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Tortola and Virgin Gorda (BVI) Update

Thursday, Volcanis Interruptus...

Published: Thu, Jan 7 10:42 EST
By DearMissMermaid at aol.com

Surf's up for the next few days. Have your camera ready on the orth shore and you might catch some great shots.
Rather depressing, I was notified today that 2 of my books; "Hurricanes  and Hangovers"  were returned to Amazon.  That gives a writer the creeps... 
Good news (sort of) Today is the last day you can still get $10 off on my calendars and  merchandise. 
Washed up on Shore in a German Beer Bottle:
I have to remark on your latest update on the Montserrat volcano, and I thank you for the latest update on impending eruption ---- again. 
Usually I know the ash coverage by how much I sneeze.  AACCHHOO  all day long.  Anyway I have a very funny Montserrat volcano story, please bear with.
I was flying in from Chicago and after arriving in San Juan looked at a very dismaying scene as hundreds of people were sort of "camped " out around all the Caribbean bound flights , which just weren't flying . After checking into American Eagle , a group of us realized , we were told, we may not be going anywhere for days. AAAGGGGHH . Are you kidding me? I only HAVE a 5 day span to see my "boyfriend" whom would later become my husband.
I called him in Tortola tearfully, and said  I may have to go back to Chicago as all the  the other non grounded flights ( Cape Air ) and etc. were totally booked for days. American Eagle and Liat will not fly, cannot fly though the ash clouds. And thank God for that. But no one seems to get that and blames the airlines for whatever.
Anyway I ended up meeting very lovely people and a gal from Cincinnati whom I roomed with for the night at the airport. We woke early at 6 to be first in line for the 7 am  A.E. flight to Tortola only to find that not only were they still not flying , but that we would be on the last of their l ist now since they had to honor their latest arriving passengers.  WHAT??????? 
Okay now I'm tired, I'm pissed and I'm about to go home . But my boyfriend,  my love, my savior,  Mr. always fix it, says to me , I have a contact  with Air Sunshine,  and if you can get  get 9 people to fly to Tortola , they'll take you, Whoo Hoo!  Except that I hate to fly and I don't trust any airline I've never heard of.
Whatever, I create a homemade sign that says "Going to Tortola?"  and I  find nine people to follow me to Air Sunshine , including a family from Oregon whom had been stranded  for a day, with children. Poor things.
We are all a smelly, tired, crabby bunch that finally gets called to our flight. We may have paid more than the usual and we are at the mercy of their time table , but who CARES !! We are going to Tortola !! 
So out walks this cute young kid, and I think how nice that they have such darlings walking us out to the plane , until he puts on his sunglasses and assigns us seats according to our weight and announces that HE will be flying us to Tortola and the flight will be approximately 40 minutes.  
Wait a minute !! Can I please see your drivers licence  ??   Let me out, but NO he puts me in the co-pilots seat. OMG  Really I'm not feeling well and there is no airsick bag so I look back at my  new found friend from Cincinnati and warn her.
Obviously we made it But I can't help but nickname  Montserrat Volcanis Interruptus . LOL LOL.
I LOVED the story!  Really cute and we're all glad you made it.   And now more info on the Volcanis Interruptus...
Soufriere Hills Volcano Resumes Activity | Portal to the Universe
Soufriere Hills Volcano Resumes Activity. (200 words excerpt, click title or image to see full post). Satellite image of the river valleys and gullies subject to pyroclastic flows on Montserrat's Soufrière Hills volcano. ...
And if Volcanoes aren't enough excitement...
Earthquake Notices -- 2010-01-05 22:36:36 (Mcd 3.6) VIRGIN ISLANDS ...
... British Virgin Islands; 161 km (100 miles) N (4 degrees) of West End, Tortola, British Virgin Islands; 165 km (103 miles) NNE (20 degrees) of ROAD TOWN, British Virgin Islands; 256 km (159 miles) NE (51 degrees) of Carolina, PR ...
The Leaky Dinghy: Captain's Log: In the Shadow of the Volcano of ...
By Captain Elizabeth
The Christmas Winds have abandoned us, seriously jeopardizing our kite-surfing efforts, and volcanic activity in nearby Montserrat has added a haze to the air which, the Discovery Channel informs me, prophesies the IMPENDING DESTRUCTION ...
Mocko Jumbies
YachtPals.com News
They planned to anchor outside in Simpson Bay and leave St. Martin around 0400, but we decided to sail all night to arrive in the BVI by daybreak. ...
Next year do we get FREE RUM???
Gov't gives free water to residents
BVI News Online
BY PRESS RELEASE Road Town, Tortola, VI: 6th January, 2010 – The Water & Sewerage Department today advised the public, particularly its Domestic, ...

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Hurricanes & Hangovers by Dear Miss Mermaid 
Warm and Sunny Regards,

More Tortola and Virgin Gorda (BVI) updates on stormCARIB

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