- Updates from the Islands -

- - Jamaica - -

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- - - 2016 Hurricane Season - - -

- Jamaica
  • By "Sandy ." <sandy at sandysbythesea.com>
  • Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2016 14:33:48 -0600

Mathew missed us! At the last minute he turned and did not touch us on the SW coast. Blessings!

- Mathew
  • By JanetSue Whetzel <jswhetzel at yahoo.com>
  • Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2016 12:33:11 +0000 (UTC)
Thanks for your e-mail.
I moved from Jamaica last November 2015.
I am hearing from them in Jamaica that
they were saved from the storm.
Basically they got needed rain but
they missed the effects of the hurricane.
They are located south of Mandeville on the
Carpenter Mountain Range in south Manchester.

I will be visiting there in a couple of months.

JanetSue Whetzel

- Matthew the aftermath
  • By Robin Plough <robin.plough at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2016 21:33:06 -0500
Wednesday afternoon; skies, full cloud cover, gentle breeze, light rain, temperature 70°F, and the occasional rumble of thunder from down the valley.
From the first touch of the storm, a total of 15 inches of rain, up in the mountains we were expecting a LOT more than that!
The only damage visible, some leaves and twigs scattered around the lawn, and all the flowers blown off my Datura ( Angels Trumpet tree ). No trace of any damage to either the bananas or the coffee.
During the peak of the storm ( 3.00am to 10.00am Tuesday ) 2 inches of rain, and guessing that the maximum gust of wind was around 45mph.
The power was out for only 8 hours, and no reports of impassable roads, around the local area.

- After Matthew
  • By graumb at gmail.com
  • Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2016 18:17:01 +0000
Hi everybody!!
Matthew actually didn't bring the disasters we were afraid of in Jamaica, even 
if we got lots of rain in the eastern and central areas. Yesterday it was 
partially cloud with rain from time to time but generally fine weather. I'm in 
Ocho Rio right now, that's in St.Ann area (and partially in St. Mary), we are 
experiencing heavy rain since about noon, temperature is strangely high anyway. 
In a few minutes all the roads were like lakes, hopefully is not going to last 
too long cause there's always the risk of fallen trees etc on the roads. 
Well, it looks like Matthew wants to give us signals of its passage anyway, so 
we must wait for the following days to see the sun again.
Till the next report take care everybody!!
Graziella Umbro-Wallace
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel

- After Matthew....
  • By D Williams <jammy4ever at gmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2016 12:39:53 -0500
Happily, very little damage to report except for some heavy storm surges 
flooding  roads along the coastline…..though the big controversy now being that 
the meteorologists got this one wrong ,…..though the eye of the storm shifted, 
and still on Monday morning, the rain and heavy winds were still  forecasted, 
and naturally expected.  Strangely though, in the town of Morant Bay, very 
little rain fell from Friday till in fact now, and the wind was none existent, 
...so it is very perplexing as to how such a large storm didn’t bring any of 
the normal rains and winds with it…..some might argue, divine intervention, as 
time and time again, it has been witnessed that the hurricanes shifts at the 
very last minute…..the mighty hand of God???….perhaps?…but  a little trivia for 
persons who don’t know…Jamaica does hold the prestigious title of having the 
most churches per sq mile (2.75 churches) in the world…yes indeed, google it 
:))….. so a lot of prayers were I am sure sent out during Mattews run…..

I must say though that the government got the word out in a timely manner and 
opened up many shelters for the less fortunate right around the entire island,  
and was really prepared for this one, ….and many people heeded the warnings and 
battened up homes and gathered all the necessary emergency items…..and now my 
worst fear is that the next one,….. will fall on deaf ears….and now we pray 
some more for the devastated Haiti and our fellow islanders to the north…..till 
next time….


- Goodbye Matthew
  • By Matthew Desnoes <mkalaridesnoes at gmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2016 13:30:23 -0500
Sent from my iPad 

Despite receiving up to 5 inches of rain overnight with the strongest gust at 
47 mph I am happy to report that we have been spared by Matthew. It is bright 
and sunny now with no clouds. A gentle breeze from the NE is evident. With 
Matthew moving away from Jamaica all is right with the world once again. 
Jamaica is truly untouchable.

