- - - 2014 Hurricane Season - - -
- Showers to the north, showers to the south.
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 18:11:21 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Seems like Nevis is missing out on something. Still dry, hot, with a gentle NE
breeze. The grass in the yard is burnt brown. I have dug a post holed 2 feet
down and it is dry as s bone. It is still a little hazy looking out to sea with
some cloud cover. Obviously the rain gods have missed this small 36 square mile
island on their travels!
Picture of Saddle Hill today.
On a sadder note St. Kitts-Nevis recorded its 15th murder, that took place in
Nevis yesterday, for the 5 months of 2015. (St. Kitts 10 and Nevis 5).
Frank Goodwill Attachment:
Description: JPEG image
- Hazy, breezy, cloudy and very dry.
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 11:56:36 -0400
Good morning everyone,
What a difference 800 feet makes! Hot and still in Charlestown but up in the
foothills of Nevis Peak it is hot with a strong and blustery Northerly breeze
blowing at about 10 MPH, cooling things down.
On Saturday and Sunday there were threats of rain as some dark grey clouds
passed over but this only resulted in a few spots of rain. So it is still dry
here in Nevis and waiting for some wet stuff to fall from the sky.
The Saharan Air Layer is also still with us.
The usual view of Saddle Hill taken today with a lack of blue sky or grey rain
Frank Goodwill Attachment:
Description: JPEG image
- Drought conditions
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 7 May 2015 06:52:25 -0400
With clear blue skies, hot sunny days and not even a hint of a passing shower, things are surely in a brown dried up state. Can't ever remember going this long without even a short sprinkle. My Mango tree is dropping its fruit and when picking them up I see they are split from lack of water.
- Saharan Air Layer (SAL)
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 3 May 2015 17:15:28 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
The Saharan Air Layer is still with us but the haze associated with it is not
so thick. It is still hot with a nominal midday temperature of 90F (32C) but
this has been tempered a little by a cooling NE breeze that is much welcomed.
It is still dry and the grass is browning off but the trees are looking green.
The mango trees are starting to bloom so some fresh mangos are something to
look forward too. We had a light rain shower yesterday (Saturday) up in the
foothills of Nevis Peak. Not much to speak of but it managed to wash out some
of the Saharan Dust and leave a coat of dust on everything.
Some photos added:
1. Hazy horizon looking west.
2. Saddle Hill looking a lot clearer from my last photo
3. Dust residue on top of the dog waterer after Saturday's shower.
Frank Goodwill Attachment:
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Description: JPEG image
Description: JPEG image
- April Stats............
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 2 May 2015 14:55:25 -0400
Attached the NOAA data for April.
We are in the H-E-A-T. No rain for 10+ days, cisterns running low, animals seeking shade. Wonder what it all means? Hot seas & a storm in the future?
Apr 2015 - Weather Data.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
- Hot and Hazy
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 08:53:43 -0400
Good morning to all our readers,
At the moment we are under a Saharan Air Layer (SAL) so that means it is hazy
due to the dust in the air. Added to this it has been hot with temperatures
reading in the high 80's F though depending on where you are on island the
'feels like' is the mid 90's F. There is also very little breeze so our
refreshing 'Trade Winds' are on the missing list. What little breeze that we
are getting is coming in from the SSE at the moment.
So it is the type of weather that tells me to be 'Busy Doing Nothing'.
Looks as if this might be the norm for awhile yet looking at the forecasts.
Attached is my view of Saddle Hill seen through the haze.
Have a great day,
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
- Wet Afternoon in the Dry Season/Season Forecast
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 16:02:52 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
This afternoon has turned a little wet with some heavy grey clouds passing over
and some short sharp showers.
Colorado State University forecast published today:
CSU's April forecast for the 2015 season, by the numbers:
Tropical Storms --- 7 (58% of average)
Hurricanes --- 3 (46% of average)
Major Hurricanes --- 1 (50% of average)
Overall Activity (ACE) --- 40 (43% of average)
The primary reasons for the below average forecast:
The current weak El Nino is expected to amplify to a moderate or strong El Nino.
Ocean temperatures across the key regions of the Atlantic are cooler than
A forecast of a below average season, but even if there is one hurricane and it
hits a small Caribbean island it is one to many. Starting to review plans and
restock for the new season.
Attached picture looking towards Saddle Hill through low cloud and rain this
Frank Goodwill Attachment:
Description: JPEG image
- February NOAA Data
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2015 16:48:11 -0400
Attached Weather Station Data for February in NOAA format.
Feb 2015 - Weather Data.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
- Thursdays Rain 12-Feb
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2015 17:10:52 -0400
Greetings All,
While the northern islands are getting hammered with a lot of rain Nevis got a good soaking on Thursday. It lasted all about 1 hr and we collected 0.85 inches in that time. Else it's been sunny & warm.
I see from William Kunke in Culebra PR and Jane Higgins in St. Thomas you folks are getting tons of rain. Stay safe & looking for fair weather.
I finally got around to getting a live stream from my webcam set up. Not online 100% of the time.
- Nevis NOAA Data for January
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 08:19:47 -0400
Greetings All,
Attached January's NOAA collected data.
