For the most recent reports from the BVI see this page.
- - - 2012 Hurricane Season - - -
- Wind and Rain
- From: Da Wayward Sailor <dawaywardsailor at aol.com>
- Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2012 10:56:13 -0400 (EDT)
Small craft should exercise caution
Forecast for the offshore waters is 14 to 19 Knot winds from the East with seas 3 to 6 feet.
BVI saw a very nice Monday AM followed with a squall filled afternoon. I was nose to the wind motoring up from near West End back to East End and just off Hodges Creek/ Buck Island we ran into a strong squall we first attempted to just run into. The seas in the Sir Francis Drake Channel grew from 2 to 3 feet to an occasional 6 to 7 footer with tops breaking and foam flying in what appeared to be gust near 25 MPH  . Some local gust were higher and we turned to just run with the storm figuring it was a short one. Visibility quickly went to less than 200 feet  and we were in a total white out beyond 200 feet of the boat for over 15 minutes which is far longer than expected as we have not had much rain in any quantity for months! While I did have the GPS up and running, it was still nice to start to make out Dead Man right where the GPS said it was.
When we got into Penn's Landing and took a mooring with 17 to 18 knot winds and splashes seas under 2 feet, I was really surprised at all the Red/ Pink dust grains still along the lower deck rails. We had several short showers during the week and I thought they had washed all the Sahara Dust out of the non-slip decking areas and sails. Guess I was wrong but by 10 today the decks were running clear and I started water collection for the first time in more than 3 months!
Did have a great long weekend hitting several places and then going to one of my fav places for 3 days of snorkeling, reading, playing Domino's and over eating in great weather and often with No Other Boats in the Bay  . Only problem is we ran out of Ice and had to make do with fixings for drinks from the freezer..... so called freezer as it can not really make ice only delay its demise by melting  . Still it was cold but I just love that tinkle of ice in a glass, Yes, we did try to get Deliverance to stop by but had no luck even after we called in a request by phone and were assured they would deliver. 
Radar shows lots of activity and that matches the forecast that indicates we should have lots of wind and more rain today... possibly a full inch, with more over the remainder of the week. Looks like some of the charter people will have fewer opportunities for that suntan but should have some active winds for sailing.
- A tropical wave to keep an eye out for
- From: DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 11:18:11 -0400 (EDT)
A tropical wave 800 miles southwest of the Cape Verde islands
is threatening to blow up into something... Better stock up on rum and
candles. Don't
forget the canned goods and batteries. Keep your car topped up with gas so you
can go out gawking after the storm. 
Looks like the BVI might be in for some wet weather soon. 
- What's that white flower?
- By mermaid gardener <mermaidgardener at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 21:05:53 -0300
Good afternoon,
Recently I've been seeing a fair amount of these tall white flowers at various locations in Tortola. I have some of these white flowers but was never sure of the correct name of them. The gardener who comes on Tuesday to do his gardening thing, has planted quite a few of these plants. They are stunning at dusk and early in the morning. After doing some web research I found that they are a Plumeria. A very upright plant with very cool leaves that are oddly shaped. I'm currently working on doing a water color painting of it. Painting white flowers on white paper will probably be the most difficult part.
Here's a picture of the plant.
 Today it's been a bit hazy with some high clouds, no rain, and our percentage of rain is barely nothing, tomorrow they say maybe 50% but who knows. Temperature is 86 degrees but it feels hotter than that.
Did have a chance yesterday to walk past the ferry dock in Road Town. All the flags are up for Festival. It's very brightly colored. East End has their flags up as well. Festival preparations are in progress at the Village in Road Town, they are constructing a new fence around the perimeter and the food shacks are being rebuilt. Feels like festival is right around the corner.
Ciao for now, the Mermaid Gardener
- Ahhh finally I see some islands!
- By mermaid gardener <mermaidgardener at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 17:47:51 -0300
Good Afternoon,
It started out to be a rather dismal start of the day, with a quick rain shower that passed by but barely dropped any rain on East End.
The day ended up being rather nice, It's currently 90 degrees and the winds are up! I can see white caps out on Sir Frances Drake Channel. Winds are 16 mph out of the east. To me it sure feels like Christmas winds down here rather than the normal non wind days that are usual for this time of year. The Sahara dust has been blanketing us over the past week on and off but this afternoon the channel is stellar! 

You can see finally see Beef and Buck island with Virgin Gorda off in the distance. It's so nice to see it clear and beautiful like we see it in the spring. But hey I'm not going to complain too much about that Sahara dust since that helps keep those tropical disturbances (hurricanes) away from us. 
Had a great weekend took a friend to Brewer's bay, his first time. It was quiet and pleasant to be in the water that is so nice, the temperature of the water has cooled a bit with all this wind that we have been having but really no complaints from this mermaid, better than hard water......er...ice..winter....on the lake....up north.....freezing my mermaid tail off!!! 
Cheers from this very happy mermaid in warm Caribbean sea water! 
the Mermaid Gardener
- Stormy stormy night last night!
- By mermaid gardener <mermaidgardener at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2012 20:53:19 -0300
Good evening OMG the thunder and lightening were amazing last night. They had predicted a bit of rain for us but did we ever get the wind and the squalls last night. Not sure how much rain we received but I feel that it was a couple of inches since I was able to hear my cistern filling. I even had 2 bolts of lightening that were very close to my house, one took out the power so no overhead fan for a few hours.
Did get a chance to check out the rumor of the Jolly Roger being shut town.....well it is. The owners took everything that wasn't bolted down even the bar. Very sad to see that establishment move out. I am checking on a few other rumors of restaurants closing for good.
Restaurants come and go here and it's tough during the off season for folks to make ends meet.
Tortola is starting to ramp up for Festival and the folks like the Moorings are also starting to put boats into Paraquita hurricane hole.
