- - - 2013 Hurricane Season - - -
- Hey, it is raining!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 08 May 2014 07:05:13 -0400
Well looks like just a small shower!
Not enough to do any good. Nothing showing on Martinique radar.
Barbados radar 24 hours out of date.
The garden is really suffering now.
Have a nice day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Hi all, yes I am still alive and kicking!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 15:16:42 -0400
Hi all,
Sorry if I have been very quiet recently. Two reasons - one there has
been very little weather to talk about and two we have been working hard
re-tiling our swimming pool. Just finished!
Still not much to report weather-wise. It has been very dry and many
plants are beginning to look a bit sorry for themselves. We are noticing
more fire engines rushing along the road below us. The 2 new tank traps
(speed humps) must be really slowing them down. But for us, hopefully,
no more accidents at that gap. We all wish we hadn't had the need to get
them installed, but there were just too many accidents caused by
speeding vehicles commng round the bend.
This afternoon a high band of hazy cloud is moving over us, coming up
from S. America. Very little sign of any much needed rain.
I will try to do more posts from now on. And thanks to all the people
that got in touch saying they had noticed a lack of posts from me. All
the best to all of you who read my posts.
Hogan of Grenada
- Oh What a Night it was......
- From: "Jacquie Dowden" <jacquiedowden at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2013 18:54:26 -0400
As Chris said, I’ve never seen lightning like it, of course the light show
did not bother the dogs but the accompanying thunder was not well
received..... oh no it was not!!!! My husband slept through it until I
woke him at 5 15 am to relieve me from dog calming so I could relieve
myself!!! I ended up trying to sleep in the armchair owing to the fact
that my 5 terrified dogs would not let me move.... I got about half an hour
sleep before being brought back to reality by one dog trying to get on my lap
and another quaking with fear almost glued to my leg!!! I dutifully did a
‘Stalker’ and unplugged everything.... just in case and spent the night
watching the lightning light up the sky like daylight.... almost
Hope it’s more peaceful tonight.
Wishing everyone a blessed New Year.
- Happy (noisy/flashy) Christmas.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2013 07:30:52 -0400
Merry Christmas,
What a night. I have never seen so much lightning, and it went on for
many hours. It is still with us, but not so obvious now it is light.
As for the cause well, it does appear on the water vapour satellite
images that there is a low pressure area in the NE Caribbean with a big
swirl of high cloud being sucked into it from S.America. How long will
this weather last? - I haven't a clue!
Have a nice Christmas Day and all the best to you all for 2014.
Hogan of Grenada
- Thunder just SW of Grenada
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2013 14:47:38 -0400
A sudden change in the weather. About 30 minutes ago I could hear
frequent Thunder coming from a big shower just SW of us. The thunder has
eased off now, but the shower clouds are building all around us. The
radar shows more heavy showers between us and Tobago, and moving in our
direction. A few rain drops at the moment.
Hogan of Grenada
- My best wishes for a Happy Christmas to you all! 🎅🎅🎉🎊
- From: Sally Stalker <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2013 23:03:12 -0400
Now this is a true story. I have a Traveller's Palm which is 40 feet high and
if you subtract a little for exaggeration it is still very high! Ivan broke
it in two and as I sadly stood looking at the sad spectacle I told it I would
have to cut it down. I made the arrangements and next day the man with the
wood thingy...no, not a cutlass the petrol thingy, came to do the deed; I was
really sad. I put my hand out to bid it farewell when something green caught
my eye....a shoot, in the heart of the tree! It was a lovely sight! We
cleared the debris and left the shoot to grow. It grew to 40 feet give or take
a foot and is constantly on the move. Round and round. Last week it started
to interfere with the electricity lines to the house and Handyman began to
mutter about the house burning down. It was very stormy up here and the palm
fronds were lashing the wires. Big sigh and along comes man with the petrol
thingy but he was worried about how the palm would fall so he went away to get
help. Once more I stood by the tree and sadly bid it farewell. Next morning
it had completely turned and the fronds were clear of all wires! Now isn't
that something! Spooky but lovely!
To all you sailors having a wonderful sail out there on the seas....scary
looking from here but who's a sailor! Have a very Happy and lovely Christmas
with not too much salt on your Pud! 👻🎅🎄🎁
- I'm going to murder that dog....!
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2013 10:10:08 -0400
I awoke to a rainstorm and a poodle nibbling my nose while standing on my chest.....He wants to go out! Bleary eyed but noting wearily that he had not taken matters into his own hands, I staggered to the door and off he went barking...some would say joyously but in effect he's daft and is barking at nothing. The others had not moved from their cosy beds, oh no, they don't like going out in the wet dark at five in the morning! And it was cool.
When we all surfaced again the sun was shining and it looked all set to be a beautiful Caribbean day! Sadly not to be! It is stormy oop north as I write. I hope there are no sailors going up to Carriacou today. They will have a rough passage; there are little white horses jumping all over the place and plumes of spray the other side of Green Island....ooh I feel quite seasick!
No doubt Hogan is basking in sunshine down south!
Looks as if I may not have to murder the poodle, he is systematically stripping the tree of its ornaments....wait till he gets to the lights! Hee, hee!
Don't be fooled by the piccy...he's five pounds of trouble!
Description: JPEG image
- Windy with showers.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2013 06:18:59 -0400
Good morning all,
Have woken up with wet feet! I closed the window last night with the
first rain, but didn't notice that it wasn't fully closed. Water all
over the bedroom floor!
The wind has picked up over night and looks as if it will remain all
day. We have a bunch of rain showers rushing through, as of 6am. But -
for anyone having an outdoor event today, my guess is we could have some
showers, but they should be short-lived. The radar isn't showing many
showers other than the batch we are getting now, and a small blob south
of Barbados.
Hope you have a good weekend.
Hogan of Grenada
- The weather, naturally!
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 16:16:42 -0400
It has been wet and windy oop north. I left for the Big Nutmeg in a mini storm cursing my bad luck at having to go into the pollution of the Capital....ha, ha! I jest! St. George's must be the least polluted Capital in the world ( if you discount the odd whiff of weed here and there ).
By the time I reached St David , there was sunshine and calm....of course, why do I forget!
I dropped friend off to do her Mammoth Christmas Shop and went to my Physiotherapy session. Oh tell me Lord, how long do you intend to punish me! How long does an attack of sciatica last? My friend suggested eight months....her taxi back oop north will be expensive!!
Nothing interests me; not food ; not booze...well, temper that a little but it's not the way it used to be. The Physiotherapy and Pain relief Center is amazing! There are two therapists and a masseuse; a receptionist and someone who "does" in the office and then there's Ayo.
It is the happiest, most laughter filled center I have ever been to. The receptionist is a delight greeting you with a dignified "hello, my dear" which immediately makes you smile. From then on it is all love and laughter! My session lasts an hour and a half.....it is sometimes with Miss Forte and sometimes with Mr Young. Miss Forte is beyond description but I'll try! Young but not too young, petite and beautiful not because she is necessarily physically beautiful but because of her charisma. She makes everyone feel happy, so all we sufferers be it from stroke, accident or self inflicted sciatica shuffle in and walk out a little easier. The cubicles are curtained off so you can hear the laughter all around. Ayo is Mr young's little daughter who turns up from Kindergarten about the time I am being transformed into a human again. She is a gifted child and is obviously going to give her parents a lot to think about. The school can't keep up with her. I'm so glad I don't have to try either. The only time she stops talking is when she's asleep. You know that old saying " behind every cloud....." Well the Center is my silver lining!
Today has been luverly! Sunny and breezy and cool, I am trying not to disturb the dogs in case they want to go walkies......the mere thought!
- For once I got it right!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 07:18:18 -0400
It is not often I can say this, but my prediction for yesterday was correct!
For the first time this year I felt a little chilly in bed. The airport
says the temperature dropped to 24C, I suspect it was a bit lower than that.
As for today, I see less high cloud on the satellite images, we do not
appear to have the jet stream of high cloud from S.America that we had
yesterday. I still see (radar) numerous small showers heading our way
from an area between us and Barbados. Unfortunately the BGI radar
appears to be a 2-3 hours out of date. The Martinique radar does not
show the showers, but that isn't as sensitive at that range. Windguru is
predicting some nice wind and still has some high cloud, although
diminishing. It doesn't show any rain after 8am. I feel there is a
chance of short showers.
Looking out I can see what looks like fine rain showers to the south,
The horizon is very hazy. The mountains have a cloud covering. There is
also a fair amount of low cloud around.
I hope you all have a pleasant day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Lovely day oop north...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013 14:22:20 -0400
It's starting well....and the week has been altogether lovely! Perched on top of the ridge as I am, well the house is, the breeze can be a bit overpowering at times. Going about my usual, happy routine evening on Saturday, there was an almighty rendering (such a great word! Conjures up many pictures....and all the emotions!) noise, followed by a smashing and crashing. Fortunately this was from outside. We, poodle et al, were breathless with shock until common sense took over......well not for the poodle who is daft anyway. My very, very old grapefruit tree foolishly and to everyone's surprise decided to cover itself with fruit this year. Its poor old tired branches had given way taking half the tree down. The tree is close to the house and there could have been a nasty mess with the roof but the blessed tree fell the other way spewing little green grapefruit far and wide. I am quite teary about it. He who does the garden is not in a good mood ( hee, hee that'll keep him busy and he can't find an excuse either as that all important Christmas thingy is drawing closer, God I am evil!).
Chris ' rain is now on my radar but that's all right, we need a bit of rain. The clouds have all joined up and the islands are obscured by the rain, the electricity is making funny jumpy sounds indicative of a tree branch hitting the wires....oops, it may be the travellers palm which has moved into the danger position. I wonder how many circuits it makes in a year!
So there you are, you now know it is raining.....I 'm getting good at this!
- That high cloud again.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 07:47:40 -0400
Good morning Grenada,
The satellite images are showing high cloud coming off of South America
and the radar is showing numerous showers from St Vincent to out past
Barbados. They appear to be drifting south (that is in our general
direction. So mix the high cloud and the lower shower clouds, it looks
like a fairly cloudy day with the increasing chance of showers. Maybe?
Hogan of Grenada
- Raining !
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 08:37:55 -0400
Good morning all,
As I write it is raining. Looking at the Barbados weather radar it
appears we are in an area of two bands of rain. One low level coming
from the east, the other is higher from higher clouds coming more from
the south, off of Venezuela. This seems to lead to a fairly cloudy
morning, with showers. The windguru website is predicting quite a bit
of cloud (at all levels) and a reasonable easterly breeze. So it does
look like showers, with not a huge amount of sun.
Hogan of Grenada
- Mostly overcast.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 06:49:51 -0400
Good morning,
We have just had some light rain, the sky is mostly overcast.
Windguru is suggesting some rain today with more overnight. Some heavier
cloud does seem to be building a little east of T&T, could this be where
the rain is going to come from? Unfortunately Barbados radar seems to be
about 4 hours old, so can't see what is happening on the radar.
Still we have had a few really nice days.
I hope you enjoy what is left of your weekend.
Hogan of Grenada
- Oh, oh
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 08:48:12 -0400
Here comes the rain...not gently, fiercely rattling against the windows! Turn on the lights, keeps the damp out of the walls!.....I know, I know! Carbon footprint. It will have to be "Big Foot " today.
- Now the weather for instance...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 08:19:52 -0400
It sobbed and it sighed and it lashed down with rain all last night and a bit of yesterday also. The wind rattled the windows. Rain seemed to blow in all around the house and of course it was cool. In fact , typical November wet and windy with the sea boiling over the rocks at Bathway.
( See, I can do weather too, maybe not as technical as Chris but you get the picture , right? Anyway you don't need all of us being Clever Clogs....every Court had it's "Fool" ).
This morning is very overcast and grey with a good strong breeze from the North East. I wouldn't recommend a sail down the East Coast today, you might have a bit of a battle!
- Started off a miserable day.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 07:29:22 -0400
Good morning,
It is completely overcast this morning. It appears to be mostly high
cloud coming off of the South American continent . The humidity is 90%
which is not helping me dry some roofing ply which was meant to be
painted this morning! I have had two fans blowing on it all night. How
can a builders merchant supply such wet timber?
I am really not sure what today will bring, weather-wise. There appears
to be a large area of rain passing just south of us. There aren't many
showers showing to our East on the radar and I can also see some
brightness to the east. Windguru has the strong breeze remaining for
today and tomorrow. It also suggests some more rain this afternoon. The
question is will the high cloud streaming off of Venezuela ease off or
not. My guess is that it will. It will be interesting to see if Windguru
is correct about the rain.
Have a nice day
Hogan of Grenada
- Some showers with wind
- From: "Jacquie Dowden" <jacquiedowden at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 18:21:31 -0400
Chris, the showers this morning stopped off at us on their way ooop North
and they continued during the day on and off. Some quite heavy, especially
the one just a moment ago and usual the wind comes up during the shower.
Good for the garden but not for my house, I now have a whole new set of doggy
footprints through the kitchen and onto the veranda. Luckily their feet
cleaned off a bit before entering the lounge to take cover from the rain.
I’m half expecting one of the sheep (we have 10 now wondering around the
garden eating my plants!!! I thought they ate GRASS!!!) to come up the steps and
appear at the doorway..... perhaps I shouldn’t have said that, the other
day one came half way up but ran away when he saw me.....
Between the showers it was the usual Caribbean day....
- Poor old Liat does it again!
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 10:47:25 -0400
Spent the day in Barbados. Arriving at Grantley Adams to return to Grenada I find I have left passport etc etc back at base camp. No money...nudding! Couldn't even get out of car park until kindly car hire person checked me out. Now I'm a careful driver of a certain age...well I was! With a quick prayer to Mother Theresa and Himself I blazed a path back to base, picked up said documentation and blasted off again. Base is on the West Coast and the airport is on the South Coast...no small distance and at least three highways away!I
Arriving back at Grantley Adams intact and with minutes to spare I checked in, tore through Immigration and Customs....well that's a slight exaggeration but being Sunday the I and C people were in, what passes for them, a relaxed mood and it went well. Last time I passed through their hands they made me go back out and check in my hand luggage because I had two tubes of sun block! A case of big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em.....but I digress.
I arrived panting at Gate 9....that's the Small Islands gate. It was packed with grumpy looking Small Islanders.....oh, oh. Bad sign!. My flight was scheduled to depart in twenty minutes.
Three hours later the Trinis waiting to get on the flight became restless, the rest of us .... Grenadians, who are more resigned, watched hopefully. The Trinis declared UDI and moved towards the main building in search of food and drink only to be rebuffed by Security..and you don't mess with Security...dem women are big! The Trinis then descended on the unfortunate kiosk manager who had closed up some hours previously and was now counting his money. Well what would you do faced with irate Trinis even if you have no entrepreneurial skills? He put all his money back in the till and opened up! Hot chocolate and Doritos flew off the shelves!
Liat then decided to tell us that a plane was coming for us and everyone settled down again with their iPads and iphones. By now I was considering giving up; was I destined to have a third misfortune?! But I was so tired and hungry that somehow the alternative seemed worse than the prospective ! We arrived in Grenada eventually....not a soul around except a smiling Immigration Officer who hoped I wasn't driving oop north.
It rained heavily early this morning but it seems a nice day out there...I'm still in bed!
- Breezy, Sunshine & Showers?
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 08:15:11 -0400
Good Monday morning.
The morning has started with a nice breeze,and plenty of early
sunshine. I can see small showers passing just south of Grenada. I can
also see a shower just to our East, and likely to reach here before I
finish typing. Currently it is hitting near the Foodland/bakers at
Westerhall. Also the mountains have disappeared in rain.
The radar shows many small showers coming in from the East. There is a
nice breeze so any showers should pass quickly.
Windguru has the wind for the next couple of days. It also shows the
possibility of high cloud spreading in. The high cloud can be seen on
the satellite images streaming out from Venezuela towards the East. The
lightning website shows storms occurring just East of Trinidad & Tobago.
So my guess for today is breeze, possible short showers and maybe some
high cloud later.
So hope you all have a good week. I will probably ease off with the
weather posts unless I see anything unusual.
By the way, apart from a few drips the rain shower bypassed us to the North!
Hogan of Grenada
- A typical November day?
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 06:42:56 -0400
Good morning.
The Sun has just risen above a distant shower cloud. Blue sky above us.
Clouds shrouding the top of the mountains. The radar shows quite a few
showers midway between us and Barbados, heading in our general
direction. So it looks like a typical Grenada November day with plenty
of sunshine and the chance of some showers, maybe heavy, but should pass
quickly. Windguru website shows the breeze increasing over the next two
days, it also show an increase in the chance of rain.
For any of you reading this in the UK, Northern Europe, Northern US or
Canada, the temperature here at 06:40 AM is 27C (80F). Isn't it time to
consider coming to Grenada?
Have a good Sunday.
Hogan of Grenada
- Numerous small showers on the radar.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 05:57:44 -0400
No major weather systems in our area, but there are numerous showers
showing between us and Barbados, and beyond. It looks like we could get
a short shower at any time. Dawn is showing a mixture of clear sky with
fluffy clouds. As always there are more clouds over the mountains, with
the tops just covered.
Have a good day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Back to normal?
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 09:14:00 -0400
Good morning,
We have just had a small shower. There is another shower (both visually
and on radar) just off to our East which looks as if it may clip us (in
the South) very soon. The breeze is back, although not very strong.
