- - - 2014 Hurricane Season - - -
- Culebra Rainfall Data
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 08:59:26 -0400
 ? April rainfall in Culebra was below average and the island "browned-out" quickly.
I have attached some underwater photos to enjoy, plenty to "sea" out there. Enjoy, William
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- Culebra Rainfall Data
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 06:44:04 -0400
Good Morning, Culebra received 1.5 inches of rain in March. The attached chart shows that this is our average for this month. The rain fell mostly in "bits & drabs", but gave us a comfortable green month. I attach the yearly data chart and a photo of a beautiful Culebra anchorage.
Happy Easter, William 

- Culebra Showers & Underwater Views
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 07:06:03 -0400
Good Morning, Culebra continues to receive squally showers almost daily, most are a tenth (0.10) of an inch or less. Just enough to keep things green, unusual for Feb/Mar time periods. The west coast of PR and St Croix are suffering under red flag fire warnings. Meanwhile we here in Culebra cut grass and enjoy the flower blooms.
I got out for a great snorkel trip, swimming with the turtles and fish. I attach photos and a short video of same, Enjoy, William
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- Culebra Rainfall Data
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2015 13:51:35 -0400
 As indicated in the Rainfall Data Chart above, Culebra has received 5.2 inches of rain this month. Most of this rain fell in a two day period. Very unusual for this month; usually we are concerned with grass fires, now we have lots of green grass that needs cutting.
The highest rainfall for February prior to this was 3.3 inches in 1997.
I have been posting a lot of turtle videos, photos, etc. Now you can see the video of how to make turtle soup, Muppet style. Enjoy.
- Hello, Ark Builder Supply?
- From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2015 11:04:37 -0400
Rain and rain and more rain. I don't have the official amount, that's
Bill's venue, but a general guesstimate would be close to 4 inches
yesterday and maybe two so far today, with no end in immediate sight.
And it's worse on STT and STJ.
Be safe, y'all!
"Being good and kind, that will carry you through the world." ~ Alvin,
gardener at Biras Creek
My blog: http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
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- January 2015 Rainfall Data
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2015 17:45:56 -0400
 As you see by the chart above, this months rainfall was a full inch less than last year. The ground is certainly dry and sucks-up any water we add for the plants. Not the best time for transplanting, but I try anyhow.

This morning we went for an early snorkel/swim and concentrated on the smaller reef fish. Lots of color to enjoy. Ms Howard in Anguilla is showing some great diving photos around her island. Next month I hope to have a new camera up & going, with lots of photos to enjoy. William
- Fine Weather
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 09:46:31 -0400
Good Morning, Culebra is enjoying fine "winter" weather with cool (low 70's) nights and sunny (80's) warm days. A good time for clearing & trimming the bushes around the place.
As I set off for my snorkel/swim this morning I did not expect to see much, as the seas were stirred-up a bit with some heavy swells. As I got further out from shore the visibility was better. Then out of the heavy background came this Atlantic StingRay gliding through the coral. A beautiful sight that we never get tired of.
As I swam closer to shore on the way back, a huge school of Tang, Surgeon, and even some Trumpet fish were hanging about the coral. So, there is always something to see and enjoy. Enjoy your island, William
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- Culebra Rain Data
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 06:36:48 -0400

Culebra's total for 2014 was only 29.5 inches of rainfall. This is the smallest amount since 2000 when we had only 23 inches of rain. However, this year the island was mostly green, as the showers came in smaller, but more often rainfall, brief showers.
We wish our fellow islanders all the best in 2015.

- From Our Beach To Yours
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:34:01 -0400