Many thanks to wayward for posting a couple of my pics this mermaid is great with a trowel and hoe but reducing pic size is still a challenge. Thanks wayward.
The mermaid gardener
- Some Rain at last
- By Da Wayward Sailor <dawaywardsailor at aol.com>
- Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 09:43:17 -0400 (EDT)
Small craft should exercise caution
East NorthEast winds between 14 and 19 knots today, with seas of 4 to 6 feet are expected. Similar forecast for next few days with only minor variations up and down in Winds.
Had a couple of rather nice but windy rain showers starting about 2AM. I would guess I had about a quarter of an inch which is more than I've seen in the past two months, here or in St Martin. Boat really needed the wash down from all the Sahara dust and a bit of sea salt.  Winds this AM during the rain showers were probably near the 20 to 24 MPH that was forecast. After the rains with their winds passed, we had near calm winds for a couple of hours which brought out the first of the mosquitoes I've been bothered with so far this year  . Presently overcast and winds at the airport are reported to be about 7 MPH from the NorthEast but it seems to be increasing and we will probably have a nice fresh breeze today and tonight. Rain chance today is 40% and 80% Friday and 40 to 50% chance over the weekend but the accusation will probably be low, less than 2/10 inch each day/night. We need more rain.... just wish those mosquitoes didn't come with it  No Tropical Storm formations are expected over the next 48 hours according to the "experts" and I hope that continues for the year.... well we could use the rain but not the destructive type and we can pass on those high winds to 
Noted the sighting reports from Mermaid Gardener on the Pink Elephants....eeeRRrrrr I mean those Pink Flamingos she saw at the salt ponds near Smugglers Cove and Beef Island. I actually saw some at probably the same salt pond near Smugglers Cove a few days ago and was glad to see some. Glad some are on Beef Island but worry a bit because they are only a few hundred feet from the airport  Maybe they are smart enough not to do a fly over with out control tower approval  .
Wow, the winds just kicked up and I looked out and saw this on the way into Fat Hog Bay.
Looks like another nice shower, wish I could find the rocks I need for holding down the deck top filter I use to collect rain water they must be stored away in a Safe Place. Wonder who did it??? Traveler or some other mysterious entity?????
BTW, got an e-mail from Mermaid Gardner with some photos from her recent adventures in North Sound.
She is having problems with size reductions and asked if I could post a couple since this program auto sizes them to fit. Here are a couple.
Wow, that has to be Saba Rock. What a view! Has to be from near to top of Bitter End's trail. That Mermaid must be some hiker!
That has to be Prickly Pear and Eustatia Sound from some a high point above Bitter End.
MMMmmmmm Maybe a Napalm Bomb going off in North Sound??? or Maybe Not
Later Wayward
- Were did the Jolly Roger go?
- By mermaid gardener <mermaidgardener at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2012 08:17:13 -0300
Good Morning,
Date line BVI: Heard rumors that the Jolly Roger is gone down at west end. Will go and investigate that this weekend to confirm or deny the rumor...you know how the coconut telegraph can be.
Have had very little precipitation and the island really needs some especially up here in on East End. I've heard that West End is full up with water in their cisterns. But we here on the east end of the island are dry. My plants are looking very dry, I've had my periwinkle dry up and die or maybe it's just going dormant! I hope!! We had one sprinkle this morning nothing to even worry about, I didn't even bother to close my sliding glass doors. /there are a few sail boats out early this morning and the haze has not gotten too bad yet.
Our temperature is currently 82 degrees and we are expecting to hit 89. Winds are 8 mph out of the east and the visibility is 6 mph for those of you who are flying in. There are scattered showers across the region and they say we have a 50% chance of rain. Well that means somewhere on the island there will be rain.
Looking on the horizon there seems to be no storms or invests to worry about for the next few days. This time of year islanders are diligent on checking out the weather for any new waves that may be coming through and if any of those invests decided to become organized.
In looking at the University of Wisc Sahara Dust model...in looking at the automated sat photo there has been a dense amount of Sahara dust that we have encountered of the past few days....that seems to have dissipated some what The islands are clearer this morning there is still a little bit of haze out there but not like in the past few days. All is good when we have Sahara dust because it keeps the chances of an invest to form much lower. Cough cough!! That's the only down side is the dust is everywhere! Cleaning your house and dusting is a challenge, You may dust in the morning and by mid afternoon there is another film of dust on everything! 
Off this morning for another day of art which always includes great friends, good food, cold beverages, and art.
Cheers!! the Mermaid Gardener
- Limin in North Sound
- By mermaid gardener <mermaidgardener at gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2012 18:58:02 -0300
Good afternoon
Have been limin in North Sound over the past few days. The last time I was there was about 5 years ago and thought it was time that I checked it out. Sailed over on Thursday and caught a ball at Leverick Bay motored over, winds were right on our bow. East winds. Leverick was quiet, we were hoping to see Michael Bean but he is not playing there until January, so if you are planning on coming down looking for that pirate he's done gone on a walk about! 
The Mega yacht facility is huge, nice, and is located over by Biras Creek. At night the dock has "non obnoxious" blue lights that do not emit much light to distract from the beauty of the place. There were only a couple of large fishing boats I suspect that came from San Juan. Gun Creek facility for check in seemed to be nice from the water. You would have to anchor out and dingy in to check in or out if you were just arriving into the BVI or were exiting the islands.
Took my friend to Fat Virgin's Cafe for a GREAT afternoon burger. It was super great, the fries were a bit whimpy but that didn't stop us form finishing them up. 
Winds continued to freshen and increase over Friday and Saturday, we hooked a ball at the Bitter End one night and watched the movie at the facility...we were expecting "Pirates of the Caribbean" and thought "gosh what a great time", the Caribbean...hum what better movie to watch than that!! Got our popcorn and beverages from the bar....walked through the reception area of the
Bitter End to find that they could not get it to work hence we had to watch a chick flick instead. I don't mind but my friend not being of the chick persuasion I thought would not enjoy the movie, but it was pretty funny. "Baby Mama" was the movie....I missed Johnny Depp!!!!
