- - - 2014 Hurricane Season - - -
- Water restrictions
- From: Richard Boyd <boyd at mylink.net>
- Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 09:28:09 -0500
The Water Department in San Juan has imposed water restrictions in the area due to the drought. Some areas will receive water every other day only.
I can't remember the last time we had a good rainfall. It has been a few months, for sure. We could use a few days of rain!
- Hot weather!
- From: Richard Boyd <boyd at mylink.net>
- Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2015 19:56:58 -0400
The National Weather Service reported that San Juan today (Sunday) reached a maximum temperature of 94 degrees, breaking the old record of 93 degrees set in 1983. Above normal temperatures are expected all week. The NWS has issued tips on how to deal with the unusually high temperatures expected this week!
- Severe Storms Last Night
- From: Richard Boyd <boyd at mylink.net>
- Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 08:02:13 -0500
Did any of you have any severe thunderstorms last night (Thursday) ? Starting around 7:00 PM we had a series of severe thunderstorms in the San Juan area. Just when I thought the weather was calming down, another storm arrived (but probably was a continuation of the same storm). This continued on for several hours. Of course, the storm(s) came with heavy rains.
- Gonzalo Report
- From: Richard Boyd <boyd at mylink.net>
- Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 07:59:40 -0500
As expected, Gonzalo basically missed us here in the San Juan area. What we are left with (so far) are some bursts of heavy rain. I see there is another weather system in the Atlantic that we will have to keep watching! Yesterday morning when I went to the grocery store, I saw a number of people buying water and beer! Perhaps they were going to have a Gonzalo party ?
- Bye-bye Cristobal -- hello sunshine :)
- From: Pam Taylor <ptponcepr at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 14:38:34 +0000
Last night was bad here in the hills of Ponce! Lashing winds [27mph], torrential rains [12.03 inches], and continuous thunder and lightening all night and early this morning! Winds died down this morning to around 17mph and the rain is on and off lightly. Sky is peaking some blue and sun is shining finally! Power up the solar batteries...yahoo! The dogs had a great time on their morning walk...splashing around in the water flowing over the [usually dry] swales in the road, sliding down the waterfalls, and snorkeling for rocks! Pictures below of the ever changing sky in the order they were taken from early this morning till just about an hour ago...and pics of the water flowing, flowing...and threw in one of the dogs frolicking... We're all glad to see the sun...hopefully we can power up and dry out! Till the next "weather event".... Take care! Pam in Ponce
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- Today's weather is worse than yesterday's!
- From: Richard Boyd <boyd at mylink.net>
- Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 14:55:16 -0400
This tropical system still has a punch! Yesterday, we had periods of heavy rain, but the heavy rain started at 11:00 AM AST today and has not stopped this afternoon! I went outside for a peek with my umbrella at 3:00 PM. Even with my umbrella, I got soaked! There is water streaming down the street. There is wind today, too. I went in right away when I heard thunder in the distance. The thunder continues to this moment. It is dark with heavy cloud covering.
Richard in Carolina, PR
- What storm???
- From: Pam Taylor <ptponcepr at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 18:55:15 +0000
This stupid storm! Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain! Peak wind speed according to my e-meteorologist was 27mph yesterday and 19mph today! But those were most likely gusts, as it definitely wasn't a sustained wind.....I hate these kinds of storms...they are nothing but a soggy, dirty mess!     Cloudy, sunless days....terrible for us "off the grid" greenies! Day 2....the ever changing sky...yesterday and today...see the pics in order they were taken....I guess we should be glad it wasn't a hurricane! Why does it always seem like the tail end of the storm is worse than the brunt! Will be glad to see the sun again...and get rid of the hummmmmmmmm of the generator.... Try to stay dry....quack, quack! Pam in Ponce
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- August 22, 2014
- From: Richard Boyd <boyd at mylink.net>
- Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 16:17:05 -0400
I decided to check out today's weather system so I grabbed my umbrella and went out at 1:00 PM AST. As I was walking along, I noticed water streaming down near the curb of the street, as we have received some heavy downpours every now and then. For sure, it has been raining all day, but there is very little wind. The humidity is high, and I was ready for a shower when I returned from my walk!
Right now at 4:00 PM AST it is pretty dark out with heavy cloud cover and a steady rain.
- Let me introduce myself!
- From: Richard Boyd <boyd at mylink.net>
- Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 18:35:40 -0400
Hi everyone, My name is Richard and I live in Carolina, Puerto Rico. I moved here about six months ago from northern Minnesota (retirement). I am happy to now be "part of the team" on this great website!
While I lived in Minnesota, I was a "weather spotter" especially during blizzards and winter storms (which happens often from December-March). For sure, you learn to respect Mother Nature when you have a blizzard!
Yesterday TS Bertha hit us here in Carolina around 8:00 AM AST. All of a sudden, we got heavy rain and strong winds and I thought, "here we go!". But then it stopped about 45 minutes later and it turned into a light drizzle.
