- - - 2012 Hurricane Season - - -
- Dry & Dry
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2013 17:35:58 -0400
Usually I only post storm weather related information but this has some merit............
Nevis has had very little rain since beginning of the year. All is brown and more brown. Looks like we might get some rain then nothing happens. Clouds around and everyone is looking up for that down pour.
I'm betting when it does come we will get buckets and buckets of water.
- Nevis weather
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2012 18:20:16 +0000 (GMT)
Good Evening in Europe
The weather on Nevis and in particular Cades Bay Area has been mixed we have had some hot days and some cooler, not much rain during the day but some hearty showers or even downpours at night.
Today is a cool day, showery and slightly overcast, not to worry we do know the sun will return.
Double Deuce has reopened at its new location on the road to Sunshines and Pinneys beach. Best Wishes Keith
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- Nevis Nice Monday
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 17:41:18 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Today's weather has been very pleasant. A slight breeze from the east with a
few clouds passing by. Plenty of sunshine which is in contrast to last week.
Temperature at 28C and a clear view (no haze) so that I can see our neighbour
Montserrat today.
The main focus is on the developing Tropical Depression south of Jamaica.
Frank Goodwill

Sent from my iPod
- Nevis: Sunny Sunday.
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2012 17:43:40 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Over the last few days it has been partly cloudy with showers during the late
afternoon and overnight. Today has been sunny and a very pleasant close to the
weekend. There has been a slight breeze today which has been refreshing. I have
attached a photo looking towards the west and the Caribbean Sea from my
Have a good night.
Frank Goodwill

Sent from my iPod
- Nevis: A Sunset!
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 17:39:16 -0400
Good evening,
A brighter day today. The morning started mainly cloudy but as the day
progressed hazy sunshine started to break through. Due the amount of water that
is around it feels very humid. Spent the day clearing up broken branches and
cleaning the verandas. I have taken a picture of the sunset at 5:30 pm.
Frank Goodwill

Sent from my iPod
- After TS Raphael
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 18:08:18 -0400
Good evening ,
The weather in Nevis has remained mainly overcast with some spots of rain.
This afternoon there were some breaks in the cloud and the main shower and
rainclouds appear to have passed us by to the southwest and west of the island.
This evening there has been some rumbles of thunder and flashes of lightning to
the west of the island as shower activity is increases with nightfall.
Again a short video taken at 5pm of the weather conditions viewed from my
location on Nevis.
Frank Goodwill
- Nevis: TS Raphael - Bye bye!
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 17:31:23 -0400
Good evening everyone,
I don't want to tempt fate but it hasn't rained for the last hour. The sky is
starting to brighten up so there is a good chance that tonight will be mainly
dry. I might see some sunshine tomorrow.
A short video showing the latest weather conditions from my location on Nevis.
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- TS Raphael's Tail - Showers
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 12:01:28 -0400
Good morning,
Things are a little brighter here on Nevis, it is looking better towards
Montserrat to the south. This morning has consisted of showers with rumbles of
thunder and rain clouds coming in from the South West. I gather schools on
island are closed today due to the weather. Most of the damage in the Federation
from TS Raphael appears to have occurred on St Kitts and thankfully there have
been no reports of loss of life.
Latest short video of the conditions where I am in Nevis.
Frank Goodwill
- Nevis: TS Raphael's Tail - Rain
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 17:44:56 -0400
Good evening,
Today has continued with long spells of rain or drizzle but only a slight
breeze this afternoon. Temperature is still around 26C and the wind direction is
mainly from the SSW.
The visibility where I am has improved as the cloud base has lifted and I
can now see Saddle Hill. The sky is still heavy with cloud and l had to turn my
house lights on at 3:30 pm as it was so dark due to the overcast
Another short video with a view.
Frank Goodwill
- The Morning After TS Raphael
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 10:34:09 -0400
Good morning,
A showery start to the day in Nevis with some rumbles of thunder. Still
suffering from ‘low cloud’ in the foothills on the south side of Nevis Peak. The
wind is from the South/South-West and the temperature is around 26C. Still
getting some gusty winds associated with the showers.
Still not much of a view 
Frank Goodwill
- Raphael
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 14:21:36 +0100 (BST)
Nevis West side Cades bay area
Awoke this morning at 7am to a cool almost still morning but alas no power took the dog for a walk in the squelchie ground. The power was returned at 0815 after 5hrs and then the heavens opened and the wind got up again and since then we have had strong winds with gusts and more rain,
the Caribbean sea when we can see it through the gloom has white horses.
Keep safe
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- Nevis: Calming Down
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 20:43:23 -0400
Good night,
It looks as if things have quietened down in Nevis, as from 8 pm the wind
has calmed and the rain has stopped. We may still get some more showers through
the night.
Now to dry out.
Frank Goodwill
- Nevis: Tropical Storm Raphael 18:00 hours
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 18:48:56 -0400
Good evening,
Well things haven’t let up here on Nevis. We are still being buffeted by
high gusting winds and rain.... lots of rain. I did think that things were
improving just after 4pm but it was a false hope. Thunder and lightning returned
at about 5:15 pm and the intensity of the rain has increased again.
Nevlec electric supply has had a couple of 30 to 40 minute power
interruptions in my area during the afternoon, but things seem to be holding up
It has also been pretty cool at around 26C and the rain is cold! I’m having
to wear a vest, long sleeved polo shirt and jeans to keep warm!! English weather
- so I’ll go and have ‘bangers and mash’ for my evening meal.
Again another short video showing the conditions.