There is some high misty cloud which seems to be streaming off of South
America. The radar shows a few showers in the triangle
Tobago/Barbados/Grenada, all travelling in an easterly direction.
Hazy sky and bright Moon ruined any chance of seeing the comet this
morning. Only 8 days before it skims the Sun - will it survive?
Have a great day
Hogan of Grenada
- Melissa stole our swirl!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 07:16:40 -0400
Good morning all,
The Low pressure that was NE of the Caribbean has become Sub Tropical
Storm Melissa. It was this that grabbed the Swirl and stopped us getting
the possibility of some rain.
There are no showers, worth talking about, in our area (per the radar).
There is just a a very slight Easterly breeze. Just fluffy clouds
scattered in the otherwise clear sky. The Sun is shining and a Mocking
Bird is singing his heart out. What more could one ask for?
Windguru is predicting the wind to pick up from the east later today, so
we will be back to the cooling easterly breeze by tomorrow (hope).
I hope you all have a lovely day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Calm cool and lovely.....
- From: stalker <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 07:45:03 -0400
Early morning in the North.....

Sally Stalker
P O Box 26
St. George's
Grenada. West Indies
Stalker at spiceisle.com
Tel + 1 473 4429243
mobile + 473 407 3366
- Cool , calm and clear..
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 06:59:51 -0400
It is really cool this morning and Coco's little warm body tucked into my back was really rather pleasant. The light is stunning and I notice the fishermen are out in force in their little boats. There seems to be no warmth in the sun yet but no doubt that will change as the morning progresses. The palms are moving so there is some breath of air but the air itself is refreshing. The change in temperature this month especially in the early morning and evening is charming. Beautiful Caribbean!
- Confused weather.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 05:52:58 -0400
Good morning.
The small weather system that we have been following over the last few
days has moved NE, and is now about 60 miles East of Barbados. As I said
yesterday, it looks as if it is being dragged by the bigger low pressure
further north.
It is leaving us with this calm weather. There are no signs of showers
between us and Barbados. There is no wind this morning. The skies are
clear, even the tops of the mountains are free of cloud. I was able to
see the Comet ISON this morning, for the first time, but it only
appeared as a fuzzy green dot - very disappointing.
Have a good day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Our strange little swirl.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 17:59:49 -0400
Good afternoon. I thought I would give an update.
There is a large area of low pressure with corresponding frontal systems
stretching North from just East of Antigua area. Our little low pressure
has, if anything been dragged slightly towards Barbados, my guess is the
bigger system wants to grab our Low (very non technical)!
But our swirl is seen very clearly on the Barbados radar. It is very
strange to see weather systems in our area not moving in a general E-W
direction. I am also assuming that the combined low pressure systems
out to our East and NE are what is causing us to have hardly any breeze
(sucking in our trade winds). Windguru is not predicting an increase in
wind speed until late Tuesday. Passage weather has our small low
dispersing over night, but still little wind.
Hogan of Grenada
- Another beautiful day...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 09:15:16 -0400
It was cool this early morning...Caribbean cool of course but so very pleasant. There is an effectively cool breeze and the sea is making that lovely sound which is water rushing on to sand and pulling out again. The birds are twittering, they sing later in the afternoon. All very calming and peaceful but slightly marred by Smudge who Is snoring and the odd whine of a mosquito..so hard to catch the little ...!
No rain yesterday and no sign of any today and last night the moon rose into a Walt Disney sky not a cloud in sight. At the back of the house, or the front depending on which way you look at things, was Venus, all alone and glittering like the diamond I always coveted!
I thought of Himself, who would have sat on his bench, beer in hand absorbing the wonder of it all with perfect contentment. It's his birthday this week...I hope he's as happy there as he was here, but he was happy anywhere so that's all right!
Isn't the light stunning at this time of year! Perfect for photographers, sadly I am a foot photographer and have more pictures of my toes, feet, slippers, my boots! I honestly don't know how I do it...it happens. I might do a Tracy Emin one of these days and fool Saatchi into believing it's Art!
- The swirl off to our east.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 07:09:46 -0400
Good morning all,
I mentioned a low pressure system about 100 miles to our east. It is
still there, and I should emphasis THERE, as it has not moved at all in
the last 24 hours. I was out at 4:30 this morning and looking east (for
the comet) I saw lightning way out on the horizon. So it is still
active. But it does look as if it wants to stay where it is, which is
about 100 miles south of Barbados, about 50 miles NE of Tobago and about
100 miles east of us. It still shows a swirl on the Barbados radar,
although the 'Low' has been removed from the synopsis chart, leaving a
very weak wave. It does appear that a bigger low pressure system further
north (shown as 20% chance of developing) may be absorbing our small
one. So unless things change it does look as if the half marathon today
may not get the breeze or the rain that Phil wanted!
I was unable to see the comet today due to a stupid cloud that was just
where I wanted to view. It only cleared after the sky got too bright for
me to see the comet.
Very calm day, no breeze at all. If it stays like this we could get
another shower like we did yesterday (Westerhall), where the cloud
builds up over the hot land and drops some rain.
At the moment, 07:05, There is a small area of medium-high cloud to the
SE. And a small cap of cloud on our nearby mountain. Apart from that it
is clear blue sky.
Hogan of Grenada
- Oh what a beautiful morning; Oh what a wonderful day!
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 14:11:42 -0400
You just can't beat a wonderful Caribbean day! Blue, blue skies, cool, cool breeze and only the sound of the sea..oops, add to that the whine of a mosquito.. Or two! Always get 'em after a rainy spell! Everyone's dogs are asleep including Coco the demon pup. There's no "people noise", no mechanical noise and although I'm dying to play my new Alfie Boe, I can't bring myself to disturb the utter tranquility of it all.
Just polished off a salad and a few pringley things..you lie you ate half a box of Lay's Stax..a couple of glasses of Pinot Grigio, and am now about to stretch out alongside Coco the demon poodle and have a weeny , tiny, shut eye! Ahhhhhh!
- Good (late) Morning
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 11:59:53 -0400
Hi folks,
Sorry I have not been doing posts recently. Mrs Crumble hasn't been too
well, Then we went away for a couple of days, Then I went down with a
similar bug.
Anyway we were both sitting out on the veranda thinking what a lovely
day it is today, so I thought it was time to have a peek at the various
web sites.
It does look like there is a small bit of a swirl of showery weather
just South of Barbados and slowly moving and creeping in our general
direction. The nearest of the showers is still about 100 miles to our
East. The swirl is marked on the synopsis chart as a small low pressure.
But it seems strong enough to be creating some heavy rain showers.
So my guess is enjoy this lovely day. I don't think tomorrow will be the
The Nautilus has stopped it's live broadcasts of it's dives, despite
doing two more in the area. For those that looked, there were some very
interesting sightings, in amongst a lot of boring bits. A dive two days
ago went down to the bottom of the slope of Kick em Jenny. They went to
a depth of 2150 meters. That is 2.5 times deeper than Mt St Catherine.
Just think, you could put Grenada in the sea just off to our east and it
would easily disappear!
I have been unable to see the comet ISON, despite getting up each
morning at 4:30. This morning it was clear skies, but the Moon is now
making the sky too bright. On 28th November it will be very close to the
Sun, but if it survives, then there may be another chance to see it in
early December, but it will be low in the Northern sky. Hopefully good
viewing from the north of Grenada where there is little light pollution.
Grenada does seem to install the worst street lights available!
Enjoy the rest of the fine weather. Off shopping now.
Hogan of Grenada
- Well strange things happening at sea!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 17:51:25 -0400
For those that may be watching the saga of Nautilus. It suddenly became
visible just South of us. Since then it seems to be a joke. Nautilus is
saying nothing - probably been told not to say a word. It is getting
dark now. The sail boat seems to be going round in circles, beats into
wind, then loses all he has made. It is now getting dark. I have asked
nautilus to tell us what is happening, but silence.
So as it gets dark. The sailboat seems to be heading out to sea off Ft
Jeudy. Nautilus has turned to face West (with the sail boat about .5
mile West of it). There also seems to be another boat hovering in between.
Weather wise it is calm but hazy!
- Nautilus to the rescue!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:55:44 -0400
To any of you that may not have been watching the Nautilus dives. The
boat suddenly got called to a boat in distress this morning. It is
currently on station some 30 miles NE of Grenada - they tell us.
They are still broadcasting video, and occasionally giving a commentary.
Be interested to hear from anyone that may have picked up the distress
call. Apparently the generator has stopped working on the other boat.
Crew from Nautilus are on board assisting. Does anyone know the LAT/LON?
Hogan of Grenada
- Jelly....
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 08:14:13 -0400
That's me. I'm a jelly! Hogan has given me yet another thing to worry about. Kick 'em Jenny. Yes I have known it is there, yes I was here when it gave a little hiccough years ago. In fact a friend rang at that time and very agitatedly asked if I was ok. I examined myself carefully and said I could find nothing amiss. Admittedly I was a bit taken aback but "none so queer as folk" . She then became more agitated and said "you have got to get out of there now, hurry up no time to spare". Well I am human after all an could feel the panic rising..."is Dumper out?" I stuttered. Dumper being our local very clever cat thief who had evaded the police and the SSU for some weeks. To cut this shaggy story short, she had been told Jenny was about to blow! It seemed very normal up here so I tossed a coin...I go or I stay with husband, dogs and the home I love, dying heroically by their side...needless to say said husband had sighed and returned to his newspaper. Well it all fizzled out, thank heavens! But here we are again....and guess what!
They have just let Dumper out again! ( in time for his Christmas haul!).
We have had lots of rain over the past few days and strong North East Trades ( hee, hee, Jim...I'm good, ain't I!) it is very hazy with a weak sun and a promise of rain. Perhaps Mr Fish should live oop north, we seem to be a more accurate weather vane than down south.
- Breezy & hazy
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 06:49:54 -0400
Good morning,
I still have not been able to see the comet - too cloudy this morning.
Apparently it is now becoming visible in normal binoculars. Look exactly
East and fairly low in the sky just before dawn.
There is a strong breeze today, the Windguru website shows it as staying
until tomorrow. There are very few showers between us and Barbados, but
what there is is moving fast on the NE trades. So any showers should be
short. If they do occur they could be preceded by strong gusts of wind.
Looking out, I see a hazy horizon. The Sun is trying to peer through
layers of cloud. The tops of the mountains are just in cloud.
The Nautilus had to stop the under water survey yesterday due to the
conditions on the surface. They are still out of the water as I send
this. It is a shame as they have been returning some very interesting
images from Kick em Jenny. Yesterday they were at a vent which they have
called Champagne Vent. It had a large amount of bubbles streaming from
it. People at the North of the island should be able to see the Survey
vessel out near the islands ready to lower the submersibles at any time,
if the wind and swell eases off. You can monitor it on
Have a good day.
Hogan of Grenada
- looks like they are just about to launch the submersibles!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 09:53:12 -0400
Good morning,
overcast this morning, often follows heavy rain and squalls overnight.
There are some showers off to our East and heading in this direction.
The Nautilus looks as if it is about to launch the subs. They seem to
have removed the straps. They seem to be in the area of Kick em Jenny
and Jack. Watch:
Have a great day
Hogan of Grenada
- A day for remembrance.....
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 09:59:36 -0400
Today is Remembrance Sunday....Poppy Day.
As always I spend a little time remembering those of my family who gave their lives in both World Wars and also the men and women serving their country in foreign lands. I watch with tears the royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance and the Ceremony at the Cenotaph. I wear my Poppy with pride....lest we forget!
Hogan keeps us in touch with the goings on in the weather charts but oop north we have a strong blow...enough to scatter my papers and whip a picture off the wall...lovely day, very hazy and....could that be a sprinkle of rain? We had a lot yesterday!
And guess what! Coco the demon pup, asked to go out! Am I getting somewhere?! I misinterpreted the call and received a small package but never mind..we may be almost there!
- Good view from The Nautilus in St George harbour.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 08:48:12 -0400
Hi there,
Thanks to those of you that contacted me yesterday. Unfortunately the
under water bit went a bit boring just as I sent the link. But later it
did view some interesting coral features and various deep water fish in
kick em Jack.
As I send this today, the mother ship is in the main harbour of Grenada,
with one of the webcams looking out of the harbour towards the SW
peninsular, for those that have been here, the airport is right on the
end of that peninsula. Just to the left is the entrance to the Port
Louis Marina. Click on Channel 1 and then full screen to get a good view
of Grenada. Also you can watch some of the boats entering and leaving
the harbour.
See: http://www.nautiluslive.org/
They are saying that they will be entering the water again this
afternoon. Not sure where it will dive today.
Hogan of Grenada
- Bright, breezy and hazy
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 08:05:51 -0400
Good morning Grenada.
We are still in the fairly dry area. Tobago is having some reasonable
rain, but today that does not look as if it will come in our direction.
There are very few showers between us and just south of Barbados, and
what few there are seem to be fizzling out before reaching us. The
trough I mentioned yesterday has weakened and is hardly moving. It is
still marked on the charts at about 300 miles East of us, but with very
little rain now.
Looking out it is hazy but sunny. There is a nice breeze from the East.
The satellite I mentioned yesterday has managed to survive over night,
but expected to fall to Earth in the next 2-3 hours. It is currently
passing over (as I write), several hundred miles to our West. Not
likely to see it so far away in daylight. It should not survive until
it's next night time pass tomorrow evening!
So I will stick my neck out and say today should be fine with a nice
breeze. There is a chance that the rainy weather currently near Tobago
could spread up.
Have a nice Sunday.
Hogan of Grenada
- See undersea views of Kick em Jenny & Jack live.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 12:55:44 -0400
There is currently a submersible showing live views from near Kick em
Jenny, See http://www.nautiluslive.org/ click on channel 1 for good views.
Hogan of Grenada
- Sunshine & showers?
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 07:33:16 -0400
Good morning all, and a special good morning to Andrea and his friends
who I met up with briefly at The Little Dipper last night. Sorry I
couldn't stay (Mrs Crumble wasn't feeling well). And thanks for paying
for the meal!
We have the weak tropical wave (surface trough) struggling to reach us.
Ahead of it there seems to be some scattered showers. The the wave is
marked on the synopsis chart in a N/S line about 450 miles East of us.
This trough has some heavy rain embedded with the odd thunder. The
question is whether it will survive the next few hundred miles. If it
does then tomorrow could bring cloudier conditions.
Meanwhile the radar and satellite images show a relatively clear area
ahead of the trough. With numerous small scattered showers, between us
and Barbados, it looks as if Carriacou has just received some rain. The
showers are coming from a N/Easterly direction and travelling fairly
fast. Therefore any showers could be heavy but be short-lived.
So my guess for today is Sunshine & Showers.
For those that have asked about the Comet, no I still haven't seen it.
My alarm goes off at 4:30 each morning. This morning I looked out and it
was overcast, so I didn't bother. Apparently it is getting brighter, but
still not visible to the naked eye. The Moon will become a problem in
the next few days.
There is also a satellite GOCE which is about to 'fall' to earth over
the next 24 hours. It is not known where on earth it will come down, all
I can tell you is none of it's orbits bring it directly over us, but one
pass takes it well to our West tonight at about 19:45-19:50 (ish) this
evening. It will not be visible, unless we are very lucky and it happens
to burn up on that orbit. So just in case, look West at about that time.
It will be travelling from South to North and passing just above the
planet Venus (the bright object in the Western Sky and NO Venus is not
an American Satellite!). The chances of seeing GOCE burn up near us are
minuscule, but it would be a shame to miss it if it happens, it will be
quite a firework display!
Do have a good day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Don't run an airline or own a hotel in the West Indies....!
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 23:42:50 -0400
I returned from Barbados last night....I missed the pilots' strike but got caught up in the back log of passengers.
I trotted up to the airport in time to catch the 12 .50 to Grenada and Trinidad, in fact I checked in really early in case things were still pear shaped with Liat and refrained from any comment when I saw the challenging look in the check in clerk's eyes. Are they still called "check in clerk" these days or are they called something else? I can't keep up with PC names. What they ain't called is courteous. Ominously there were no Liat Superior Girls around just one Mr Jekyll. Too intimidated to say a word I proceeded to the departure lounge and went to get some coffee and something to eat....bad mistake, (apart from the awful food). As I was about to receive my white styrofoam box of junk food which I had paid for, I heard my name being called over the tannoy! Now I don't know about you but I panic when I hear my name over a tannoy system. I took off chased by a junk food dispenser person waving a styrofoam box and a styrofoam cup in the air.....I managed to out pace her and arrived at gate 9a convinced I had misread my itinerary. But no, a Liat Superior Person had decided to put me on what in all likelihood was the last flight to Grenada. At least she saved me from severe indigestion!
The dash 8 has open seating and suffering as I do from claustrophobia, I have to sit near the front of the plane to avoid making a complete idiot of myself. The secret is to be first at the gate and then sprint to the plane when allowed out the door. In this way I avoid having to announce my defect to Liat Superior Persons and numerous small islanders.
Collapsing into my second row seat gratefully, I watched as the plane filled up rapidly with weary travellers. A very large and very dignified lady climbed into the cabin followed by a very large infirm lady.....all the front seats were taken. My heart sank, I was going to be asked to move....I felt it, I knew it and I was, to the back of the plane ! I had the choice now of being noble and ultimately panicking the entire plane at some point or refusing to move turning myself into an object of disgust ....typical foreigner, only thinks of herself. I chose the latter.