Had a great time hiking up and around the Bitter End but have to admit that this mermaid might be out of shape. I didn't complain much....LOL but I was promised a good lunch and a very icy cold beverage at Saba Rock! Now that was a deal I could not pass up!! So onward and upward we went. 2 hours later we finally got back down to the Bitter End! Whew....next time I'm going to pack a snack or granola bar.
Winds remained high on Sunday so we left the ball at Saba and made the big trek over to the Bitter End again for a ball. It was much calmer and I could work on my artwork much easier. Last night was a much easier night of sleeping and with no rain we didn't have to get up to close hatches.
Today's sail was a down wind run winds were 12-15 knots and fairly steady.
I'm back on island for now but you never know what and where I'll be doing over the next few weeks!
Cheers from a limin mermaid!
the Mermaid Gardener
- Part 2 of my sail back to the BVI
- By mermaid gardener <mermaidgardener at gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 07:21:45 -0300
Good Morning,
Sorry I was distracted by doing my art work over the past couple of days....
Not sure where I left off but on my journey back....but I'll pick up the pace and get to the destination....
We had not strong winds out of the east south east, mainly hitting us on the starboard stern, so we had only the main up and had one reef in the sail. At first the sail seem to take quite some time to have the island of St. Martin in our rear view mirror but then we were all along. That is when we started to just look around us, we still had a few birds flying near us checking us out. We had known that we could happen across some rain en route so we keep a look out while sailing. Our standing watch time was not really set in stone, we took turns at the helm, but I must admit I was not comfortable going down below and sleeping. We each took cat naps in the cockpit while clipped to the life line that ran from the bow to the stern.
About mid day we saw the weather that they had predicted, and that is when all of a sudden we saw this hanging thing from the clouds. I looked at the captain and said I think that is a waterspout and sure enough we saw it go down and touch the water. All I could think of was my mid west instincts of "Head for the basement" no basements on this boat so we watched it. Our course of action had it gotten closer to us, it was about 10 miles off, was to get the heck out of there!!!
The Captain did his best to make we not worry too much about it, he told me a story about how fisherman have had fish falling from the sky not knowing how that could happen. All I could think about was maybe this big huge tuna falling into the cockpit and we would have tuna 10 ways, on the BBQ, in a salad....yum now that could have been fun!
Our sunset was peaceful, I ended up taking the helm for a couple of hours and it was really nice. We then traded positions and it was my turn for a bit of shut eye. I was surprised I ended up getting cold out in the cockpit at night. For some reason I didn't think that I would need a light jacket in July, but I did. Sometime around midnight, it was my watch and then I got scared. How can I steer this thing without any head lights????
The Captain said steer by the clouds off in the horizon as well as keep checking the gps. Our heading was still 300 degrees. I have to admit I white knuckled it a bit then settled down to just sailing in the night. A couple of hours later I handed off the helm to the Captain and he sailed her into St. John. We chose that thinking a couple of days over at Water Lemon would help our recovery. Got onto a ball around 5am or so. Slept for an hour and then pulled the dingy off the bow, got the motor on it and sailed over to Cruz Bay to check in. That was not too time consuming but we were both getting tired and a little cranky so best that we got back on a ball at Water Lemon and chill out. That is exactly what we did.
Lesson learned.......my first blue water sail was good, hard work, and a bit stressful, however with a good Captain even those of us who have to take bonine, and are white knuckling while at the helm can overcome our fears of sailing in blue water and into the night. Thanks Captain!!!!
Now getting to that Wayward guy.......I read his last posting.....he's such a teaser! Wayward....oh wayward....you have no faith in what I write....I did see that waterspout and your needle about seeing pink is funny because I have seen pink quite a bit here on the island.....
Yep pink flamingo's, over at Smugglar's Cove in the salt pond, 4 of them there and then I saw 6 over at Long Bay Beef Island salt pond. This is the most I've seen for quite some time!!! Pink is good!
Cheers from a seeing pink mermaid,
I know it's a bit fuzzy but that waterspout is hanging from the cloud. the Mermaid Gardener
- back in da British Virgin Islands again!!!
- By Da Wayward Sailor <dawaywardsailor at aol.com>
- Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2012 07:49:08 -0400 (EDT)
After almost 3 months running around the Leeward Islands the winds have blown me back to the Virgin Islands for.... well who knows. Had great time mostly spent on St Martin/ St Maarten, where I spent most of my time on the French time this year.
I also see that Mermaid Gardener was about that area and I actually saw her a few times when I had my eyes open  I also read that SHE was crossing about the same time I was. MMMM wonder how she avoided running into my boat as she watched the waterspout she reported. Next thing we will hear is she has seen Pink Elephants flying about Tortola...... Well...... Elephants of any color are good with me, I love those Red ones  .... Roll Tide.!!!!!!
Weather has been great here around Tortola for the past few days. Had the opportunity to get in some beach time and meet up with some old friends, some of whom are moving on after spending many years here and gone to live on Dirt???? Do you know what a sailor is called when he / she moves back to land???? A Clod.... Cruiser Living on Dirt...  Anyway it is great to be back and to also find that Mermaid Gardener is back on her own swimming grounds 
Weather looks to remain about the same for a few more days at least. A large High Pressure area is located over the Central Atlantic which is giving us nice breezes and an occasional shower but in general very nice days and nights. July in the islands can be very hot and it is warm here now but the breeze makes it OK
 Winds are expected to run between 10 and 15 knots mostly from the East but we can expect some periods with a bit of either North or South influence.... just to keep da sailor on their toes  . I seem to be getting alot of Southerly gust this AM in Fat Hog Bay. Still a few sailors out and about but this is the off season and things are slower. Many area businesses will close for a month or so, some starting at the end of this month. I understand that Da Loose Mongoose will close at the end of July until ???? I hate that as it my fav watering hole  . They already have the outside bar closed but you can go inside for a drink to bring out........ but it is just not the same. Also they seem to be loosing many of the Regulars which made the place THE place to be on Beef Island.