The islands up north must be bracing themselves as this system is reported
to be strengthening and changing course from the expected.
Frank Goodwill
- Nevis gets wet
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 22:02:57 +0100 (BST)
Here on the West of the island we are about 300 ft up and 1 Km from the sea which has been absent most of the day from our view.
Rain has been persistent and the wind very gusty the temp was as low as 24 at one stage it did clear about 4pm but now we are back in the murk.
For those of you who are English I would describe today as very Welsh, wet windy and wild.
Keep safe
Regards Keith
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- Nevis: Tropical Storm Raphael 2pm
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 14:43:18 -0400
Good afternoon,
IT SLOWLY ORGANIZES... Here in Nevis I am living in the twilight zone – very murky! Just had the first rolls of thunder for awhile and the wind seems to have picked up and become stronger over the last hour. Rain has continued to fall with some intense downpours with very squally winds. As this system seems to be slow moving as it passes the Leeward Islands we will see more of this for awhile yet. Added a short video to highlight the conditions at 2:30 pm. http://youtu.be/w-SegQ6AKfw Regards, Frank Goodwill
- Nevis: Tropical Storm Rafael
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 12:05:54 -0400
Good afternoon,
Last night was calm with an occasional shower. This morning we started with
light rain/drizzle, but this has gradually intensified. We are now being given
a good soaking. The wind today is coming from the south/south-east and is
fairly light with some stronger gusts. I am pretty well 'greyed out' now by low
cloud/rain so visibility is very poor but I have added short video from about
10:30 this morning.
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Nevis: A Calm Break
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 18:46:02 -0400
Good evening,
The earlier rain band and the associated turbulent weather passed after one
hour (see previous report). The weather has been a lot calmer for the rest of
the afternoon. We still have very overcast conditions with a gusting
winds/strong breeze. There have been periods of light rain/drizzle with the
occasional break in the clouds that let's through some hazy sunshine.
Still more of the same to come I think. Have a safe and peaceful night.
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Invest 98. Rain Band
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 13:36:21 -0400
Good afternoon,
Just after 1pm a rain band from Invest 98L has arrived and it has been
raining for about 30 minutes and still going strong with some thunder. Very
blustery and wet! I took a short video with my iPod Touch and was buffeted by
the wind so it is a bit shaky.
Frank Goodwill
- Invest 98L
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 12:18:01 -0400
Good morning,
Invest 98L is moving on up the island chain giving us some
unsettled weather. The prediction from the NHC is that the chance of this system
forming a tropical cyclone is now 80% within the next 48 hours as it travels at
a gentle speed of 10-15 MPH towards Puerto Rico. This still means strong winds
and rain showers/thunderstorms for a couple of days for us. A US Air Force
Reserve Hurricane Hunter Aircraft is scheduled to investigate the system this
afternoon – so more news later. As for Nevis, today started with showers first thing this morning, then sunny spells and has continued mainly cloudy with a shower followed by some drizzle starting at around 11am. The wind has picked up in strength today and there have been some strong gusts blowing, especially when there is a rain shower.
The Nevis Disaster Management Department have organised a
display and a march in Charlestown today for the ‘2012 International Day for
Disaster Reduction’ (Officially dated for 13th October). The theme this year is
‘Women and Girls: the (in)Visible Force of
Frank Goodwill
- Showers, cloudy, short sunny spells
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 16:20:46 -0400
Good Afternoon,
It would seem that Invest 98L will be moving up the Lesser
Antilles island chain over the coming days. NHC forecasts that: ‘STRONG GUSTY WINDS AND HEAVY RAINFALL ARE POSSIBLE ACROSS PORTIONS OF THE LESSER ANTILLES DURING THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS.’ The prediction that a cyclone will form from this system in the next 48 hours has also increased to a 50% chance. We have been having a steady pattern of heavy showers – including thunder and lightning – for the past three days now. This has also included gusty winds and some sunny spells. We wait and see what more this latest system can bring us. I have included a photo of sunrise from yesterday morning at 6am, taken just after one of those heavy showers had passed. Regards, Frank Goodwill
20121010 sunrise1.jpg
Description: JPEG image
- Nevis. Dodging the Showers
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 17:42:13 -0400
Good afternoon,
An interesting couple of days weather wise. Yesterday there was a threat of
showers for most of the day with some heavy cloud passing over and odd rumbles
of thunder. At around 3pm yesterday one of those dark clouds came over and
there was a flash of lightening and a loud clap of thunder then the sky opened
with a heavy tropical downpour. The lightening was directly above the house and
I heard the air crackle so it was pretty close. One result was the electricity
supply breakers popped out on the Nevlec network. So I lost electricity for a
while. Overnight there were some more showers but not as dramatic.
Today the breeze has picked up from the East and the clouds have again
threatened showers with some thunder rumbling. It looks as if the main showers
have missed us and passed the island by to the south. Nevis Peak blocks my view
to the north though.
A short video of the clouds passing by.
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- A Fine End To The Week
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2012 19:20:17 -0400
Good evening,
A fine end to the week with a sunny day with a little cloud and a light breeze.
Have a good weekend.
Frank Goodwill

Sent from my iPod
- Bright and Breezy..... future outlook oily!
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 23:04:39 -0400
Good night everyone,
Today has been sunny with some cloud though the clouds have been kept
moving by a strong easterly breeze. So the weather has been a bit of a mixed bag
this week though very pleasant.
For all you Nevis watches there was some promotion that Nevis would become
a ‘green’ island with the introduction of Geothermal electricity generation.
