south with it's movement and 
possible development while moving NW.

With all these nice rainfalls recently & hot and humid days in 
between, the island is looking "tropical".  Lots of green in the 
hills and the flowers are blooming.

Enjoy,  William

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- From the BVI's
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 01:14:29 -1200
Hazy, mozzies abounding...a good squall yesterday while out on the water, it felt great. Now I'm doused in Skin So Soft, up in a tree house environment, breeze blowing through, watching the donky Lagerhead down below one side and the good ship Ragamuffin off to the other side with hammocks swinging under palms in between. Life is good.

Save what's left!

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- Culebra MJ goes to the BVI's!
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 14:47:17 -0400
It was a fun sail over to St. Thomas, sunshine and breezes. Leaving about 9:30 this morning to head over to Jost we hit some big seas, rain squalls and wind in the 25 knot zone, which sounds more rough than it felt. But being on s/v Ragamuffin, a 62 foot boat and using only one sail for its steadying influence helped a lot. 

As we came into Great Harbour here in Jost, the sun came out turning the grey water azure and greens and suddenly the fin one dolphin showed, to my complete joy...I haven't seen one in ages and am as daffy for dolphins as 14 year old girls are for horses. It rode our bow wake almost to our anchoring point. Good omen!

- Post Bill, pre-mini holiday
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 07:19:30 -0400
A dumping of rain around 6:30 and now the sun is back out. Maybe we'll get some more rain. Maybe some swells. But with a huge sigh of relief (or maybe just an outflow of held breath) Bill heads truly north of us, and hopefully, harmlessly out to sea as a cat 3 rather than a 4, with the weather crews not anticipating strengthening. Well, we all know about that, but shall hope for the best for all concerned, while thanking our individual weather gods for sparing us once again.

Save what's left!

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for hot sauce   http://islandwomanhotsauce.weebly.com/

- Go North Mr. Bill!
  • From: M J <mjstark at coqui.net>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 14:59:28 -0400
While I think we around here are feeling good about Bill's curve, I haven't talked to anyone today who was ready to breathe an all clear. Boats still feel the mangroves, though I hear some are heading back to St. Thomas (many are not yet, it's pretty lumpy out there!). Businesses are open, but few tourists are roaming around.
The morning dawned grey with multitudinous layers of clouds but one  
moment of color...

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...and then the day turned absolutely gorgeous. I was so mesmerized out in the bay I almost drifted my dinghy into a friend's anchored boat while gazing out to sea.

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So, while watching Bill and reading that everything is going to be just fine, take a peek outside - it's a beautiful day to celebrate while knocking on wood!

- From fury to flashy patter
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 07:31:43 -0400
We've still got the lightning and thunder but the rain has died down into the normal zone. A good thing.

Save what's left!

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- yikes
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 06:47:49 -0400
Not lots of wind, but lots and lots and lots of rain and lightning and thunder...okay, there's wind too, but not terrific. Yet.

Thanks, T & T! Hopefully everyone heeded the preps call, regardless of what the predictions were...from what I'm gathering, Bill may be a lot farther south than expected as well, moving faster than expected too. That's why that *cone* is so big, they aren't kidding!

Save what's left!

for news   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
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- The color of Ana
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 06:22:14 -0400
Ana arrived swathed in purple and thunder, a daringly dramatic move pulled off with elan! We're now in the rain and wind part of the program, in spits and spurts. If it goes like this, well, minus the lightening that is now here too...oops...it will be okay.

Save what's left!

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- Out of the calm
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 03:53:54 -0400
The unexpected dead calm is being broken slightly now as Ana nears. There is a rumbling thunder out there, way out there, but it is so deep and strong the air is shaking here..standing outside and listening to it, I can feel it inside. Very strange. Like listening to those old trios or quartets back in the early 60's, the one guy with the incredibly deep voice, remember him? That's what this thunder is like...

Save what's left!

for news   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
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- A beautiful day in the neighborhood
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 19:22:41 -0400
We're locked and loaded...in the most peaceful sense. Or...'all dressed up and nowhere to go'. After finishing preps and checking with friends and cooking up the big meal I thought we'd all be eating together tomorrow, it was joyous to just pass out in the hammock and wake up to cool air, knowing it wasn't bringing doom on our heads.