However, throughout the day, we would get a "burst" of heavy rain that would last about ten minutes. This happened all throughout the day. I am looking forward to contributing and helping out by giving descriptive and accurate reports from Carolina, Puerto Rico!
- Bertha...the morning after
- From: Pam Taylor <ptponcepr at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 13:22:43 +0000
Much continued rain, thunder and lightening and wind last night....I think more than during Bertha passing yesterday day...anyway...little clouds this morning...lingering around the hill tops and out to sea, but the sun rose brightly above the hill top, under the dark clouds and the sky turned blue with nice white puffy clouds  ....love it! It's gonna be hot today...as Bertha pulls the clouds north with her. Thank God we were spared a major storm and let's hope that sparing continues through the season. Till the next storm...... Stay safe! Pam in Ponce
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- Bye Bertha!
- From: Pam Taylor <ptponcepr at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 22:29:03 +0000
Finally, rain is ending and we are getting some light.....our view is back...sort of..with funny squall and dangling clouds...still some strong gusts of wind...hopefully to dry things out a bit and blow away some of the branches and mess in the farm road....so I have less to do tomorrow morning! Dogs are frolicking around outside sliding on the wet tiles and tracking back in the house...lovely! But they were good today for being inside for the most part so I will forgive the tracking! Maybe one more pic of the sun tomorrow....but then...until next time... Stay safe! Pam in Ponce
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- Hola
- From: Cynthia Calvin <rinconsportsmassage at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 18:02:24 -0400
Still not much wind in Rincón / western Puerto Rico. Mostly just a rainy gloomy day. Satellite makes it look like the worst is past us too!
- Just some rain
- From: Cynthia Calvin <rinconsportsmassage at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 14:44:32 -0400
Just some rain so far in Rincón / western Puerto Rico
- We're gettin' her now!
- From: Pam Taylor <ptponcepr at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 18:09:56 +0000
Thunder and lightening pretty constant and rumbling now...constant heavy rain...totally lost view of even the closest hills....top wind speed 27MPH according to our little weather station...Flash flood warnings on the NWS radar image....but looks like there's a clearing coming  ...and we should be out of the clouds in a bit! Dogs are beginning to get restless....barking at the thunder...and running back in a flash from a quick venture out the doggie door! lol! Will continue to update as Bertha passes.....some pictures of sun would be nice! Stay safe! Pam in Ponce
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- Puerto Rico Weather (Bertha Storm)
- From: "Hector L. Matos" <matrix at coqui.net>
- Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 12:22:49 -0400
Good Morning, The conditions in the Island is very wet, the rain began, like the 7:00am (Puerto Rico Hour). The wind now are in calm , we had some high gusts about 10 mph, but not serious. The precipitation to now is .94 inch with a temperature 75°F (24°C). The rain are lightly with some thunderstorms. We hope the rain fill the lakes to stop the interrupt plan of AAA (Autoridad de Acueductos y Alcantarillados). Now, we have a stop for the rain (Clear Place time), but the radar indicate the rain come again. 
Regards, Héctor |
- Bertha Update
- From: Pam Taylor <ptponcepr at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 14:07:15 +0000
Well, the clouds have cleared, the rain has stopped, and there is no wind. Strange storm! We got our view back but it sure looks black to the south! Checked the NWS radar and visible Atlantic loop....looks like the brunt hasn't reached us yet...and still looks like its south of here. Oh well, sit and wait...the dogs are glad for the bathroom break...and a good sleep day to store up on their energy...great! :/ Will keep you updated as the day wears on....grey day.... Stay safe! Pam in Ponce
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- Update
- From: Francisco Echegaray <fechegaray at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 09:03:25 -0400
Hi to all in the Caribbean region! Here I am reporting from San Juan, Puerto Rico. I am happy to say that we are getting some rain from Bertha! We had a sunny sunrise but then at about 7:30 it started getting cloudy, and a drizzle started just before 8 AM. We currently have a light and continuous rain, and the radar show a lot more on the way. We had some breeze very early in the morning. But now there is almost no wind. I would be happy if it stays like that all day. We need rain very badly since we are already under a warning of water rationing by the gov. water authority that could start as soon as next week. Puerto Rico has had this year the worst dry spell in at least the last 10 years maybe more thus... Welcome Bertha! Please, slow down and stay with us a little longer! F. Echegaray
- Update from Caimito Alto (San Juan) Puerto Rico
- From: Joan Santos <joansantos1755 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 08:39:23 -0400
I'm writing to you from Caimito Alto, an urbanization located in the hills of San Juan. Here comes Bertha.