Well that seems to have stalled after many promises from the developer, West
Indies Power and the Nevis Island Administration. Now it seems that the Nevis
island Administration has moved on to plan ‘B’ – A fuel storage facility for
oil/diesel/petrol/kerosene, etc. Construction will consist of two
phases with the first phase taking about two years to complete. The facility
will encompass 101 acres of land in the Pembroke Estates (near Long Point and
Bath Village).
Frank Goodwill
- Nevis, Cooler and Showers.
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 16:26:26 -0400
Good afternoon,
What a difference a day makes. The first day of October has brought cooler,
cloudy weather with a lot of showers. There was also some thunder this morning,
but the dark grey clouds keep coming over. It feels quiet cold in the breeze
and if this keeps up I'll have to find my 'thermals'!
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Hot and Sunny Day
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2012 18:48:14 -0400
Good evening,
Today has been bright and sunny and pretty humid, with even some of the
locals complaining how hot it felt. At around mid-day today there were some
rumbles of thunder and a flash or two of lightening, but the heavy storm clouds
seemed to have missed us and passing by to the north of the island.
I was back down on the Windward coast this afternoon having a look around.
A short video doing a 360 degree view.
As another weekend closes there is a tropical wave just off the African
coast so there is something to keep an eye on. I’ve also attached one of those
Caribbean sunsets taken today.
Frank Goodwill
20120930 sunset nevis.JPG
Description: JPEG image
- Nevis - Beach Clean-up Day;
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2012 14:18:27 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
A very pleasant day on Nevis – Hot and sunny, with only a slight breeze. We
did have some showers overnight but the clouds are few and far between today –
except around Nevis Peak.
Today was Beach Clean-up Day on Nevis from 08:00 to 10:00 hours. Volunteers
headed off down to various beaches of the island to pick-up rubbish and to
record what was found.
My two hour stint was down at Coconut Walk Estate (New River) on the
Windward side of the island. You don’t realise how much trash the human race
produces! The greatest single item collected was plastic bottles and parts of
plastic bottles, though I did find the remains of a couple of car batteries. It
is good that we haven’t had many storms this year as there would probably have
been a lot more rubbish.
I’ve added a couple of photos of the wild Windward beach area, its quite a
contrast to the Leeward side i.e. Pinney’s Beach, Cades Bay, etc. Good walking
country if you like to explore and look at old sugar plantation ruins and rugged
coast line.
Frank Goodwill
20120929 cw bay.JPG
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20120929 cacti.JPG
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20120929 cw old lime kiln.JPG
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- Nevis calling
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2012 13:58:27 +0100 (BST)
Nevis Calling
Well last night was a restless night it rained hard it thundered and it rained again in Cades Bay, not really complaining the water is required. It has cleared the air and visibility is good can see Brimstone hill on St Kitts clearly. Regards Keith
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- Good morning
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 14:32:07 +0100 (BST)
Good morning
The last couple of days have been very warm on Nevis that is the Cades Bay area on the western side of the island, we have had the odd shower but most rain during the night which has greened things up a little.
For those that know the island yesterday I drove through Cades bay from the Yachtsman Grill into Cotton Ground the road and surrounds were wet, by the new Cotton Ground police Station the ground was dry then until you turned off for Sunshines there it was wet again, so when someone says they had rain and you didn't and you're about 1/2 mile away don't worry, your time will come.
Best Wishes Keith
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- Late Afternoon on Nevis
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2012 16:44:18 -0400
Good afternoon,
We had some showers on Tuesday and overnight which was good. Today has been
sunny and hot with some passing puffs of cloud.
So I picked some lemons and a bunch of bananas this morning and have made some
lemonade and banana bread. Now enjoying the fruit of my labour and the view.
Life is good!
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Sunday: Humid and Overcast
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 21:13:41 -0400
Good night everyone,
Today has been overcast and humid with a breeze and it has
been hazy with the temperature at about 31C. I noticed some ‘whitecaps’ and
large waves down on the St. James Windward (Atlantic) side of the island, so the
sea on that side was rough.
Weather reports give the wind direction tonight as ENE,
but sitting out on the veranda at 8 pm it was coming from the ESE. This was
confirmed by the occasional whiff of ‘Parfum de Montserrat’ – sulphurous smell
of rotten eggs from the Soufriere Volcano. The blanket of cloud has broken up
and the moon is making brief appearances. Tomorrow should be partly cloudy and
Tuesday we are due some Thunderstorms with a good possibility of showers on
Wednesday and Thursday. We wait and see how good these forecasts
Have a good night.
Frank Goodwill
- Overcast and Showers
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2012 22:47:21 -0400
Today has been overcast with showers that varied in length and intensity
and there were a few rumbles of thunder. It looks as if the ‘weather’ has moved
on as it seemed to have brightened up a bit come evening time.
Frank Goodwill
- Tropical Wave - Showers
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 14:14:26 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Yesterday afternoon we saw a build up of cloud and from 5pm rumbles of
thunder and some lightening. By 6pm the heavens had opened and we had a good
downpour. Not so good for the people down at the St. James’ Racetrack watching
the Hero’s Day drag-racing event! Not my thing but it was interesting watching
the ‘Le Mans’ start as everybody rushed to leave as it started to rain while I
was driving past the track.
Today is a Public Holiday in St. Kitts-Nevis and it is overcast and we had
a couple of showers earlier this morning. It is quiet humid with the occasional
half-hearted attempt to generate a breeze.
Frank Goodwill
- Evening and Sunset Nevis
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 18:58:50 -0400
Good Evening everyone,
A quiet end to the week regarding the weather in Nevis. Broken cloud with sunny
spells today with little breeze.