Hey, sometimes the bear eats you and sometimes you eat the bear...it's early days yet. The first photo is of our hidey hole mangroves, full of sailboats, lots from St. Thomas, I hear. Hopefully it's not too hot and buggy (but...I'm afraid it probably is). The other photo is Ragamuffin, charter boat of some friends out of the VI's and BVI's where I spent some time helping with lines and lots more time enjoying a good chat.

Let's see what happens next with Wild Bill...please tell me you are ready, set and waiting.

Save what's left!

for news   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
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for hot sauce   http://islandwomanhotsauce.weebly.com/

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- PR under storm watch
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 05:51:02 -0400
500 AM AST SUN AUG 16 2009

I wondered how long that would take...but looking at Ana on the loops, I was also hoping to find she was falling apart a bit. Which would be why I'm an island correspondent and not a professional met...

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- Keep dancing
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 03:32:49 -0400
Those who are doing the Go North! Go South! dances, don't stop! Right now (and I mean right now, things change) Ana looks to be south of us and Bill looks to be north, by healthy amounts of miles. That doesn't mean stop planning, that means complete your preps today! Everything can change in the blink of an eye, as we so recently know with Omar last year...remember the St. Croix surprise?? That could be us this year, so continue watching, be ready and keep dancing.

Save what's left!

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for stuff  http://www.cafepress.com/IslandWomanMJ
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- A one and a two...
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 07:44:15 -0400
Looks like we're getting the rush after a lazy slow start. Hope everyone is as close to ready as needs be. The iffiness is always the part that gets me motivated to plan for the worst and hope for the best.

It should be a busy day across the islands...

Save what's left!

for news   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
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- RE: 90L models
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 08:12:27 -0400
Ugh. Last *to do* checked off with getting the extra propane tank filled. Now it's a wait and see if tie ups and tie downs will be necessary in the coming week. North pushing thoughts are at work...north out to sea, mind you!

Save what's left!

for news   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
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- Funky weather
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 07:22:54 -0400
Dribbles and drabs of rain, spurts of high winds, grey sky struggling for blue. In other words, what is known in most parts of the world as 'a rainy day' bringing a mediocre sunrise. Much better than I thought we were in for, after yesterday's radar and sat view of our part of the world, along with predictions of cats and dogs and maybe kangaroos falling from the sky.

Everything in the gardens is looking perky and pleased. Tea is on and the cat is in a ball of bliss after running around outside like mad this morning, ion vibes to the fore. Sans umbrella, it might be a closed day, only because of wind driven rain. It doesn't take much to get things wet that should stay dry. Myself only slightly included - I don't melt or crumple...much.

TD2 seems to be weakening but I'll believe that when it is totally off the page...the system behind seems to be blowing it out. We'll see what happens...

Save what's left!

for news   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
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- And as predicted...
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 18:38:05 -0400
We got a very nice afternoon rain, complete with a light and sound show. Unlike this morning's shower that just brought steamy humidity, this was timed with the end of day cooling off so that the air is now mild and feels clean. Perfect temperature for a cup of tea.

More looks to be coming our way...the plants are happy!

Save what's left!

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for hot sauce   http://islandwomanhotsauce.weebly.com/

- Pop goes the weather
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 09:16:40 -0400
Not one, not two, but three systems to keep an eye on! And indeed we will. Time for those propane tanks to be full and ready, water stored, food stash topped off, your goodie bag (meds, prescriptions, cash, can opener, etc) prepared. Yes, we prepare for the worst, hope for the best and make sure our liquor cabinet isn't running on empty (ok, that's one area where I've really RARELY had a stash).

Yesterday's incredibly blue skies are replaced so far today with pale blues and shiny whites. We need to put the sky back on the line to shake free. We had wonderful magic light time at sunset, a color of light not seen for awhile around here. The pelicans were going gently crazy. I'd already gone.

Save what's left!

for news   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
for stuff  http://www.cafepress.com/IslandWomanMJ
for hot sauce   http://islandwomanhotsauce.weebly.com/

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- Invest 99
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2009 08:20:27 -0400
Eyes to the east...models in conflict as usual this far out but while one takes it out to sea a number of others bring it disturbingly our way. And the waiting game is on again...