- Culebra Weather
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 08:14:26 -0400
Good Morning, Culebra's weather has had some off/on showers, but overall the temps and clear nights are a real joy.
That is a lot of work to keep up and a good comparison for other islands to check-out.
We welcome the Little Brown Dog back and hope you can enjoy the beaches. We did not realize that the Sargosa Seaweed was still such a problem there. Thanks for the photos.
I attach a few photos of my recent snorkel trip here in Culebra. A special day with two rays soaring by. The first is an Atlantic Stingray, and the second is a Spotted Eagle Ray. You will note the short tail, does anyone have an explanation for this? All previous ones I have seen have a tail longer than the body length.
Enjoy, William
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- Culebra Rainfall Data
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 07:46:19 -0400
Good Morning, It is great to reach December without any major hurricanes in our area. 2014 has been relatively calm & dry this year with only 28.3 inches of rain thus far. November rains brought 7.1 inches to help catch-up in total amounts.
I attach the Cuebra Rainfall chart and this morning's sunrise photo. Enjoy, William
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- Thanksgiving Day
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 08:24:02 -0400
Good Morning, Happy Thanksgiving to all our fellow islanders.
What a tremendous start to our day here in Culebra. I attach a series of photos showing our colorful cloud formation at sunrise today. Also a turtle photo taken yesterday in our Caribbean waters here. We sure have a lot to be thankful for, including the use of this site to communicate our weather observations. Enjoy, William
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- Culebra Rain From The "Blob"
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 07:32:08 -0400
Good Morning, Culebra received 2.5 inches of rain yesterday, a long wet & dreary day. It appears to be very "Lenny-Like", with it's movement to the East and lots of moisture. It appears to have cleared Culebra for now and we have a nice breeze for drying-out time.
I attach some photos taken earlier in the week of downtown Culebra and one of our outlying/uninhabited islands, Louis Pena. Enjoy, William
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- Culebra Rainfall Data
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2014 05:45:02 -0400
Good Morning,
October rainfall for Culebra was 1.3 inches. With "Gonzo" developing & passing to our East, it was a non-event for Culebra with only 0.5 inches of rain coming in minimal squalls. As you can see on the attached chart, Culebra's monthly average for October is 5.9 inches, so we are well below average for the month. Also, our yearly total in now only 21.2 inches, about half of our yearly average.
Along with the rainfall data chart, I attach photos of turtle, fish, sunrise.
It is good to hear from some long gone islanders again, Enjoy, William
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- Impressive
- From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 08:26:34 -0400
As ever, the rapidity with which Bermuda recovers is amazing to watch, even if from afar. With no loss of life (so sad to hear of the accidental driving death the next day), there can only be gratefulness in the clean up. Easy for me to say!
Best wishes in getting back to the business of a new season.
- Sending tranquillo to Bermuda
- From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:02:51 -0400
Just to let you Bermudians know I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing you
all the best in a nerve-wracking situation. By now you've all done
what can be done, so it's the waiting game now, however you fill up
that time. Salud!
Love the photos of the chickens and kids and propane tank holder.
Here we started with a glassy morning and now a soft breeze through
puffy white clouds in blue skies.
"Being good and kind, that will carry you through the world." ~ Alvin,
gardener at Biras Creek
My blog: http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
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- Who Was That?
- From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 06:43:33 -0400
What a difference a day makes. First in the bull's-eye of what was only expected to be a tropical depression, instead we got the modest curve fringe of Hurricane Gonazlo, a hurricane that tore some islands apart.
For island brothers and sisters who sustained damage, I wish you a quick recovery and thankfulness that there was not a loss of life - or none reported that I've heard about and hope that holds true.
The hard rain didn't come until after dark but this was the most ominous it looked yesterday, followed by a grey but clearing sky at sunset. It was baffling. I just feel gratefulness that Gonzalo left us nothing but a much needed rain.
- 90's out there
- From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 07:29:23 -0400
On this still and sultry morning, it's hard to believe 90 is out there, already having flash flood watches put up for St. John and St. Thomas.
Keep an eye to the east!