A short video at sunset:
Have a good weekend.
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Squally Showers Nevis
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 12:24:08 -0400
Good afternoon all,
Asked for some rain and got it! Today's weather has been sunny spells with
showers, some of which have been heavy. Can't complain as the cistern needs
topping up and I won't have to water the plants.
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Nevis Weather
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 17:50:33 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
As the weather has been much the same sunny, hot and dry I haven’t posted
anything. Today has been much the same except we just had a rain shower which is
a novelty as it has been pretty dry for a while.
Things have been pretty busy lately in the Atlantic to the east of the
Leeward Islands, but the storms have been turning north before reaching us. The
latest, TD #14, is predicted to do the same. A good thing for us but bad in
another way as we need a bit more rain.
Frank Goodwill
20120911 raining.JPG
Description: JPEG image
- Good morning
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 13:36:38 +0100 (BST)
Well I have to report that on Nevis and in particular the West side in Cades Bay facing the Caribbean it was stifling hot yesterday with very little breeze up to 35 in the shade.
This morning we have had three quick short showers with lovely rainbows and it is making it a bit cooler which is appreciated. Best Wishes Keith
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- Late Afternoon Stillness
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2012 17:49:29 -0400
Good afternoon,
Very little to report from Nevis regarding the weather. Today has continued
with hazy sunshine with very little cloud. The usual brisk trade winds are not
with us so it has been very still. One of those days when you plan a lot but
end up doing very little due to the humidity. So a relaxing day on the veranda
for me. Took one of my short videos panning eastwards from Nevis Peak to Saddle
Frank Goodwill
- TS Leslie
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2012 15:09:38 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
TS Leslie is passing us by but we are getting some 'weather' from it. It has
been overcast all day and from about 1:30 pm rain has been in the air. We have
had a couple of short sharp showers so far. The wind is from the west and is a
light breeze. The temperature is 30C but feels hotter due to the humidity.
I took a short video from the Zetlands area looking over Gingerland to Saddle
Hill out to the Atlantic.
Have a good afternoon,
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Hot Day Today
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2012 22:19:57 -0400
Good evening everyone,
Today has felt really hot due to the humidity. Sunny with broken cloud and
a top temperature of 31C. Even at 10 pm the temperature is 28C but feels
like 32C and we just had a short sharp shower at about 9:30 pm. I took a short
video down at Maddens near the Windfarm in St. James which is on the Atlantic
(East side) of the island.
Looking to the East Tropical Storm Leslie is still predicted to bypass the
Leeward Islands but the closest point to Nevis has reduced from 364 miles to 340
miles in one day. It will probably be a near miss but it will be interesting to
see the intensity of the showers/rain bands that pass over.
Have a good weekend,
Frank Goodwill
- Weather Good..... Remember Montserrat?
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2012 17:15:46 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
It has ended up as a beautiful day weather wise on Nevis. There was a build
up of cloud around midday but that has gone. Temperature has been around 31C
with a slight breeze blowing.
Our near neighbour Montserrat had a small ash venting episode yesterday
afternoon, just to remind everyone the Soufriere
Hills Volcano is still active after some 16 years now. Not Hurricane news
but it is still part of the mix.
The Montserrat Volcano Observatory has listed a video that might be of
interest. A Flight Over Plymouth 24th August 2012 (was the capital of
Montserrat): http://youtu.be/FVPo6EM3FKU
The Caribbean is an interesting place to live!
Frank Goodwill
- Evening View Nevis
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 20:14:55 -0400
Good evening everyone,
The main focus is on the USA and Hurricane Isaac - In Nevis the weather is
pretty quiet.
Sunny, dry with broken cloud. The temperature during the day has been 31C with
a light breeze. It is still a little hazy when looking at the sea/sky horizon.
It feels a lot warmer due to the humidity. Again I've added a video snippet
view from Nevis Peak to Saddle Hill.
Have a good night,
Frank Goodwill
- Sunshine.... Just about
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 16:15:19 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Sunday was much the same as Saturday weather wise. Cloudy, hazy, and very
little breeze. Today's weather had been better with some sunshine but there is
still quiet a lot of cloud cover. There was one short, sharp shower just after
mid-day. I recorded a quick video down at the Charlestown waterfront.
A big day in Charlestown with two High Court Cases being settled regarding
political issues in Nevis.
Sent from my iPod
Frank Goodwill
- Nevis Evening
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk>
- Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2012 19:41:51 -0400
Good evening everyone,
Today has been overcast, hazy, dull with a few spots of rain. There has been
very little breeze to speak of. Even the local dogs have been quiet.
I've added a short video looking towards the south of the island, Saddle Hill
and panning to the SW. Time was 5pm and shows how overcast it is.
No doubt the focus is still on TS Isaac but I thought I'd this report.
Frank Goodwill
- Cloudy with hazy sunshine
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 19:47:03 -0400
Good night everyone,
Today day has produced calmer weather for Nevis. Last night at about 00:30
hours we had one of those final rain-bands pass over which provided some more
rain. Today has been cloudy with hazy sunshine. It would appear that TS Isaac
will be pulling in showers behind it but so far today it has been dry. Wind is
from the ESE and the temperature has picked up again from yesterday’s low.
Looking at the Caribbean Sea side the inshore waters are discoloured from rain
water run-off and on the Atlantic side the waves are much rougher.
TS Joyce has fizzled out so now we look to the next system Invest 97L which
is projected at this early stage to go safely north of us (Nevis). But then the
Hurricane Roulette wheel is spinning again.......
