- - - 2012 Hurricane Season - - -
- Fall
- From: R Petrillo M Puceta <mikenrenee at live.com>
- Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2012 21:48:24 +0000
Other than that one dreary day, the rest of Fantasy Fest's weather couldn't have been any better. Windy, but sunny. As of yesterday, the air is calm again, but temps have dropped into the low 70s. When the sun is out, it feels pretty good. Evenings and early mornings are a bit nippy though - the sweats and socks are out! Let's hope any systems like Sandy are done for the century.
- Still Windy
- From: R Petrillo M Puceta <mikenrenee at live.com>
- Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 13:53:38 +0000
The drizzle stopped last night and the party continued (not that it had ever stopped). Today is overcast and windy, and (incredibly) schools have been closed because of it, but all Fantasy Fest events planned for the day are still on.
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- Sandy Frankenstorm?
- From: Scott Papp <scottpapp17 at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 08:05:20 -0400
Right now the sun is hazily shining through a thin cloud cover and a bit of blue. The wind is fairly steady, 23 knots out at Molasses Reef, but the seas, at least at Hawk Channel, are calm. The tide is very high, as high as I've seen it, lapping at our bonfire pit. Our forecast is for increasing winds and rain peaking around noon today as Sandy gets to her closest position around 250 miles from here.
The real issue is the east coast of the mainland US where forecasters are implying (?) and wringing their hands for a frankenstorm of major proportions. No doubt everyone should be aware, alert and prepared but I sometimes wonder if these skies are falling alarms and the surrounding media hype are more ratings driven than useful and accurate. No question that this could be dangerously destructive to our Atlantic seaboard and the Northeastern states if this is ignored. Clearly though, false and overblown forecasts could result in an unfortunate complacency in the future.
Thanks all for the reports from the islands as Sandy moved through. Sure would be nice to get up to date reports from Cuba. Anyone?
John Scott Papp Key Largo Realty, Inc. 99550 Overseas Highway
Key Largo, FL 33037 Mobile - (305) 432-1043 scottatkeylargosales.com http://www.keylargosales.com
- Still raining
- From: R Petrillo M Puceta <mikenrenee at live.com>
- Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 20:32:35 +0000
It was kind of on and off for the day rain-wise, but the radar has gotten a bit uglier lately. One event that was right on the Atlantic had to cancel because they had no way of protecting the attendees from the wind and rain, but all the other Fantasy Events are still on. The NAS has changed their tune, showing a wet night ahead and gusts are up into the 30s now. I wonder how this is going to affect all those skimpy costumes?! Hurricane Sandy move on and off the coast, please. Renee ( The Babbling Conch)
- Sandy
- From: R Petrillo M Puceta <mikenrenee at live.com>
- Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 12:35:08 +0000
Of course because I said the weather's been beautiful, it's now pouring. Even though we're still not expected to get anything major from Hurricane Sandy, its outer bands have stretched toward us (see attached) resulting in a wet morning. I can't say it's overly gusty at the house, but the Naval Air Station is reporting winds in the mid-20s. It also shows the rain tapering off by this evening and suggests a sunny but windy Friday. Fantasy Fest organizers are assuring everyone that none of the events have been canceled. Nudists won't even blink at the rain (although a towel might be nice) and rain gear can be decorated. Air brushing might be a bit iffy though.
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- Stormy weather
- From: R Petrillo M Puceta <mikenrenee at live.com>
- Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 01:36:44 +0000
We're not in the cone of Hurricane Sandy and current models have it going pretty far east of us, but we are definitely feeling some winds here. While the first two days of Fantasy Fest were hot ones, the past 3 have been great. The temp is absolutely perfect. Hopefully we don't get any rain from this system to douse the final parades. Meanwhile, we keep an eye on everyone in Sandy's path and hope everyone stays safe. Damage is already being done, unfortunately. Move quickly Sandy!
- Calm, but the wind is coming!
- From: Scott Papp <scottpapp17 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 10:59:26 -0400
Absolutely dead calm on Hawk Channel this morning, no wind, mostly clear skies, a great day to be out on the water. We dove yesterday on Alligator Reef with some good friends from up north, but today, sadly, we have commitments to work.
The winds will be picking up considerably over the next few days which is terrific news for our sailing friends in from Texas. Very high tech cats from the United States A-Class Catamaran Association will be racing in our waters and this change in the weather is good news for them.
This 99L invest is something to keep an eye on.
John Scott Papp Key Largo Realty, Inc. 99550 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037 Mobile - (305) 432-1043
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- Not So Fast
- From: R Petrillo M Puceta <mikenrenee at live.com>
- Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 13:21:56 +0000
Thunder, lightning, driving rain. It's so dark, I had to turn on the light at 9:30am. Hrmph.