We sat on the Tarmac for forty minutes with no air conditioning while the pilot climbed in and out examining the external parts of the plane..followed by every pair of eyes on board..by this time I was convinced the plane would not leave....no one complained, but we did leave to sighs of relief and clapping from one obvious couple of foreigners. The rest of us know Liat only too well!
By the way the weather was quite rainy in Barbados......
- A band of showers heading our way???
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 13:58:04 -0400
Hi all,
I have just picked up Mrs Crumble from hospial, spent last night at
SAMs. She has had a virus, and felt a bit weak. Still she has now been
pumped with lots of liquid which seems to have perked her up. But she
has been told to take it easy.
My weather prediction yesterday was pretty bad (MBE on it's way). Let's
see how this afternoon goes. There are some lively showers just SE of us
and creeping in our general direction, from Tobago. Will they keep
coming, will they just pass us to the South, the next couple of hours
will tell.
Further out to the East about 1500 miles is a weak tropical wave. Will
take a couple of days to see if that continues or fizzles.
I had a clear sky at 04:30 this morning, but still did not see comet
ISON. I will try again tomorrow morning. Bit of a damp squib if you ask
me - so far.
Hogan of Grenada
- Still settled area of weather
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 05:54:40 -0400
Good morning,
Very few rain blips on the radar. The satellite images show us to be in
a settled area of weather. 04:30 this morning I woke up to look for the
comet ISON, but what stars I could see were hazy, not good for spotting
a rather faint comet.
Have a good day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Dare I say - it looks like fine weather for a while
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 06:07:14 -0400
Good morning,
Lovely clear skies this morning. I got up at 04:30 to try to see Comet
ISON. But still no luck. We only have just over a week to see it before
it gets too close to the Sun and the Bright Moon will interfere with
viewing. So far this appears to be a big flop, considering the hype that
was made earlier in the year.
I will carry on looking.
The radar shows only a few small scattered showers, mostly NE of us. The
satellite images don't show any significant weather in our area, so I
hope for another few days of good weather.
Hogan of Grenada
- Sun-rain
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 08:15:04 -0400
Hi, just had an interesting phenomenon, rain with no clouds. As I said
earlier there weren't many showers around today, but we just had one.
Fairly heavy, and produced a lovely rainbow, but there were no clouds
above the rain, or just the wispiest of one. So I thought I would search
the web. Apart from a few cranky answers such as aircraft emptying
toilets (par for the course)! I found that there is such a thing as
'Sun-rain' where the moisture in the air condenses into rain without the
need to form a cloud first. This is not the first time I have
experienced this. Wouldn't it be nice if this happened more frequently?
Hogan of Grenada
- Very little to report.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 05:49:49 -0400
We seem to be in a fairly stable area of weather. Although there seems
to be a couple of small showers in our area. Hopefully a nice day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Now he tells me....
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2013 08:21:33 -0400
I had a bad night....it's the arthuritis in the knee, I fell and banged it years ago and now it's pay back time. So I was up good and early. Wait, sez I , there's a bit missing out of the sun....my word those arthuritis pills are strong! I'm hallucinating.and now I have spots before the eyes! They'll go away won't they or am I going to turn into a member of the Walking Dead.....Who ever watches that stuff? The adverts for it are terrifying!
Off to Barbados...again! They should give me honorary citizenship, I'm practically supporting the economy singlehanded. It has reliable weather tho', when it's raining it's raining and when it's sunshiny it's sunshiny! Not like Grenada whose weather keeps one guessing and talking a lot of rot!. I don't mean just me either! You know who you are!
In spite of the lopsided sun it is lovely oop north today. Hazy, calm and cool..sounds like a set of triplets...but there is that promise of change later. The signs are there, slightly grey seas and not so blue skies. There's a teasing breeze from the....hang on while I get Jim' s thingy, ah yes....actually I can't tell where it is from it is all around. Above? Jim's thingy doesn't say anything about that sort of situation but the breeze is sweet. If it wasn't for the spots before the eyes I would say everything is perfect!
- If you feel the Sun is not very bright this morning --
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 07:29:04 -0400
If you have the feeling that although the Sun is out this morning it
doesn't seem as bright as normal. That is because a big chunk is missing!!!
This is only a temporary problem and will be mended by 08:00 this
morning. Sorry if I am late, but only just found out that we are in the
middle of a Solar eclipse, only partial, with about one third missing.
It is too late to give suggestions on how to look at it.
It looks like the weather should be batter for a couple of days - famous
last words!
Hogan of Grenada (sent in a hurry)
- Fooled again...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2013 00:03:38 -0400
Well if Hogan is Grenada's answer to Mr Fish, I am definitely Mrs Nemo! I set off for the Big Nutmeg in my cosy jeans and lace ups only to hit hot sunshine and clear blue skies about a mile down the road! The air conditioning in the car, like the weather, blows hot, cool and wet. The wet bit is when water builds up somewhere under the bonnet and then cascades onto my feet. It is strangely soothing if not actually too great for the carpeting. Today I didn't notice it because of the lace ups.
To proceed with the weather, it remained hot all day and was particularly brutal around 2pm when an ominous flapping sound indicated a flat tyre. A flat tyre on my "van" is a serious business...it is a big heavy beast and not so easy to Jack up! I rang my wonderful garage man friend in a panic...oh praise The Lord it is not Saturday! The hideously bald tyre was replaced with the spare and I carefully.....to the chagrin of the macho drivers heading oop north.....drove home! I am totally unfazed by macho drivers and am more than capable of returning abuse one hundredfold....so picturesque!
Back to the weather, it was raining in Bathway of course and it still is! Coco-d likes it, poodles love water but the others peer out the door and decide to go round the back of the dining table when she- who-must-be - obeyed is washing her teeth!
- Well what a thing....!
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2013 09:05:42 -0400
It is wet, it is cold....Caribbean cold that is and definitely "cuddly" weather! My aching knee tells me it is set in for the day. Well go on, doesn't your knee, elbow, back, whatever, ache when it rains? Mammy Charles says "dem folks dem, mus ask we when rain goin' come". And she's right, my knee has been aching for days and so has hers ! I could have told Mr Fish! All dem fine charts have nuttin' on my knee. It's the Arthuritis, you know!
So back to the book, the Netflix and a big bar of Cadbury' s....probably for the whole of November! Yay!
- Having got the weather so wrong on Wednesday -
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 06:13:45 -0400
Hi all,
Well Wednesday was a wash out. Didn't see the Sun all day and it just
kept raining all day, not the odd shower that I thought we would have.
'Stalker' compared me to Michael Fish, the weather forecaster who got it
so wrong in the UK October storms in 1987. Well he received an MBE, so
you never know!
I thought I would give it a day off yesterday - dry out my seaweed etc.
This morning is breezy (from SE), still plenty of high cloud - the
satellite images show this coming off S. America. There are plenty of
showers in the whole of the Eastern Caribbean, caused by a weak wave
passing through. Windguru is suggesting that we will keep the high cloud
for a couple of days, also more low cloud later today with a good chance
of rain.
Out to our East the Atlantic weather is looking more calm, maybe we will
get some better weather soon?
I am waking most mornings about 4am hoping to see clear skies, just to
have a chance to see Comet ISON. It is slowly becoming brighter in the
pre dawn Eastern sky, but not yet visible to the naked eye. As it gets
nearer to the Sun it is expected to brighten, but at the same time the
sky will be brightening. It is at it's closes to the Sun on Nov 28th,
too close to see with the naked eye. Still the next 2 weeks are best for
us as the Moon will not be problem, as the comet hopefully brightens.
All the best to everyone today.
Hogan of Grenada
- Oh dear, oh dear!
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 08:28:21 -0400
There is definitely a malicious little rain god somewhere today....as I speak the whole system has degenerated into tropical wave conditions! Wave after wave of lashing rain sweeping the North. Very November weather! Hopefully the little god's temper will blow itself out....but don't set out yet, Guru!
- An event.....
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 07:42:52 -0400
Grenada's own Weather Guru aka the Mr Fish of the Caribbean...( sorry, a British reference there!)...is breaching Hadrian's wall and entering the land of the Painted People today. In honour of a curtesy call he will make at his acolyte's humble wattle hut, said acolyte has baked a cake! Must say it has turned out rather well....a drizzle passion fruit cake.!
The sun is up, a bit pale this morning but so far no rain and it is pleasantly cool. Visibility is not good which is a pity but the haze may clear later. Looking at the beach I doubt Guru's party will be able to swim as the surf is high and the North East winds...( I can say that with authority ...thanks to Jim!) are fairly strong, not on all four cylinders yet but winding up to the full strength Trades. All in all if it continues like it is now Guru will have a pleasant day, not too hot for an adventurous day oop north!
Watch out for Picts and Celts, Guru...!
- unsettled period?
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 06:59:37 -0400
Good morning,
Well we had plenty of small showers yesterday. Today it is going to be
difficult to guess at what is going to happen.
There is a weak weather system moving eastwards. We appear to be in a
small drier air 'hole' in the middle of moister air, going by the water
vapour satellite image. The moist air is wrapping round us, with a good
bit of rain well north of Barbados and heading roughly towards the
Antigua area. South of Barbados there are a couple of blips on the
radar. We currently have about 90% high mottled cloud coverage with few
low clouds. The morning Sun is trying to pear though the veil.
We are off towards the north of Grenada for a day out, taking some
friends for a trip. So I am hoping that we get a bit of sunshine and not
more than an odd shower.
I am also hoping to join up with a battery charger at Aggies restaurant
at Bathway for my Cannon SX30IS camera. I can't find my charger
anywhere, probably left it in the UK! So every few weeks I will have to
do a trip oop North to have a charge - unless anyone in the south has a
battery charger for similar camera?? I wouldn't need to borrow it, just
to use it for an hour or so. Can anyone help?
Have a good day everyone.
Hogan of Grenada
- May have some rain on the way.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 08:13:53 -0400
Good morning, not a bad weekend, if you exclude Friday.
The tropical wave is almost upon us. It looks much weaker than predicted
earlier in the week. The Barbados radar shows some large and possibly
heavy showers moving towards us. They are scattered so maybe we won't
all get them. The nearest showers are about 15 miles to our East. Guess
they could reach us in an hour or two (unless they disperse). There are
numerous other showers showing up in all directions from Barbados and
all moving in a Westerly direction.
Looks like the South of the UK had some grim windy weather overnight
with numerous trains and planes cancelled. The New Virgin Atlantic
flight in today I see is almost 3 hours late leaving Gatwick, I guess
due to the bad weather. From now through the Winter we have 2 BA and 2
Virgin Atlantic flights a week (I think Sun(BA),Mon(Vir),Wed(BA) and
Thu(Vir). But I believe Virgin's 'big bird' The 747 will not be coming
in again, at least for the Winter season they have introduced an Airbus
330-300, I believe similar in appearance to the Boeing 777 that BA flies
here. What I would like to see is direct non stop flights to the UK from
Grenada. Come on BA/Virgin who will do it first?
Have a good day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Watching an approaching tropical wave.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 09:03:00 -0400
Good morning,
I have been watching the progress of a tropical wave heading in our
direction. It is currently about 600 miles to our east. It is not
predicted to develop much by the time it reaches our area, but it does
look as if later Monday to Tuesday we could have some weather.
Well the weekend seems to be going OK. There are very few showers
showing up on the Barbados radar. A week ago the Windguru web site was
predicting a really awful weekend.
For those that have links to the UK, it looks like a very bad storm
system is going through over night tonight. Some parts of the south
could have very high winds, gusts to 80mph have been predicted. The
South of the UK is on an orange weather warning.
Have a nice Sunday, we are off to a beach do at BBC beach.
Hogan of Grenada
- I hate to say I told you so.....
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 15:10:16 -0400
Leaving Barbados in torrential rain......tropical wave stuff, I landed in Grenada in lovely sunshine and cool breezes and thought for the zillionth time, how lucky am I! This stunningly beautiful island I call home! The airport was quiet, just a handful of Liat passengers marvelling at the fact that apart from getting here, we got here almost on time and our luggage arrived with us. There was one little scary moment when the plane departed and the luggage was nowhere in sight and there was no horn blaring to indicate arrival. Not to worry, after a lengthy discussion outside in the luggage bay....to which we all listened wearily, the handlers dumped the few pieces onto the carousel and off we all trotted!
As we came over Grand Etang a very nasty looking black cloud could be seen hovering over the north...and by the time we reached home the rain was equaling the strength of its twin in Barbados......now some hours later four little dogs and I are tucked up in the airconditioning and there is thunder rolling around. And yes, I have a great book to read !
Has wet November arrived early....rhetorical question!
- A large area of rain coming in from the East.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 13:02:32 -0400
The Barbados radar and the Satellite images show a lot of rain showers
heading our way. Looks like the rest of the afternoon and overnight
could have a lot of rain. I have been known to be wrong!
Currently sunshine in Westerhall, but looks black up in the mountains,
can't see them at all.
Hogan of Grenada
- Happy holiday
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 07:50:36 -0400
Good morning,
It is very hazy, and quite breezy. We have had a couple of micro
showers. There is not much showing on the radar near us, but there is a
large area of heavy cloud showing on both the Barbados radar and
satellite images to the SE of Barbados. Windguru is predicting some rain
this evening, which ties in with the area of cloud I mentioned, which
also shows up as a weak tropical wave on the synopsis chart.
Have a nice weekend - we have a busy one!
Hogan of Grenada
- Singing in the rain....
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 12:06:28 -0400
Masses of rain here in B'dos and when I look at home on my iPad thingy I see bright sunshine. Well stand by, I return tomorrow and how much do you bet it will rain there too!
It is clammy and still and the tourists sleep up during the day and party in the evening. How do I know? Aha!
It is very overcast so more rain to come but the sea is still blue and the sand golden! Lovely to look at....dad de dad de dah!
- And the rain came down...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 10:42:22 -0400
Hopefully for not as long as it did for Noah! Heavy rain overnight and it it's overcast with more rain to come. Strange though, it is less gloomy here in Barbados than in Grenada when it rains and I assume this is because we have lovely hills and bumps. I notice heavy rain fell oop north in Grenada....I saw it on the thingy on my iPad that shows me the garden and the gardener reading his newspaper! I can't complain, I did mention once that he should read more...preferably at home but what can I say!
Such a relief to be creeping closer to worrying less about the weather....can concentrate on the other worries a bit more!
- Mostly cloudy.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 08:14:28 -0400
I got the showers bit correct yesterday, but I didn't see much sunshine!
Several showers during the night. Guess about half an inch in total.
I won't make any predictions today, just to say that there are showers
between us and Barbados, wouldn't be surprised if the top end of the
island isn't getting a shower as I type (if Barbados radar is correct).
The blob I mentioned in the Atlantic has turned into Tropical Storm
Lorenzo and is moving NE directly away from us.
The sun is struggling through high misty cloud as I finish.
Have a good day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Is this the wet season????
- From: "Jacquie Dowden" <jacquiedowden at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 04:19:13 -0400
Good early morning!!!
Yesterday (Monday..... I think) the wet season arrived in Mt. Moritz – not
sure how far this spread through the Island but here it was wet, wet, wet (I
loved that group, fine lads from Scotland, particularly Marty.... now he was
really fine!!!). Like Sally, I too digress. The rain came in sudden,
fairly short bursts but it was very, very heavy and accompanied with strong
winds. Good for the garden but not for the dogs...... I cleaned the house
beautifully on Sunday.... and shall be doing it again today (Tues), muddy
footprints everywhere!!!!!
Last night (Monday night... I really should not wake up sooooo early!) the
rain continued again in the same pattern as during the day but accompanied by a
few flashes of lightning. I didn’t hear thunder but the dogs kept running
for cover so maybe they did.
Not sure what today will bring, it’s still pitch black out there at 4.16 am
but just in case it is a repeat of yesterday I shall be staying home with my
sewing machine and if it turns out to be dry then it will be the mop bucket for
Stay safe
Jacquie x
- As predicted....
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 12:01:38 -0400
A beautiful day in Barbados..an early morning wash down....Barbados not me...well that too and the day is beautiful and the sea is beautiful! The traffic remains terrible! An early trip to the bank produces charming people, lovely smiles, lots of laughter but not much else! Still, charming people, lovely smiles and lots of laughter make for easy swallowing of nasty facts.....two years later and still no debit card!! I think there is a card eating monster living in the bank or....do I look too seedy to give a card? Too small island unreliable? Probably. Certainly!
So, light breezes, calm azure seas no tourists. That's the weather over here. Bet the Bajans are glad to have the place to themselves.....or are they .
- Oop island...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 10:11:38 -0400
How do you tell your Phisio, therapist that is , that you are not doing well with THE exercises because a four pound brown poodle called Coco aka Harrier as in jump jet, lands on your chest and licks your face all over and nibbles your nose and ears? You can't stop him because your arms are entangled with your legs and if you shout he sulks and poops on the carpet or wees on your.....well whatever. Yes I do try higher ground, also sending him off for a walk with a n other but it is always a failure. Back he tears and up he leaps. We actually give demonstrations now of how high he can leap....not including the exercises!
What has this to do with the weather? Nothing!
It has been overcast oop north with a lot of cross looking clouds and spasmodic bouts of rain and distant grumbles of thunder. A great day for a trip to Barbados! Not.
Leaving four dejected little furry people, heads on paws, big soulful eyes following you reproachfully, is hell. But there I go again, what does Nicolas Parsons call it, deviation?