Jan 2015 NOAA Report.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
- December & Year Total NOAA Reports
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2015 10:52:52 -0400
Greetings All,
Happy New Year to all readers.
Attached the data for month of December NOAA formatted Attached the data for year 2014 NOAA formatted.
December 2014 - NOAA Weather Data.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
NOAA Year 2014.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
- Weatherlink for Nevis weather updates
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 07:03:33 -0400
Finally got around to putting weather data on the internet.....
Use this link to get latest weather date from the Davis Station.
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 11:33:06 +0000
Good morning from Cades bay on the west of Nevis I can report that it has stopped after about 2 1/2 days. it is clear we can just make out Eustatia in the West, Brimstone hill is clear to view. Now we have the run off and the ground to dry a little, its a cool 23.5 and the sun is now out so the Solar panel will provide hot water today.
Regards Keith
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- Heavy Rainfall
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014 17:22:47 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
A great deal of rain has fallen on Nevis today which has included some
heavy downpours. There have been reports of flooding around the island that
affected roads by washout or the accumulation of debris on the road surface. At
the moment the rain seems to be easing off and Saddle Hill is making one of its
brief appearances through the clouds. See attached photo.
Frank Goodwill
20141205 cloud saddle hill.JPG
Description: JPEG image
- Wet! Wet! Wet!
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014 11:39:56 -0400
Good morning everyone,
From yesterday afternoon there has been a lot of rain falling on Nevis, especially this morning with fairly long periods of heavy downpours.
The cloud level is often low and in the Nevis foothills we have experienced some 'grey outs'. Attached is a not so pretty picture of Saddle Hill (1230 feet high - 375 m) from this morning. Honest it is there!
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
- November NOAA Weather Summary
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 17:05:56 -0400
November proved to be a wet month for Nevis. Seems we had more clouds than sun, maybe my imagination?
Attached the weather summary of the weather station.
November 2014 - NOAA Weather Data.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
- Mmmmm
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 20:20:16 +0000
What can one say about today very cool, extremely wet, and not much of the currant bun.
That is the report for 4th December 2014 at Cades Bay on the West of Nevis Regards Keith
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- Nice Start But Now Drizzle/Rain
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 11:09:40 -0400
Good morning everyone,
The official hurricane season may be over and it has been a quiet year –
except if you live in Bermuda. Even so the weather continues.
It would seem that we have a weak trough passing over us today. It started
sunny with broken cloud but from 10 am we have been experiencing light drizzle
to short heavier downpours. On the outside it looks pretty grey and there is
very little breeze.
A photo look towards Saddle Hill in the south of Nevis for how it looks
outside is attached.
Have a great Monday,
Frank Goodwill
20141202 drizzle.JPG
Description: JPEG image
- Nice Start But Now Drizzle/Rain
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 11:09:40 -0400
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Good morning everyone,
The official hurricane season may be over and it has been a quiet year –
except if you live in Bermuda. Even so the weather continues.
It would seem that we have a weak trough passing over us today. It started
sunny with broken cloud but from 10 am we have been experiencing light drizzle
to short heavier downpours. On the outside it looks pretty grey and there is
very little breeze.
A photo look towards Saddle Hill in the south of Nevis for how it looks
outside is attached.
Have a great Monday,
Frank Goodwill
20141202 drizzle.JPG
Description: JPEG image
- Good Start To The Day
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 12:34:47 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
After the last week of showers and windy weather things have brightened up
today. We have a lot of blue sky, sunshine and a gentle breeze. Also it is not
so ‘chilly’ overnight and in the early morning.
A couple of photos to show the difference a day makes.
Looking at the photos makes you think you have magically moved to a
different place 
Frank Goodwill
20141126 carib cloud.JPG
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20141127 carib sun.JPG
Description: JPEG image
- Good Start To The Day
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 12:34:47 -0400
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Good afternoon everyone,
After the last week of showers and windy weather things have brightened up
today. We have a lot of blue sky, sunshine and a gentle breeze. Also it is not
so ‘chilly’ overnight and in the early morning.
A couple of photos to show the difference a day makes.
Looking at the photos makes you think you have magically moved to a
different place 
Frank Goodwill
20141126 carib cloud.JPG
Description: JPEG image
20141127 carib sun.JPG
Description: JPEG image
- A Wet, Cool and Breezy day.
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 18:00:07 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Today has been pretty wet with showers and some longer periods of rain. In the foothills of Nevis Peak we had some periods of 'grey out' this morning due to low cloud. There has been a strong breeze now for a few days and on Saturday a few branches came down from one of my Cedar Trees. It has been quiet cool with the locals complaining that it is cold and though the temperature in the early morning has measured about the 75F mark the wind chill makes it feel cooler.
We managed to get a warming sunset this evening 5:30 pm - photo attached.
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
- Showers Continue
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 11:25:18 -0400
Good morning everyone.
Changeable weather is still with us up here in the foothills of Nevis Peak. At night we have had some squally shows and during the day showers seem to be on the cards towards late afternoon.
To break the monotony at 10:30 am we had a good downpour and 15 minutes later we were back in sunshine again.
Have a good day,
Frank Goodwill
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Description: JPEG image
- Sunshine and the odd shower
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 22:40:32 -0400
Good night everyone,
The weather today in Nevis has consisted of broken cloud with sunny spells. We have had a couple of shower in the morning. Much of the same is forecast for the next few days.