Frank Goodwill
- isaac back lash
- From: Tony Davella <tdavella at caribcable.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 16:34:56 -0400
Just when I thought it was over, Isaac backlash is strong out of our south. Heavy winds and rain that seem much more severe than what we had last night. Hang on everyone! This is not over for Nevis yet. Tony D.
- TS Isaac Leftovers
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 16:05:42 -0400
Good afternoon,
In the southern foothills of Nevis Peak we had much the same weather this
morning as we had during Wednesday – cool with a blustery breeze. The showers
eased and we had no rain from early morning and it has just started to rain with
very low cloud obscuring Saddle Hill.
Nevlec were out finishing off the repair work from last nights power
outage. We lost power from 09:30 hours to noon time today as a result.
The only ‘wreckage’ has been a few small branches blown down from trees in
my yard. There is an old coconut grove on land next to me that has succumbed to
‘yellow’ disease and a couple of the remaining ‘telegraph poles’ came down. They
caused no damage but it was strange hearing the creaking noise as they went
TS Joyce is going to miss us so that is a blessing.
Frank Goodwill
- TS Isaac Leftovers
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 16:05:42 -0400
Good afternoon,
In the southern foothills of Nevis Peak we had much the same weather this
morning as we had during Wednesday – cool with a blustery breeze. The showers
eased and we had no rain from early morning and it has just started to rain with
very low cloud obscuring Saddle Hill.
Nevlec were out finishing off the repair work from last nights power
outage. We lost power from 09:30 hours to noon time today as a result.
The only ‘wreckage’ has been a few small branches blown down from trees in
my yard. There is an old coconut grove on land next to me that has succumbed to
‘yellow’ disease and a couple of the remaining ‘telegraph poles’ came down. They
caused no damage but it was strange hearing the creaking noise as they went
TS Joyce is going to miss us so that is a blessing.
Frank Goodwill
- Last night
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 13:15:52 +0100 (BST)
Last night in Cades Bay, West Nevis
Well last night could have been like any other night we had some wind and rain nothing to disturb us, we took all the furniture in for safety and had to drag it out again this morning.
This morning is very showery some heavy and some good blustery winds The Caribbean sea has white horses. Best Wishes Keith
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- TS Isaac
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 22:44:30 -0400
Good night,
Continuing to have the occasional short sharp shower with wind gusts here
in the southern foothills of Nevis Peak. Lost mains power at 19:15 hours for
about an hour and a quarter, this was a small local event. There has been the
odd break in the cloud to reveal a crescent moon and at ground level it is
starting to look misty.
Frank Goodwill
- All Quiet
- From: KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 01:41:02 +0100 (BST)
Nevis is quiet, we are getting squally showers and lulls. Went out for a meal to the Ole house went thro Charlestown quiet as a dormouse no one about and weather just as quiet.
Keep prepared and keep safe Good night all. Best Wishes Keith
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- TS Isaac
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 16:43:55 -0400
The day has progressed with a strong breeze and overcast skies. This has
been punctuated with squally showers about once every hour or so. There has been
the occasional break in the cloud cover to let some hazy sunshine through for a
short time. The temperature has remained cool at around 27C.
Frank Goodwill
- TS Isaac
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 11:09:44 -0400
God morning,
Showers overnight and varying amounts of rain this morning from short sharp
showers to drizzle. The wind is starting to pick up and is around 14 MPH from
the NE. The temperature is 27C
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Good morning
- From: keith.pugh at btinternet.com
- Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 11:32:57 +0000
Good morning from the West coast of Nevis, Cades Bay we are about 300 feet up.
We had some heavy rain from about 4am and also two good sessions of thunder. It
is cooler at 27C with a Stiff breeze and pressure at 1007.
Keep safe
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from LIME.
- Waiting ......
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 21:11:45 -0400
Good evening everyone,
Today has been dry on my part of Nevis and we continue to have hazy
sunshine with some cloud. There was a strong breeze this morning but that has
eased off this evening.
Now that TD9 has been upgraded to Tropical Storm Isaac, we wait to see what
that brings Wednesday afternoon.
A tropical storm warning is in place for Nevis and this has been announced
on radio and Nevis TV (ch8). Facebook alerts have been posted by the Nevis
Disaster Management team.
As always postings tomorrow will depend on the electricity and internet
Have a good night – back tomorrow, 
Frank Goodwill
- Hurricane Roulette Wheel Still Spinning.
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 22:18:58 -0400
Good evening everyone,
Today has again been hot with hazy sunshine and some cloud with the
temperature at 31C. We still have a nice breeze and during the evening there
were a few short sharp showers. An increase in shower activity is expected
tomorrow (Tuesday).
The NHC has issued an advisory that the Leeward Islands should monitor the
area of low pressure, Invest 94L, that is 800 miles to the east and heading
towards us. Its a case of will it develop into a Tropical Depression/Tropical
Storm by the time it reaches the Leeward Islands*. So we continue to watch and
Not that far behind is Invest 96L.
*Leeward Islands – Chain of Caribbean Islands from USVI/BVI to
Frank Goodwill
- Hurricane Roulette!
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 20:44:23 -0400
Good Evening everyone,
Today has been fine and mostly clear of cloud. It has been hot with hazy
sunshine (31C feels like 37C) with a good breeze this morning that lightened up
in the afternoon.
Well its time to look at what is developing and may arrive later in the
week with Invest 94L. No point in worrying or getting in a panic, but the
Hurricane Roulette wheel of chance is spinning. A chance just to check batteries
and supplies.