- Re: [HURR] - Matthew
  • By Robin Plough <robin.plough at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 21:53:20 -0500
Monday up in the Blue Mountains, 10.00 pm, and hardly a trace of the
hurricane: many hours of gentle rain with the odd squall: 11.25 inches
of rain to date, temperature at 70F, and no more than a gentle breeze.
Possibly due to us being surrounded by mountains, with the valley
pointing North West; we are expecting the worst of the winds as they
funnel up the valley, when the storm center gets towards the North of
the Island.

But I think things can only get worse, before they get better!

Our feelings and prayers go out to Haiti, after the 2010 earthquake,
which was big enough for me to feel in Jamaica: a possible direct hit
from a Cat 4 hurricane is just what they do NOT need!!


- Red sky at night....sailor's delight??...
  • By david <david at millwoodindustries.com>
  • Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2016 18:54:21 -0500
Thank you Lord for sparing us ...and we pray that u protect Haiti from anymore destruction...

Our government seems to think we are still not out of the woods as yet....and schools are closed tomorrow...

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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- Gladly not much to report...
  • By jammy4ever <jammy4ever at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2016 17:21:20 -0500
...apparently not just me but a lot of other people having cabin fever ...picture taken from the road to airport....it seems we are out of the woods...its around 6:00pm now and weather is fine....

Our prayers are now with Haiti...Cuba and Bahamas

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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- Hurricane Matthew in Kingston
  • By Storming <jcgstorming at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 17:13:13 -0500
The sky has been heavy and threatening all day long but so far minimal rain and even some sunshine to the west.  What the pictures can't capture is the incredible surf on the reef outside the Palisades strip.  Even from this distance I can see the waves breaking on the reef and the spray flying into the air.  So far the road to the airport seems to be holding firm and there seems to be no sand or water coming through.  We may well be spared the worst but my heart is heavy for Haiti and Dom Rep.  Incredible amounts of rainfall already reported in those countries.  Keep safe everyone  
Inline image 1

- The Calm before the storm
  • By "Carolyn Lloyd" <carolyn at mangosjamaica.com>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 08:13:16 -0500

Matthew is really keeping everyone waiting! It is eerily quiet up here in Trelawny, no breeze, patches of blue sky and a calm ocean. Whilst we are likely to be spared any serious winds here, we await the rain!


A few arrival flights have been cancelled at MBJ airport for today, one has been rescheduled for tomorrow.


We hope that Matthew will be kind to the East coast today and tomorrow.


Stay safe everyone!




- waiting...
  • By David Williams <jammy4ever at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 07:56:46 -0500
….raining on and off last night…..and surprised to awake with lighter looking 
skies …..but listening to Jamaica news this am and the commentators saying that 
the storm actually came to a complete stop!!….so apparently the inevitable is 
still on its way…and in another 5 hours or so,  we should be feeling storm 
force winds… the apparently more western shift towards Haiti should not be 
cause for celebration for us as yet, but the obvious prayers we need to still 
be sending out for the suffering Haiti… 

to put this all into perspective….what I find interesting so far is that the 
intermittent rain squalls that various parts of the island have experienced 
yesterday including Kingston and Portland have caused so much flooding when the 
storm was so far away….and the waves being so big as early as Saturday sending 
debris onto roads…..and even the area out past the airport strip road and 
actually causing the road to be closed!!…. my point being, I don’t recall storm 
surges coming so early before a storm…..nor such heavy rains so early….so now 
that Monday is here…..and everything appears to be calm….and the eye has 
definitely shifted….let us not let our guard down as yet…the meteorologist said 
this am that we are going to get hit still regardless,... Sure it may not be by 
a big tractor trailer….but rather a bus!!…….that does sound like a warning 
…..so let"s all continue praying not just for us…but for Haiti and the other 
islands that are still in its path….stay safe

- Galena St Mary
  • By "Rich Cox" <richcox at elfinsoftware.com>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 07:30:25 -0500

7:20am October 03

Galena St Mary, No real wind as yet, slight squalls and some heavy rain.