Barbados is also cloudy, but no rain and of course that beautiful red and gold sunset is still on hand to thrill. The weather is much more reliable in Barbados but the traffic is scary these days....plenty of kamikaze drivers who are totally intolerant of a little old lady in a tin can with four doughnuts for wheels. They all start out so well driving slowly with L plates and flapping their hands around. Give them a piece of paper with "you can drive " on it and they turn into terrorists! Admittedly I am absolutely awful in a teeny car. I can't park it, I can't reverse it, I don't know where the petrol thingy is. I drive a big 4 wheel drive at home and I don't have to worry about the other chap...you don't mess with a big four wheel drive! There I go again, deviation.
A nice day forecast tomorrow, so I am told. An early morning swim in the stunning waters of the Caribbean and you wouldn't call the King your uncle! I am not sure I understand that _expression_, why would I want to anyway.....sounds positive tho!
- Numerous showers around.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 08:41:23 -0400
Good morning Grenada,
At least we have the breeze back - and the noisy kites that come with it.
The Atlantic has one area that has a 40% chance of developing, but this
is north of the Caribbean and moving away.
Near to us are many showers out to our east and heading in our general
direction. The showers spread out to a line going SE from Barbados,
beyond that there seems to be an area of drier air moving in.
The horizon to the South is hazy. I can see the showers coming in from
the East. A nice stiff breeze. Overall it looks like a day of sunshine
and showers.
Low tide today (at Prickly Bay) is about 10:06 and again at 23:09. High
tide this afternoon is at 16:14 (4:14pm). The difference between High
this afternoon and low this evening is approaching .5 metre (about 19
inches). I notice that many Grenadians say it is a high tide when there
are big waves, this is probably because the waves can be bigger than the
tides we get here! Source
Have a nice day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Calm bright clear morning - correction SSW not SSE.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 07:43:20 -0400
Good Sunday to all,
I woke up in the early hours to lightning coming from the North East, A
quick look at the computer said it was well to our north, guess Petite
Anse & Bathway saw it better.
Have woken up to what would be a perfect day if I was in the UK. There
is a bird singing away happily. There is no breeze. But in Grenada these
conditions can bring a scorcher, unless the breeze picks up or some
clouds come in. There are some clouds hanging low to the north and
blocking out the tops of the mountains. The horizon is clear, clear
enough to see 'Asian Sun' a tanker about 15 miles away SSW of me heading
towards Port of Spain courtesy of Marinetraffic.com/ais/ .
The weather radars show a lot of showers north of a line from St Lucia
to Barbados, but not many south of that line. The showers are all
heading in a westerly direction. For the time it does not look as if we
are in the line of fire, well not at the moment.
A last look out and there are just small fluffy clouds slowly coming in
from the East. An the bird has stopped singing.
Hope you all have a great day and hope you have a good time in Barbados
- 'Stalker'.
Hogan of Grenada
- Calm bright clear morning.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 07:35:03 -0400
Good Sunday to all,
I woke up in the early hours to lightning coming from the North East, A
quick look at the computer said it was well to our north, guess Petite
Anse & Bathway saw it better.
Have woken up to what would be a perfect day if I was in the UK. There
is a bird singing away happily. There is no breeze. But in Grenada these
conditions can bring a scorcher, unless the breeze picks up or some
clouds come in. There are some clouds hanging low to the north and
blocking out the tops of the mountains. The horizon is clear, clear
enough to see 'Asian Sun' a tanker about 15 miles away SSE of me heading
towards Port of Spain courtesy of Marinetraffic.com/ais/ .
The weather radars show a lot of showers north of a line from St Lucia
to Barbados, but not many south of that line. The showers are all
heading in a westerly direction. For the time it does not look as if we
are in the line of fire, well not at the moment.
A last look out and there are just small fluffy clouds slowly coming in
from the East. An the bird has stopped singing.
Hope you all have a great day and hope you have a good time in Barbados
- 'Stalker'.
Hogan of Grenada
- Hot and 'umid!
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 15:58:50 -0400
Woke up at 2.30 am to flashes of lightening, rolls of thunder and four dogs trying to sit on my chest! Oops thought I, unplug the electronics....one hears awful stories of laptops and TVs being nuked. I don't know if I missed the show but there was nothing further and we all settled back until sevenish when there was more rumbling in the distance. The day started well, cool breezes and good visibility but it has since deteriorated into strong showers and a very humid atmosphere. November is usually a very wet month and is generally heralded in with a mighty electric storm, but who can say what is the norm these days! There is heavy cloud to the north and signs of rain to come. Nothing is moving outside, we could be part of a still life painting.
Off to B'dos tomorrow and the weather is usually more reliable there...Now sneaking into air conditioning, the humidity is creasing me! I'll regret it when the electricity bill arrives but hey, who knows what tomorrow brings!!
- A bit cloudy and a slight breeze.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 07:08:46 -0400
Good morning Grenada,
We had a nice heavy, but too brief, shower at about 5am. There is
currently hardly any breeze and it is fairly cloudy.
Last night when having a BBQ at Aubrey's we had to run under cover as a
heavy shower came down. This is the first time in 9 years of having BBQs
there that I remember having to dive for cover. But the rain was
welcome, so no complaints.
There are no tropical cyclones in the Atlantic area. The tropical wave I
mentioned yesterday is passing through our area over the next 24 hours
or so, but doesn't seem to have any real weather attached to it, but it
is possible we could have some more showers. The satellite images show
quite a bit of cloud and the radars (Barbados seems to be working again)
show many small and scattered showers moving in our general direction.
The slight breeze, currently from the NE going by the boats in the bay
below us, is likely to slowly turn towards the SE by later tomorrow as
the wave passes through, probably picking up in speed slightly.
May I just wish you all a good weekend.
Hogan of Grenada
- Feels lie the dry season has arrived,
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 17:37:32 -0400
But not sure we ever had a wet season!
My tank is normally full at this time, but it is half full and that is
because it is the top up point.
Sorry I haven't been posting recently, but there hasn't been much to
report. The Atlantic is still quiet. There is a very weak tropical wave
about 300 miles away, but doesn't seem to be a threat.
Nearer to home there are a few showers between us and Barbados, moving
in our general direction, which may drop a little rain (if we are lucky).
Have a nice weekend.
Hogan of Grenada
- 98L has disappeared from the map.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 06:56:39 -0400
Good morning,
Not only has 98L gone, but the NHC map, this morning, has no potential
tropical cyclones in the whole of the Atlantic area.
The satellite images and radar show a few showers between us and
Barbados, travelling in our general direction. So it is possible that we
could get some rain today.
The strong wind that we have had for a couple of days has dropped to a
gentle breeze. So apart from the mystery as to whether the rain showers
will develop or disperse, it looks like it could be a pleasant day.
I hope you all have a great day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Hot on your heels, Chris...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2013 08:04:29 -0400
I've been hanging around waiting for Chris' report. Heavy rain oop north with little rolls of thunder grumbling away to themselves and it is cool! Lovely day for the garden and a good day to get on with the paperwork...aka bills, then cook up something tasty to lift the depression brought on by said activity aided by a glass of something cheerful. I somehow think there will be no retiling done today, Chris!
The dogs are standing in a line at the door looking glumly at the grass...such spoiled bratz, I'll have to boot them out!!
Heigh ho! Back to bed and a good book!
- A bit dark looking
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2013 07:43:22 -0400
Good morning.
The good news is 98L seems to be breaking up. NHC has it as onl 10% of
developing now. What there is left of it seems to be moving north(ish).
Let's see what it is like tomorrow.
Nearer to home, there appears to be a lot of heavy rain between us and
Barbados, and moving in our general direction. The sky looks pretty grim
to the East. I also see on the radar that it may have reached the North
of Grenada. The lightning web site shows some activity in these showers.
We (Westerhall) are now in cloud, but we see Lance -aux-Epines is still
in sunshine - but not for much longer! It looks like a little bit of
disturbed weather for a while. Hope we get some reasonable rain.
All the best
Hogan of Grenada
- Am I easily scared....yes!
- From: stalker <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 07:53:30 -0400
Everyone goes to sleep early in Grenada....I don't, even after a wee dram. I
am usually on the computer. I also live on a ridge with the lower half of my
home built against the hillside. So when the earth moved last night I knew it
was one of three things, the first was not possible; the second either as I
had forgotten to have a sundowner so the obvious answer was a quake. It was
the strongest I have experienced in Grenada and we have had a few over the
years. It scared the dogs and it scared the bejaysus out of me! I headed for
the front door with small dogs under each arm yapping their heads off, thinking
it was going to be the full Monty. The roaring and shaking stopped and I
hesitated at the door remembering I had not turned the alarm off and all hell
would break out if I went any further! I think the whole thing took about six
seconds, maybe more. Trinidad says twenty but they were nearer the epicentre.
Makes one think though! This morning I found my mail had crashed.....Lime or
Sally Stalker
P O Box 26
St. George's
Grenada. West Indies
Stalker at spiceisle.com
Tel + 1 473 4429243
mobile + 473 407 3366
- Rocking & Rolling
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 06:53:49 -0400
Good morning all, hope you had a good nights sleep. I see some didn't!
Came back from 'Taffy's' after a great fish and chips and a few rum &
cokes. Slept like a log and apparently we missed the earthquake. It
seems the epicentre was just north of the peninsula that sticks out of
Venezuela towards Trinidad, only 86 miles from us and it was magnitude
6.1. It seems it was between 37-49 miles deep. Thanks for the emails
telling me about it, and I see Jaquiue posted about it last night.
If that is not enough, 98L has dropped in latitude to 11.4N (from
11.8N last night) . The NHC now has it as 60% (up from 40% yesterday)
chance of developing into a tropical cyclone over the next 48 hours.
The majority of the models still have it missing the Caribbean, just a
couple have it hitting the Leewards. It has increased wind speed to
about 35mph, and it has increased it's speed to 16mph (towards the
West-ish) and it's last extrapolated direction was towards south of
Trinidad. It is currently 1370 miles from us. Let's hope it starts it's
turn towards the north soon!
It is a lovely morning, a slight breeze. The radar shows a few small
scattered showers between us and Barbados. Guess we could have the odd
shower today if we are lucky.
Have a great day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Nice bit of rain..... and earthquake!!!
- From: "Jacquie Dowden" <jacquiedowden at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 22:48:03 -0400
Hi All
We had some nice heavy rain around lunchtime today, not for long but it
cooled the air for a while. Lovely sunny afternoon but this evening there
is hardly any breeze so it is really warm...... then I thought my dog was
shaking my chair but my husband got up from his bed and asked if we just had an
earthquake. I see there was a 6.1 off Trinidad ......
Stay safe
- Oop north!
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 11:40:33 -0400
Well here's the thing...we have had lovely weather for the past week. Clear, sparkling days, hottish during the mid morning to mid afternoon period and then blissfully cool in the late afternoon and evening. The breezes have been refreshing and there has been rain each night or early morning bringing a smile to the face of he-who-does in the garden...no huge rubber hose to haul around!
Coming up from the Big Nutmeg a couple of days ago my thingy in the car registered 25 degrees outside temperature and it had registered 32 degrees in St George's. Signs are pointing to.....but I'll say no more because fifty two years ago hurricane Hattie devastated Belize on 30 th October leaving 300 dead and many injured, so I will not be too previous.
It is a beautiful day today with every island in sight, fluffy clouds in the sky and the wind soughing through the palms and casuarinas. And no I am not on the sauce, just contented. But I might be later, on the sauce that is.
Hehehe, Hogan!
- 98L still moving WNW
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 10:34:58 -0400
Good morning,
Some nice rain over night. The garden needed it. Guess I will hear from
up north that they didn't have any?
98L is now at 11.8 N and all but one of the models predict it turning
more towards the North in the next 24-48 hours. The one exception has it
heading to the Windwards. The NHC is suggesting that it has a 40% chance
of developing into a Tropical Cyclone in the next 5 days. So watch this
Hope you all have a great day. Weekend approaching.
Hogan of Grenada
- Still watching 98L ----
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 05:28:33 -0400
Good morning Grenada,
The tropical wave (98L) is still moving very slowly in our general
direction. The majority of the models have it turning more towards the
North in the next few days, unfortunately that leaves it on a westerly
course until then. It is currently at a latitude of 10.6N and moving
West-Northwest at about 10 mph. It's speed seems to have increased it's
speed since yesterday. It is still well over 1000 miles east of us. The
NHC are giving it a 40% chance of becoming a Tropical Cyclone in the
next 5 days. This one is worth keeping an eye on.
A short nice shower over night. Not enough to do much for the garden, or
the water tank, but sounded nice while it lasted, and the tree frogs
chirped up a bit.
The weather radar shows numerous but small rain showers scattered
throughout our part of the Caribbean. Hopefully we might get the odd one
give us a bit more rain. The sky is getting brighter from the east and
there are a few large clouds silhouetted against the dawn sky which
hopefully will give us a shower in the next hour. But don't hold your
Have a nice day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Blob 98L SW of Cape Verdes.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 05:45:25 -0400
We are glad to be back in Grenada. A bit jet lagged, thus doing this at
05:17. Too dark to do an eyeball account (it's dark outside).
About 500 miles SW of the Cape Verdes is 98L, a tropical wave, currently
at 10N. The NHC have given it a 40% chance of becoming a cyclone in next
48 hours and 50% in the next 5 days. The models seem a bit confused as
to what path it will take, but some do have it swinging down to about 8
degs latitude. I won't feel happy if this happens. Definitely one to
keep an eye on.
The Martinique radar is showing plenty of rain between Antigua and St
Lucia, but only a few scattered shower in our neck of the woods. It does
look as if the system causing the rain further north is trying to push
south, maybe we could get some rain during the day?
With easterly facing bedrooms we have a lovely breeze (normally) from
the east. But it does mean that I have to jump up and close the windows
as soon as we hear rain on the roof, or an elbow in my side and a voice
saying it's raining! Last night was such a night. I leapt out of bed
closed the window. Got back into bed just in time for it to stop! I then
lay there waiting for it to start again, it didn't. So the nights rain
(for us) consisted of about 30 drops on our roof. Not enough to even get
the tree frogs excited! Great to be back!
Just getting light, looks good out there.
Hogan of Grenada
- Creeping onwards, eyes on the Atlantic...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2013 09:07:55 -0400
It is hot already with a slight warm flow of air, hardly call it a breeze, drifting in from the....hang on while I get my new widget, um yes, drifting in from the....
I scan the weather sites to see if there are any blobs off Cape Verde....the only place in the world whose name repels me and where I will never visit , sorry Cape Verde Islands, you have given me some nasty dreams.
Well, as Bruce Forsythe says...keep creeping!
- To Sally
- From: "Jacquie Dowden" <jacquiedowden at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2013 04:01:30 -0400
It was Good Morning Starshine Sally..... great musical.
As this is all about weather.... today was a nice breezy day, a few showers
and plenty of sunshine. The dogs were happier with no thunder today and
the blessed sheep are still eating my plants!!!! Arghhhh!!!
Stay safe
- A Low pressure System 300 miles east of Barbados
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 15:37:33 -0400
There is an area of low pressure/tropical wave just East of Barbados.
There are thunder storms associated with it. It appears to be moving
slowly Westwards. There are no indications that it will develop, but if
it continues could bring thunder storms to the area later tomorrow.
Hogan of Grenada
- Addendum.
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 08:31:01 -0400
The song that stuck in my mind was from the rock musical Hair......gosh so long ago, the sixties!
- Good morning Sunrise....dah, deedah, dah, dah
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 08:22:52 -0400
The Age of Aquarius....or is it Sunshine?A very sunny day...and now I can tell you which way the wind is blowing because I have thingy someone sent me. Thank you! But there's no wind just a little little breeze. I guess the wind has whipped off to Mt Moritz again. I think my problem is a directional dyslexia. I have never met anyone else who can head round a "roundsabout" and go back the way they came without realising what had happened. "Hello, that was quick" or "oops, Mum's done it again" were regular family comments.
It will be a hot day, possibly not as bad as last week. The storms and heavy rain were such a relief. Carriacou is back on the horizon. Phew, I thought my eyes were going for a while there! The foliage is a dazzling green, full of chattering birds and the gardener is plodding around trying to look as if he is making a difference. Get inside, missus and leave the man alone!
Chris is quiet, a good sign, I can relax a bit. Ivan has a lot to answer for!
- .... Oooo and Thunder
- From: "Jacquie Dowden" <jacquiedowden at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2013 07:27:23 -0400
Just had some rumbles.... oh lovely a day with dogs following me all round
the house!!!!
Stay safe
- Plenty Rain here
- From: "Jacquie Dowden" <jacquiedowden at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2013 07:24:30 -0400
Hi All
Here in Mt. Moritz we had plenty rain, and yes Chris about 11 ish we had
lots of thunder and lightening but also heavy rain. More rain again in the
night too but not much more thunder.
This morning the sky is very dark and it is raining again (7.25 am), looks
like this will be here for a while. Definitely an ‘at home’ day.... ‘im indoors
just said, ‘now the rainy season look start!!’.....
Stay safe
- Novemberish sort of weather.....
