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Tortola and Virgin Gorda (BVI) Update

Thursday in the Caribbean

Published: Thu, Mar 18 11:48 EDT
By DearMissMermaid at aol.com

I hope you all survived St Patricks Day *hiccup*.   Some of you around here are still looking pretty green!
Still kind of hazy here in the BVI, could be volcano dust, could be Sahara dust, it's always somebody else's dust!  
Then there is the jack-hammering concrete dust. Many folks here build without plans or inspections. They throw up a concrete wall, then draw out the windows and jack-hammer them back out. Seems to me that would weaken the wall overall, but they don't seem to care. I think they just have fun playing with the jack hammer!  Between the local propensity for loud music and the jack hammers, small wonder so many folks around here are seemingly deaf and talk SUPER LOUD to compensate for it.
I was sitting in a nice quiet open air bar in the middle of the day, waiting on a friend to get off the ferry and meet up with them. Besides the bartender and some bored staff on cell phones, nobody else was around.
Then this guy walks in and sits right beside me.  The whole place is empty and he has to sit right next to me. OK, I don't mind, I am friendly. I worked in hospitality for umpteen years, I can chat up a stranger if he sat here to talk.
But instead, he pulls out a cell phone, and I guess he was deaf, cause he begins talking at the top of his lungs, shouting into the cell phone, as if the people are on the next island instead of on the phone with him, and I tell you, he was so loud, it made my ears hurt!
To make matters worse, something awful was decaying in his mouth, like maybe he lost his toothbrush at the beginning of the millennium and hasn't found it since. So every time he screeched in the phone, I was assaulted with this halitosis of the worst form. I nearly passed right out from the odor.
Talk about peace in paradise...SHATTERED!
Somehow I managed to leave my money, pour my drink into a to-go cup and exit the place, while he continued to yell at his cell phone.  As I walked towards the ferry dock, I could still hear every word he was saying, and so could everybody else.

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Hurricanes & Hangovers by Dear Miss Mermaid 
Warm and Sunny Regards,

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