Sea, no white caps, fairly calm for now.


- hurricane matthew
  • By <yolandy_pryce at yahoo.com>
  • Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 04:08:23 +0000 (UTC)
 am at a shelter now in st Andrew, and there is no rain now. however, earlier it was raining for 15 minutes and cars were flooded out, stalled and some people were stranded. here at the shelter it is quiet we have wa

Sent from Yahoo Mail. Get the app

- JPS outage rumours...
  • By David Williams <jammy4ever at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 18:11:32 -0500
Heard from social media JPS had intended to cut power at 6pm tonight…it is 6:10 
now…so hope that rumor was false…don’t see why they would need to cut power so 
quick to the island….

- Sunday..5:05 pm update....
  • By jammy4ever <jammy4ever at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2016 17:09:50 -0500
Reached St thomas...this is what the start of Mathew is looking like.....waves definitely kicking up with rain bands on its way....stay safe everybody...

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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- Here comes the rain
  • By graumb at gmail.com
  • Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 21:49:15 +0000
Hi again, update from Moneague area in St. Ann, Jamaica: after a sunny-cloudy 
but calm morning and early afternoon, now we have rain, not very heavy yet. No 
wind at the moment, we still have electricity but it's probable that it will be 
cut off before night with Matthew approaching... Keep safe, I will try to send 
an update later...
Graziella Umbro-Wallace

Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel

- Hurricane Matthew ing no problem for Jamaica
  • By Matthew Desnoes <mkalaridesnoes at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 15:09:20 -0500
Sent from my iPad Matthew

Matthew making his presence known in Kingston with intermittent very heavy 
rain, spectacular lightening and ominous thunder.

The power fluctuated a couple times already.

There are no heavy winds. No sounds of birds to be heard, only the sound of 
hammering as people board up their windows with ply wood.

We have nothing to do but wait out the storm. 

Our prayers are with our neighbour, Haiti.

- Less than 24 hours to go...
  • By david <david at millwoodindustries.com>
  • Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2016 13:39:56 -0500
Morning started out so nice...with blue skies and no breeze...weather seems to be deteriorating...1:32 pm...skies over the hills in Kingston looking very ominous...heading out east now to St Thomas to ride out Mathew...last minute stop at supermarket....not much lineups....seems everybody ready and waiting...

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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- Waiting for Matthew
  • By graumb at gmail.com
  • Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 17:42:30 +0000
Good day everybody, here in St. Ann area, Jamaica, everything is very surreal: 
cloudy sky, no wind at all, it's so calm that it's really hard to imagine that 
an hurricane is going to hit us tonight... News are in contrast, who reports 
that Matthew is not a major danger for Jamaica, other sources (like the 
Hurricane Center) shows pictures where you can clearly see that Matthew will 
surely hit at least the north-eastern part of Jamaica (including "my" area, 
then)... Well, here where I live people are fixing boards at the windows and so 
on, trying to get as safe as possible. I will send an update as soon as there's 
something new to repost. Meanwhile keep safe!!
Graziella Umbro-Wallace
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel

- Jamaica
  • By "carphen cwjamaica.com" <carphen at cwjamaica.com>
  • Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 11:25:17 -0400 (EDT)
A bright and sunny Sunday morning, after a calm and sunny Saturday afternoon, I woke up feeling sorry for people before communications could give you any warning of oncoming storms. A few gusts on friday, some rain bands, and then the "lull before the storm", it must have been a frightening time to  live in. 
Jamaica seems pretty prepared for what is a lessening threat (the track moving over towards poor Haiti), everyone stocked up and somewhat battened down (Jamaica is an optimistic society, we generally assume the best outcome, not the worst, but it seems will take any  excuse to queue up in a supermarket). Some sectors have learned the  hard way, the fisher folk having lost so much in Hurricane Dean they are preparing well this time.
The satellite maps are very  accurate, as now the clouds are moving in just as it shows on the map, and now we have to sit it out till Wednesday!.