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2013 07:21:47 -0400
There were rolls of thunder, flashes of blue lightning and a sprinkling of rain oop north last night. I debated leaving the nest for supper with a friend at "our" watering hole....."oh go on", I thought, "Cecil the chef does a mean Alfredo, stop being wimpy! " Fifteen minutes away , round the corner to the north west ...North north west springs to mind. Does that mean , north but slightly to the west? Must ask Chris. Anyway, the lightning was bluer over there and seemed to be up St Vincent way. Delicious Alfredo and good craic made for a pleasant evening. It rained heavily on the way back to the nest.
This morning it is heavily overcast and the rain is bucketing down mashing up the poor roses and bringing a smile to the face of he-who-does-the- garden. He can now sit and contemplate without her-inside making snide remarks! It feels very Novemberish..but is that wishful thinking?
- Thanks for first hand reports
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 03:03:49 -0400
What a mixture! I received emails after my post last night. They varied
from pouring rain at the airport where they were unable to board a
flight due to heavy rain, through to someone pleading for us to bring
back rain from the UK, and that was only at the golf course about 3
miles away!! Another report from Petite Anse, 3 hours later, saying
there was plenty of lightning, but no rain! All in an island just 20
miles long!
I see that there was rain and thunder (at the airport) around 11pm.
Looking at the radar at 3am I see numerous showers streaming in from the
Atlantic. Hopefully those of you hoping for rain will get some today.
All still looks quiet in the Atlantic, except for Tropical Storm Jerry
wandering around in the mid Atlantic. It looks as if it is going to pass
through the Azores about Sunday. So our flight back looks as if we will
have to go round Jerry, similar to our trip to UK when we had to avoid
Looking forward to returning. By the way it has just started raining
here in East Anglia, the first rain for about two weeks.
Hogan of Grenada
- Looks like you have some rain in the vicinity?
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 18:21:13 -0400
Hi Grenada,
Looking at the radar and the satellite images, it looks like there are
some heavy showers nearby, especially in the north, as I write this.
I see the minimum temperature last night was 28C at the airport and that
there was some thunder. Sounds as if it is still hot there. Hope it
cools a bit by Sunday, when we return. It already looks cooler this
evening (27C at the airport).
All the best
Hogan of Grenada
- A good strong wind from the...um, er
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 16:31:43 -0400
It is very hazy oop north. Well to be accurate, or as accurate as I can be given that geography is not my forte, it is north east..I know this because that's the way the house faces! You see there is always a way round one's inadequacies. There is a strong wind blowing...don't ask, it is swirling around the house and blowing the papers off my desk. Outside it looks like a foggy day at the seaside. I can't see Carriacou at all. The sea is very turbulent and the coastline looks really spectacular from my hill. You know, this wind is as strong as the trade winds....surely it's too early? Ah, sure what do I know! By now someone is saying "why doesn't that eejit shut up".
Still only a drizzle of rain in the night. The roses have given up and look as dejected as the gardener with the hose pipe. Strange old weather all the same.
- Rain and then sunshine
- From: "Jacquie Dowden" <jacquiedowden at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 09:42:56 -0400
Last night we had some thunder, only a couple of claps and some lightning
followed by a heavy shower. This morning we had some more showers but the
sun is shining and the birds are tweeting now. There are a few darkish
clouds but nothing much to worry about. So the garden got a bit of water
but yesterday I noticed parts of the garden were showing signs of dryness with
cracks appearing.... not looking forward to October, concerned that
nothing much has happened yet this season.......
Stay safe
Please donate to the site if you can, we really need to keep it
going. xx
- A squeak from Barbados...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 07:41:37 -0400
A very hot week here in Barbados not a drop of rain and there was no thunder over the Saint James area. I am told it rained at night in Grenada and I could see there was a good little breeze around the house....I've got a thingy on my iPad that connects with my security cameras so I can gaze at "home" when I am homesick.
The traffic here is muderous...it was never this bad but one heart warming thing happened. Parked at a mall I came out to find my pristine hire car scratched heavily down one side. Someone had clipped it while parking next to me...I groaned and rang the hire car company and guess what? The person who had banged the car had already rung in and told them. I was very impressed, nay, overwhelmed! I would also like to say that if the person driving a silver Suzuki who but for the grace of God, I nearly wiped off the face of the earth, is reading this I extend my sincere and heartfelt apologies for the terrible fright I gave him or her. It was really the closest I have ever come to a most terrible accident...and it was entirely my fault. I have hardly slept just thinking about.
What has all that to do with the weather? Nothing! I return home today grateful to be going back to my peaceful little island hoping that Mr Naguib Sawiris plans for Grenada do not turn us into a tourist hub destroying the very thing he loves about Grenada.
- Looks like some rain in thearea.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 06:37:59 -0400
I have just had a look at the radar and it appears that there are some
showers in the vicinity. The satellite images show a small blob of
weather between Grenada and Barbados (where they had some thunder about
an hour ago). The weather system that I mentioned a couple of days ago
is building, but moving towards the north and does not seem a threat.
Midway across the Atlantic there are some heavy showers, but this just
appears to be part of the ITCZ. There is another weak tropical wave just
south of the Cape Verdes.
All the best from a bright, sunny pleasant UK (Cambridge area).
Hogan of Grenada
- Large area of cloud and rain out to the east.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 17:54:53 -0400
Good evening Grenada,
There is a large area of disturbed weather about 1000 miles to the East
of the Lesser Antilles. I will try to find out more first thing in the
Hogan of Grenada
- The Atlantic is quiet!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 06:54:59 -0400
The Atlantic is quiet, at the moment!
Hogan of Grenada - My shortest post ever!
- Can't see any significant weather
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 17:55:10 -0400
So it was hot in Bathway, Stalker?
To answer your question about is there anything out there. I can't see
anything to worry about. The small tropical wave I mentioned yesterday
seems to have weakened.
Expecting slight easterly breeze with the occasional shower (if you are
The radar at 17:45 your time shows nothing out to the east.
UK meant to be warming up over the next few days to low twenties C.
Have a pleasant night.
Hogan of Grenada
- Hot..really very hot!
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 16:38:38 -0400
The morning was beautiful but quite hot even at 6 am . There was a slight breeze, so slight it was difficult to know from whence it came. ( I like that...from whence it came ..and it slightly covers my wind dyslexia or is it a directional malfunction? )
By noon the temperature thingy registered 30 degrees and it climbed to 32 and there was no breeze at all. The dogs and I retired to the coolest part of the house and sat under the fan.
It is now 5.30 pm and the massive heat has gone but it is very calm and still.....the dogs, bar Coco the Holy Terror, just sit and pant. Coco is trying to get a large tortoise to race around the garden with him, need I say without success.
We need some rain, the plants look dejected. Mr and Mrs Hogan are obviously enjoying the weather in UK......but is there anything out there Chris...tell me please.
- .... and then the rain came.
- From: "Jacquie Dowden" <jacquiedowden at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 13:21:59 -0400
I should have known not to voice the washing word.... oh well, I expect
we’ll get some sunshine again soon.
- Sunny and Bright
- From: "Jacquie Dowden" <jacquiedowden at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 08:41:12 -0400
On the West Coast we have blue skies scattered with a few fluffy white ones
(see how technical I’m getting), and a slight breeze, very slight!!!
Looks like a good day for washing and think I’ll make a chocolate cake
too. Hope you are having a good time in the UK Chris, I was lucky enough
to have the heat wave and came home with a tan!!!
All is well in Paradise but stay safe everyone, Sally what’s the weather
doing ‘oop North’?
- Thanks Stalker for keeping amused and up to date with the weather!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 05:31:25 -0400
Hi Grenada (and others around the World who follow us on StormCARIB),
If I may just say a great thank you to the lovely emails I received from
Andrea and Francesca from Italy. Mrs Crumble and myself met them at The
Little Dipper restaurant, in Woburn, a couple of weeks ago. Hope the
weather is still good in Tuscany?
Thanks for the amusing posts "Stalker", I had to look up Tuk Tuk, It
states that they are not good in mountainous regions! My guess is it
would fall to bits coming up the road to our place. Maybe we can be
offered some Sedan Chairs as ambulances?
Now back to the weather. Here in the UK it is meant to be warmer with a
little rain. A pleasant weekend hopefully reaching low twenties C (low
seventies F). This is similar to Grenada January night time temps!
There appears to be a weak tropical wave approaching Grenada over the
next day or so, it could bring some more rain (it looks like you have
had plenty since we left). I can't give a first hand update, I will
leave that to "Stalker" either in Bathway or Springs, will have to call
you "Globe trotter" as we never know where you are! Hardly any breeze
expected today. But a possibility of some rain as the wave approaches.
Currently there is a rain band between Barbados and St Lucia. The wave
is clearly visible on the satellite image just east of Barbados with
numerous blobs of convection, thunder storms appear on the leading and
trailing edge of the wave.
Still nothing major in the Atlantic.
looking forward to returning to Grenada soon. All the best to you all.
Hogan of Grenada (pleasantly cool in the UK)
- I am off to hospital in a Tuk-Tuk...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 14:38:43 -0400
Well not yet but that's what 's on the cards! Grenada has been presented with Tuk-Tuk ambulances by the UAE. I am red with embarrassment! We must be the laughing stock of the Caribbean. I suppose it's a case of never look a gift horse in the face and they could be sold or given to the ice cream sellers, or pizza delivery boys I suppose! I can just hear the conversation: "Hello, is that the Tuk Tuk Ambulance service? Could you please send an ambulance immediately to Morne Jaloux..oh, you can't get up the hill? No, I can't come down the hill to meet you even if you have a bed inside when I get there...."
Anyway, 'nuff said!
It is very hot today and on the way back oop north after yet another tiresome session in the Big Nutmeg I registered 33 degrees on the thingy in my car. It is very still and if there was any breeze I would tell you where it is coming from but there's nothing waving around except my handkerchief mopping my brow.
So don't get sick Grenada or if you do make sure your friends don't see you getting into a Tuk Tuk! Heh! heh!
- Gremlins....
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 07:15:56 -0400
I am not doing well with Lime and Google! I admit to the typo error but where did the twin post come from?! I am beginning to feel uneasy. Lovely sunshine this morning with not much breeze and already quite warm. This means I will be getting wind from the South East, I hope. Smudge and I go home this morning with pills and a big hole in my pocket...in fact, no pocket.
Chris is keeping an eye on us like a benevolent uncle so for the time being I'll leave the post to him while I sort out Google and Lime and the gremlins.
- Hotter at 4am than noon yesterday!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 04:41:29 -0400
Good morning Grenada,
4:30am your time. It looks like it has been a hot night there. I noticed
that at midday yesterday (according to the airport) that it was 27C
(80F), yet at 4am this morning it is 28C(82F), still it looks like you
have a bit of a breeze. Also you seem to have had more thunder and
lightning yesterday evening.
I can't find any significant weather heading your way, just a weak
tropical wave in the Cape Verde islands.
Here in Ely, UK, it is a nice morning, but cool. It is so nice to have
the feeling of a heavy quilt on me at night. Out to do shopping today.
Mrs Crumble has gone back to sleep - jet lag!
Have a good day
Hogan of Grenada
- Humid and overcat
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 20:22:25 -0400
It rained heavily in Springs where I stayed last night, hoping to pick up Smudge from the Animal Hospital early this morning. It was also very blowy but this is a unique aspect of my apartment, which is in an old Estate House. It nestles in the arms of a tall hillside and wind whistles down the slopes and into the house cooling it in a quite remarkable way.
Smudge remains in hospital a little longer undergoing tests. I scrabble around wondering if banks give mortgages to fund hospital bills for dogs! I also think I will check myself in there next time I feel poorly! Smudge does better than me...ultrasound, blood tests every four hours, blood tests sent to the US; long discussions on treatment etc. a long way from a quick diagnosis and a packet of pills which is usually my lot!
I am told it only drizzled oop north but I feel the whole island is overcast and the wind must be south east as it certainly isn't around over this western side of the island.
Mr and Mrs Hogan now enjoying the brisk British climate....hang in there, Strictly will be on the telly in another week!!
- Humid and overcat
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 16:35:26 -0400
It rained heavily in Springs where I stayed last night, hoping to pick up Smudge from the Animal Hospital early this morning. It was also very blowy but this is a unique aspect of my apartment, which is in an old Estate House. It nestles in the arms of a tall hillside and wind whistles down the slopes and into the house cooling it in a quite remarkable way.
Smudge remains in hospital a little longer undergoing tests. I scrabble around wondering if banks give mortgages to fund hospital bills for dogs! I also think I will check myself in there next time I feel poorly! Smudge does better than me...ultrasound, blood tests every four hours, blood tests sent to the US; long discussions on treatment etc. a long way from a quick diagnosis and a packet of pills which is usually my lot!
I am told it only drizzled oop north but I feel the whole island is overcast and the wind must be south east as it certainly isn't around over this western side of the island.
Mr and Mrs Hogan now enjoying the brisk British climate....hang in there, Strictly will be on the telly in another week!!
- Well Mrs Crumble wanted to feel cold...
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 11:12:59 -0400
Hi Grenada,
We are in the UK where the weather was nice, if not a bit cool,
yesterday when we arrived. Today - overcast with that miserable UK rain
and it is definitely cool. Mrs Crumble has got her wish. She seems happy
with it, but I bet it won't last.
We took off on Tuesday after 5pm, on the BA flight, hoping to get a good
view of the island. But it was very overcast when we took off. Saw the
island under heavy cloud. I now see that the storms and heavy rained
arrived soon after we left.
I obviously can't give any on the spot observations, but I can look at
the radar. It does look as if the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ICTZ)
has converged on or near to Grenada. The radar and satellite images show
a large amount of rain just to the East and quite possibly going to come
through in the next few hours.
There is nothing else bad at the moment out to the East, but I will do
my best to keep an eye out.
Hogan of Grenada in the cold and wet UK.
- What a wuss..
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 14:31:43 -0400
I think that's Canadian for idiot. Last evening's little weather update ended abruptly because I fell asleep and I swear the iPad pressed the send button! Obviously I was shattered with all that running in and out with cushions..To complete briefly ( ok, don't go there!). The rain continued intermittently so we stayed indoors but the wind strengthened from the South East and was so welcome. My friends who live in St. Paul remarked that the rain was very heavy there on Saturday night washing precious soil down the hillside. They have a beautiful garden with many fruit trees and lush shrubbery and they do get regular rainfall. I wonder if Chris
benefited from that deluge? He was probably too busy packing. It rained heavily overnight, was very gusty and it looks like more rain today....and as I speak there's a loud clap of thunder and the heavens open. Knowing the way things go in the Caribbean I reckon the rest of the day will be sunny and bright!l?
- Every time I put out the cushions it rained...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 18:33:20 -0400
Let me explain. I have these chairs on my veranda, adirondacks they call them to day tho' years ago we called them planters ' chairs,; they need cushions which are not rain proof and are kept undercover. To day I had friends coming oop from the Big Nutmeg so, as the sun was shining and the lovely wind was from the south East ( such a relief!) I put out the cushions. Suddenly it all changed and a strong rain shower came racing across the sea hardly giving me tim to wind in the canopy , snatch up the cushions and close the windows. Back to the cooking. An hour later the sun was shining etc etc so back out went the cushions et etc. With horror some time later I saw the first shower's twin racing across towards me and the whole procedure started again.
- The night before..
- From: Sally stalker <stalkergrenada at googlemail.com>
- Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 07:46:46 -0400
Why didn't I suspect we would have trouble!

Sally Stalker
P O Box 26
St. George's
Grenada. West Indies
Stalker at spiceisle.com
Tel + 1 473 4429243
mobile + 473 407 3366
- What a storm....!
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 07:38:16 -0400
It came fast and furious. I don't know what time but guess around four and it was the worst electric storm this year..so far. I barely had time to switch off the electrics, grab the nervous dog and plunge under the pillows.
This morning at 7.30 the thunder is rumbling around to the north west and the furious rain storm has passed but it looks like the sort of day you curl up with Netflix and the dogs. I couldn't believe Mr Hogan did not experience the storm, I felt the whole of Grenada must be involved.
I hate thunderstorms, they scare the bejaysus out of me so I am drained and need a cuppa. Phew!
- Whoa Thunder!
- From: storm tracker <grenadatracker at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 07:10:38 -0400
Well Jacquie - I wonder how your crash an hour ago, rivaled our crash 10 minutes ago! We were semi-asleep....lying around hoping to get a couple more zzzzz's after a noisy, lightning interrupted night when **BANG!!!!*** a crash of thunder came so loud it sounded like a plane crashed into the house.
I always found thunder much louder in Ontario than Grenada - but this crack - was by far the loudest I ever heard.
- BOOM, BANG. CRASH!!!!!! That rattled the tea cups!!!
- From: "Jacquie Dowden" <jacquiedowden at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 06:52:39 -0400
That has to be the loudest thunder I have ever heard.... ever.... I bet
Sally will be scurrying back under the furniture to pull out plugs again today,
I know I was over an hour ago. I had to get up and sit with my terrified
dogs, the largest male sitting in my chair behind me and cowering under my arm
when he saw the lightning, knowing thunder was coming. It certainly
rattled the tea cups (and they are safe and sound in the cupboard!!!).
It’s raining now but not heavy and hopefully this bout of thunder is going away
from us , certainly less intense noise anyway. A big black cloud is coming
so I hope there won’t be more to come, my sanity will be gone, trying to settle
down 5 quite large dogs.......
Stay safe
- Heavy rain - Thunder in distance.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 06:38:57 -0400
Lightning & Thunder in the distance over night. Can hear thunder now to
the NW beyond St Georges, I think. Heavy rain at the moment and a breeze
from the South, I can small the sea!