- Morning in Islamorada
- From: Scott Papp <scottpapp17 at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 08:34:41 -0400
Rafael looks like a no show in our neck of the woods, thankfully, as yet another fish storm heads north. Winds picked up a bit yesterday, averaging about 18 to 21 knots although it is pretty quiet right now with a light chop out in Hawk Channel. NWS forecast is calling for decreasing winds and seas over the next few days. Hopefully the moon jellies have moved on so we can get out on the Rox'sea Music and blow some bubbles on the reef.
Election season is in full swing and with Florida being a swing state we are subject to, dare I say harassed by, endless commercials. My father used to call TV "the idiot box". I wonder what he would call it now. This is all very discouraging on many levels...
A thought for the day:
“Seven Deadly Sins
Wealth without work Pleasure without conscience Science without humanity Knowledge without character Politics without principle Commerce without morality
Worship without sacrifice.”
Mahatma Gandhi
John Scott Papp Key Largo Realty, Inc. 99550 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037
Mobile - (305) 432-1043 scottatkeylargosales.com http://www.keylargosales.com
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- Is That Fall?
- From: R Petrillo M Puceta <mikenrenee at live.com>
- Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 10:14:38 +0000
I was scared to mention it yesterday, wondering if it was a one-day wonder, but we're on day two now of brisk breezes and drier air. Just when I was wondering if the humidity would ever end. On Tuesday, we had a downpour that resulted in conditions that could only be described as a sauna right after someone's doused the rocks with water. Steam came off everything. It was like sitting in a cloud. I was starting to get rather crabby about it when I went for a jog yesterday and noticed the temp was definitely cooler. Last night we made it without a/c and even ended up under the sheet. I think Fall is here - yay! Now if only someone would tell those two tropical systems swirling out in the Caribbean....
- Gloomy
- From: R Petrillo M Puceta <mikenrenee at live.com>
- Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2012 12:07:42 +0000
I was going to complain about the constant gloom - it's starting to feel like we're in London - but...we've got wind! Blessed wind! I never thought wind gusts of up to 25mph could feel so wonderful. There is a note from NOAA to watch out for localized flooding (and rip currents) though. WeatherUnderground is reporting somewhat trace amounts of rain, but I've got a few plant-free flowerpots full of water that would beg to differ (I'll empty them so as not to assist the mosquito population). The forecasts are for more of this through today and tonight. As is typical in Florida, there are some pockets of sun - we just had a quick partial rainbow off the deck - so I'm hoping that gives Michael enough time to get to work on his moped without being pelted with rain. I'll be doing the rain two-step of keeping the doors open to enjoy the temps when it's not pouring and closing everything up when it is.
- Drip...
- From: R Petrillo M Puceta <mikenrenee at live.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2012 16:17:23 +0000
I am quite jealous of an earlier post from Islamorada. Wind? What's that? It is incredibly stagnant here in Key West and humidity just seems to be going up and up. It's been overcast for days with some drips and drabs, but no real downpours. I suppose we need a good rain to release the moisture content in the atmosphere, but until then it's just amazingly thick out there. It's even taking a while to cool down at night. I'm thankful for the cloudy days because walking around in the sun at these temps would be one sweaty endeavor (well, sweat ier), but I just have to put a request in for some dryer and cooler air.
- Not a Fit Day For Man Nor Beast
- From: Scott Papp <scottpapp17 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2012 09:09:13 -0400
Good morning from Islamorada! We are enjoying a fair amount of rain and gray skies, but the real story is the wind. The Molasses Reef Station is reporting steady winds out of the southeast of 18 knots with gusts to 21, but I am thinking more like 21 to 28. The whitecaps are kicking up something fierce, and there is not a boat in sight. I suspect it will be quiet out at the Holiday Isle sandbar today.
Oddly, the NWS has not posted any small craft advisories or cautions for Hawk Channel. The prudent captain, however, should think twice before venturing out today. It was about this time last year, similar conditions, when a small boat, fully loaded, capsized on their way out for a day of fishing. The women and children clung to coolers overnight, and the men managed to hold onto the hull till morning. Sadly, their abuela was lost to the sea. Poor conditions and even poorer judgement.
My lovely wife is telling me this would be a great day to get some interior painting done so we can spend a day blowing bubbles on the reef as conditions improve this coming week. In my heart I know she is right, but this feels like a great day to catch up on some reading or maybe make some fresh pasta...
In honor of our ongoing political season:
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."
Identify the source of this quote and win a prize!
Stay safe and dry, watch out for Invest 92L.
John Scott Papp Key Largo Realty, Inc. 99550 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037 Mobile - (305) 432-1043 scottatkeylargosales.com
- Sorry Michael
- From: R Petrillo M Puceta <mikenrenee at live.com>
- Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 13:33:03 +0000
It seems my jinx abilities are still working just fine. As soon as I talked about how dry it had been, it started raining. We had thunderstorms early yesterday morning, but by the time Michael had to ride his moped to work, it had stopped and the day turned out to be pretty nice. Today, we're not so lucky. Michael got drenched - we haven't found rain gear yet - and it's still quite dreary and wet out there. I've got things to do too and am hoping we get a break at some point. The forecast is for more of the same through tomorrow and mentions the cause of this activity as the tail of a cold front. Nooooo! It's too soon!