A sunset picture with sunlight shining on the clouds in the east.
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
- Sunshine and showers continue
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 13:49:34 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Today has been partly cloudy with sunshine and passing showers.
A few photos attached - a shower to the west and sunshine to the east at the same time. Also the neighbours - a herd of feral donkeys have been enjoying the lush vegetation that has sprung up as a result of the recent rains.
Temperature around 88F (31C) with a mild breeze from the East.
Frank Goodwill
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- Cloudy with sunny spells
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 15:00:11 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Today the weather on Nevis started fine, cloudy with
hazy sunny spells. As we have progressed into the afternoon there have been a
couple of short sharp showers. It is humid so it is feeling hotter than the 88F
(31C) forecast temperature with only a light Easterly breeze. With all the rain
lately it will probably increase the mosquito population with the further impact
of the chikungunya
virus outbreak that all islands seem to be suffering from.
picture of Saddle Hill during a brief shower. Looks sunny but the shower cloud
was between the hill and me and not in shot - Caribbean island
20141110 saddle hill shower.JPG
Description: JPEG image
- A Wet Saturday
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 18:12:50 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
A pretty wet Saturday morning here on Nevis. The rain had eased off this afternoon but it remained overcast with a good breeze. At least we managed to get a sun set this evening and it feels quite cool with the ESE wind blowing.
Have a good night and we'll see what Sunday brings.
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
- Fireworks and Rain
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 07:09:44 -0400
Good morning everyone,
Plenty of rain, thunder and lightning overnight and the island has had a good soaking. It is still raining now at 7 am so no Caribbean sunrise this morning. A very murky view of Saddle Hill looking towards the south. Photo attached.
The forecast for the rest of the day is showers so my 'to do' list is on hold and therefore it's time to catch up on some reading.
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
- A wet afternoon
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2014 21:53:37 -0400
Good night all,
It has been overcast today in Nevis. From noon until dusk we have had showers and light rain. Thunder has accompanied some of the showers that have also generated some strong gusts of wind before their arrival.
One thing with the wet weather the grass lawn has grown in leaps and bounds.
Frank Goodwill
- Thank you
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 16:54:47 +0000
Thanks for your monthly reports. Best Wishes Keith
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- NEV - October NOAA Weather Data
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 10:00:16 -0400
October weather data downloaded from weather station, for those interested.
October 2014 - NOAA Weather Data.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
- Good morning
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 11:42:58 +0000
Good morning, we awoke today to a bright clear day from here in Cades bay on the West of the Island we can see St Kitts and the outline of Statia something we have not seen for some time due to the hazy conditions. The reasons for the clearness was a dumper load of rain we received last evening and thro the night which is much appreciated, normally at this time of year we have a full cistern this year we are only half full.
Have a good day. Best Wishes Keith
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- Hot and Humid
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 13:29:56 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
A hot and humid day today. There was a heavy dew on the grass this morning and there has been hazy sunshine so far today. One of those lazy, hazy days where you don't want to be rushing around.
A couple of pictures to sum it up. A view out towards the Caribbean Sea (southwest) with a hazy horizon and Nevis Peak with its cloudy hat on.
There seems to be another minor disturbance to the east of us. It's not on the US National Hurricane Centre radar but may bring us some rain in a few days time.
Have a great Friday and looking forward to the weekend.
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
Description: JPEG image
- Unsettled Weather plus 'Pilots of the Caribbean'
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 12:34:17 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
The early hours of this morning were quite lively with thunder and
lightening and some heavy showers. During yesterday though overcast with some
sunny periods but no rain.
Today is much the same as yesterday with generally overcast conditions with
sunny periods. It also seems to be getting brighter as the day progresses.
So the reality has been a little different from the forecast.
For something a little different I have added some information concerning
‘Pilots of the Caribbean’. The links give information regarding the untold
Caribbean contribution to the UK Royal Air Force and the two world wars.
Frank Goodwill
- Its gone dark!
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 10:07:05 -0400
Good morning everyone,
It's just before 10am and very low cloud has come rolling in. Saddle Hill at the south end of Nevis has disappeared as well as the Caribbean Sean as viewed from my eyrie. It has now turned very dark and the heavens have opened with a good downpour. So Invest 95L is starting to shed its load.
Frank Goodwill
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- Another of those sunsets
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 19:22:25 -0400
Good evening everyone,
We had a good downpour starting at about 3pm today. One thing though broken clouds do give a really good sunset. See attached photo.
Have a good night,
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
- Tropical Wave NHC Watching
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 14:48:13 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Well the build up of cloud has stayed much the same today with a few sunny spells. It would seem that the Tropical wave(s) just to the east of the Leeward/Windward Islands has caught the attention of the US National Hurricane Centre. It has labeled the 'disturbance' with a 10% chance of developing into a tropical cyclone within the next 5 days. They predict if any development that takes place will be slow with the general environment being unfavourable for serious development. We shall see.
The NHC say "Regardless of development, this system will produce brief periods of gusty winds and locally heavy rainfall across the Lesser Antilles through Tuesday."