No Tropical Storms are expected for the next 48 hours but everyone should be ready. I noted that one of the
Charter Companies started moving boats into the Paiquta Bay Hurricane Hole today. Smart as most delay until a storm is forecast to approach and everyone rushes in at the same time and that has been bad as several boats went aground the last several years in the storage process.
Speaking of running aground, two boat went aground here at Red Rock a day before I came in. One Mono and one Cat. One, I understand was single handed and the other was a North European couple with kids. One, not sure which it was,,,, thought they were heading into Trellis Bay!!!!! and the one with kids went aground and the skipper dad but the wife and kids in the dink but the wife could not get the motor started and he dove in after them. Luckily a local dive operator was watching what was about to occur and responded before the situation was totally out of hand and assisting in getting all back to land safe. Unfortunately one boat was holed but one appeared to have only damage to the rudder area. Everyone was safe after a bit of high stress. Looks as if both were caused primarily by poor judgement of the "skipper" and exacerbated by the higher seas we were having.
With such a large inlet, it is hard to believe one could miss the whole thing  and even harder to believe one though that were in a totally different harbor 
latter, Wayward
- Part 1 of my return sail up to the BVI
- By The Mermaid Gardener <mermaidgardener at yahoo.com>
- Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 16:17:20 -0700 (PDT)
A gentle reader has asked me to write more about my sail up from St. Marten. I arrived into St. Marten on June 25th via American airlines. I needed proper paperwork from the Captain, which I received via email. Since I was sailing out they needed proper documentation which allowed me to stay in St. Marten without an airline ticket departing St. Marten. The documentation that I needed was a letter from the Captain, stating that I was joining him as crew, on board his boat. It also needed to state that I was an experienced sailor along with having a good character.....hum. I have a great character! I also needed a copy of the ships clearance into St. Marten. With those items and my passport I was able to go through immigration and customs.
That night the lagoon winds were up high. With my luggage which I will admit was more than the
Captain thought I was bringing, but he was a good sport and we covered up my luggage with a small tarp. He advised me to change into dingy clothes before hopping into the dingy...that was great advise!
As I approached the dingy the Captain said here's your banana suit....I said what??? Banana suit, now I've heard of a swim suit and a mans dress suit but here was this flimsy yellow slicker that I put on. Needless to say the slicker helped just a bit since the winds were up and we were heading into the waves...of course I was drenched head to toe, but my luggage was dry....now that I was thankful for. We both laughed hard that we were drenched but thank goodness my over abundance of luggage was dry.
Did get a hot shower in on the boat and that felt GREAT! We had several days of prepping, we provisioned, loaded up on water, diesel, gas, Rum, ladyfingers....oops that's another story. We woke each morning to listening
to the VHF and hearing Mike from Shimpy's giving the weather, lost and found, announcements, arrivals and departures. Our weather was not great for us to head out until Friday so that meant a free day of hitting Orient Beach, having escargot, wine and lots of sunshine!
Friday was our first shot of heading out so on Thursday we checked out of customs on the French side, that was easy, the Captain did all the work while I started to prep the boat for open water. That meant anything and everything that could get knocked on the floor had to be stowed or put on the floor.
That same day we raised the dingy up onto just forward of the mast on the deck. We used the wench to hoist it up. I was the grinder while the Captain positioned the dingy and guided it to its resting spot for the voyage. The dingy motor was secured on the stern. We had 30 gallons or more of water strapped to the starboard side along the rail, and the 3
plactic yellow diesel cans full of diesel.
We had two GPS's set up for the trip. The Captain had programmed the waypoints on the GPS and with that our course was set. Friday morning we pulled up the anchor after the Captain had our life line secure so that both of us would be harnessed in at all times. We cleared the first opening of the bridge on the French side at 8:15am. We headed out going north, I did take Bonine since I've been known to get seasick, that really was the saving grace for me. We drank water and had a couple of ritz crackers but nothing heaving on our stomach. We set the autopilot and kept vigilant on watching the helm. At first it seemed like St Marten was always over my shoulder as well as Anguilla, but then it was off in the distance and then we were alone out in the sea. We watched the weather, took turned at the helm sailing as well as letting the auto helm do the work for us as well. We had 4-6 feet
waves almost directly on our stern so the movement was slow and rhythmic. No food was eaten, and we tried not to go down into the cabin since the rolling was quite a bit. The winds stayed steady at 12-15 knots which was perfect for the Captains 36' sailboat.
For tonight this is the first installment of my journey up to the BVI.
Cheers The mermaid gardener |
- Mermaids Everywhere!
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 09:53:12 -0400 (EDT)
It's a great day to go sailing or swimming. Our other mermaid has
returned to the BVI finally. Naturally she arrived by boat, but she could have
81F degrees with light tradewinds wafting by. As usual, you
can expect a few short scattered showers. With winds of 5-12 knots, it's a great
day to laze about on a sailboat, slowly drifting nowhere...
Ah... the best days of my life are spent messing
about oceans and boats. 
- Mermaids Do Exist
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2012 14:14:25 -0400 (EDT)
Well, I am shocked! Who made them the
authority? How dare they call me an "aquatic humanoid". 
Quite a few readers alerted me to this vicious
It's even gone worldwide:
Sounds to me like they wanted to top the Center for Disease
Control who made an announcement that there are no zombies. Good grief.
Where is the belief? Are we supposed to sleep better at night knowing
these government powers have finally decided there are no zombies nor
Next thing you know they will tell us there are no jumbies
Buck Island, BVI
Nothing like your government, hard at work!