The grocery store was mobbed yesterday with people buying water, bread and non-perishables. Our preparations are in place. While we hope to keep our power and water, we desperately need the rain here! Currently, we have steady rain with some very strong wind gusts, blowing the curtains to the ceiling. We're starting to here rumblings of thunder as well. We are hunkering down for a relaxing day with dominoes and jigsaw puzzles.
Stay safe all!
- Update on Bertha
- From: Pam Taylor <ptponcepr at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 12:34:57 +0000
Well, still not much wind....17 MPH peak according to the little weather machine....but we got rain...not hard but steady....and lost complete view down the valley. Brought the birds in, generator's running [we are off the grid], snuggling in with the dogs for a good read and some movies. Sangria cooling in the fridge in case things get rough ... or boring! Will keep you updated as the day passes. Stay safe! Pam in Ponce
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- Good Morning Bertha......
- From: Pam Taylor <ptponcepr at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 11:15:40 +0000
Wind picked up a bit last night with gusts to 16MPH according to my little weather machine. We had the view of Isla de Caja de Muertos this morning around 7AM, but at 730AM it has now disappeared again. According to NHC the center has moved slightly to the west, but we still expect to get a good brunt of the storm. Still holding steady with the wind factor, so we aren't too worried. Most of PR is needing the rain so it doesn't have to go into water rationing, but here up in the hills we get rain almost every day, so rain not needed....but here it comes anyway. Suppose the wind will knock out the branches along the driveway so there will be clean up work to do tomorrow. :/ Will keep you updated as the storm progresses here in Ponce. Stay safe! Pam in Ponce
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- Bertha......update
- From: Pam Taylor <ptponcepr at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2014 21:46:58 +0000
Well, clouds are starting to come in tighter than before, no blue in between, and the view out to Isla de Caja de Muertos is disappearing....wind is about the same. Waiting for the 8PM NHC update. Here's a few pics as Bertha progresses toward us. If you compare the view to the pic posted this morning you can see how its fading. Will continue to update as she arrives..... Keep safe! Pam in Ponce
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- Where's everyone going?
- From: Pam Taylor <ptponcepr at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2014 17:27:09 +0000
Not sure what is happening here in Ponce. Winds are now expected to be 50MPH with higher gusts. My husband headed out for mail and couldn't get to the post office...all of the roads, including Highway 52 are in a gridlock...no movement...where is everyone going? What a mess! Will keep you updated. Stay safe! Pam in Ponce
- First Storm Clouds for Bertha arriving
- From: Pam Taylor <ptponcepr at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2014 15:14:29 +0000
Winds picking up a little and sun is going behind the clouds. Clouds starting to come in just about now. Will keep you updated.
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- Bertha
- From: Pam Taylor <ptponcepr at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2014 10:10:14 +0000
We've been watching and watching this TD turn into TS Bertha. First storm of the season for the Ponce area. Thank God its not too bad...45 miles an hour winds with stronger gusts....nothing like Marilyn in St. John in 1995! Piece of cake. Am off this morning to walk the dogs before the weather sets in and they are locked in for a bit, and move the plants to a place they won't get knocked around. I'll post some pics as the weather progresses. I'll be able to see it coming from my porch before it arrives. Batten down the hatches! Stay safe! Pam in Ponce
- Waiting for the rain or even more.
- From: Margie <margie2117 at aol.com>
- Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 22:12:06 -0400 (EDT)
Hello everyone it's been sometime since I haven't been around here, perhaps it's because not much "rain" events have occurred. I've been following the weather updates when just now came across the latest tropical update from the National Weather Service NOAA. As of 8:00pm Thursday, has found the well-defined low pressure system located southeast of Barbados has increased the showers and thunderstorms and could become a tropical storm later tonight or early tomorrow Friday. Giving it a high 80% chance of formation within the next 48 hours. Here on the island we are more than ready for the rain to come - and I also include myself. We are experiencing the urgent need of it because there has been millions of dollars in crop losses due to the lack of rain over the past several months. Because of this Puerto Rico's water and sewer company (AAA) said that strict water rationing would begin next Wednesday, August 6th if we don't receive enough rainfall. I will keep my fingers crossed waiting for the rain to arrive this way we won't have to go through the rationing and also for the benefit of PR. Meanwhile I'm keeping my fan on high to keep cool while tropical storm to be "Bertha" arrives.
Keep Safe!!
- Puerto Rico Weather
- From: "Hector L. Matos" <matrix at coqui.net>
- Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 13:16:07 -0400
Hi, Very hoy in the island. The temperature is now 95.5° F (35°C). Not rain. We are praying to make rain here. Our reservoirs of water (Lakes) are going down. In various weeks the AAA (Autoridad de Acueductos y Alcantarillados) go to put a interrupt plan for moderate to severe, if the rain don’t fall down. I hope for the Atlantic take care of us, and bring some rain clouds to Puerto Rico and the neighbors. Well, I go to clean my cistern to fill it of Fresh Water for the next AAA plan. Best Regards, Héctor 