- Rainfall, Culebra Stats
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 06:32:20 -0400
Good Morning, For the month of September Culebra received 1.9 inches of rainfall. A small amount for this time of year and it lowered our monthly average to 6.8 inches, with only 19.9 inches received in 2014 thus far.
Other factors affecting Culebra this month: the heat, a very hot month; the smell of the seaweed coming in from the south; and dealing with the chikungunya mosquito borne virus.
The island remains green and beautiful in many ways. I attach some photos of Culebra to enjoy, William
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- New Radar Link
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:03:07 -0400
Good Afternoon, What a wonderful resource of information we have here. Thank you all for responding to inquiry about the radar site for the Antilles. Here is the new link:
- Culebra Question
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 06:13:48 -0400
Good Morning, Culebra is currently very hot with sporadic showers.
Do any of you islanders know what has happened to this radar link?
I have attached few photos of our island to enjoy, William
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- Culebra Rainfall Data
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2014 07:22:07 -0400
Good Morning, Happy September, and Rabbit-Rabbit,
Attached is a chart of Culebra rainfall data showing that we received 6.1 inches of rain this August. Almost half of that amount came when "Bertha" passed to our south. Culebra is enjoying that deep green color and lots of growth in the trees, flowers, and bushes. Our yearly total is up to 18 inches now.
I have also attached a sunrise photo of our bay this morning.
Enjoy, William
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- After the Invest
- From: MJ <caribemj at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 09:31:53 -0400
I don't know how much rain we got yesterday, but since it was, with a
few exceptions, an all day event, I'm guessing it was a fair amount.
The earth is squishy, the blossoms are bursting and the mosquitos are
hungry. Cisterns should be full around here, or close to it and I
think 732 1/2 pots of soup or chili were made!
Hope it went as well for everyone else around here.
"Being good and kind, that will carry you through the world." ~ Alvin,
gardener at Biras Creek
My blog: http://islandwomanculebra.blogspot.com/
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- Culebra Night Full of Lightning
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 07:29:38 -0400
Culebra enjoyed a wonderful light show of cloud lightning last night. It was from thunderhead/cumulus clouds similar to these seen in daytime.
However, the night clouds were larger and very active last night.
Culebra received only 0.20 inches of rain with the passing storms, with a really spectacular show.
- Bertha Outer Bands Reach Culebra
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 06:42:50 -0400
Good Morning, 6:15 AM, the outer rain bands of "Bertha" reach Culebra. Really welcome rain with some wind gust estimated at 25 mph.
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- July Rainfall Data & Bertha Watch
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2014 06:58:28 -0400
Good Morning, Culebra's July rainfall was only 1.2 inches and most of that came early in the month. Very dry & hot conditions have prevailed till just recently. As you will see from the chart attached we are well below our average rainfall at this time. We would prefer some slow, steady rainfall, but it looks like TS Bertha will pass to the south and give us some heavy rainfall tomorrow afternoon/evening. It's being still below 15 degrees latitude indicates that, my unscientific method, but seems to hold true. I also attach some recent underwater photos of the aquatic life around our island.
Enjoy, William
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- Culebra: Minimal Rainfall
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2014 06:54:26 -0400
Culebra received only 0.4 inches of rain for the month of June. This is our second lowest on our records. In spite of minimal moisture, the trees and flowers continue to bloom with vivid color. A welcome site against the brown grasses.
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- Culebra, PR; Rain & View
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 06:43:04 -0400
Good Morning,
Culebra has finally gotten some rain from the wave passing through the islands. A short, but heavy rain of about 2/10ths of an inch early this morning. We see more on the radar and are hopeful for more for our little island. Yesterday we flew over to PR and I got these aerial views out small village and bay area. Also, on the approach for landing at the old Roosevelt Roads base, you can see the wind farm in the distance.
Enjoy, and more rain please, William
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- Culebra Rainfall Data
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2014 06:14:01 -0400
Good Morning, Culebra's rainfall for the month of May was 2.80 inches. This is well below our average for this month.
We hope all islanders are prepared for hurricane season, with provisions and supplies. Time to check battery supplies, and test run that generator if you have one.
I have attached a couple of Frangi Pani photos from our yard. They bloomed well this year, Enjoy, William
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- April Rains + Green & Flowers
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 1 May 2014 06:09:31 -0400
Good Morning,
Culebra received 4.4 inches of rain in April, which did great things for our grasses and flowers. The island is at it's springtime best.

For those of you who have this tradition for the beginning of a month:
Rabbit, Rabbit!

Enjoy the merry month of May, William
- Culebra Rain
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2014 07:36:14 -0400
Good Morning, I attach a photo of our rain gauge showing 2.5 inches of rain in the past two days. That is more rain than in the past two months.
You will also note the green starting to show in the grass. A wonderful rain, that mostly had time to soak in. Thank You to all the rain dancers.
Today dawns clear and sunny, looks to be a nice weekend.
Enjoy, William
- Happy April
- From: William Kunke <wkunke787 at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2014 07:03:53 -0400
Happy April islanders, perhaps some April showers? Let's hope.
As the chart indicates, Culebra received only 0.9 inches of rain in March. A very dry start to the year with only 3.1 inches.
With beautiful sunrises and schooners anchored in the bay we will not complain too much.
Wishing you all a Happy April and some rain if you need it.
Enjoy, William