Well, back to the weather... I've been under the
weather. But mermaids live forever, so naturally I bounced back
It's sultry and hot, with tradewinds meandering and scattered
clouds with 20% chance of rain. What that means is the typical scattered short
- Ahhhhh back in the BVI
- By The Mermaid Gardener <mermaidgardener at yahoo.com>
- Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2012 07:04:18 -0700 (PDT)
Good morning everyone,
Have just arrived back in the BVI! It feels great, with the Midwest having such a heat wave it is cooler here that up north. We are currently at 85 degrees, with winds at 15 mph gusting. The rain forecast is not much. Coming into Tortola this time I sailed in. Having had my very first experience of blue water sailing.
This was a huge step for me since my sailing experience has just been around the BVI. My journey took 22 hours from St. Marten up to the BVI. We had winds that knocked us in the behind .....or stern....opps sorry I slipped into being a land lubber....our winds were steady about 15 knots seas were 4-5. So this mermaid was a bit fearful, not only the open expanse, the feeling of being a small fish in a big pond,but the night sailing was a bit scary for me.
The sail was uneventfull
with the exception of seeing a waterspout ...now that was scary though it was far off in the distance, probably maybe 10 miles away from us. The Captain said not to worry but to keep watch....I'm thinking we're is the basement on this thing and tornado sirens I don't hear them at all! As we sailed the twister errr waterspout stay far off in the distance and then in a blink of an eye it disappeared..
I did quite well not getting queasy......thank goodness for Bonine! It really worked for me. We ate sparingly and drank water and ginger ale. Night sailing was scary at first but the Captain reassured me while I took the helm and steered....sailed her a course of 300 degrees towards Tortola. I settled down and was less fearful. I have to thank the Captain for being willing to sleep in the cockpit while it was my watch. Overall my experience was a sweet one, and I'm now looking towards my next adventure in sailing.
Will write about more of my experiences while on board.
Cheers from a have her sea legs mermaid gardener! |
- Dark Thirty
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 15:07:51 -0400 (EDT)
Weather is wonderful! Wish you were here!
- There is never going to be a perfect forecast.....
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 12:21:40 -0400 (EDT)
"There are always going to be errors in
making predictions. There is never going to be a perfect forecast," said Chris
Landsea, a meteorologist at the National Hurricane Center.
Quote from an article about Tropical Storm
Debby who caught the Florida panhandle off guard with flooding rains that could
reach 25 inches.
I can't believe they finally admitted that! WOW!
I've been trying to tell folks this for decades.
In the islands we have often been hit by hurricanes that were "somewhere else"
according to the National Hurricane Center.
During one hurricane they told us
(listening to battery radio before the station went dead) that the storm was way
south of St Croix, going to miss us entirely. Meanwhile we were in St John
(north of there) getting pummeled by the hurricane.
This is the how and why StormCarib.Com was born
with the dream of Gert, van Dijken, our wonderful webmaster. 
Speaking of Gert... a fabulous photo he took and
his research made the news recently! YAY!
- Bye Bye Chris!
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 15:28:12 -0400 (EDT)
Ex hurricane, ex storm, ex disturbance named Chris, has been
put to rest. He's
just a little fluff in the ocean now.
- Thursday in the BVI
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 17:06:26 -0400 (EDT)
Chris is hanging 585 miles off Newfoundland, he has weakened
to a storm but has 70mph winds. .
But there is a mess to watch in the Gulf of Mexico, that isn't
a threat to the Virgin Islands at this time.
- Tropical Storm Chris
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 17:03:14 -0400 (EDT)
Tropical Storm Chris is over the north Atlantic with 50mph
winds. Not a threat to the Virgin Islands. YAY!
Live from Tortola:
Hi there,Hazy and hot with some cloud cover and a bit of a
- The futurehurricane Chris?
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 18:52:26 -0400 (EDT)
This may be the next big one. Fortunately it poses no threat
to the Virgin Islands at this time.
Pretty soon though we could be calling this blob Hurricane
Chris. I better
dust off my crystal ball, just in case. I'm off island globe trotting...
or rather mermaid swimming...
- Low Flying
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2012 11:08:09 -0400 (EDT)
There is a disturbance near Bermuda, but doesn't look like it
has much of a chance to turn into anything. At least that is what my crystal
ball says!
Folks on the island of Tortola said the weather is dull and
overcast but with a much appreciated breeze today. 
Our Cat Scan warns us to watch for low flying birds that wish
to annoy us. 
- No storms on the horizon
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 16:49:30 -0400 (EDT)
The south side view looking out from Peter Island.A gorgeous
day to be in paradise. No storms on the horizon, just clear sailing and pasty
white beaches.
- Sufferin' succotash !! it's hot in Tortola!!
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 10:34:14 -0400 (EDT)
Sufferin' succotash !! it's hot in Tortola!!
Every one I have talked to said they are tucked into their air conditioning.
, and even the most seasoned islanders are talking about the heat.
Well with temps around the upper mid 90's and a bit of humidity too I guess
you could say you'd be sweltering.
I imagine everything is running at snails pace and not
much getting done. Hmmm.
Mystery Mermaid
When the winds die, the natural air conditioning from the trade winds can
make the islands sell out of electric wind (fans) in a heartbeat.
- Cattitude in the Virgin Islands
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 13:09:52 -0400 (EDT)
With our mermaids scattered to other waters... we've pushed
the cat into reporting the weather.
"Another breathtakingly beautiful day in paradise. Just
perfect for cat napping or lazing about your yacht all day."
Most sailboats come with a cockpit. This one comes with a
And now a note from Dear Miss Mermaid who was seen
splashing about a river recently...
There I was minding my own business in Waleka,
Florida on the St Johns River. Waleka is a old town in central
Florida with a population of 778 people and 819 pets. I was
sitting in an open air bar that was playing Jimmy Buffet. I felt homesick
for the Caribbean as I watched a sailboat traverse the waters.
