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Tortola and Virgin Gorda (BVI) Update

Message from Sea Cow's Bay telephone Tortola BVI

Published: Mon, Aug 30 15:06 EDT
By DearMissMermaid at aol.com

One emailer, reports his GPS indicates his boat is still around H dock in Nanny Cay, where he left it two weeks ago.
Phone call from a person in Sea Cow's Bay follows:
What's the weather like in Sea Cow's Bay?
"shitty, real shitty!"  Yep, that's an official quote!
OK, here's more info from the phone call from 250pm today:
Last night was horrible in Sea Cow's Bay, the power lines caught on fire, right outside my window.  Just after midnight, the power and water went off. As of 250pm Monday, all of Tortola is without power and water.
Currently high winds, high sea swells.
Nanny Cay marina was packed FULL as of late last night, the ferries had also taken refuge up in Nanny Cay. So far the marina is reported to be holding up OK.
Anegada is flooded with many cars washed out to sea. One lady said the ocean was up to her window in her Anegada home. Many cars are destroyed from the flooding.
The government ferry dock is completely underwater or completely destroyed at Anegada, unclear which it is. Things are terrible in Anegada.  They are a flat island and really got hit hard.
Cane Garden Bay is all mashed up, the sea is in the road behind the beach.
Roofs are blown off in Anegada and East End.
So far no fatalities or injuries reported (per a Fire Department employee to another person who called me)

More Tortola and Virgin Gorda (BVI) updates on stormCARIB

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