Attached is a picture taken at 2 pm
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
- Nice Day But Clouds Gathering
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 22:32:33 -0400
Good Night Everyone,
Today has been sunny and hot with a shower about midday around on the Windward side of the island. As evening drew in the cloud cover built up with some dark grey clouds threatening to unload their moisture. It looks as if the tropical wave that is giving rain down south in the Windward's is catching up with us. The forecast says it should be fine tomorrow (Monday) with showers building up Tuesday through to Thursday.
We shall see how it will play out as the week progresses. Attached a picture from this evening.
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
- Remnants of Hurricane Gonzalo hit the UK
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 12:34:55 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Just thought I’d post this regarding the remnants of Hurricane Gonzalo as
it still packs a punch on reaching the United Kingdom as a storm.
So far reports indicate one killed and at least four hospitalised due to
the storm as well as travel disruption.
As for Nevis – broken cloud, sunny spells and a nice gentle breeze.
Frank Goodwill
- Light rain
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 07:54:39 -0400
Good morning everyone,
The weather forecast says 'mostly sunny' but this morning I am greeted by low cloud and light rain and it is a bit 'chilly'. No doubt it will brighten up later.
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
- The Day After TS Gonzalo - Nevis
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 19:48:19 -0400
Good evening everyone,
I spent a couple of hours or so today clearing up branches brought down by the storm. These were from Cedar Trees most of which have been weakened by termites/wood ants. No other damage to my Soursop, Mango and Genip trees. My banana trees are all still standing though I had a couple of coconuts blown off a tree, but there is no hardship dealing with them. On reflection Nevis got off lightly. We did loose NEVLEC-tricity about six times up in the Nevis Peak foothills during the storm, but this was a sort of one hour off, one hour on event. Cable and internet worked fine as long as the mains power was on.
I've added a picture of this evenings sunset timed just before 6pm.
If you want to do a comparison with the video I posted yesterday please find a YouTube link showing much the same scene filmed today at about 4 pm.
What a difference a day can make!
Link: http://youtu.be/jg9Dphj7-4s
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
- The night after the storm
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 21:41:15 +0100
Yes saw the sky very eerie Best Wishes Keith
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- Nevis After
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 13:11:17 -0400
Things back to normal.
Little or no damage noted.
One sailboat off mooring but rescued in time to prevent any damage.
Yard and pool cleanup required.
Did see a dark and pink sunset last night. Had a haunted look to it, very intetesting after a storm passes by. Anyone else see that?
- Nevis and Gonzalo
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 17:23:06 +0100
Good afternoon from the West of Nevis
Well Gonzalo arrived and left. During the morning it rained a little and we suffered two long power cuts but by the afternoon things warmed up and we locked ourselves in the wind rose and the rain poured til late in the evening.
The only damage caused in the garden was to loose n some plants in the ground so we are thankful. Regards Keith
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addresses world wide - Thank you
- TS Gonzalo - Nevis update
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 20:32:14 -0400
Good night everyone,
Nevis seems to have got off fairly lightly regarding TS Gonzalo. Up in the
foothills of Nevis Peak there were a few more brief power outages between 2 pm
and 4 pm. Looking outside we seem to be living in the twilight zone with heavy
grey cloud and light drizzle. A very damp looking scene at 4:30 pm.
I took a quick video panning towards the south of the island towards Saddle
Hill at about 2:30 pm and uploaded it to youtube.
I hope everyone is keeping safe ‘up north’ as the storm strengthens to
hurricane force.
Frank Goodwill
- TS Gonzalos
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 14:24:14 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
The morning started off with strong gusty rain band showers but as the wind direction has swung around from NE to SE this has changed to drizzle and light showers.
Schools and Government offices are closed and I think most other businesses have remained closed.
Up in the foothills of Nevis Peak we have lost NEVLEC-tricity three times since 11 am but it seems to have been fully restored as of 2 pm.
A very grey and overcast view outside at the moment but it would appear that the worst of the wind and rain has past us.
Frank Goodwill
- Nevis Report
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 12:09:32 -0400
Well it appears the images on NOAA make it look bad here on Nevis, quite the contrary. Max gust measured at 500' elevation was 32 mph, Max rain 1.27"
It appears the worst is over now. Only spotty showers & some wind. Charlestown & rest of island, closed down.
- TS Gonzalo
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:58:54 -0400
Good (very early) morning everyone,
One of those squally rain band showers has managed to wake me up. No thunder etc as yet but some strong gusts accompanying the rain at the moment. Look at the track of the storm it looks as if the centre will pass close by us later today.
Time for a cup of proper English tea to steady the nerves!
Frank Goodwill
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 15:08:02 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
We are now starting to feel the effects of what is now TS Gonzalo located a couple of hundred miles to the east of us. We have had about three prolonged heavy showers since 11:20 am this morning. There is not a lot of wind as yet and between the showers we do get some hazy sunshine. We are under a Tropical Storm watch so we will wait and see how things progress tonight and into tomorrow.
The estimated closest point of approach of TS Gonzalo will be 22 miles to the south of Nevis late tomorrow.