The grill was open. I was waiting for my burger to
finish cooking. The bartender saw my misty
eyes, asking me if I was OK. I told him I was homesick for the Caribbean.
"Really? I used to be a pilot down there!
I was based on Tortola."
Matter of fact, when he told me which company he
worked for, I knew his boss!The conversation became lively as we compared notes,
discovering we knew many of the same people. We traded gossip suddenly feeling a
kindred spirit.
We both stared at the river willing a sailboat
to come into port. If one had shown up, asking for crew to the Virgin
Islands, I am sure they would have managed to snag at least 2 of us.
- Another gorgeous day
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 19:00:48 -0400 (EDT)
A beautiful day at the beach, yet you can see it pouring down
rain in the background.
But luckily no storms on the horizon, just scattered rains.

- Sunny sultry day
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 09:40:25 -0400 (EDT)
It's hot, a little breeze and some cloud, other than that no
tropical storms to worry about at this time.
Be happy. Go limin' at the beach mon.
Don't forget to wear your toe
rings to the beach. 
- No Storm Today!
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 12:32:25 -0400 (EDT)
Don't know what's going on with the weather in Tortola today, but
reports coming in is that the sky is WHITE, like hazy white. My pilot
buddy said that flying is a tad difficult, like flying inside a "milk
bottle " . The guess is that there is a good mix of Saharan dust and
Montserrat ash in the air. A few people have written and complained of
sluggishness and feeling unwell.

Some of
the hazy white is captured in this photo, especially around the horizon.
25 May to 1 June 2012 Paul D. Cole Published on
01 June 2012 Hits: 219 Activity at the Soufrière Hills Volcano is
There were four rockfalls recorded by the seismic
network this week.
The average rate of sulphur dioxide emission for seven
days this week was 395 tonnes per day, with a minimum of 304 and maximum of
457 tonnes per day. As with last week these values are from one station only
and it is likely that they are underestimates.
Heavy rain on the morning of 29 May generated lahars on
the western side of the volcano. Lahars in the Belham valley were small, but
flash flooding was extensive and prevented crossing the valley for several
Pyroclastic flows can occur at any time without warning
on any side of the volcano, including Gages from where they can travel rapidly
into Plymouth.
Tracks across the Belham valley are frequently destroyed
or heavily modified by flash flooding or lahars, and caution should be
exercised crossing the valley during and after rainfall.
The Hazard Level is 2. There is daytime access (8:00 am
to 4:00 pm) to Zone C. Maritime zone W remains daytime transit only (boats may
sail through the zone but must not stop).
Yikes! Here is a current picture of the
Saharan Air Layer and it is indeed in the Caribbean.
- Hurricane Season is Open!
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2012 19:33:50 -0400 (EDT)
How to pronounce the 2012 Hurricanes names is listed below. Of
course you don't have to waste your time on Alberto and Beryl since they were
used up before hurricane season even started. 
- Thrsday in the beautiful Virgin Islands
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 16:13:20 -0400 (EDT)
Bye bye Beryl!
Tomorrow on June 1st, hurricane season officially opens.
You can now track down and hunt any hurricane you choose,
young or old, male or female.
Oddly enough, we open the season starting with C for Chris
since we already used up A and B before the season officially opened. 
Happy Hurricaning!
Some sailors have radar, others have cat
- Tuesday in the BVI
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 12:26:07 -0400 (EDT)
The BVI was hot and sultry last evening according to Miss P of
Dear Miss Mermaid has gone to visit tropical storm Beryl.
She reports it is raining heavily on the outskirts of Beryl where she is now.

- Sundaze in the Virgin Islands
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Sun, 27 May 2012 18:06:29 -0400 (EDT)
Tropical storm Beryl is still far away from the Virgin
Islands, but it is a sobering reminder that it's high time you laid in your
hurricane supplies.
It's not the hurricane parties that are so awful, they are
tons of fun. But
it's the aftermath of a hurricane when the reality sets in that you may not have
any utilities at all for months to come. Having a stash of ready cash is
very helpful in addition to the usual basic bare necessities of canned foods and
a can opener.
After one hurricane, I was in dire straights, because I had
money in the bank but the machine were off and the banks were closed. No one
would take checks or credit cards for anything anywhere. You had to have cold
hard cash to buy food if you could find anyone willing to sell any.
I had no food on my boat because at that time in my life, I
was working on term charter yachts where I was gone for weeks at a time. When I
came home to my little boat, I dined out al the time, because I was making great
There was an ATM cash machine in walking distance of where my
boat was moored, so I just drew out cash as I needed it. Mostly I used credit
cards every where and paid them off promptly each month.
It didn't occur to me to run out and grab a big stack of cash
before the storm hit. Afterwards, the island was devastated. It became a
cash-only society overnight. There I was stuck without any food. I had bought
some for the hurricane, but I had shared it with friends and it had quickly run
It was so crazy to have money you can't get to and no way to
buy food. Well, needless to say, I learned my lesson about stocking up in
canned foods and cash.
And don't forget the rum. You'll need plenty of rum to get
through the tough days and nights.
- Subtropical Storm Beryl
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Sat, 26 May 2012 14:47:39 -0400 (EDT)
Subtroical storm Beryl has been named. Watches and warnings
are posted for the coasts of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.
Luckily, Beryl is not a threat to the Virgin Islands at this
- Hurricane Season has started early this year!
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Fri, 25 May 2012 11:04:09 -0400 (EDT)
While Alberto finally died down, we have another mess to
watch. A broad area of low pressure is producing showers and thunderstorms over
Cuba and the Bahamas. Forecasters seem to think this could become cyclone this
It's probably not a threat at all to the Virgin Islands, as
forecasters think this could either go northeast or westerly. Take your pick.
