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- - - 2010 Hurricane Season - - -

- Rainy Night In Nassau
  • By "Ms. Hogg" <bahamastutor at live.com>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 00:56:30 -0400
Hello All, it has been raining heavily in New Providence for the past three hours. The rain brings welcome relief from the heat.
We are watching the activities of Paula and hoping that she turns away from us, whilst bring no harm to other nations.
Although Paula is compact, she has potential. Let us hope that she does not live up to destructive potential.

- Bahamas Summer
  • By "kbtaylor" <kbtaylor at coralwave.com>
  • Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2010 07:53:21 -0400

The beaches are empty and beautiful;  waiting for anyone to visit and claim them as their own. It may be hurricane season but it's a beautiful time to be in the Bahamas.  Come visit!

- Bonnie
  • By "Ms. Hogg" <bahamastutor at live.com>
  • Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 00:31:59 -0400
Now Bonnie lies over the ocean. Don't bring back that Bonnie to me! The storm brought us cooling breezes and heavier than normal rains. However there were no reports of damage or injury. Hope continues for a quiet season, in spite of the science based forcasts for a high activity season.
Bridget Hogg

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- FW: Goodbye June
  • By "Katybel Taylor" <katybel86 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 07:56:21 -0400


June is coming to an end here on Grand Bahama and no one is sorry to see it go.  The temperatures have been blistering hot here, way higher than anyone can remember with very little rain.  The ocean was flat calm most days  and on most nights the air did not cool off to give relief to those who can no longer afford air-conditioning. 

The current tropical wave has sent us a welcome change in the weather with a decent breeze out of the NE and a shower last night.

Happy to have it but we really don’t want much more so please Mr. Invest 93L stay south of here.  Yes, we want our cake and to eat it too!

Oil, Oil, Oil.  We have a grass roots group here : “Operation Bahamas: Keeping our seas oil-free”  which has started up emailing the government, calling BP and all those things which might or might not help us in case of oil coming our way.  A few days ago I was told that due to summer currents the likely hood of any oil coming through the Bahamas was close to nil…..we will pray for that. I also hold on the more positive thought that this is unrefined oil we are talking about…a natural substance gushing forth from Mother Earth and perhaps Mother Nature in the form of High winds and rain might actually help breakdown the oil.  I keep my fingers crossed.


- May showers bring cooler temps
  • By "Katybel Taylor" <katybel86 at gmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 9 May 2010 09:51:12 -0400

Its May, and Happy Mother’s Day to all Caribbean Mothers!


Grand Bahama is currently enduring high temps and long power outages as our Power company goes through their usual ‘beginning of summer and not prepared for the heat mode’. They continue to charge us what is probably the highest power rates in the entire Caribbean.    I am hoping that the temperature will drop back to a lovely low 80s for the rest of the month and we hold the summer heat off until June as previous summers have done.


We experienced the COLDEST winter on Record this year.  It was unbelievable.  During the months of January and February the temperatures hovered around 69 day and 51 nights.  Without heat in the house my husband and I went to bed earlier and earlier, piling on the covers.

It was not as dry as usual as the cold fronts would bring a little rain before the record low temps swept through.  We just never had enough warm days to warm up the cement block again before the next front would arrive.


My tomatoes were fantastic this year…..the rest of the garden was stunted and the snails got very fat!


And As for the Hurricane season fast approaching, as I write from the island with one of the highest probabilities of hurricane landfall in the Caribbean I wish everyone a safe and non memorable one.


Oh yes, Dear Bahamas Government, PLEASE give us Donna Duncombe and our Weather Station at the Airport Back!!!!!

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