No doubt the NHC will keep us briefed as well as the many other sites
including this one. For those booked in for a holiday this week to the
Caribbean/Florida etc., keep an eye on developments. I remember arriving in
Nevis on 19th September 1998 and a few days later was experiencing Hurricane
Georges 21st/22nd September (a night to remember), producing strong winds of up to 115 mph (185 km/h) while
passing over and lots and lots of rain.
Frank Goodwill
- Natural Fireworks
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 22:33:41 -0400
Good night everyone,
Yesterday was bright and sunny with no haze. Today started the same but it
became more cloudy as the day progressed. No rain today in the south of the
island, but it looked a little hazy. Today seemed to be humid and I am siting
out on the Veranda watching an electrical storm (with very little thunder)
passing to the south of the island lighting up Saddle Hill.
Have a good night,
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Cloudy
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2012 22:35:44 -0400
Good evening everyone,
Today has been mainly cloudy in Nevis. We had a couple of short, sharp
showers this morning but all is quiet now. Temperature was 31C but due to the
humidity it felt more like the mid 30s.
All seems quiet regarding the weather in this part of the Leeward Islands
but no doubt a rabbit will be pulled out of the weather hat as we approach the
peak period of the hurricane season (10th September). With all the technology
involved the weather can still be full of surprises, good and bad. We just have
to keep a watchful eye on the proceedings.
Frank Goodwill
- Bright and Breezy
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2012 14:36:00 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Today on the south side of Nevis we have hazy sunshine with a strong breeze
blowing. I've had a few dead blown down from a couple of cedar trees and my
banana plant leaves are being shredded. It's giving the house a good airing
It would seem that TD7 has been downgraded, but we will wait and see what
weather we will get Sunday from the remaining Tropical Wave.
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Something For The Weekend?
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 17:37:25 -0400
Good afternoon,
Well today has been hot, humid and with very little breeze. Temp at 31C bit
feels like 37C. A good day to sit out on the veranda watching the Olympics on
TV with a cold drink.
Looks as if invest 92L has been upgraded to TD7 with a chance of further
development on Friday to TS Gordon. So there might be some weather for the
weekend as it crosses the Winwards.
Good to see Jamaica get 123 in the 200m.
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Could and Breeze
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2012 15:39:09 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Today has been mainly cloudy with some hazy sunshine trying to break through.
There is a good breeze blowing with the occasional stronger gusts. So far today
there has been no rain.
The outer bands of TS Ernesto took their toll on one Nevis Culturama event last
night. The Calypso contest was postponed due to the weather and has been
rescheduled for tonight.
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Gusty Winds here....
- From: "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2012 20:04:36 -0400
Greetings All,
Weather station is recording gusts in the neighborhood of 45-46 mph. Little or no rain.
- Squally Showers
- From: "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2012 19:31:11 -0400
Good night everyone.
Today started bright and breezy, but as the day has progressed cloud has
built up and we have experienced a number of squally showers. As the sun went
down it looked very misty and murky with rain spots in the air. As the rain
showers have come over it became very gusty and there was a marked drop in
Have a good weekend,
Frank Goodwill
- Rain!
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 12:50:25 -0400
Good afternoon,
It has been raining off and on for and on for most of the morning. Things seem
to be brightening up now as the wet stuff is not coming down so frequently. Had
a temp of 25C this morning so things have been cool up in the foothills of
Nevis Peak.
Some discussion about the development of Invest 99L. A possible Tropical Storm
for the weekend for the Northern Windwards and Southern Leewards. Timing just
right for the main Nevis Culturama weekend!
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Rain!
- From: Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 13:58:28 -0400
Good afternoon,
We had some showers last night and this has increased today with some longer
periods of rain. The place is getting a good soaking which is good as it has
been dry for sometime.
It is a lot cooler as well only 26C. I'll have to put my thermals on soon :)
There was some thunder and lightening late yesterday and during the night.
Nothing too spectacular and mainly to the south towards Montserrat.
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Hazy Sunny Spells - Unsettled
- By "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 13:12:46 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Today has become a little more unsettled. There has been the usual ‘partly
cloudy with hazy sunshine’ that seems to have been the norm for a while. There
is some unsettled weather moving over us so that has increased the chances of
rain. Had our first rain shower just before 1pm as some very dark clouds came
around Nevis Peak and it has also been quiet breezy this morning. Seems as
if it is going to be much of the same for the next couple of days.
Locally the Nevis Culturama Festival started officially yesterday and goes
on until 7th August.
I usually post a daily picture on twitter re: the weather at nevisislander if
anyone is interested.
Frank Goodwill
- Hazy, Breezy.......
- By Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 09:52:05 -0400
Good morning everyone,
It is very breezy today which has has made it cooler by a few degrees. The haze
is still with us and it is sunny and partially cloudy.
The vervet monkey troop are running out of mangos and are eyeing my banana
trees. A few good shots from my slingshot has dampened their curiosity!
Have a good day
Frank Goodwill
- Today it changed
- By KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 23:34:50 +0100 (BST)
Well today it changed we have been having the odd little shower in the night or early morning today all change heavy down pours and now 1833 thunder and lightening.
The cistern has been gasping for water now its just sighing its pouring in what a nice sound. Best Wishes Keith
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- Showers
- By Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 14:34:30 -0400
Good afternoon everyone.
Looks as if the cloud and showery weather is still with is today as the effects
of the Tropical Wave are still with us. The showers have been light and of
short duration on this side (south) of the island.