Frank Goodwill
- Another red 5 day outlook 'x'
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 00:14:15 -0400
Good night all,
Looks as if something of interest is heading towards the northern Leeward islands and is about 600 miles to the east of us. So we might have some wet and windy weather in the next few days. The US National Hurricane Centre gives it a 60% chance of developing into a cyclone by early next week. We might just miss that but it needs to be watched as a system like this does not have to be a Tropical Storm/Hurricane to give problems, especially as it seems to be slow moving (10 mph).
Frank Goodwill
- Nevis September Weather Data
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2014 11:25:25 -0400
Greetings All,
Attached the NOAA formatted weather data for month of Sept.
September 2014 - NOAA Weather Data.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
- Rain
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 14:55:38 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Having had a consistent weather pattern over the last week or so of cloudy
with sunny spells with showers in the early evening and overnight, today has
started of showery with rumbles of thunder and the showers have turned to some
persistent rain mid-day. Can’t complain as the cistern is filling up
As for the Atlantic a low pressure popped up on the NHC map and was called
Invest 96L but now it has gone again. So all is quiet again regarding major
storms, but at this time of year we still get tropical waves passing by that do
give us some heavy showers and thunderstorms.
This week we have been visited by Dr. Joan Latchman (seismologist from UWI
Seismic Research Centre) and Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade (Manager
US/Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program) to raise awareness about earthquakes and
tsunami in the Caribbean. They have been to the island schools and participated
in radio talk shows as well as a public meeting in Charlestown on
Lots of discussion about Tsunami monitoring, how a warning is passed to the
island authorities and how the public can be warned and how to react.
Unlike hurricanes there is no way of tracking an earthquake/tsunami event
and the scientists can only give a possible forecast using past patterns.
Frank Goodwill
- Bright, breezy, showers
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 13:18:02 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Today has been hot but with a strong breeze from the north-east. We have
also had a couple of light showers but on the whole a dry day.
A bit of drama yesterday (Friday) as a small inter-island cargo boat MV
Lady Mignon capsized and sank off-shore from the Four Seasons/Cotton Ground
area. The Coast Guard and other vessels spent some time clearing debris
from the sea surface, but glad to say there was no loss of life. Some reports
state that the ship was top heavy with cargo that led to the ship getting into
Attached is a picture courtesy of the Nevis Disaster Management Department
of the ship just before it sank.
Frank Goodwill
lady mignon sinks.jpg
Description: JPEG image
- Thunder and Showers
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2014 12:31:27 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
As the tropical waves make there way across the Atlantic into the
Caribbean, it has been a changeable week with lots of showers. Today started off
fine but cloud has built up and we have had a number of showers this morning
accompanied by rumbles of thunder.
Frank Goodwill
- Showers today
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 15:12:45 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Today has been mainly overcast and we have been experiencing a lot of short
rain showers. There have been a few sunny spells but it has been predominantly
on the damp side. Nice to have these wet spells as it fills the cistern and the
water butts for watering the plants.
A link to a short video (makes a change from a photo) of what things look
like. Nothing exciting just a view.
Frank Goodwill
- Crash... Bang...... Wallop
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 13:02:01 -0400
Good day everyone,
Things became a little lively here in the foothills of Nevis Peak at about
8 pm last night. After a generally overcast day with sunny spells we were
treated to an intense thunderstorm with heavy rain. The storm was part of a
tropical wave that passed over us and the lightning managed to knock out both
mains power and cable TV/internet over a large area of the island. The loss of
mains power was for about 2 hours but TV cable/internet wasn’t restored until
9:30 this morning.
So far this morning has been cloudy with sunny periods.
Frank Goodwill
20140828 saddle hill.JPG
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- Invest 97L
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 23:16:15 -0400
Goodnight everyone,
The US National Hurricane Centre has designated a disturbance of interest SW of the Cape Verde islands as Invest 97L. One to watch though little development is expected until mid-week. The dry air of the Saharan Air Layer has greatly diminished over the central and western Atlantic since last week, so that may help with system development.
A nice sunny day in Nevis and feeling pretty hot. A couple of pictures - Nevis Peak without cloud and Saddle Hill.
Frank Goodwill
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- Rain amounts
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 07:02:18 -0400
Didn't get all that much rain from yesterdays "storm" if you could call it that?
Was expecting a lot of water from the sky but measured just over 0.60 inches from Thursday afternoon thru yesterday evening. Enough to water grass, plants & add a bit to cistern levels. Everyone's happy about that.
- Friday Sunshine
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 11:13:42 -0400
Good morning everyone,
Well the the 'disturbance' known as Invest 96L seems to have passed us by. Some showers last night and this morning we have hazy sunshine with occasional cloud cover. As can be seen from the attached picture the Caribbean Sea looks inviting. The 'Weather Channel app' is giving me a Severe Weather Advisory alert for Pond Hill for possible flooding until 11:30 am AST. Hmmm interesting!
Lots of buzz about 'will it won't it' Invest 96L form into 'Cristobel' and have landfall in USA. Oh well back to sleepy island mode in this small corner of the Caribbean until the next time.
Frank Goodwill
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- Invest 96L
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 16:25:26 -0400
Good Afternoon Everyone,
The 'disturbance' known as Invest 96L
has arrived over Nevis at 2:30 pm today. It has brought heavy showers with
light rain and a sky heavy with cloud. As of 4 pm it looks pretty dark out
there and we have been getting some rumbles of thunder. There was the usual
breeze blowing in from the East but since the rain started this seems to have
eased off.