The Atmospheric Pressure has risen to 1010mb at 6AM this morning.
Humberto continues up through Atlantic as a TS which should then drop to
depression before possibly building to Hurricane again, well up in Atlantic.
With the weather appearing to come from the South, at the moment, and
with more storms near Tobago, I wouldn't rule out more heavy showers and
possibly thunder today.
As I finish this, the rain has stopped here, but a fresh shower looks as
if it is going to hit Lance-aux-Epines area.
Have a good day.
Hogan of Grenada
- Strange weather.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 06:48:14 -0400
Good morning,
We had a distant sound & light show around 4am (I was too tired to look
at the clock, or to see what direction it was). I have got up to see a
large area of high cloud, mostly out to the SE. This is confirmed on the
radar. It has passed between us and Barbados and is now between us and
Tobago. Again there is only the slightest of breezes from the East. I
don't even want to guess what today will bring, the weather looks a bit
complicated, with the weak low pressure still showing on charts to the
NE. The airport weather is showing 1007 mb pressure, which is lower than
our norm around 1012 mb. This similar low pressure is seen at all the
airport weather from here to Antigua, so it is quite widespread. The
various sites suggest it will dissipate as it moves slowly west.
Humberto is changing its direction into a more North-westerly, and we
look safe from it, It is now at 24N and about to drop down to Tropical
Storm status.
Expect to see the breeze pick up over night tonight as the Low pressure
moves towards the West and disipates, but for today, your guess is good
as mine regarding the weather. A last look out before sending: - Bright
sky to the NW, Black sky to the SE, varying amounts of high cloud in
between. Looks brighter towards Bathway (Sally?). The radar still shows
heavy convection not too far from us to the ESE.
Have a nice Friday, the Weekend is nearly here.
Hogan of Grenada
- Late afternoon...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 18:21:02 -0400
In the Big Nutmeg again today, this time with Smudge who has something nasty going on inside...suspected Cushings disease or possibly worse. Won't know until the Vet, who looks as if he just left school tho he claims to have worked in NY, does various horribly expensive sounding tests.. Hello Mr Bank Manager can I remortgage my house? car? Take out a loan on my St Christopher's medal? No?
On my way home I seemed to be driving into storms. It became gloomy and threatening ...but as I neared "Dun Roaming", I jest, home, the sun was blasting down and there wasn't a nasty in sight. A gentle breeze was wafting around and Carriacou winked at me on the horizon. Then it all changed, a long dark blue ..front?system?... descended on Carriacou and before I could blink the whole north east was ringed with dark blue rain and thunder. A mighty clap overhead sent me scurrying to un plug the expensive bits...no money for replacements now and by the time I scrambled from under the various pieces of furniture where the wires are sprawled and rushed to close windows....hey presto, nothing. Where's it gone I shouted but I only received blank stares. They think I'm nuts and they might be right but I am a harmless, non violent nutter. So one miserable clap of thunder, no rain and that's it. I bet Chris' tank is overflowing and Phil's roof is leaking...back under the furniture go I to try and find the right bits to put back into the right bits....bugger. Oops, am I allowed to say that?
Happy hols Mr and Mrs Hogan but hurry back, the standard has dropped already!
- Humberto following predicted path
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 06:21:21 -0400
Good morning,
No breeze at all, The sea is like a mill pond. A few fluffy clouds
around, none over the mountains. A few bits of wispy high cloud. A
perfect morning, but will need some breeze to make it a perfect day.
There is a band of rain near Martinique and across to just north of
Barbados, this is probably part of a low pressure system just off to the
East. This system is moving towards us (the lesser Antilles). It is
currently weak and only has a 10% chance of developing over the next
couple of days. Still it could bring some showers to the area as it
passes through.
Further afield, Humberto is now NW of the Cape Verdes and is still
travelling in a northerly direction. Soon to change to a westerly. It's
current latitude is 20.5N, well north of the Virgin Islands.
For the time we just watch the low pressure system just off to our east.
Hogan of Grenada
- An overcast rainy day...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 08:10:28 -0400
It rained in the early morning and it looks like more rain to come. Phil is probably watering his garden just a mile or two over the hill such is the variation in climate and we are so tiny! Naturally my man- who- does has decided to paint this morning and is humming cheerfully to himself as he splatters the paint on the window panes...why worry, be happy..when I beg him to take care he says matter- of- factly, "the bars are too close to the window", I can't dispute that so retire to my book, why worry be happy...my mantra!
A tiny breeze moves the trees but it is cooler and the light is restful, Carriacou is a ghost on the horizon and the haziness deepens. I dare not look at the windows, just look through them.
Chris, have a lovely holiday but be sure to keep an eye on Cape Verde and the water temperature and the precipitation and the rain from Venezuela or anything else that might need watching....and thank you for the star gazing, Sputnik sightings and forecasts.
- Heard a couple of rumbles of thunder
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 07:11:34 -0400
Looks like the thunder is just SW of the airport. Raining here, just
that drizzly stuff. Brighter to the east.
Radar shows some rain over us (seems correct), that is the south of
Grenada. There are a few small blips between us and Barbados.
Rain getting heavier! No thunder for several minutes now. Looks like
this shower is building over us. No wind. Sort of day that heavy
showers could bubble up at any time. But there does not seem to be
any weather system near us, although there is some high cloud being
dragged in from S.America.
There is also some wind of weather front approaching the Leewards,
which seems to have some heavy rain in it.
Now the sad news. 2013 did not break a record. Hurricane Humberto
has seen to that. If it had stayed a Tropical storm for just a few
hours more then 2013 would have been the year with the latest first
hurricane since 1944. It seems that we only get the silver medal.
It is still following the predicted path (currently towards the
North). In 2 days time it should turn Westwards again but as a
tropical storm. Current position is just west of the Cape Verdes at
16 N (Same latitude as Guadaloupe).
A last look out before sending. Egmont Bay has disappeared in a rain
shower. There is more rain to be seen now to the East. Could be an
interesting morning weather-wise.
I bet it is lovely sunshine up at Petite Anse and Bathway (on a
different planet)?
Hogan of Grenada
- Humberto update.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 15:53:28 -0400
The signs are that Humberto is turning towards the North, as predicted,
albeit a few hours early. It is now at 14.7N (at the same latitude of
northern Martinique) having sneaked round the Cape Verdes. Guess they
had plenty of rain, but at least they have been spared the wind, well
the worst of it.
The prediction is for it to move north for a while, turning into a
hurricane for 2-3 days, then maybe turn more towards the West dropping
back to Tropical Storm status. then who knows?
An interesting feature that has just passed by us is what is identified
as an Upper Low. An interesting contradiction. If you look on the water
vapour satellite image you can clearly see what looks like the swirl of
a low pressure, only this is at a much higher altitude (thus upper, I
guess). It is having the affect of dragging broken high cloud from from
Venezuela over us. This is probably not a very good technical
explanation - any experts out there???
The various web sites are predicting what little trade winds we have now
will drop off over the next couple of days (becoming variable in
direction). Fans needed at night!
I will have another update tomorrow, internet permitting. (Lime have
done something, the connection seems better, but still not good).
Until tomorrow.
Hogan of Grenada
- Still very hazy.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 07:12:23 -0400
TS Humberto following predicted path - so far. It is now at 14.4N (level
with Martinique), and is moving WNW.
Not much to see on the radar. A are a couple of small showers in the
area, it is possible that we could get the occasional showers, maybe heavy.
Hogan of Grenada
- Heavy Shower
- From: "Jacquie Dowden" <jacquiedowden at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2013 07:39:43 -0400
Well Sally it seems I have some catching up to do..... so that was Venus
you clever cloggs!!!! By the way, the moon is waxing crescent.... I
cheated and looked on Wunderground.com 
Just had a very heavy shower here, so much so it rained us off the Veranda
and watered down our coffee. It’s the last days of my sister’s holiday; 7
weeks have flown by and she is now mopping the veranda.... I shall miss her and
her enjoyment of ‘sweeping’.
The sun has come out again so we shall return to the veranda for more chit
chat and slightly dampened coffee.
Stay safe
- Very hazy...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2013 07:21:47 -0400
It is not that scary haziness, the yellow one which caused me to wonder if apocalypse now was about to happen. I later learned, probably from Chris who knows everything, that Sahara dust causes that horrible glow. We had no rain last night, the roses will not like the pipe water and I am not "backing" rain water...the gardener is off on his hols.
Last night the moon with Venus near by ( I knew that, Chris...ain't I coming on!) was beautiful , I couldn't stop gazing at the beautiful tableau. There is a light breeze from the south east and I hope we will be a little cooler than yesterday. No sign of rain.
- Woke up to find 91L- TD9 is now TS Humberto.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 06:43:40 -0400
Good morning Grenada,
Woke up to a small shower. It is even more hazy than yesterday. Hardly
any breeze. A few scattered small showers showing on the radar.
Further afield passing just South of the Cape Verdes is Tropical Storm
Humberto. The experts seem confident that it will turn almost due north
and turn into the first hurricane of the season, just after passing the
Cape Verdes. It is currently at 13.3N 22.3W.
All the best for the coming week.
Hogan of Grenada
- Hazy and dry.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 20:03:26 -0300
Hi all,
I have received a discussion from my two agents up north of Grenada.
It appears they did have some rain over night. Down here, I was told
by my wife that there was some thunder, but hardly a drop of rain.
Different worlds again.
Today at 10:27 it is very hazy, can't really see the horizon. Radar
shows no rain in the area. Hardly any real cloud either.
Out across the Atlantic 91L SE of Cape Verdes, shows every sign of
becoming a tropical cyclone in the next couple of days (70%
probability) and 90% in next 5 days. Some predictions have it moving
NW over the Cape Verdes, others have it passing South of the Verdes
before turning NW then North. It's current direction is due West.
The next 3 days will tell us. Hopefully by then we will have seen it
beginning to turn.
Have a nice Sunday. We are on BBC beach today.
All of above was for this morning - I forgot to hit enter!!!!
Now at 20:00 I see that 91L has become the ninth depression of the
More tomorrow if I remember to hit send!
Good night.
- Latest thing to come off Africa -91L
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 14:39:18 -0400
It does look as is this tropical wave will turn into a trop
storm/hurricane by mid week. It is leaving the coast at 13N and is
heading for the south of the Cape Verdes. All early predictions so far
have it turning abruptly north into the Atlantic after passing the Cape
There is a thin band of showers spreading from just SE of Guadaloupe to
just South of Barbados. There are some other scattered showers
elsewhere. Apart from that it is a perfect day, a slight breeze, plenty
of sun, just could do with a little more rain. Did have a very heavy
burst yesterday afternoon.
All the best from
Hogan of Grenada (Westerhall).
- What a terrible noise....
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 08:28:59 -0400
No, it wasn't thunder but four little dogs welcoming me home!
Barbados was back to normal; it's usual sunny busy self tho' there were noticeably not as many tourists even given it is usually a bad month. It was hot but not as hot as Grenada and unusually, it is as green as Grenada. But home is where the heart is....ah, touching!
As I write I hear thunder ( It might be the gardener banging around...no, it's thunder) the sky is going that watery white colour which for an instinctive weather predictor like me, usually means deteriorating weather. The rain was lovely last night but petered out around ten. I hope more is on the way, Chris or maybe Jacquie are the benefactors today. I wonder if there is a niche market for a rain maker...but on the other hand if there was too much rain one could be ducked in a pond for witchcraft!
Wow! Here comes a big black cloud....it's raining! You gettin' it Phil? Chris?
- Nice heavy shower yesterday evening.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 07:23:45 -0400
Thunder and lightning with heavy rain about 7pm last night. I hear from
Sally it was in Bathway as well (welcome back).
Gabrielle has shrunk to a weak low having had some of it's strength
taken by the nearby low.
Across the Atlantic is 98L, still there, just, but not thought to be a
threat. Apparently there is another tropical wave about to leave Africa,
we will have to watch it.
A few showers are shown on the radar, very scattered, so it is hit or
miss as to whether we get them or not.
Phil from Petite Anse has just sent me an update. They had a little rain
up there last night, but doesn't sound like they had much ( I think
Sally in Bathway took it most of it). Perhaps you should invite her to
stay at the hotel for a few days? She does appear to be a magnet to
rain. As soon as she arrived at the airport we had rain here, and it
followed her up to Bathway.
All the best to everyone, Hope you have a nice weekend. Off to La
Sagesse today with our 'adopted' granddaughter Symiah.
Hogan of Grenada
- Wet Wet Night
- From: "Jacquie Dowden" <jacquiedowden at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2013 06:42:40 -0400
Not sure how the rest of the Island fared last night but here on the West
side at Mt. Moritz we had thunder and lightning around 7 ish followed by heavy
heavy rain and wind. We had heavy showers through the night but no more
thunder. The dogs were all safe and sound sitting around my chair so they
were not too bothered by the few claps of thunder we did get, luckily none of
them tried to sit on my lap as they usually would do (5 large dogs all vying for
a safe lap is a bit traumatic, especially in this heat!).
Hope your tank got topped up Chris.
Stay safe
- Little rain around
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 09:40:06 -0400
Good morning,
I would like to thank Phil from Petit Anse jumping in as an agent
for weather at the North of the island, while Sally is in Barbados.
I received this from Phil this morning:
We have not had a drop of rain here for 10 days. Nothing whilst
you were having those showers last Friday & Saturday. It is
beginning to resemble the dry season!
Not much to say this morning from the south. We saw a small shower
pass through blotting out the mountains for a brief spell. We
received a couple of drops, that is all. We have got through 7000
gallons of water from our tank and we are now topping up from mains.
Wet season????
Very few showers showing on the radar. A nice day at the moment.
98L has now been given a 10% chance of developing over the next 48
hours. It is at 13.3N And about 1800 miles out in the Atlantic. The
small number of models so far doing predictions are not in agreement
as to its course, although none have it coming in our direction -
Have a nice day.
Hogan of Grenada
- One big system becomes two!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 23:36:51 -0400
The elongated system we have had over the last few days seems to have
split into two.
The Westerly part has jumped from 20% chance of developing to become a
full size TS Gabrielle. Yet there is still a large area of 'weather' off
to the east of Guadaloupe.
nearer to home there seems to be an area of rain just off to our east,
maybe some rain tonight???
Hope you have a peaceful night.
Hogan of Grenada
- Blob now 40% chance of developing
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 12:05:33 -0400
Sorry for delay - internet OK this morning, but neighbour chose to hit a
cement truck. I went to help him. He seems OK, but shaken up. His car a
right-off. Cement truck didn't seem to have a scratch.
Our blob is moving off to NW, although it seems to be dragging a large
area of rain East of the Guadaloupe. The rest of the Atlantic is still
Still no rain here in the South of Grenada. Not sure about the North.
Where is my Bathway agent when you need her?
Hogan of Grenada
- In response to Sally's question Where did the wave go?
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 13:14:28 -0400
The wave centre of the Low pressure seems to be about 200 miles West of
Dominica. There is a nice breeze here from the SSE and picking up.
I am now hoping the tail of this low pressure may give us a little rain
over night.
The good news is the rain kept off while they (Advantage Roofing) took
off the roof so that The Winsborrow brothers sprayed round the house and
the roof where we suspected the termites. Luckily they (termites) only
seemed to use it as a route from one side of the house to the other.
Still I feel much more comfortable now. The roof back on thankfully.
Although my bank balance has dropped!
It does look as if we may get our trade winds back over the next few
day. This will please Mrs Crumble.
Lime changes yesterday still did not stop me losing internet yesterday
evening. Not too bad this morning.
Still watching the 98L off of Africa, but doesn't look too bad at the
Hogan of Grenada
- Bim
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2013 11:53:57 -0400
Well the heavens opened and it rained big time yesterday and the thunder crashed and the lightning flashed but it was gone in an hour and to day although the skies are like the watery smile of a child ( looking for someone to fill Heaney's shoes?!) the blue is returning and the breezes are back.
So where did this the wave go? I am told it is a lovely day in Bathway.....funny old season but I am still holding my breath. Barbados is certainly getting more rain than before and is certainly greener than ever.
- We are still in that strange weather.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 08:11:19 -0400
A little while ago the breeze was from the NNW, now it is from the SSE.
The 97L blob is still in our area, giving rain showers in northern
Lesser Antilles. It still spreads out into the Atlantic. But for the
time we don't appear to have any showers in our area. Roof off this
morning, so hope it stays that way.
98L still drifting off the coast of Africa. Predictions are for it to
take a swing towards a north-westerly direction.
All the best
Hogan of Grenada
- 18:30 and still have internet!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 18:57:07 -0400
Hi all,
Lime have contacted us and they say they have changed our 'port' and
(without counting chickens before they hatch I still have the internet
at 18:30). That is a first for some few day. We will see.
The tropical wave/elongated low pressure is still well over us. There
are what looks like showers up around the Dominica area and also in the
area of Barbados. But all is calm here - 'for the time' !
Apart from that there does not appear to be any significant weather in
our area. The westerly wind (well slight breeze) has bean with us most
of the day, but has died down for the evening. It looks as if the wind
will pick up slightly from the South tomorrow as this system passes by.
As far as rain, it is difficult to work out where it could fall. It
definitely looks worse towards the northern of the islands, but I guess
there could be a heavy shower anywhere.