- Newbie to
- From: R Petrillo M Puceta <mikenrenee at live.com>
- Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2012 21:20:21 +0000
Hi there. I've been posting throughout the Caribbean as we sailed on a catamaran for three years, became weather correspondent for St. Kitts for the past 4 years, and moved to Key West two weeks ago. While not really considered the Caribbean, I think the residents here beg to differ. It certainly feels tropical! Since weather systems that affect the true Caribbean tend to impact the Keys and Gulf at some point during the hurricane season, I think it's fair to have someone on the ground to tell the tales of a storm's passing. That'll be me! My husband and a couple of Kittitian kitties arrived the day after airports opened after a rather tame TS Isaac passed over, and we've been sweating it out here ever since. It is most definitely more humid here than in our former home country. We're still enjoying opened windows, eschewing air conditioning, but couldn't live without the ceiling fans. I wouldn't mind some drier air, but refuse to say I want it to be cooler. As soon as I say that, we'll be in the 50s, and I'll be in a permanent Snuggle blanket (which I'll have to buy). There hasn't been a lot of rain here since our arrival, and at this point, I have no idea if that's normal or not. Considering we just bought two mopeds, I vote for the sunnier skies.
Signing on for Key West, Renee
Creator of The Babbling Conch, and formerly of Island BabbleAlso author of A Sail of Two Idiots (A short video of our tomfoolery)
- Gulp
- From: Scott Papp <scottpapp17 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2012 14:55:54 -0400
It is now clear that my earlier guarded optimism was unwarranted as Isaac has developed a much more dangerous track towards the Keys. There is no doubt that we will see dangerous winds and rain to add to the existing poor conditions as a Category 1 storm makes its way into the Gulf sometime on Sunday. This is a particularly anxious time for us as we are relying on friends and neighbors to button up our property and provide shelter for our animals. I know they are doing the best they can under difficult circumstances.
Apparently no mandatory evacuation has been ordered but tourists and non-residents would be well advised to leave. I trust that residents are well prepared to deal with a Cat 1 storm and we are praying for a reasonable outcome to this attack on our islands.
Possible Cat 2 as it approaches land on the west coast of Florida and the north Gulf shore. Be safe, be careful. --
![]() John Scott Papp Key Largo Realty, Inc. 99550 Overseas Highway
Key Largo, FL 33037 Mobile - (305) 432-1043 scottatkeylargosales.com http://www.keylargosales.com
- Isaac with an Eye
- From: Scott Papp <scottpapp17 at gmail.com>
- Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 07:37:38 -0400
Reporting for the Keys, but not from the Keys, we are breathing a cautious sigh of near relief (how's that for a passive-aggressive non-committal?) as it appears the storm will pass near us somewhat weaker than a full hurricane. We are currently enjoying beautiful weather here in Connecticut as we await our daughter's marriage. Many, many thanks to friends and neighbors who filled in with house and boat storm prep and dog/cat sitting. Any other reason for travel would have been cancelled in a heartbeat and I don't mind saying we were extremely anxious about leaving.
As it is it looks like Isaac will pass a bit south and west of us late Sunday with diminished wind and rain, but forecasts being what they are this could still change over the next 48 hours. We are naturally very concerned for our island neighbors, particularly Haiti, as heavy rains and four hundred thousand still in tents does not make for a good mix. Whatever happened to all the promises of aid and rebuilding? Should it really be this difficult and take so long to provide basic accommodations, sanitation, security etc?
Anyway, keep an eye out, stay prepared and safe and watch out for your animals.
![]() John Scott Papp Key Largo Realty, Inc. 99550 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037
Mobile - (305) 432-1043 scottatkeylargosales.com http://www.keylargosales.com
- Little Debbies?
- By Scott Papp <scottpapp17 at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2012 08:55:32 -0400
Hello again from the Florida Keys. Our wet and gray weather pattern continues, with pretty strong and steady winds blowing in from the Florida Straits. The Molasses Reef station has been recording gusts to 21 knots, but I think here in Islamorada we've been feeling stronger and steadier winds. The NWS has a small craft caution out right now so I think we'll be keeping the Rox'sea Music in the marina for the weekend.
We are keeping our eyes on the Gulf, as it appears a little Debbie may be forming. Two models show two completely different scenarios, one slightly stronger possible TS pushing towards Texas, and the second slightly weaker development moving on the Gulf coast of Florida. Either way it looks like wind and rain for us for the next few days.
![]() John Scott Papp Key Largo Realty, Inc. 99550 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037 Mobile - (305) 432-1043 scottatkeylargosales.com