Save what's left!

for news   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
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for hot sauce   http://islandwomanhotsauce.weebly.com/

- Got wind?
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 08:18:58 -0400
The 8 a.m. NHC advisory notes the disturbance out in the eastern Atlantic, so we better be noting it as well!

Calling all procrastinators! Check out the sat maps and advisories, all right here on stormcarib. Yep, it may go poof - so what?

Won't you feel better when you wake up at three in the morning and hear wind howling to know you and yours are all tucked up, safe as you can be, chores done and *the best you can* taken care of? Sure you will! Even if it was just a squall passing by...

Save what's left!

for news   http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
for stuff  http://www.cafepress.com/IslandWomanMJ
for hot sauce   http://islandwomanhotsauce.weebly.com/

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- Nice rain
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 19:05:53 -0400
We had a couple of good showers this afternoon, cooling off some hot air. I sat under cover and took pictures (since it was blowing onto the hammock and I couldn't be a Sunday slug anymore).The wind has been on and off with periods of gusts and then flat calm. We're in the breeze portion of this evening's show at dark comes on...

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- Happy August & Culebra Rainfall Data
  • From: "William Kunke" <wkunke at verizonmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 07:37:48 -0400
Good Morning,  Culebra received 2.8 inches of rain in July, below 
the average of 3.5.  For the first 7 months of the year we have 
only 13 inches of rain, usually more like 20 inches by this time on 

Nice to have a July without any named storms developing.  I have 
been watching a system since it formed on the China/India border 
area and it has stayed together and maintained it's strength all 
the way into central Africa now.  If this stays together we may see 
it in the Caribbean around the 12th of August, hopefully as only a 
moisture wave.

This morning dawned bright and sunny with a Cumulus cloud bank over 
our sister island of Vieques.

Enjoy the Day,  William

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- The NonEvent Event
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 23:41:56 -0400
For us, the anticipated heavy rains and high winds turned out to be some good gusts, overcast skies and a strong 10 minute downpour mid-afternoon, with a few scattered light showers later in the day. Pitter patters at most. While the big island got slammed...and more I'm sure I'll read about after posting this. Hope all are well and safe.

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- What was that??
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 19:20:04 -0400
I watched the local radar as the wall of rain moved toward us...sky changing, chickens acting...uh, like chickens, cat getting cozy. Over the bay and hills it came, pounding on the roof and ground, then slowly subsiding into a nice background tempo until it whisper stopped.

I'd been having a little trouble with my engine on the dinghy so with the tide at what I thought was the high end thought, hey, good time to try it out at the dock (low tide it's rock knockin'). As often happens in my world, it had fixed itself - yippie!. The air and water were so eerily still and strange, I took a spin out into the bay to make sure it really worked, pretty quickly rounding up and heading back. Maybe I was gone...8 minutes? More or less. By the time I got back, the tide had come up almost even with the dock, and onto shore. 3 inches equating 3 feet? I don't know the math, I just know it was really fast. Wild! And...wonderful.

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- Culebra Rain
  • From: "Bill & Carole Kunke" <wkunke at prtc.net>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 07:23:35 -0400
Good Morning,  After a great rainfall of 0.60 inches late yesterday afternoon and early evening, we are enjoying clearing skies this AM.  The passage of that small wave gave us some lightning and thunder during the night, and reduced the oppresive humidity of yesterday.  Made for great sleeping.  All tanks and containers are full once again.   We will be watching Invest 97 closely in the coming days,  Enjoy,  William
Bill's Daily Notes & Photos:

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- Watchin' the loop
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 16:01:28 -0400
Putting the Caribbean sat shot into loop mode, it looks like the big system is moving nw is being shattered by the smaller system moving east, right over the top of the island chain. Technical, ain't I?

The wind comes in fits and starts here at the head of the smaller bay, but friends on a boat out at Dakity (by the reef entrance to Ensenada Honda) say it's blowing like stink out there.