- SW coast of Jamaica
  • By "Sandy ." <sandy at sandysbythesea.com>
  • Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 06:39:37 -0600

Still calm here. Matthew is moving towards us but has done a shift to the NW. Hopefully we will be spared the eye but his effects ate going to be intense.

- Jamaica miss the bullet
  • By George <george.scarlett at cwjamaica.com>
  • Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2016 04:34:13 -0500
It is peaceful and calm in Jamaica just now and it appears we may be spared the wrath of Matthew based on the latest track. The real concern for us will be the extreme eastern end of the island plus the storm surges that have already affected some of our roads.  

I really hope that our friends in western Haiti and eastern Cuba are prepared and have taken every precaution. ‎Once Matthew passed the larger island Turks and Caicos it is your time to face this monster - you have the time now to get really fully prepared as it is projected to remain cat 4 when it gets to you.  

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

- Update from the North Coast of Jamaica
  • By Teri Nichols <nicholsmission at hotmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2016 13:11:58 -0400
Hi Everyone,
Nothing significant to report except for the increase in wind. We are not experiencing any rain and it is cloudy with blue skies still peaking through. I am concerned that people are not taking this threat seriously. I went to the local grocery store and the shelves were full, hardware store still had ply and sand, and I have haven't  heard  but one hammer banging on a roof. 


- Matthew at the doors
  • By graumb at gmail.com
  • Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2016 16:56:43 +0000
Hi everybody, here in Jamaica there's red alarm because of hurricane Matthew. 
It's category 5 now and it's about 500 km far from Kingston, so it's supposed 
to reach the island by tomorrow, Sunday October 2, 2016. I don't know if I can 
send more reports after this one as we have no electricity and batteries are 
going down, anyway this is the situation at the moment: in my area (St. Ann), 
that's Ocho Rios area, we have rain and wind, there's no electricity so it's 
hard to get news about what's going on all around the island, no radio, no 
tv... Shops, banks etc are supposed to be closed on Monday and probably Tuesday 
(if the situation will be "heavy"). Yesterday all supermarkets had a record 
sale of candles, kerosene oil and tin food, everybody is trying to be prepared 
to some difficult days... Well, this is what I can say for now, hope to be able 
to give you more news (if my battery is not going to die)...
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel

- Kingston at 8:30
  • By Sharni Bullock <pancharnic at hotmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2016 08:32:09 -0500
From about 5:00 this morning we have been having very light showers in Kingston. There was a bit of thunder at around 6:00 but nothing major. Most of the morning has been overcast. It has been raining lightly with only the slightest breeze. The supermarkets have been busy since Thursday and unfortunately the roads have been chaotic due to the usual last minute rush.


- 48 hours more....
  • By david <david at millwoodindustries.com>
  • Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 08:17:43 -0500
And waves already kicking up and reaching the road on the Roselle stretch in St Thomas....

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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- Hurricane Matthew
  • By Matthew Desnoes <mkalaridesnoes at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2016 07:56:05 -0500
Greetings and salutations.
Preparations are on the way. Yesterday Friday ,Supermarkets were packed to the 
rafters and some shelve were virtually empty.
We have been receiving  heavy rain on and off this morning Saturday around 5:30 
am with thunder and lightening. This morning computer  models show that  the 
center could pass approximately two miles off of Morant point the most easterly 
part of Jamaica.  It is quiet now . No rain but it is overcast . The air is 
very still with the sound of the occasional bird chirping.

Sent from my iPad

- Update
  • By "Sandy ." <sandy at sandysbythesea.com>
  • Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2016 05:54:57 -0600
Preparing ... everyone is.

People moving on our little seaside road from before sunrise.

Updates as da conditions start to intensify.

Irie Blessings,

Sandy and Dillo

at Sandysbythesea.com

- Hurricane Matthew
  • By Rodman Monique <monique_rodman at yahoo.com>
  • Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2016 04:34:00 +0000 (UTC)
Hi Everyone,

I was able to  travel from Montego Bay to Kingston and back this evening and there was not one drop of rain seen anywhere.  The day was pretty hot and sunny.  Tonight is cool and very still.  