We'll see what develops,
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- Nice Start and the End of My Mango Season
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 12:18:47 -0400
Good Morning everyone,
A nice fresh start to the day with some cloud and sunshine. No showers so
far today and due to the lack of dampness there didn’t seem to be any last
night. A pretty clear horizon to so that suggests that the Saharan Air Layer
(dust) is no longer with us. Sun and a good breeze so getting my washing done so
it might provoke the rain gods 
Of the two weather ‘disturbances’ out in the Atlantic that are slowly
trundling towards us. The closest is now termed Invest 96L and will probably
pass us as a ‘weak disorganised storm’. After passing us it will enter a more
favourable environment of the warmer Caribbean Sea and probably form into
Tropical Storm Cristobel.
So the weather over the next couple of days will probably be cloudy with
showers. We shall see.
The second ‘disturbance’ will probably pass further to the north with a
small chance of anything serious developing.
The thunderstorms forecast for Sunday have now been changed to a sunny day.
I love weather forecasts – more guesswork than fact sometimes I think.
Anyway I’ll have my own ‘Mango Fest’ this afternoon as the fruiting of my
mango tree is coming to an end for this season. So many good mangoes from such a
small tree too! 
Frank Goodwill
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Description: JPEG image
- Nice start to the day
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 09:19:31 -0400
Good morning everyone,
Tuesday morning has started bright and cheery. It looks as if we are back into a light shower and partially sunny day with broken cloud mode again.
There are two 'disturbances' highlighted in the Atlantic by the US National Hurricane Centre, both with low chances of developing into Tropical Storms/Hurricanes. The closer of the two seems to be heading towards the centre of the Windward/Leeward Islands chain and the later towards the Leeward Islands.
Early days yet but it looks as if we will be having some thunder storms/rain Saturday Night/Sunday if the weather forecast is to be believed.
Frank Goodwill
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- Hazy Day
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 17:34:52 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
A hazy day today as can be seen looking to the west and the sky/sea horizon. It feels humid but there is a bit of a breeze blowing. Not a day to be cooking Sunday lunch inside!
A 'disturbance' mid-Atlantic is slowly moving towards us in the Windward/Leeward Islands. Though slow in development it is forecast to get better organised later on this week. As usual, a watching eye on this one, as it may or may not organise into something a little lively.
Frank Goodwill
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- Murky start
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 09:40:13 -0400
Good morning everyone,
Well the remnants of Invest 94L have caught up with us this morning giving us a murky and wet start to the day. Some thunder in the early hours with heavy showers I can recollect as I didn't really wake up from the 'Land of Nod'.
Now daylight is with us (and so am I) we have some light rain and drizzle with low cloud and a good breeze blowing from the East.
Just to add to the mix Terra Firma has been flexing itself. There have been a couple of earthquakes near Barbuda - Tuesday (12th) 4.2m and yesterday, Friday (15th) 4.5m. Some reports of Friday's one being felt in St. Kitts.
A little reminder that hurricanes are not the only thing you have to plan for if you live in the Caribbean!
The 22nd to 26th September 2014 will be a 'Tsunami and Earthquake Awareness' campaign week in St. Kitts and Nevis that should provide information to the public via local media and meetings.
Frank Goodwill
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- Overcast and Hazy
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 12:34:57 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
We had some showers during the early hours of the morning and the rest of the day has been overcast with some short periods of hazy sunshine. A good breeze is blowing so it feels cooler than usual. It should be brighter tomorrow.
Frank Goodwill
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- Fwd: Nevis
- From: Gert van Dijken <gert at vandijken.com>
- Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 07:35:00 -0700
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: KEITH PUGH Date: Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 5:03 AM Subject: Nevis
Dear All
From Cades Bay Nevis
I can report The lovely sound of water running into the cistern. I awoke to the sound of thunder at 6am and we
have had rain ever since at times it is lashing down which is great my cistern is 7ft deep and we only have about 3ft in it at the moment, its been the driest period here in 5 yrs. The good thing we are not cold.
UK got more of Bertha than we did.
Look out for 94L next weekend
Best Wishes Keith
- A Wet Start
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 08:14:56 -0400
Good morning everyone,
We are off to a very wet start in Nevis this morning with more or less continuous rain for the last couple of hours. Had a rumble of thunder at about 7 am but that was about it. So it is looking pretty dull and dismal at the moment, but at least we are getting a decent amount of the wet stuff for a change.
Invest 94L is moving past the Cape Verde Islands towards the Caribbean. Early days for it has to pass dry air of the Saharan Air Layer (SAL) in the East and Mid-Atlantic. The SAL damped down TD2 and Bertha on their journeys but it also seemed to keep them from turning to the north. As it is said, one to keep an eye on, so I think by Wednesday/Thursday a more certain idea will be revealed on how this one will pan out.
Have a great day!
Frank Goodwill
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- Rain/drizzle
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2014 09:38:11 -0400
Good morning everyone,
The morning started bright and sunny but it didn't last. About 8:30 am the clouds came rolling in and it started to rain, not hard but continuous. Also the cloud was low giving us a 'grey-out'.
Nice to have some rain though so not complaining even though it has resulted in it feeling a little 'chilly'.