Lots of sun, no rain, the sky getting darker. I'm looking around saying, if this WERE big trouble, which I don't believe it is, but , what would I wish I had done already? What would I realistically be able to get done if I had only hours to go? Home wise - ready, yard wise - not ready. cart wise - 30 minutes, houseboat - ready, dinghy - 30 minutes and find some help - too heavy for me to drag ashore alone. Geeze! For a person with pretty simple life, I sure have a lot of stuff!

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- Not so far away
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 08:05:32 -0400
While I've been watching and reading the far off to the east reports, this one snuck in under the radar...well, so to speak!


Head's up, boys and girls. While most likely this will fluke out, it's a good day to check and see how ready you really are if we have a fast one like Wrong Way Lenny pop up. ARE you ready??

Save what's left!

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- Who can tell?
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 18:57:12 -0400
The other day with the huge rain and storm blobs, sure, we got thunder, and far away, we saw lightning. Today though...this little trail of cells comes along and lightning is popping, thunder is shaking the walls and rain is slooshing down in buckets!

Very glad I didn't go back to town this afternoon like I thought I might... Of course, as ever, I have to say, I love a good storm, the gardens love this water and after a hot and sticky day, it's cool and lovely, in JULY!!!

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- weather to sleep to
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2009 15:32:20 -0400
After an overcast in the best way Fourth of July, today's black clouds, thunder, lightning and hours long rains are a relaxing welcome. Well, if you aren't here in a boat from Fajardo and trying to have a few more hours of holiday weekend. While waiting for my weather winder earlier today to get home from town, I watched boats of every size and description make way for the channel markers and home. There were the few whose inability to manuever their own boats put on impromtu entertainment for those of us sitting at Dinghy Dock. The best got a round of applause...it's always good to acknowledge fine performances.

There were also the usual small percentage of space hogs, rafting up to unsuspecting boats, tying up next to NO TRESSPASSING signs, ignoring the numerous NO WAKE signs. Like large cars, houses, etc. some genital connection between boats and certain of their owners needs to be...nipped in the bud, so to speak, but as long as there are men in need of such prostheses, it will occur.

I just woke up to a dwindling patter of rain on the roof, in a without enhancement coolness perfect for inducing drowsiness. Even the cat is feeling too lazy to do more than stretch luxuriously...and go back to sleep. Think I'll join her. As you can see from the photo, yesterday's activities were exhausting.

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- Culebra Rainfall Data
  • From: "William Kunke" <wkunke at verizonmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 08:01:41 -0400
Good Morning,  Even though our June rainfall of 2.9 inches is about 
average, Culebra's six month amount is far below average.  Compare 
our six month total to this statement about San Juan's rainfall for 


The rainfall there in San Juan for one month almost equals our six 
month total.

We did get the Sahara Dust cleared out with a nice rainfall on 
Monday, leaving us a rainbow and clear skies.  Enjoy,  William

Bill's Daily Notes & Photos:

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- from thunder to bupkus
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 15:23:57 -0400
I was ready! The cat was ready! The sky was even ready....and then, as so often happens, the storm hit the waters between the STT and Culebra only to go *POOF!*

Oh well, the garden will still grow!

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- thunder and red blobs
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 14:13:03 -0400
Culebra is going to get what apparently just went through St. Thomas...the thunder has been going on for 20 minutes now, closing in. I'm very glad I decided not to go back to town until 3 and took a nap instead. At 2.5, outracing a storm on the water isn't a reality in my dinghy.

Yep, I think I'll just stay right here and enjoy the storm.

These are some gulls going nuts feeding on a school of something or other at the entrance reef yesterday. They might have known something then? Or it was just a great happy hour...

Save what's left!

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- Aye, the warnings begin
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 21:04:55 -0400
I've been trying (and the universe has been helping a lot by staying calm around here) to not become Season Obsessed this year, so far so good...until this bit of an advance ripple in our NHC email alerts that sounds more serious than the couple previous. Maps and radars and satellites slowly move back up the bookmarks list as it all begins once more, as much a part of our year as mosquitos after rain.

But in the meantime! Even though the weather has been hot, it's been bearable, and sometimes strange. This afternoon fell into the strange category, with Sahara dust (I think?) making its fog like visuals across the hills and coating my skin and lungs until it was definitely time to close up and go home. Oh darn.