Further afield there is a 98L Invest just come off of Africa further
south than 96L last week (which seems to have dispersed). I don't like
the ones that come off south! The experts only have it as a low
possibility of developing over the next few days. I will watch it. All
models currently have it turning towards the North.
Hogan of Grenada
- Bim
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 11:59:18 -0400
We got there eventually.....some trouble with planes in Antigua or no planes in Antigua and of course no announcements telling us there was no plane....or something. The arrival area was packed, we were spilling out the doors and I made the wrong choice, residents and Caricom citizens or non residents? I went with the non residents, the queue looked shorter. It wasn't, it was four times longer but craftily concealed. Immigration handled the masses speedily and efficiently.
It is heavily overcast here and it has been raining. To night there there were rolls of thunder and flashes of lightening but that has not developed into anything scary so far. It is much cooler and less humid here than in Grenada. I think the weather is better here generally, not so enervating. I wonder if it rained in Bathway.
Barbados has had a lot of rain in recent weeks, the country looks green and fresh. Will see what tomorrow brings. And what Chris has to say.
- Our system now elongated.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 09:32:27 -0400
The 97L system has now been elongated, now stretching from over the
Lesser Antilles to more than 600 miles into the Atlantic. It has a 20%
chance of developing in the next 2 days. Will try to keep an eye on it.
Hogan of Grenada
- The tropical wave that is passing!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 06:48:16 -0400
Good morning,
Sorry I was unable to update yesterday, or even to find out what was
happening myself. Yes I was unable to get on the internet for a good bit
of the afternoon and all evening. Nor were neighbours of us, so it seems
to be an ongoing problem in our area.
Lime leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
Looking this morning, NHC have upgraded the system that is passing over
us* to 40% chance of developing in the next 48 hours. * Yes it is a
tropical wave and it is passing through, although looking at the weather
we are having you wouldn't believe it! It is still here. We now have a
small collection of boats at anchor in Calivigny Harbour to use as
weather vanes (must be someone having a party?). They are all facing NW
as I type this. The sea is flat. A few clouds around. The West, through
North, breeze we had yesterday has gone.
The radar shows rain out to our west and just to the east of Barbados.
And some more much further to the east of Barbados, worrying for me
tomorrow as we are having some roof removed to spray for termites.
So for the time we have to see how this system behaves. The windguru
site predicts variable today with a southerly breeze picking up
overnight tonight.
Ah, and the other tropical wave (96L) has moved, in fact jumped, further
west and lost it's identity of 96L. It does not as yet have a new Invest
id, but worth keeping an eye on.
Have a nice day, and I will do my best to update you. I will send this
while I can.
Hogan of Grenada
- Breeze from the West.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 10:52:54 -0400
Looking around the Caribbean I see (at 10:00) that Barbados has 18mph
westerlies, Martinique has ENE 12, Dominica E 10, St Lucia West 10. We
have a nice Westerly. Put this altogether and it looks as if the centre
of this system is Just East of St Lucia. There appears to be a large
amount of rain north of the centre of the wave.
We have just had some showers. Nice to get the wind blow from the West
for a change!
Thanks to people sending comments about the internet service. It is very
Hogan of Grenada
- 97L on our doorstep.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 07:30:55 -0400
Good morning Grenada,
Again while I have an Internet connection. The low pressure 97L is just
off to our east, about 100 miles NE of Barbados. It is predicted to pass
through the island chain in the area of St Vincent and St Lucia. It is a
weak system likely to bring rain over the next 24 hours. Most of the
rain currently appears to be to the north of the system. But we could
get some as it passes by in about 12 hours or so. Hopefully we should
see a welcome increase in the wind after it has passed. This weather
system only has about 10% chance of developing over the next two day, by
which time it will be well off to our west.
Much further to the East, near the Cape Verdes, the system 96L has been
downgraded to about 10% chance of developing over the next two days.
The mountains are mostly clear, just the smallest of clouds touching the
top of one. The sea is calm. My weathervanes (two boats at anchor in the
bays below us) are facing different directions , one almost north, the
other west. I can feel the slightest breeze from the West. I am guessing
we will see variable wind for a while before a change to a more
southerly breeze, as 97L passes by later this afternoon/ overnight.
I will do my best to send a post this afternoon, but going by previous
days I am finding getting the Internet difficult in the afternoon and
evening (Sunday may be different). I was talking to others yesterday and
it does appear that many people in our area are suffering from the same
problem, and all being told that it is probably their modems!
Hope you all have a good Sunday.
Hogan of Grenada
- Sunday/Monday
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 14:09:04 -0400
Although weak, the disturbance approaching the Lesser Antilles from the
East could bring some gusty wind and showers Sunday & Monday. Will know
more by tomorrow.
Small showers passing just south of us. Much more cloudy, but less rain,
than yesterday.
Thanks for the lovely (different) view of the North of the island Sally.
Hogan of Grenada
- Update
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 09:24:20 -0400
It is definitely building up for rain. Since I took this photo early this morning the clouds have deepened in colour. It is very still with a frisson of breeze and up here if it were not for Coco the manic poodle, it would be tranquil. Where is my Dr Spock for Poodles!
The beauty of Grenada is awesome. Could September be as peaceful as August? If I say it like that then I don't put a hex on it. We Irish have to be careful about things like that. Happy week end.
Description: JPEG image
- Two areas we are watching.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 07:46:34 -0400
Good Saturday morning.
Currently, the radar is showing very little sign of showers in our part
of the Windwards. Yet another morning with no breeze. The sea is almost
like a mirror. Could this bring a repeat of yesterday, as the land heats
up and with no trade winds to blow the clouds towards the West, we may
see the clouds build up over the island, with a possibility of heavy
rain? I know not everyone got it yesterday, but we saw, and strangely
heard it, slowly moving down the valley towards us. A few spits first
then really heavy rain. Yet speaking to friends out on Ft Jeudy (half a
mile away) they only received a few drops. Even the slightest of breezes
from the East will stop a repeat.
There is a weak Low pressure embedded in a tropical wave just 500 miles
to our east. It is not felt that this will develop over the next 48
hours, but could bring us some rain as it moves over us, by about
Monday, I hope not Tuesday as they are lifting the roof!!!
Still coming off the coast of Africa is an area (96L) that is expected
to increase, but the predictions are for it to travel over the Cape
Verdes and then further north into the Atlantic.
This is the last day of August, and I hope Jeff Masters doesn't mind me
using a statistic from his post yesterday. Once today has gone, and if
we don't get a hurricane today (in the Atlantic), 2013 will only be the
6th year, since 1944, that a hurricane has not developed by the end of
We now have September to get through!!!!
All the best to all of you here in Grenada and all of you that have
connections with our lovely island.
I will send this while I still have an internet connect. Yesterday I
lost it for a good part of the afternoon, and some of the evening. Is it
just Westerhall area that is suffering from poor service? Dialling 611
and requesting a senior manager to ring and explain the poor service,
served no use!
Hogan of Grenada
- Flawless day..
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 13:03:47 -0400
Someone is waving to me from Carriacou! Yes it is that clear, still also with a slight rather delicious breeze every once in a while. There has been no rain today nor last night but the flowers, especially the roses are bursting into bloom. I might try a little rain dance later for some soft rain to reward their effort. The gardener brought me the sweetest watermelon which I juiced to a gorgeous pink liquid. All it needed was a shot of vodka...I jest! Sort of.
Coco, the poodle brought me a present of a beautiful hummingbird....dead, I'm afraid. I must refer to my "How to train your poodle" manual...we looked at each other in doubt, but that's as far as I knew what to do. Admittedly Coco looked guilty. Perhaps that's a good sign.
Off to Barbados on Sunday so will see how the weather is there while keeping an eye on Chris'( subject to Lime) reports.
- Invest 96L coming off Africa
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 12:44:11 -0400
The NHC are watching an Invest 96L, which is just coming off Africa. All
models show it passing through the Cape Verdes and then turn north into
the Atlantic.
The talk of two different planets, last week, between Sally, in Bathway,
and ourselves. This morning we have watched rain over Mourne Jaloux. and
had a call from someone in Hope Vale saying it has rained a good bit of
the morning and we have had unending sunshine. Hopevale is about 1 mile
from us, as the pigeon flies. (unfortunately not our rescued pigeon as
it still seems to have a damaged wing).
Our latest problem is termite runs into the roof. Hope the weather holds
out for us to get the roof off on Tuesday to get it treated! The
pleasures of Caribbean life!
I hope the weak tropical wave about 600 miles East of us will be well
through for Tuesday.
Hogan of Grenada
- I have woken up to an almost cloudless morning.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 07:20:34 -0400
The only cloud on my horizon is my internet. Over the last few days it
has got worse. So I am sorry to say I am having great difficulties
getting on long enough, especially in the evenings, to look at the
weather and to send posts.
Anyway, this morning I have managed to get on and the NHC has two area's
that they are monitoring. The nearest to us is given a 10% chance of
developing in the next two days. It is about 800 miles to our east (2-3
days away). It is currently a weak system.
Further afield there is a system which has just come off Africa. This
has a higher chance of developing, but hopefully this will turn towards
the north. It looks as if the conveyor belt is starting up, although a
bit late. Let us hope that it does not have any nasty surprises!
Nothing showing, as yet, on the weather radar, except up in the St Lucia
/ Martinique direction.
Have a pleasant day.
Hogan of Grenada.
- Atlantic Illusions
- From: storm tracker <grenadatracker at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 22:25:44 -0400
There's a system in the Atlantic I've been watching since this morning and it's rated as having a 0% change of forming in the next 48 hours so my eyes must be playing tricks on me.
- Grenada North/South discussion.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 10:23:44 -0400
The Stormcarib site is becoming a interesting discussion site between
the weather in Westerhall (South) and Bathway(North) of Grenada. While
Sally in Bathway is enjoying her Toast & Marmalade(without Marmalade)
watching the rain, still we have no rain here in the extreme south. But
by golly it looks like we will soon. Hopefully my rain dance worked.
What a day to choose to have painters to do the garden gate!
Hogan of Grenada
- It's like rain in Donegal up here...
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 09:12:26 -0400
I was about to say "are you happy now, Chris" when the thought struck me that he may be watering his garden and doing a rain dance. I woke up this morning not "with the rising sun" but with pale watery skies and this gentle Irish rain..non stop just like Ireland but without the bone chilling cold. It is lovely and cool, by our standards that is but it is getting darker and darker. I saw a movie called The Road,Ii think it was called and the sun didn't come out leaving Earth grey and ..well, dead I suppose. It's a bit like that up here and there's no one on the beach and the sea is like glass with Carriacou a shadow in the mists.
Opening the front door though cheers me instantly...the grass could give the Emerald Isle a run for it's money and the flowers are radiant. The Saint Patrick rose is suddenly covered in buds. It makes you think, doesn't it.
A nice day for books, toast and marmalade...pity I forgot to buy the marmalade!
- Rain over Barbados?
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 07:36:03 -0400
Over night a large area of cloud and rain seems to have developed over
Barbados. This area of rain appears to be moving slowly in a westerly
direction. Currently it looks like the southern edge could be affecting
the north of Grenada. What is it like in Bathway Sally?
Down here in Westerhall it is a calm, mostly sunny, morning. Plenty of
cloud to our NE and scattered high cloud.
The NHC is talking about the possibility of something developing out to
our east during the week.
Hogan of Grenada
- Could this be some rain on the way?
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 17:44:40 -0400
Good evening
Looking at the radar and satellite images id oes look like a band of
rain is approaching. There are numerous showers between us and Barbados.
The lightning website is showing lightning strikes just off to our east.
So maybe we could have some rain tonight and tomorrow.
Still nothing across the Atlantic to worry about, but I guess it can't
stay that way. There is talk of two low pressure systems near the Cape
Verdes sort of joining with the possibility of some development.
Have a pleasant evening.
Hogan of Grenada
- Cool so far..
- From: "stalker at spiceisle.com" <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 09:32:40 -0400
I will definitely not comment on the Atlantic one way or another, I know what will happen if I do....have I gone too far already?
We rely on Chris for information especially as the NOAA does not send emails any more. The strange thing about this tiny island is that it has different weather patterns. When Emily came through in 2005 no one down south gave her a thought and I couldn't understand why we had not been contacted to see if we were still around. We had shattered nerves and no roof not to mention the loss of all the nutmeg trees. These days Chris talks of no rain and an empty water tank while I sit in heavy rain with my water tank overflowing down the hill....and that's on the same day! If I mention thunder and lightning he says he saw a flicker in the distance. I am less than 20 miles away, for goodness sake. Oh how I wish I had paid attention in Geography class..come back Sister Annunciata , I'll be good!
We are suffering the vagaries of our Internet just now...something to do with trouble in the exchanges...if that sounds a load of rubbish, basically the Internet keeps dropping. Guess what....not oop north tho'. I've probably gone and put a hex on it but while it lasts I'm enjoying it. The technician who services my area is a treasure. I have proposed marriage which would save him a few journeys and me a lot of grief with 611. He hasn't accepted. Pity.
So back to Chris
- Lovely morning.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 07:44:18 -0400
Still nothing to report weather wise. A nice breeze, the Sun is shining,
a lovely day in Paradise. Martinique radar shows hardly any showers in
the Windwards. A couple of, currently, weak tropical waves coming across
the Atlantic. The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone is not producing much
in the way of heavy showers. Although there is a thin band of storms
from 30W to 50W at about 13N (as shown on the WWLLN lightning website).
For those that asked how the wayward pigeon is. I have made a cage for
it. It's port wing is still not working, although I think it seems to be
holding it up better this morning. It is eating and drinking well.
I will send this while I still have my internet connect!
Hogan of Grenada
- A good bit of rain around midnight!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 05:37:40 -0400
Had to get up around midnight to close windows. Rain and a good bit of
it - lovely. That has cheered up the tree-frogs - what a lovely sound.
All still quiet on the Atlantic front. The Sahara dust has virtually
gone from our side of the Atlantic. The clouds and storms associated
with thee ITCZ are a little nearer to us now, mostly at about 10N. Maybe
we will start to get a bit wetter weather now. Although there are hardly
any blips on the radar as at 05:35.
Have a good day.
Hogan of Grenada
- A nice day with a pleasant breeze.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 11:12:16 -0400
Still nothing showing on the Atlantic conveyor belt. Just a weak
tropical wave approaching (about 200 miles East of Barbados. A few
showers showing on the Barbados long range radar. Hope we can have a bit
of rain from this wave.
Our cat caught a racing pigeon yesterday. It had a T&T ring on it. Was
it released here or has it flown off course? Was it to do with the
weather? The bird is injured, lots of cuts. The GSPCA did a wonderful
job patching it up. Just mentioning this in case anyone has an aviary in
which it could recover? It has full range of our lower apartment kitchen
at the moment. But think it would prefer to be outside. It can't fly at
the moment, hoping it is just muscle damage.
Hogan of Grenada
- All quiet.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 13:23:02 -0400
Sorry for lack of frequent updates. Having problems with the internet -
it keeps dropping out.
Still, there is nothing to report. The Atlantic is quiet. We are in a
dry air patch. Our garden could do with some rain. I hear from others in
the group that Westerhall must be on a different island to them. When I
say it is dry, they say it is raining, and only 3 miles away from here.
Our 14000 gallon water tank is nearly half empty (or is that half full?).
Internet permitting I will try to do a daily update.
Hogan of Grenada
- very little weather around
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 06:47:42 -0400
Good morning,
There is no severe weather to report. Just a weak tropical wave half way
across the Atlantic.
Locally, there is one very small blip on the radar, about halfway
between us and Barbados. There is some broken high cloud. The
indications are that it should be a nice day, with a gentle easterly
breeze. But don't rule out the odd shower.
Hogan of Grenada
- A few rain showers this morning.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 07:21:22 -0400
Good morning,
The low pressure I mentioned yesterday (off Africa) has been down
graded to 0% chance up tropical depression in the next 2 days. Other
than that the Atlantic is quiet.
We are still be affected by a weak tropical wave. causing some rain
and cloud also very little breeze. Not good for sleeping.
The weather radar shows a large area of rain between us and
Barbados, but it appears to be moving more to our north. This
doesn't rule out rain showers, maybe heavy, during the day.
Hopefully the breeze will pick up a little from the SE during the
day. Anything will be better than what we have at the moment.
All the best
Hogan of Grenada
- 94L just come off coast
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 14:54:20 -0400
Well I was partly right this morning. It was mostly overcast, we did
have a couple of showers. Also I heard some thunder, not sure which
direction it came from. We didn't get the drizzle though.
The Martinique radar shows some rain a little out to our east, if it
continues we should have some more rain in an hour or so. I can see some
large showers well to the South,
Further away a low pressure system has just come off the coast of
Africa. It has a 10% chance of developing in the next 48 hours. The
predicted paths (so far) show a slower move north compared to Erin. I
will keep an eye on this, if my internet stays up long enough! I see
that Barbados weather radar site is commenting that it hasn't been able
to update since yesterday because their internet is not working. This is
the time of year when we require a reliable internet. Mine was down for
about an hour a while ago.
Internet permitting I will update tomorrow.
Hogan of Grenada
- Erin has virtually disappeared.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 08:01:34 -0400
TD Erin, what there is of it, has changed to a more Westerly direction.
But is very weak and north of the islands. Predictions are still for
what is left of it to stay in the Atlantic (well most of them).