Frank Goodwill
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- Nevis July NOAA Report
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2014 07:06:32 -0400
July Weather data from weather station.
Nevis July NOAA Report.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
- Sunny with broken cloud
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 13:54:41 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
After a very early morning shower, today has been sunny with broken cloud and it still looks hazy towards the horizon. A nice breeze blowing in from the East with an occasional strong gust. Temperature is about 88F (31C).
Busy picking mangoes in the yard as my small tree is now producing fruit in abundance. Making mango chutney tomorrow.
Frank Goodwill
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- Sunny Sunday until 4 pm!
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2014 16:25:36 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
A nice fresh and mostly sunny day until 4 pm. Low cloud cover arrived and we had a 'grey out', the temperature dropped then it began to rain/drizzle. It lasted about 20 minutes but has remained overcast.
Frank Goodwill
- Damp start
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 09:33:51 -0400
Good morning everyone,
Today has started off damp and overcast with rain/drizzle in the air and it seems to be slowly brightening up. The wind has dropped to a good breeze with some stronger gusts. We had some thunder and lightning just after midnight with some further lightning to the southwest of the island later.
It might be a little wet later for the Culturama40 Ms Pageant Queen show but hopefully all will be well.
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
- Start of our Bertha encounter
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2014 23:13:19 -0400
Good night everyone,
The wind has been building up during the evening with some pretty strong
gusts. That is what comes when living 800 feet up the side of Nevis Peak.
The first rain shower has just started and is pretty heavy and squally.
Though we are over 100 miles from the centre of TS Bertha the rain bands are
reaching us.
I’ll see how the NEVLEC a.c. supply and the internet stand up to
Frank Goodwill
- Hazy sunshine strong breeze
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2014 14:14:59 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Today in Nevis we have hazy sunshine but a strong breeze blowing from the East, no doubt due to TS Bertha, and cloud cover seams to be increasing as the day goes by. Temperature must be in the region of 90F (32C) but feels hotter.
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
- Brief showers
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 17:31:07 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Today has been a mixed bag weatherwise in Nevis. Sunny spells with periods of cloud cover and slight passing showers.
lnvest 93L as I mentioned before still has a lot of 'it's and but's' regarding developing into a tropical depression/storm. It has been affected by dry air from the Saharan Air Layer (SAL) and cooler sea temperatures. It is also taking longer to turn northward than first expected. Still needs to be watched though as it trundles ever closer to the Leeward/Windward islands - about 1000 miles to the east.
I gather that water rationing may start in Puerto Rico from 6th August due to drought conditions. Shows how dry things have been.
Frank Goodwill
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- Brightened up!
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 12:21:49 -0400
Good day everyone,
After a couple of early morning showers today it is now bright and sunny. There is a fresh breeze from the ESE and hence the humidity is low making for a very pleasant day.
The tropical wave now known as Invest 93L continues its journey towards the Leeward and Windward Islands. It is still some 1600 miles to the east of us but is slowly developing into a tropical depression/storm. Still a few if's and but's regarding its track and development but all will be revealed in the next couple of days for certain. Also there seems to be some more 'weather' behind it so as usual the tropical weather conveyor belt is starting to roll as we approach the busy time of the hurricane season (11th September).
Best get back to enjoying today!
Frank Goodwill
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- Hazy, lazy Sunday
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 17:26:20 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
It's been a hot and hazy Sunday today in Nevis. The strong breeze we had for a few days has calmed down to almost nothing.
There is another little 'x' on the NHC map showing tropical wave SW of the Cape Verde islands. One to watch as it may develop into something more serious by the middle of the week. The projected path points towards the Leeward/Windward Islands.
Frank Goodwill
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- Drizzle
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 16:24:46 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
It has now clouded over and we are getting some drizzle over on the borders of St. John's Figtree and St. George's Gingerland. Photo added showing low cloud over Saddle Hill.
Frank Goodwill
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- Windy day!
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 15:43:51 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
There were no showers yesterday and it has been dry during daylight hours
so far. There were a couple of showers at around 3:30 am and 4:30 am this
morning. In the foothills of Nevis Peak we are still having a good breeze
blowing with some stronger gusts today and there is some hazy sunshine. Most of
the weather seems to be to the south of us in the Windward Islands so far.
I did some digging in the garden yesterday putting in some fence posts and
it was hard work. The ground is very dry even below the surface at 2 to 3 feet.
Though I do have Soursop and Mango trees bearing fruit they seem smaller
this year, so I think we do need some measured and consistent rainfall for sure.
Have a great day,
Frank Goodwill.
- Nevis - Nice start.
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 07:26:57 -0400
Good morning everyone,
It would seem that dry air and some wind shear has dampened down the remnants of tropical depression #2 that is to the south of Nevis. A fine and breezy start to Thursday morning with some cloud around Nevis Peak and a hazy blue sky. A good breeze blowing with no sign of rain or showers at the moment. As the opening ceremony for 'Culturama 40' is slated to take place at 5:30 pm today and I expect many on island will hope it stays that way. A couple of pictures added - sunrise 6am and a general view 'of the blue' to the west.