Under the trees at mi casita, it is shady and cooler. I played in the gardens while laundry hung like a sweet smelling curtain across the porch to dry. Thanks to humidity, it is still out there. Oh well, if I wear dampish clothes in the morning, they will be dry by the time I get to town.

The flamingo is still hanging around, and still single. If you know of another single flamingo somewhere, send him/her our way!

Another good day in Paradox.

Save what's left!

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- Wild storm moment
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 10:36:33 -0400
I've been watching the radar on and off for a few hours now, and finally it's here...the boomers and pounding rain. This is why I'm not at the cart today (little rains came in earlier, but this is the one I've been watching), a white out in the bay. The cat curled up cozy close by, air cool. Where is my soup? Another cup of tea will have to do it. There's popcorn in the pan, a new Netflix movie to watch and new plants drinking up their nectar.

Life is good. BOOM!

Save what's left!


- Growing weather
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2009 07:28:23 -0400
Rainy early morning hours, sun heating up the day. Then a lift and cooler nights than any June I've known since living in the islands. Then the rain again, waking me to close the window. Do I detect a pattern going on? If so, it's not a bad one!

Save what's left!


- Nice rain
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 08:19:27 -0400
It was good to wake up to a hard rain during the wee hours...twice. No need to water the garden and dilute that gorgeous rainwater. With a radar full of blobs, it seems like we might get more but right now the sun is out and the sky is a mix of clouds and blue, so we could get skipped...3 x7 miles is easy to miss.

I'm staying home 'just in case' and will use the time to make another batch of Manaya Heat (mango & papaya) hot sauce. Incredibly, it's still cool out, making it a fine day for cooking.

Save what's left!


- We Call It Arco Iris
  • From: "William Kunke" <wkunke at verizonmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 07:00:33 -0400
Good Morning,  June seems to be starting off with some nice rain 
showers for Culebra.  Yesterday morning we had a quick 0.10 inch of 
rain.  Last night we had a wonderful shower of 0.30 inches.  This 
refreshed the ground and filled our storage tanks.  This morning at 
first light we had this beautiful rainbow and cloud formation to 
enjoy from our front porch.

Enjoy,  William

Bill's Daily Notes & Photos:

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- Geeze!
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 23:11:41 -0400
Alerts and first days and systems oh my! Is it August yet? I'm happy to look at the location and the direction of the latest NHC heads up and not see much in the way of trouble for anyone. Well, except for fisherman or those in boats far far off shore. Get out of the way, y'all!

We're continuing to have blissful days. Some are calling it hot, but I'm not there yet. Though today, starting my new part time occupation as a prep helper at Susie's restaurant, I'm pretty sure a part of my body was sweating that I'd rather not talk about but won't care if heat takes a few pounds from. Joy of Cooking, absolutely! This could be a video craze...I like it!

As ever, prepare for the worst, hope for the best and live the life. What? You're not ready? Well...you know what to do! and if you don't, google 'hurricane plans'. You'll find out more than you ever wanted to know on how to be prepared. So...what are you waiting for? Eh?

Save what's left!


- Rainfall Data Correction
  • From: "William Kunke" <wkunke at verizonmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 07:36:10 -0400
Good Morning Again,

The total rainfall for Culebra thus far this year should be 7.3 inches, not 
17.3 inches of rain.
Sorry for the error.   William

Bill's Daily Notes & Photos:

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- Culebra May Rainfall
  • From: "William Kunke" <wkunke at verizonmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 07:19:11 -0400
Good Morning,

Culebra rainfall for May was 2 inches for a total for '09 thus far 
of 17.3 inches.
This is far below our average of 3.75 inches for the month of May.
At the beginning of hurricane season we are having some good indications
of an "El Nino" event this year.  "El Nino"  helps to shear-off 
potential storms.
All of this is better said by Jeff Masters at Wonderground:


The last day of May dawned super clear and warm, a good day to get some
salt water therapy with the fish.  It was so clear that from the 
surface you could
clearly see PR, some 15 miles away.