Discussions about the weather seem to indicate it will remain quiet with a
strong possibility of the next named storm turning up during the first week in
I'm not a betting man though as a fool and his money are soon parted!
Have a good day,
Frank Goodwill
Sent from my iPod
- Some Showers
- By Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 00:06:00 -0400
Good night everyone,
The haze due to Saharan dust has mostly disappeared today. Today started sunny
with some cloud with a good breeze. The cloud has slowly built up with some
light showers during the afternoon. At present (11:30 pm) we have had a longer
period of light rain.
There were a couple of house break-ins Tuesday night which resulted in
homeowners being assaulted (Hamilton and Golden Rock areas). Police have
arrested one person and two others are 'known' and are being looked for.
Hoping for a restful night,
Frank Goodwill
- Dry But Rain In The Air
- By "Weather Update" <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2012 15:46:19 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
The day started of with sunny periods and some cloud and the haze from the
Saharan Dust has cleared a bit. This afternoon bands of cloud have been coming
around Nevis Peak and at 3.30 pm we had our first short sharp light shower. So
it looks as if we are in for some of those scattered showers (30% chance
So basically still very quiet weather-wise which is a good thing.
Frank Goodwill
- Breezy, Hazy Sunshine.
- By Frank Goodwill <nevis.storm at hotmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 16:17:01 -0400
Good Afternoon,
Weather has changed from sunny with partial cloud to being breezy and hazy. The
breeze has some occasional strong gusts and is cooling. The sunshine is hazy
and there is some cloud.
Frank Goodwill
- Earth tremor
- By KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 22:37:51 +0100 (BST)
Good evening
At about 5-30pm we experienced an Earth tremor felt like someone pushing the back of my chair and shaking Best Wishes Keith
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- Relaxing Day
- By "nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk" <nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk>
- Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 16:07:43 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Today has been hot with an occasional breeze to cool things down. Today is
not a day to do a lot of rushing around but to sit out and enjoy the weather.
The haze has been back with us for a couple of days now but there has been very
little cloud today as Nevis Peak has not been wearing its usual ‘hat’.
The vegetation is starting to look dry now and the ground is like concrete
so that puts paid to any gardening. A good excuse to sit back and drink my
freshly made lemonade with ice.
Added a few photos to set the scene – views of Nevis Peak, Saddle Hill and
out towards the Caribbean. Have a good weekend.
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- Relaxing Day
- By "nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk" <nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk>
- Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 16:07:43 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Today has been hot with an occasional breeze to cool things down. Today is
not a day to do a lot of rushing around but to sit out and enjoy the weather.
The haze has been back with us for a couple of days now but there has been very
little cloud today as Nevis Peak has not been wearing its usual ‘hat’.
The vegetation is starting to look dry now and the ground is like concrete
so that puts paid to any gardening. A good excuse to sit back and drink my
freshly made lemonade with ice.
Added a few photos to set the scene – views of Nevis Peak, Saddle Hill and
out towards the Caribbean. Have a good weekend.
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Description: JPEG image
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Description: JPEG image
- Relaxing Day
- By "nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk" <nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk>
- Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 16:07:43 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Today has been hot with an occasional breeze to cool things down. Today is
not a day to do a lot of rushing around but to sit out and enjoy the weather.
The haze has been back with us for a couple of days now but there has been very
little cloud today as Nevis Peak has not been wearing its usual ‘hat’.
The vegetation is starting to look dry now and the ground is like concrete
so that puts paid to any gardening. A good excuse to sit back and drink my
freshly made lemonade with ice.
Added a few photos to set the scene – views of Nevis Peak, Saddle Hill and
out towards the Caribbean. Have a good weekend.
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Description: JPEG image
- Good morning
- By KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 15:57:45 +0100 (BST)
Here at Cades Bay Nevis, we are still dry and very hot the haze has returned and St Kitts is shrouded Peninsular. The leaves on some bushes are very dry curled and crispy.
At the moment 11am its a cool 29C with a very light breeze. Regards Keith
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- Haze has cleared
- By "nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk" <nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk>
- Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2012 13:12:12 -0400
Good afternoon everyone,
Looks as i the haze has gone again this morning and I can see the sea/sky
horizon out towards the Caribbean Sea and can just make out Montserrat. There
has been a gentle breeze from the East that brings over the occasional dark grey
cloud swirling around Nevis Peak. Usual weather conditions hot and humid in
Charlestown and cooler and fresher in the foothills of Nevis Peak. There was one
short shower this morning lasting no more than a couple of minutes. Other than
that it has been sunny with partial cloud cover.
Frank Goodwill
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- Nevis Nice !!!
- By "Harry W. Hallstrom" <hwh888 at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 14:55:39 -0400
Well after spending 3 weeks in Italy with 16-17 C it felt sooooo good to get back to warm weather. For those thinking it's hot & humid, excuse me but I'll take this weather any day as compared to cool, cold rainy weather, thank you.
Guess that's why I live in the Caribbean, much more healthy here. Although you can cut the air it's so thick with haze. Hard to see St. Kitts just 3-4 miles away.
All the best,
When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
- Good morning
- By KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 13:00:27 +0100 (BST)
The view from Cades Bay over the Caribbean sea is much improved there is a now distinct line on the horizon between the sea and sky.
Yesterday was extremely hot, we had no rain but other parts of the island did, we need some in Cades Bay please some of the trees have nice crisp leaves here. it was just over 94 degrees at 1pm yesterday.
Thought for the day
How is it that weather forecasters get it wrong so often but are still employed? Have a Good day as they say
Regards Keith
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- The Haze Has Gone!