Many Jamaicans are taking this hurricane seriously and have stocked up on water and non-perishables.  The relevant government agencies have activated their emergency preparation plans.  The island is on high alert.  Persons in the keys have been asked to evacuate and a listing of emergency contact for the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) has been released to the public.

We expect to feel the effects starting Sunday evening.  We are however hoping that Matthew will change course and we will be spared.


- Matthew
  • By Barbara Henriques <barbara.lorckschierning at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 21:04:31 -0500
We were just told on our TV news that Matthew is now 5 miles short of cat 5. 
Government and people take this one seriously, people are stocking up, traffic 
is crazy, we don't really know what to expect other than disaster, Gilbert 
which devastated the island was 'only' a cat 3. So here we are making very sure 
to prepare as best as we can. It is going to be ugly. The only good thing is 
that it will hit us in the day.

Sent from my iPhone

- Matthew.
  • By Robin Plough <robin.plough at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 18:06:34 -0500
Friday evening: warm and sunny, with a gentle breeze. TV and Radio
warnings going out: but in typical Jamaican fashion, no one taking it
seriously; they are all in stage one of preparing for a hurricane;
wishing it away.
Stage two will follow, probably on Saturday, when the churches all
fill up, and they start trying to "pray it away"; when that fails; and
the first winds and rain appear: PANIC!!

Expecting many shops to be open on Sunday: too good a sales/panic
buying opportunity!

I live up in the mountains, North of Kingston: and after previous
hurricanes, the major problem is that the roads are not open, so no
shopping possible. The power will be out for weeks rather than days,
as will the phones, and internet.
Fully stocked up, with extra food and beer, for 4 weeks: when the
power fails, run the generator to keep the freezer running, and then
on to tinned food!
All water tanks filled, plus some extra in containers; and break out
the hurricane boards ( all cut and ready to fit, as they were saved
from previous storms ) and they will be fitted on Saturday, last
minute, as there is nothing worse than living in a dark, airless
house, burning candles!!
Plenty of nails, screws and polythene sheets for any emergency
repairs, and with the house built on the side of a mountain, NO
problems with flooding!!

One, slight, bit of good information: at 3,500 feet in elevation, the
air is 16% thinner, and a heavy gust of wind has less kinetic energy,
than at sea level!! BUT worried about my coffee bushes; was looking
good for a bumper crop this season: just have to wait and see.

All we can do now is hope and pray!!


- Category 4!!!...
  • By David Williams <jammy4ever at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 17:10:04 -0500
Hope everybody now will take this more seriously as Mathew is now officially a 
category 4!!…..

- Good Day to you from SW Jamaica
  • By "Sandy ." <sandy at sandysbythesea.com>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 15:59:05 -0600
People are preparing and it is on radio and news to get ready to be slammed.

It was just upgraded to a 4.

All boats and engines will be taken out of sea tomorrow and no time to type more as I must batton down and get ready for dis monster.

Irie Blessings,

Sandy and Dillo

at Sandysbythesea.com

- Fwd: In Kingston Jamaica
  • By Gert van Dijken <gert at vandijken.com>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 14:01:44 -0700

From: Wayne Boodasingh
Date: Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 1:33 PM
Subject: In Kingston Jamaica
Right now Kingston and its environs are hot, with bright sunshine and a mild North Easterly breeze. 
Most supermarkets and hardware stores are full of people but short of needed goods. Plyboard sheets, plastic sheets, tarpaulins, and garbage bags are the popular hardware items being sought. 
Bread, bottled water, beers (Red Stripe) tin food products and potatoes seem to be the Most sought after items.  
We keep a watch on the StormCarib site for updates on the development of Matthew as her bore his way through the Caribbean Sea. 