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- Beauty!
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 04:13:10 -0400
The last three days (it's still dark, but the birds are singing and it was still cool enough for a light blanket last night, so I'll lean out on a solid limb and say four) have been one better than the other in beauty. Blue sky...oh the wonder! Sun and breeze, joy. Water warm enough to swim in, but not scary warm, perfect. (Culebra winning a major battle against developers - intoxicating)

Does anyone else notice the birds singing more than usual? And different birds? I am finding this here, though I'm not seeing any particularly unusual birds. It's pretty glorious though.

And for St. John Val...hope those fiends weren't too difficult at the pig roast (sorry, I can't resist a good typo, especially when it's not mine!).

Happy June 1!

Save what's left!


- It's true!
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 06:05:43 -0400
If you hear the rumor that there was actually color in our sunrise this morning, it's true! It's gone now, but as you can clearly see, pink was happening for about 5 minutes there. I'm taking this to be a sign of hope, like a triple rainbow, like a flamingo, like something other than grey!

I thank the cat, who made sure I got up in time to see it. Also, the baby lizard that was on my foot for making sure I was WIDE awake.

Have a shiny day. Mine looks to be polished pewter once again.

Save what's left!


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- All is well, not so bright
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 08:21:45 -0400
The sun made a very weak appearance this morning and is now showing as a bright area of white sky. But the humidity seems to have gone again...last night in one of our third and 1/2 days of rolling black outs (until someone fixes something somewhere, I suppose), it wasn't hard to go back to sleep like the night before when it felt like the humidity was an unwelcome blanket on the bed.

This morning is almost cool in contrast, even without blue skies...which I'm beginning to think are one of those memories that maybe wasn't true, except I have photos to prove it.

So the brightest thing in my world this morning are the bougainvilla, tumbling out of the trees. As Hector, our Milka market guy would say, "Beauty!"

Save what's left!


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- oops, link here
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 07:20:51 -0400
Here is the link for Dr. Master's blog


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- Watching and waiting
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 07:19:47 -0400
Our radar shows ONE big system with rain climbing ever so slowly to the northwest, just southeast of St. Croix. Will it get here before falling apart? Will it get bigger? Should I wear a raincoat?

Dr. Jeff Master's blog talks about 90L, which appears to be a welcome rain event in Florida where a long drought is getting some relief from copious amounts of rain.

Let this be your kick in the butt if you needed one, prepare for the worst, hope for the best! It only takes one..let's see, I know there are more cliche's here but I'll just stretch them out for the next six months!

Right now the sun is out, sparkling on the wat...oops, it's gone! Well, it's like that, again. Have an excellent Tuesday!

Save what's left!


- Oh my
  • From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 15:50:11 -0400
I was just, literally JUST going through all of my links for the upcoming season and POOF! into my mail appears this...I was not QUITE expecting it...

ABNT20 KNHC 181942
340 PM EDT MON MAY 18 2009




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- Another grey morning
  • From: M J <mjstark at coqui.net>
  • Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 07:32:38 -0400
Oh these tricky days! The last two starting out with lovely blue skies and nice breezes, fluffy white clouds and decent temperatures. Only to switch in the blink of an eye to a huge incoming dark grey to black mass of cloud full of rain. Yesterday, deep into a project with my attention concentrated (single mindedness seems to grow stronger with age, I'm finding, not that I was ever a wonder at multitasking) it was only thanks to Les walking by and pausing for a quiet word of rain warning that kept me from a mad scramble. As it was I looked up and everything had gone dim. I got the last lock snapped shut just as the rain started down in a serious way. Thanks, Les!
No blue skies today. There was a glimmer of color at dawn but now  
greyish-white is prevailing from the horizon to the top. I was  
considering taking the dinghy in to town, thanks to Bob, who kindly  
fixed what ailed my little outboard, but I think I'll give it a miss  
for today.
My yard is in defiance of this gloom. The much needed rain, while  
untimely for us shopkeepers and the tourists and locals who feed us,  
has been making life bursts all over the island. The once reluctant-to- 
bloom orchid is now sporting SIX blossoms! Where will it end? Every  
rain seems to bring on new ones. And various other wild flowers  
continue to appear, along with the hummingbirds very very favorite.
Hummingbird favorite

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The bougainvilla are also doing a fine job of decorating the trees

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Checking out the fishing scene...looks good!

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