- Another low to look after
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Thu, 24 May 2012 10:24:29 -0400 (EDT)
Bye bye Alberto but another on the way.
Hello? Hurricane season doesn't officially start until
June 1st. Mother nature needs to sit up and pay attention
Having said all that...
That yellow blob is a an elongated area of low pressure with
disorganized showers and storms, that bears watching as it could possibly stir
up into trouble this weekend.
Reading from their crystal ball:
Today at Nanny Cay
Today from Saba Rock
- Trunk Bay on the north shore of Tortola
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 17:48:58 -0400 (EDT)
Lovely , deserted Trunk Bay on the north shore of Tortola. This is a
popular spot for Leatherback turtles laying their eggs.
- A lovely morning in Tortola
- By mermaid gardener <mermaidgardener at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 09:53:15 -0500
Good Morning,
A lovely picture from Cooper Island this morning. Rates for sailing are probably coming down in price with low season upon us. Maybe a great time to sail in Tortola.

Cheers, The Mermaid Gardener
- View from the north shore Tortola, heading down to Trunk Bay
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 17:59:16 -0400 (EDT)
- Tropical Storm Alberto still alive and it's only May!
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 10:11:30 -0400 (EDT)
Tropical Storm Alberto is out there playing in the Atlantic
ocean off the coasts of Georgia and South Carolina.
Alberto is a rather compact storm at this point, he could
wobble anywhere. He's not likely to threaten the beautiful Virgin Islands any
time soon.
Hurricane season hasn't even started yet officially, so
hopefully Alberto will just remain at storm status and not graduate towards
anything blustery.
It's an early reminder to get your hurricane provisions
organized. Use up last year's stuff and stock in new stuff. If you ever
planned for one last year. Many folks did not, but some like me, try to always
prepare for the next emergency or disaster. It makes them far more comfy to
- Tropical Storm Alberto
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Sun, 20 May 2012 12:04:53 -0400 (EDT)
The BVI is so lucky! The first storm of the season
started off the coast of Georgia and South Carolina in the USA. Very
strange all around.
I am sure folks along the coast, enjoying the beaches, are not
amused at this turn of events.
This is the time of year when many sailors are traversing from
the Caribbean up to New England and Alberto could very well be in their way.

Maximum winds are near 50mph with higher gusts, time to reef
the sails, say your prayers, organize your abandon ship gear. Oh the
life of a sailor, pure boredom alleviated by moments of sheer terror! 
- hurricane forming off South Carolina???
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Sat, 19 May 2012 14:58:41 -0400 (EDT)
This is insane, a hurricane is thinking about forming off of
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, not that far from where Dear Miss Mermaid is
currently swishing her mermaid tail...
Maybe the Caribbean will be spared this one. 
- Fried Day in the BVI
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Fri, 18 May 2012 11:27:17 -0400 (EDT)
Had a real bath last evening and no, not in a nice warm bath
tub. We were en route to the Bitter End Yacht Club, via ferry, for a BVI
culinary team dinner and what started out to be a pleasant trip suddenly
turned into a rain soaked gale! It poured. Visibility was nil. We huddled
together to keep dry and warm, and got a chuckle out of how nicely we were
all coiffed , all for naught. Bitter End came to our rescue upon arriving ,
providing at least 30 or more umbrellas. Where they got them all, I'll never
know , but what a saver that was. We had a fabulous dinner and wish the
culinary arts team " good luck" aas they will travel to Miami in June and
represent the BVI in the "Eastern Carribean " competition.
Today is breezy again, seas are 4 to 6 ft. It's hot
then cool, then hot then cool , and I keep discarding and then putting back
on layers. I really, really think it's not me, having a problem. That's just
the way it is here sometimes in Tortola.
Mystery Mermaid 
Good news in the BVI:
On Friday, the Government of the Virgin Islands will
reinforce its commitment to the development of Virgin Gorda in a ceremony to
officially declare Gun Creek, North Sound, a port of entry. The official
declaration ceremony will be held at the Captain Owen G. Harrigan Visitor Centre
in Gun Creek. There will also be musical selections by students of the Robinson
O’Neal Primary School and Mr. Morris Mark.
(But is there free food??? )
Strange news in the BVI:
And a new book to look at:
- Today in the BVI
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Thu, 17 May 2012 10:54:24 -0400 (EDT)
It's beginning to get very quiet here in Tortola. No cruise
ships at the present. Marinas are slowing down. Boats are getting hauled out
for the summer and soon those that stay will move to hurricane holes. There
are a few charters still arriving, so the grocery stores are
doing a little business with provisioning. Restaurants are open but
also doing less business now and many will be closing for a month or two at
the end of summer. Ah yes the dog days of summer are almost upon us. It's
a partly cloudy day here with a few sprinkles now and then. Winds are brisk
out of the east, and bringing " cooler " temperatures of low 80's. Seas
appear to be a bit choppy with the wind whipping up .
We are beginning to see the first tropical waves
forming in the Atlantic which seems rather early so we hope this isn't a
sign of what the summer holds.
Mystery Mermaid
- Good News from the BVI
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 19:25:11 -0400 (EDT)
The pre-hurricane test is over (we hope!).
Shower activity associated with a low about 450 miles south
southwest of the Southern Azores remains MINIMAL.
- Good sunny Monday morning from Tortola
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Mon, 14 May 2012 12:25:26 -0400 (EDT)
Good sunny Monday morning from Tortola. The haze seems to have
lifted and we are enjoying pleasant conditions with a nice easterly breeze,
blue skies and temps. around the mid 80's.
Had an interesting conversation yesterday with a forensics specialist
who is on "loan " here from the British police force. We were discussing
snorkeling and some of the better snorkeling spots.