 📱

- Jamaica update....
  • By David Williams <jammy4ever at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 14:17:29 -0500
Sunny skies …but extremely hot outside….nobody in the countryside here seems to 
be listening to the warnings of the impending storm….I fear that our memory is 
too short…..I just realized that the storm hitting here Monday morning is such 
a bad thing…as most stores will be closed on Sunday…which is when I suspect the 
news will finally sink in….the radio has recently announced that Mathew is a 
Cat 3….so hoping and praying that we will be protected ….update more later

- Update from North coast
  • By Teri Nichols <nicholsmission at hotmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 13:55:49 -0500
It's very hot and breezy here with the sea showing whitecaps and chop. I 
noticed no significant traffic or shopping for supplies. Everything was on the 
shelves at the grocery and hardware store and I don't hear the tap tap tap of 
hammers driving the nails yet. 
I think the Jamaican government has been more laid back on getting the news out 
then normal, but it is in the papers, tv and news now. We are not under a 
hurricane watch at this point.

Sent from my iPad

- Re Hurricane Matthew
  • By "Tame Family" <anchorage at flowja.com>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 13:27:53 -0500

Hi Gert,

We are generally expecting to suffer from the effects of Hurricane Matthew – especially the eastern end of Jamaica.

The island of Jamaica is so mountainous and crisscrossed by ranges both east to west (the most consistent) but also by quite significant north to south spurs that exactly where the storm passes affect specific sections quite differently.

I live on the northern outskirts of Kingston in the residential district of Norbrook. Winds from the north (and especially the NNW to NW) are very damaging to me. On the other hand when the famous Gilbert Hurricane tracked down virtually the middle of the island when winds were from the north east it was quite gentle where I was.

Jamaica has not suffered from a hurricane approaching from the south since 1951 when I was a 10 year old child so there is little living experience as to what such a storm would do. And certainly no computer data programs.   

A huge ‘dormitory” city (Portmore) has been constructed since then facing south and on lowland and no one knows what a north bound storm surge would do to it. Much of it is on reclaimed land with canals of dubious hydrological scientific parentage entering from the harbor of Kingston,

Pray God that the storm stays east of us and does not make us find out what may happen so that the tens of thousands residents of Portmore may live a little longer in blissful ignorance.

Having lived through Hurricane Hattie in Belize I do not fear such events from a water point of view as where I now live is at 1,500 feet above sea level. Except, of course) for massive financial damage I would suffer – but I sure hope for the best.

So far Jamaicans seem to be ‘waiting ad seeing’ if this is going to be as bad as it looks. I expect that tomorrow when and if the angle and timing of the expected northward curve take place the picture will change. We are ‘last minuters!”

Please e-mail me at any time you wish at anchorage at flowja.com

Tony Tame


- Breezy Jamaica
  • By "Carolyn Lloyd" <carolyn at mangosjamaica.com>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 13:03:05 -0500

Well it is a lovely breezy day here in Jamaica but we are not fooled!  Given the forecasts, Jamaica may be placed under a Hurricane Watch later today. Preparations are underway and we are watching closely here in Falmouth, Trelawny. As it stands now, it looks like the East side of Jamaica will be touched by Hurricane Matthew but with such a large looking Hurricane we could well all be affected.


Our beach and pool area will all be cleared by tomorrow of all “moveables” and dependent on the forecast updates, we will be boarding up the oceanfront area. Let’s hope no-one is being complacent on this one, better to be prepared!


Stay Safe Everyone!




- Correspondent Jamaica
  • By Javoy Sawyers <jayers.voy at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2016 12:51:05 -0500

Good afternoon.
Persons are now beginning to take the threat seriously. The MetService had the  country on a Severe Weather Alert since two days ago and currently moving to a Hurricane Watch later today. The government held an emergency meeting to finalize plans in light of the impending danger. Right now we wait and hope for the best.


- Watch the Approaching Weather
  • By Storming <jcgstorming at gmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2016 05:44:28 -0500
August morning - Emancipation Day - dawns breathlessly still in Montego Bay.  No breeze, barely any clouds.But, we need to be watching carefully at the weather approaching from the East.  Not yet having a closed circulation Invest 97L has no name, but he/she has winds of 47 mph and the clouds look really intense.  

Additionally, he/she will be here soon so there is not much time for preparations.

Get ready folks - at the very least we should be in for plenty rain and very gusty winds

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