Nearer to home, we have a large slow moving blob of weather approaching
from the East, It is a weak tropical wave. Although most of it looks as
if it will pass to the south of Grenada, it could bring drizzle type
rain with heavy showers mixed in. Looking at the lightning website I see
it does have thunder in it. So my prediction - and I am often wrong - is
a bit overcast for a good part of the morning, with possible rain, some
may be heavy, with the risk of thunder.
Have a good Sunday.
Hogan of Grenada
- Erin down graded to Tropical Depression.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 11:57:45 -0400
First I am sorry for the delay in sending a post today. I have had
terrible internet connection with my service provider. I hope this
doesn't happen when a weather system is closer to us when people want up
to date information.
Erin has been reduced to TD and continues on a WNW course. It does
appear that it is now being affected by cooler sea temperatures and
Sahara dust. Most predictions take it well north of the Caribbean. But
I will still keep an eye on it.
Hogan of Grenada
- Tropical Storm Erin
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 13:40:23 -0400
Good afternoon.
The Tropical depression mentioned last night has grown into Tropical
Storm Erin. It is just SW of the Cape Verdes and currently moving WNW.
It is expected to increase in the next 48 hours then slowly decrease. It
is expected to dissipate before reaching the northern part of the Lesser
Let us hope the experts are right.
Hogan of Grenada
- 93L now Trop depression 5
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 22:41:30 -0400
This is written at 22:35 Wed eve.
We now have TD5 just South of the Cape Verdes. The latest movement is
in a WNW direction. There is an interesting spread of predictions. Only
a few have it turning back on a more Westerly course. For the time it
looks as if we are safe, but, let us see what the next few days bring.
I will update Thursday.
Hogan of Grenada
- The first one to watch closely
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 05:59:55 -0400
Good morning all,
Now we look east - way across the Atlantic to SE of the Cape Verdes.
There is a Low pressure system which has been given a 40% chance of
developing in the next day or so. The worrying thing is the models have
no consistency, yet. Although many do show it moving north. It's current
position is 12.9N 18W. With a current track WSW. I will be monitoring
this system (93L) over the next few days.
Meanwhile, the weather we had a few days ago has been upgraded to 30%
chance of developing as it approaches the Yucatan area.
We seem to be in a fairly stable area, so apart from the odd chance of a
shower it looks fairly sunny for today. We should keep the pleasant
easterly breeze.
Have a nice day.
Hogan of Grenada
- The wave that just passed through here -
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 16:52:18 -0400
The weather that passed through the Lesser Antilles over the last couple
of days, is now moving West through the Southern Caribbean and has a 10%
chance of developing in the next 48 hours.
Meanwhile we are back to steady weather, for a while. But there is a
tropical wave halfway across the Atlantic with a Low pressure attached
to it. The ITCZ seems a bit active in the area of this tropical wave.
The NHC have not said anything about this wave yet, let's hope they don't.
At the moment, it looks good for Tuesday, I hope!
Hogan of Grenada
- Rain everywhere but Grenada
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 07:16:02 -0400
Looking at the radar and airport weather data, it looks like there is a
large area of showers and thunder north of us, most of the islands up to
Antigua. Yet still we don't get much. But let's hope it stays away until
after Tuesday!
Still the Atlantic is quiet, but guess that can't stay that way.
Hogan of Grenada
- 'English' drizzly rain!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 08:13:46 -0400
Good morning folks,
Woke up to distant thunder, then we started to get what can only be
described as UK type weather, Drizzle. It brings back memories of many
camping holidays in the UK. The small 'low' pressure system we had
yesterday (which actually gave us no rain at all) is moving off to the
west. It has now been given a 10% chance of developing as it moves
through the southern Caribbean. It did give many other islands rain, but
not us. I guess what we are now getting is being generated by that
system. Although there is another weak tropical wave following, a few
hundred miles to our East. The ITCZ has dropped back to about 8N and
seems quite weak.
There is another weak tropical wave just west of the Cape Verdes. Apart
from that, the Atlantic seems quiet.
The garden is enjoying this 'English' rain.
Have a good day
Hogan of Grenada
- A small 'Low' passing through.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 08:01:04 -0400
Good morning,
Lovely morning, rain has just passed north of Grenada. All the boats in
Calivigny harbour and a trio, that turned up yesterday, in Westerhall
Bay are all facing West on their anchors. An indication of a very slight
breeze from the West. Probably caused by the small Low pressure
associated with a very small tropical wave passing through (shown on
Synopsis chart). Currently the weather radar shows rain to the NW of us
but none between us and Barbados (yet). There is a blob of convection
beyond Barbados which all seems part of this mini wave.
Despite the boats showing wind from the West, it seems completely calm
where we are. Hope the breeze picks up before the sun gets too hot.
Hope you all have a great carnival week.
Hogan of Grenada
- Believe it or not....
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 11:03:46 -0400
We have a tropical wave passing through!!! It seems to have brought
clear blue skies, with the help of the Sahara dust having moved on.
But there is another small tropical wave with some associated convection
about 400 miles to our east. It is showing on the synopsis chart as a
small low pressure. It is embedded in a bit of ITCZ which has drifted
up to our latitude. With a bit of luck we will get some reasonable rain
from this one. But for today I will enjoy the lovely dark blue skies and
the clear horizon for a change. Just wondering if we may see the tops of
the mountains in Venezuela this afternoon?
The radar is showing some rain showers between St Vincent and Barbados
which are drifting west. Don't think we will see any of these.
All the best
Hogan of Grenada
- Now we need some rain.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 07:07:17 -0400
It is so dry at the moment. It doesn't seem like the rainy season! The
garden needs water. We are trying to grow cucumbers, but they are
completely withered.
I have not been saying much recently as there has been little to say.
The Atlantic is still quiet, but it probably won't stay that way for long.
It does look as if there a few small showers near Carriacou and maybe we
will see the odd one here today if we are lucky.
I hope you have e a good time over the next week and a bit with Carnival.
Hogan of Grenada
- Just a quick update
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 23:01:29 -0400
Dorian is fizzling out. It has been clobbered by various things, but
looks like being very weak when it passes north of Antigua. HOPE.
Hogan of Grenada
- Dorian to pass north of Lesser Antilles.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 07:39:35 -0400
Good morning,
It looks like Tropical Storm Dorian will pass a good bit north of
Antigua tomorrow afternoon.
Hogan of Grenada
- Dorian - progress
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 15:02:41 -0400
It is looking more & more likely that Dorian will pass north of Antigua
on about Sunday probably as a tropical storm.
Hogan of Grenada
- 98L - TD4 - Now TS Dorian
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 16:38:41 -0400
The depression is now Tropical Storm Dorian, and seems to be following
the predicted path which hopefully will pass north of the Leeward
Islands. Grenada seems to be well clear of this one - hopefully.
Hogan of Grenada
- 98L now TD4
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 07:14:27 -0400
Good morning,
The disturbance near the Cape Verdes has now been classified as Tropical
Depression 4. The predicted paths (most) have the system moving across
the Atlantic to just north of the Lesser Antilles. It does look as if it
could be a Tropical Storm within the next 24 hours, but most predictions
do not have it increasing much after that.
Have a nice day.
Hogan of Grenada
- 98L South of Cape Verdes
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 19:42:28 -0400
Hi all,
Just to keep you informed that is 98L just south of the Cape Verdes. It
is at 12.3N it now has a 60% chance of becoming a tropical cyclone in
the next 48 hours. It doesn't appear very active, the predicted paths
take it towards the north of the Caribbean by Saturday eve, Sunday. But
they do not show the normal move north that many storms are predicted to
take. In fact many show it curving south towards the end of the Atlantic
crossing. This needs monitoring.
Hogan of Grenada
- ITCZ is more clearly visible on satellite images.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 07:41:21 -0400
Good morning,
The Atlantic is still quiet, for the time. The Inter tropical
Convergence Zone is showing an increase in activity near the Atlantic
Coast of Guyana. As yet I have not seen the usual storms over
Venezuela, maybe a still too early. We are having a fairly dry spell,
only one really decent shower in the last couple of weeks. There is a
weak tropical wave just West of the Cape Verdes, but then we have had
two or three pass over us with very little affect, you probably didn't
notice one pass through yesterday.
For the record:
2012 Ernesto was the first Storm to affect our area of the Caribbean and
that started life 1st August in the Atlantic at about 46W.
2011 Emily (not the one we remember) started in this area (near St Lucia
I think) on 2nd August.
2010 was Colin which started on 2nd August mid Atlantic at about 40W
Going back to 2004 (the year of Ivan), Earl started life at about 45W on
13th August.
and 2005, our Emily started life on July 11th at about 42W - that was
the year they had to go beyond the normal Alphabet!
So apart from 2005, our area normally remains quiet until August. Just
keep our heads down and try to be prepared.
Hogan of Grenada
- Chantal
- From: Sally Stalker <stalker at spiceisle.com>
- Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 10:05:46 -0400
I am close to St Vincent up here in the North of Grenada. We are not on storm
watch but the atmosphere is eerie. The birds are not singing in fact there is
little sound from the environment. The sea is quiet, usually it is pounding on
the beaches. I am beginning to breathe heavily, must keep calm but the memory
of Ivan then Emily and all the other other Hurricanes we went through, has left
its toll.
Good luck all the islands....
I think I'll play my rousing Irish Music.....dare I? It is a bit like being in
Church and knocking over a chair during the communion rites. Got to break this
thrall, maybe some Zen music or birdsong or something...I miss the birds.
Sally Stalker
P O Box 26
St. George's
Grenada. West Indies
Stalker at spiceisle.com
Tel + 1 473 4429243
mobile + 473 407 3366
- Chandal passing to NE of Barbados
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 06:12:04 -0400
The Martinique radar shows clearly the centre of Chandal just passing NE
of Barbados (06:00).
The rain we have just had is from one of the outer bands of clouds. Ohh
I just heard some thunder. There is no wind at the moment. I expect very
light winds or calm until Chandal passes north of us later today, then
we will have S-Easterly winds picking up a bit. We could get more
showers during the day, some may be heavy.
Hogan of Grenada
- Chandal seems to be following predicted path.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 20:32:07 -0400
Good evening all,
It does appear that Chandal is curving slightly further North. The
latest position is 11.8N 55W. With about 420 miles to go it does look as
if it will go just north of Barbados (Tuesday morning). then on to St
Lucia/Martinique area (Tuesday afternoon).
How could it affect us? Probably very little, if it follows the
predicted path. I think there is the increased chance of thundery
showers. There will be a slight wind direction change late Tuesday
evening. I am guessing we could have the usual high overcast sky, we
experience when a tropical wave goes through.
I will update tomorrow morning.
All the best to Barbados and islands further north. It looks as it will
remain a TS rather than a hurricane(hope).
Sleep well.
Hogan of Grenada
- Tropical Storm Chandal
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 07:52:36 -0400
Good morning all,
95L is now Tropical Storm Chandal. The predictions are for it to pass
through the island chain near Martinique/St Lucia area early tomorrow.
Currently it is thought to remain a TS, due to it's speed plus the dry
air that it is encountering. This morning it is located at about 10N
48W about 840 miles to our East. I will have another look this evening
before giving my thoughts on how it may affect us. But currently we are
outside of the NHC Tropical Storm watch area.
Hogan of Grenada
- First one to keep an eye on.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 09:27:35 -0400
Good morning,
Invest 95L is at about 9N and 40W, satellite images show it with a bit
of a spin. It is where Ivan was, but Ivan was about to become a Cat 1 at
this point. 95L has not yet made it to Tropical Depression status, yet!
They (NHC) are giving it a 40% chance of becoming a tropical cyclone in
the next 48 hours. The majority of predictions show 95L to pass through
halfway up the chain (near Martinique), sometime Tuesday/Wednesday. But
I will keep an eye on this.
Hogan of Grenada
- Super Full Moon tonight.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 11:37:59 -0400
Good Morning.
Yesterday was a lovely day weather wise.
If tonight's full moon looks brighter and bigger than normal that is
because it is! The Moon happens to be almost it's closes to Earth and
it is a full Moon. The next time this happens will be August 2014. If
you get the opportunity watch as the Moon rises when the proximately to
the horizon emphasises the size.
Good evening for a moonlight bathe! Hope for clear skies.
Hogan of Grenada
- Don't think it will be a good day (or two) for washing.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 06:58:31 -0400
Windy a wet night. I couldn't count the number of times I got up to open
or close windows. One problem with having East facing windows to pick up
the breeze in the bedroom.
Well another tropical wave passing through. The Satellite images don't
look promising, plenty of convection showing in a line moving in our
general direction, it could mean another couple of days like last week!
The weather radar shows, what looks like, heavy rain about a couple of
hours away (arrival time about 9-10 AM) but as with all weather this is
only a guess on my part. Let us hope I am wrong.
For those that use Google Earth, click on the 'clouds' part of the
weather layer, when it is up to date (which is not always) it shows the
clouds streaming across the Atlantic. This current one is very clear.
Hogan of Grenada
- laundry is done! Phew!
- From: storm tracker <grenadatracker at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 21:40:02 -0400
Well the sun came out long enough to dry not one, but four loads of laundry. Hallelujah! After a month of having every load get at least one if not three good soaking's before I can get it off the line...I am so pleased.
No dogs to complain about - but despite the name, my organic watermelons may not drown after all :o)
Weather is quiet which is nice - so far the season is lagging way behind 2005 - let's hope it stays that way.
Have a good time in the UK Jacquie!
- Snap on the Laundry
- From: "Jacquie Dowden" <jacquiedowden at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 21:08:11 -0400
Well, we did have more sunshine today so managed a bit of washing and
hoping to do loads more tomorrow (should I have said that!!). After
getting soaked on Thursday and then again on Friday it was nice to actually not
get wet today. Now I know the garden loves the water but my house is
definitely better without all the flipping mud that 5 dogs bring with
I shall soon be monitoring this site from the cold and rain in the UK
hoping they might experience their summer whilst I’m there.
Stay safe all.......
- Rain Rain go away....
- From: storm tracker <grenadatracker at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 10:48:30 -0400
I need to get some laundry done!!
Someone once asked me what the weather was like in Grenada and I replied that it was typical tropics - lots of sunshine interrupted by the occasional deluge of rain unless there was a big storm system passing by. I said that Grenada was lucky because it very rarely had that quirky temperate rain forest like weather that can bring cloudy days one after the other (such as Vancouver or England's pre-climate change weather).
Well wasn't I wrong about that! Humph.
Nice to see you again Chris :o)
- Worst day this year!
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 18:52:26 -0400
Hi everyone,
Not sure when you will receive this as my internet is down again!
Yesterday was the worst day this year for solar generation (very little
Sunshine) and guess what, today beat yesterday easily! So now today
holds the record for the cloudiest day of 2013.
Dare I say that tomorrow looks a little better, with the tropical wave
moving further away to the West? There are no tropical waves approaching
as yet. The Inter tropical Convergence Zone is still down around 6N.
Hopefully we could get some sunshine from tomorrow? The last time I was
able to look at the weather radar there were a few small showers to our
East, but well scattered.
Hope you all have a nicer day tomorrow (Saturday).
Hogan of Grenada
- Tropical wave approaches.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 06:15:34 -0400
Good morning,
The weather radar is showing a large area of showers just off to our
East and approaching. This is associated with a tropical wave that is
passing through the area. I am expecting a fair amount of rain today.
Hogan of Grenada
- Tropical wave approaching.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 09:38:05 -0400
Good morning,
Yesterday was the best day we have had for some time. Today has started
out well. Plenty of sunshine, slightly hazy. There are a few showers
between us and Barbados and plenty East of Barbados.
There is a tropical wave approaching from the SE, it has just started to
affect The North-East coast of Guyana and the extreme East of Venezuela
. It will probably affect us in the next few days. It looks as if it
will affect Trinidad and Venezuela more than us. My guess is there will
be some heavy rain and storms in that area. Although we will probably
get an increase in rain showers over the next couple of days, I feel we
will be affected more by the high cloud that spreads out from the storms
over Venezuela. Expect a slight increase in wind.
Hogan of Grenada
- Still here Storm Tracker! Thanks for starting us off.
- From: Chris Bolt <gommier at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 07:36:52 -0400
Hi all,
Just to let you know I am here and watching the weather. Also stocking
up on supplies.
There is a tropical wave at near 42W, some blobs coming off Africa. I
get some information from Dr Jeff Masters Wunderblog. But most of his
posts have been to do with the tornadoes in the US.
As for the recent weather, I have had solar power for about a year and a
half now and have a history of how much Sun there has been on a daily
basis. I can tell you that this year is no worse than the same time last
year. Our problem at this time of year seems to be high overcast cloud
that streams off of South America. Even when the sun has been out it has
been hazy. I haven't seen a clear horizon for more than two weeks.
For the record, Ernesto was the first storm last year to come through
the islands, and that started 01st August.
Let's pray for a quiet season. Keep safe.
Hogan of Grenada
- New Season, New Blob
- From: storm tracker <grenadatracker at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 07:31:02 -0400
Hi Everyone - we're back for another season. I haven't seen the faithful posters for awhile; so I hope you're around? I don't want to spend the summer without my meteorological friends.....
I noted there's a 1008 low emerging from the Coast of Africa to usher in June 1st. No doubt we'll be watching the upper level winds. Lots of rain this week! I had told some visitors that our rainy season is usually sunny with scattered deluges - and their entire holiday turned out to be overcast. Gotta love weather making a liar of me. Humph.
Well I certainly hope that we and all our neighbours have a safe and uneventful hurricane season.