Unbeknownst to me he told me that there have been 4 or more snorkeling
/heart attack related deaths in the waters around Tortola just in the
past few months. When I asked him why such a large number , as I don't
find snorkeling to be particularly exerting, he said that many peoples
hearts will race a bit when out of their element , or when new to
snorkeling, or when encountering a sudden large drop off beneath them.
There have also been instances when snorklers have been caught up in a
current and carried off. The advice is to have a Dr.'s okay before
taking on anything strenuous, always snorkel with a buddy or two, and
snorkel in well known approved areas !
from da Mystery Mermaid
and below from
Dear Miss Mermaid
I'm not convinced that doctors are that knowledgeable about
snorkeling risks either. However, there are many sedentary folks who wait all
year to go on vacation, then their physical activity suddenly soars and their
heart can't take it.
So......... if you are planning a physically active
vacation, go into training now. The easiest way to get
started is brisk daily walks and a dog is sure good company to keep
you walking regularly. Don't just waddle around, you have to work up to a good
brisk walk. It's not easy, but once you get started, you will actually begin to
feel the positive effects rather quickly. Don't overdo it, just work your way
up, with a super short walk at first then each day making it a little longer.
Amazingly, when you have the urge to have a snack, you
can often take a brisk walk around the block before you snack. Drink a glass of
water before the walk. When you return, drink plenty of fluids like plain old
water. You may find that the walk tricked your body into thinking you
aren't hungry. Not sure how this work, but it does. The pre-walk water, keeps
you from feeling tired out too quickly.
You don't even have to own a dog. Every Humane Society around
the world is begging (yes BEGGING!) for volunteers to come help walk the
dogs. Even just walking one dog is huge help. So you can do some powerful good
for your community and your own heart and soul, by showing up to walk one or two
I've never heard of a dog that didn't like to walk, unless
they are injured or ill. Some of the "wide body" dogs (read that
overweight) don't like it at first, but they usually come around to loving
it in short order.
You can also walk briskly by parking further away from the
entrance to your work and shopping. This incorporates a few minutes of brisk
walking in your daily life without hard impact on your precious schedule. It
also relieves a ton of stress because you are not consumed with hunting
down a "close" parking spot.
Try using the stairs instead of elevators or get off one floor
below your target and walk one floor up daily. Get in training now, before your
- Our first hurricane scare?
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 16:29:08 -0400 (EDT)
Our first hurricane scare? Wait! It's not even
June! Hurricane season is not here. Somebody tell that storm
southwest of Southern Azores islands that he/she is 3 weeks TOO
It has thunderstorm activity for the past 24 hours. There is
some potential for development... 
2012 Hurricane Names
Alberto Beryl Chris Debby Ernesto Florence Gordon Helene Isaac Joyce Kirk Leslie Michael Nadine Oscar Patty Rafael Sandy Tony Valerie William
- Saturdaze in the BVI
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 16:22:52 -0400 (EDT)
It's a hazy, lazy, very warm Saturday morning here. Don't know
what's causing the haze other than maybe just warm, humid conditions. The
out islands are nearly invisible, but as I'm not sneezing am assuming it's
not Saharan dust that is creating this. It is presently 85 degrees with
74 % humidity and winds are 13 mph, from the southeast.
It has been a wonderfully active weekend so far. Attended a fundraiser
for the animal shelter at the Governement House last night. The event ,"
Paws for a Cause " was well attended with over 200 people nibbling on
hors d'oeuvres, sampling champagne and bidding on auction items. I
don't know which was more fun, sneaking around past the guards to take
a peak inside the mansion, which is lovely by the way , or seeing
friends and acquaintances dressed in their finest frocks.
Surely didn't mind spending a little extra money to support this effort as
this group of volunteers at the BVI humane society work tirelessly
to help out animals in a culture where animals are sometimes terribly
mistreated. Sigh.
Looking forward to Mother's Day tomorrow. Lots of scrumptious brunches
to choose from from Scrub Island resort on the East End to Frenchmans
Cay on the west and all that lays in between. Sort of leaning towards a
brunch venue with a swim up bar . Hint, hint, hint !!!!!! 
- (no subject)
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Thu, 10 May 2012 23:57:03 -0400 (EDT)
Dear Miss Mermaid,
I am out the door early in the morning to help a friend
who has to have surgery tomorrow, so can't comment on the weather as yet,
but thought you might like the following, or not.
!!!! In honor of the ripening of the mangoes and the beginning
of the weekend, I offer you this recipe for a very tasty Mango Cocktail
! Now before you go heavy, heavy on the rum , pay heed to this old
Jamaican saying. " God caused men to raise themselves up onto their
feet ; rum sees to it that they fall over again. !
Mango cocktail
1/2 mango flesh cubed.
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar 3/4 cup water
3 tablespoons grenadine 1/4 cup rum.
Crushed ice and mango thinly 1/4 cup blue
sliced for garnish.
1 tablespoon lime juice
Blend the mango with 1/2 cup water
until smooth, then stir in the remaining water. Strain the juice into a
large glass. Add the rum, Curaçao, lime juice, and the sugar, cover and
shake well until the sugar has dissolved. Garnish with mango slices. Cheers
Sounds YUMMY!
and *HICCUP* dee luscious too
- Wet and Wild
- By DearMissMermaid at aol.com
- Date: Thu, 10 May 2012 13:05:44 -0400 (EDT)
What a night we had last night ! The system that we were
monitoring from the lower islands arrived here and hovered for at least an
hour or more bringing torrential rains and thunderstorms. The rain
gauge is measuring almost 2 inches and this morning it is still overcast
with thick heavy rain laden clouds. There is a light sprinkle now , no
breeze , and without much sleep and more rain this could make for a very
long day.
Looks like I 'll have to go the laundromat today as the laundry I
did last WEEK, and hung out to dry, is still not dry ! 
From the Marvelous Mystery Mermaid
Several buildings and mills in the BVI are covered in this
wonderful book.