Frank Goodwill
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- Gusty Winds
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 16:52:47 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
The breeze has picked up during the day and there are some quiet strong
gusts up where I am in the foothills of Nevis Peak, but we are being blessed
with some sunny spells. The easterly wind is certainly moving the clouds across
the sky at a good speed. No showers so far during the day but the forecast tells
us to expect some later this evening through to Friday evening, with a
possibility of a thunderstorm or two.g. So it will be interesting to see what
the remnants of Tropical Depression #2 will bring us.
Frank Goodwill
- Fair weather
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 11:41:29 -0400
Good morning all,
Yesterday (Sunday) was overcast and humid/muggy but no rain. Today is different with sunshine and some patchy cloud. We have a nice breeze blowing so it is noticeably cooler/fresher.
I see there is some chatter in cyberspace about a tropical wave some 1300 mile to the east of the Lesser Antilles (Leeward and Windward Islands). Yesterday (Sunday) the National Hurricane Centre had it at a 10% chance of development into a tropical cyclone and today it jumped to a 50% chance.. There is plenty of dry air in front of it (Saharan Air Layer - SAL) so that could keep things calm but the weather being the weather, something to keep an eye on.
Frank Goodwill
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- Sunny days... showers at night... Culturama40.
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 10:23:44 -0400
Good morning everyone,
The days lately have been cloudy with varying periods of sunshine with
temperatures around the 86F (30C) mark and at night there have been showers. The
island is gearing up for the Culturama festival and this is the 40th Anniversary
so a lot of people are arriving for the event. It has been called ‘the home
coming’ so a lot of people with Nevisian roots are back on island.
Weather wise the forecast looks to be quiet at the moment regarding storms
even though the tropical wave ‘conveyor belt’ is running.
Frank Goodwill
- June NOAA Report
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 07:40:59 -0400
Greetings Everyone,
Attached weather station data for June from Nevis.
June 2014 Weather Data.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
- Some rain todat
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 20:15:31 -0400
Good night everyone,
I woke up this morning to the steady pitter-patter of rain on the roof. A fast
moving tropical wave kept the day overcast with rain more or less until the
early afternoon. It seemed a lot but having turned over a half buried large
stone the ground was damp up to an inch in depth. Not that scientific but I
think we need some more of the wet stuff, not to much at once, to fully restore
our usual lush island vegetation.
Sunshine should be back tomorrow.
Frank Goodwill
- Rain and Cloudy
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 12:06:17 -0400
Good morning,
It looks as if a weather system has finally caught up with us and might be
with us for a couple of days. It has been cloudy and wet this morning and the
rain has varied between drizzle and longer downpours with accompanying thunder.
Nice to have a break from the hot and humid weather of recent times.
Frank Goodwill
- All change 4 hours on.
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2014 12:28:58 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
It's a little hazy but we are now basking in sunshine again. The temperature is
88F (31C) and would feel hotter if it wasn't for the strong ESE breeze. Sun-day
is back on track!
Frank Goodwill
Description: JPEG image
- Gloomy Wet Start
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2014 08:53:04 -0400
A pleasant Sunday morning to all,
Well it has been 'tipping down' for 20 minutes and has just started to ease
off. A murky start to the day with some patches of very low cloud - which means
fog in the highlands of St. John's Parish. Well the cistern always appreciates
the top up. Hopefully things will brighten up as the day progresses.
Frank Goodwill. Attachment:
Description: JPEG image
- Weather data for May here on Nevis (NOAA Format)
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2014 17:23:36 -0400
Greetings All,
The May 2014 NOAA Data Report
NOAA May 2014 - Weather Data.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
- Hazy sunshine
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2014 14:45:15 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Things have brightened up today and we are basking in some hazy sunshine.
Temperature at about 88F (31C). Picture of the view towards Saddle Hill, Nevis.
Frank Goodwill
- Cloudy and showery Nevis
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 13:34:49 -0400
Good day all,
Time goes by so quickly and here we are again with the start of another
Hurricane Season is a couple of days time. It has been showery here in Nevis for
a few days with some sunny spells. Attached is a view up towards Nevis Peak
during a period of rain/drizzle at about 11:30 am today.
Eyes are looking at some development in the Western Caribbean/Gulf of
Mexico which may result in some ‘weather’ in that area during the beginning of
Frank Goodwill
20140529 drizzle cloud.jpg
Description: JPEG image
- A drab & windy day on Nevis
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 10 May 2014 13:41:01 -0400
Description: JPEG image
- It has arrived
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Sat, 10 May 2014 12:40:47 +0100 (BST)
Cades Bay Nevis.
Yesterday evening we had some of that lovely rain it poured down and we could hear it rushing into the cistern what a lovely sound, hopefully the vegetation will green up now. Regards Keith
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- Rain Rain
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 15:01:14 +0100 (BST)
Good morning
During the night in CADES BAY we had heavy rain enough to moisten the ground this is the first appreciable rain since we returned on 21 St April
other little showers
have barely kept the dust down Best Wishes Keith
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- Weather April 2014
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 2 May 2014 04:20:05 -0400
Greetings All,
Attached weather data for month of April here on Nevis.
April 2014 - Weather Data.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
- Nevis NOAA Data
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2014 07:20:34 -0400
Greetings All,
Attached is the weather data in NOAA format for month of March.
NOAA March - Nevis.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document