- By "nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk" <nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk>
- Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2012 11:35:42 -0400
Good morning,
Today seems a lot fresher and the haze has gone so I can see the sky/sea
horizon and Montserrat. We had a couple of very brief showers overnight more of
a token gesture rather than anything serious. There are some very grey clouds
around Nevis Peak and it is still very green in foothills even though it has
been ‘dry’ for some time now.
Frank Goodwill
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- Good morning
- By KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 13:17:58 +0100 (BST)
Good morning from a windy Nevis.
Yesterday the haze cleared today it is back,it is more windy today we had a shower at about 6-30am not much to write about, it probably vaporized as it hit the ground no good to man nor beast. Keep well wherever you are. Regards Keith
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- Good Morning
- By KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2012 12:40:37 +0100 (BST)
Its a bright morning on Nevis and the haze appears to have lifted slightly we can now see further into St Kitts,not to much further but further than yesterday. Its 28 C and still no sign of rain
Regards Keith
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- Haze
- By keith.pugh at btinternet.com
- Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2012 11:17:36 +0000
Again St Kitts has disappeared under the haze just a piece of the Peninsula is
visible from Cases Bay its still there is no movement in the trees. It is 7.15
am and it's 82.2 so it going to be another stinking hot day
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from LIME.
- Lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
- By "nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk" <nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk>
- Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2012 17:54:08 -0400
Good Afternoon everyone,
The official start of the hurricane season is upon us even though there
have been two named storms so far in the Atlantic.
Well today has been hot and hazy (again). I found it very hot in
Charlestown this morning and I must say having to stop by various businesses
that have air conditioning did give a bit of relief, even though the old body
does get a bit confused with the temperature change. This afternoon I’ve been
back up in the mountain home putting up some new lights so it has been a busy
Just thought of the old Nat King Cole number:
‘Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer........’
Must be showing my age! Time for a beer!
Have a good and safe weekend.
Added a couple of photos.
Frank Goodwill
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- A clear evening
- By KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 23:13:17 +0100 (BST)
After the last couple of days with the haze things have cleared this evening. From Cades Bay we can see Sint Eustatius and all of Mount Liamuiga.
I notice that we have gone from 10% to 80% on the forecast for rain tonight it will be much appreciated. Best Wishes
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- Hazier today
- By KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 13:07:54 +0100 (BST)
Good morning
The rain did not materialize during the night on Nevis. It Hazier today, can't see Brimstone hill and can only see the peninsular of St Kitts which is two miles away from Cades Bay, the breeze has increased which is good but at 8am its 28C.
All have a good day. Best Wishes Keith
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- Its gone hazy again
- By KEITH PUGH <keith.pugh at btinternet.com>
- Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 19:58:59 +0100 (BST)
Good Afternoon All
The clear weather where we could see a well defined horizon has gone we are back in the hazy views from Cades Bay Nevis, Brimstone Hill on St Kitts is barely discernible and Sint Eustatius which was clearly visible yesterday has gone.
By the way its 3pm its 34.7 C on the veranda in the shade with very little breeze.
Best Wishes Keith
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- Bright and Sunny
- By "nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk" <nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk>
- Date: Fri, 25 May 2012 14:20:06 -0400
Today is hot and sunny. The wind picked up yesterday afternoon and seems to
have cleared most of the cloud and haze away that we have been experiencing. A
picture paints a thousand words so please find attached two photos.
Have a good day and weekend,
Frank Goodwill
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20120525 sh view.JPG
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- Showers then Hazy Sunshine
- By "nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk" <nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk>
- Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 22:18:45 -0400
Good-night Everyone,
Today has been far more settled. We had a few showers this morning and the
afternoon was sunny. I say the afternoon was sunny but it was very hazy and I
couldn’t see Montserrat through the murk or the sea/sky horizon. Wind is an
East-SE and the temperature has picked up a little to 30C (86F) during the day
and it feels pretty humid.
Frank Goodwill
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- Fine Start Now Showers
- By "nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk" <nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk>
- Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 13:50:39 -0400
Good Day Everyone,
Last night there was a cool breeze from the East. Up in Rawlins Village
this added a bit of a chill to the night. This morning started overcast with the
sun struggling to show its face through the cloud and since midday we began to
get short sharp rain showers.
Frank Goodwill
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- Early Rain, Mostly Cloudy.
- By "nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk" <nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk>
- Date: Sat, 19 May 2012 12:48:13 -0400
Good Afternoon,
We had a long period of rain during the early hours of this morning. The
rest of the day has been mostly cloudy with some hazy sunshine.
Frank Goodwill
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- Cloud, sunshine and some showers
- By "nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk" <nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk>
- Date: Wed, 16 May 2012 14:02:29 -0400
Good afternoon,
Today has been a mixed bag regarding the weather. Most of the time it has
been cloudy with occasional breaks with some sunshine and as the cloud thickens,
Last night in the early hours there was a heavy downpour that knocked out
the electricity (off at 01:56 hours) as well as cable TV and the internet.
So still not the weather for sun seekers. I’ve added a couple of photos
taken today of Saddle Hill reflecting the changeable weather conditions. Saddle
Hill is the southern most range on Nevis and is 375m high.
Frank Goodwill
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20120516 saddle hill 1.JPG
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20120516 saddle hill 2.JPG
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- Fw: Never a Dull Moment....... Earthquake Warning
- By "nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk" <nevisislander at yahoo.co.uk>
- Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 12:22:04 -0400
morning to all our readers.
We are getting some sunshine through the broken cloud this morning so the
weather has brightened up.
Frank Goodwill
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