- - - 2009 Hurricane Season - - -
- Molasses Reef
- By Papp Scott <largocee at comcast.net>
- Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 07:41:44 -0500
The buoy is back in operation out on Molasses Reef and is reporting light winds today. The NWS is forecasting gentle seas inside and outside the reef today and tomorrow but building as the week proceeds to six to eight feet by Friday and Saturday. Much cooler temperatures and increased chance of rain showers... I guess the fall season is upon us.
We are grudgingly looking forward to another trip north this week (highs in the upper 40's F!) to clean out the house and turn it over to the new owners. This will be sad for us, I know, but we are greatly looking forward to our future on Key Largo. What did the Bard say about the lawyers? We should include the bankers. The sale and transfer of this house has been a poster child of legal and banking malfeasance. Off with their heads!
Not much time left for Ida , Joaquin or Kate. Let's keep our fingers crossed. Invest 97?
And a good morning to all from Key Largo...

"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana."
J. Scott Papp 26 Jean Lafitte Dr. Key Largo, FL 33037 cell# 786-999-5430
- Cold Front
- By Papp Scott <largocee at comcast.net>
- Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 09:41:27 -0400
A beautiful morning here on Key Largo but still a little warm with record temperatures for this time of year all week. The National Weather Service is forecasting a cold front moving into the area with high temperatures dropping down to the low 80's. The wind will be picking up a bit, bad news for those of us wanting to get out on the water, as the seas inside the reef will be approaching three feet and maybe more. Be safe and please heed the small craft advisories. Interesting op-ed piece in the New York Times this past week about the "value" of contemporary conceptual art. The author muses about the last collector in line holding a vacuum cleaner or a medicine cabinet and wondering who ever thought this was "art" in the first place. This also applies to that ghastly shark in formaldehyde bought at auction recently for many millions of dollars... I have a vision of a group of smiling (endangered) sharks swimming around a glass box containing a beady-eyed collector preserved in expensive designer vodka. This piece is worth reading if you get the chance.
Pretty quiet on the hurricane and storm front, let's hope it stays that way. Another out of town trip coming up, so we'll secure the house, yard and boat before we go, but this time we leave the animals behind in the care of friends.
I wrote the above yesterday morning but didn't post it because we ran out to help a friend with his move to a new home. Woke up this morning to the predicted cold front. What an amazing difference in the weather. The iguanas are running around in parkas, the scorpions are huddling together in our shoes and the grackles just arriving from the north are looking very confused. Has it ever snowed here? The north wind is nearing 20 knots and gusty and it is barely 65 degrees. I fear we won't be diving today...
Be safe all.
"1492. As children we were taught to memorize this year with pride and joy as the year people began living full and imaginative lives on the continent of North America. Actually, people had been living full and imaginative lives on the continent of North America for hundreds of years before that. 1492 was simply the year sea pirates began to rob, cheat, and kill them."
A great American author, too soon gone...

J. Scott Papp
26 Jean Lafitte Dr. Key Largo, FL 33037 cell# 786-999-5430 ceefl.com
- Late September
- By Papp Scott <largocee at comcast.net>
- Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 12:02:12 -0400
We are so glad to be back home. Absolutely beautiful morning here on Key Largo. Southeast winds about 9 knots out on the reef and it looks like the seas are laying down a bit over the next couple of days. Blue skies, scattered clouds and light winds for our dive trip tomorrow morning.
Fall is here. Even though daytime temps are holding at 90º there is a different feel to the air. Last week, late Thursday evening, as I was finishing Richard Russo's "That Old Cape Magic" under the tiki, a hint of a cool breeze came out of the Everglades, across Buttonwood Sound and down the canal. I sensed a new motion in the air, across the surface of the still water and into the mangroves. For a while everything was in motion, the palms, our "firecracker" plants and hibiscus, and the high grasses next door. Tobago and Hazel, our rescued girls, raised their pretty black noses into the breeze and sniffed briefly before returning to their dreams. There are seasons here, contrary to popular belief, you just need to pay attention. Up north, that first frigid blast of Canadian air making its way down to New England might, if they are lucky, give way to a brief tease of Indian summer. Here on Key Largo, summer returned reluctantly the next day ... but the air feels different somehow.
It appears that nothing of note is coming our way from the Atlantic and I think we are all feeling quite complacent. That September bell curve peak of storm activity is behind us, but October looms with a storm ironically named Grace sure to pay a visit somewhere. Stay safe and smart and please care for your animals.
Hint: 1939
I pray one prayer, I repeat it till my tongue stiffens. ... may you not rest as long as I am living! You said I killed you, haunt me, then!... Be with me always, take any form, drive me mad, only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you!... I cannot live without my life. I cannot live without my soul. EMERGENCY PREPARATION

J. Scott Papp
26 Jean Lafitte Dr. Key Largo, FL 33037 cell# 786-999-5430 ceefl.com
- Storms and rainbows
- From: Papp Scott <largocee at comcast.net>
- Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2009 11:25:25 -0400
Absolutely beautiful evening last night after the boomers rolled through. Here is a shot of a double rainbow, first I've ever seen as far as I can recall. We are off for a few days to a wedding in Connecticut so today we are securing the boat on shore in case of any activity beyond the usual thunderstorms. Looks to be pretty quiet at least for the coming week but we are looking at Invest 95L to develop into something.
A question for you all out there. Exactly what is an "Invest"? I've searched glossaries on a number of weather sites and I can't find any reference or definition. Thanks in advance for filling in my dreadful lack of weather smarts.
Quote for the day:
"We know the future will outlast all of us, but I believe that all of us will live on in the future we make."
I am thinking of giving out prizes to anyone who can identify the speakers of these quotes.

<x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger> EMERGENCY PREPARATION</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger>
26 Jean Lafitte Dr.
Key Largo, FL 33037
largocee at comcast.net
cell# 786-999-5430
DSC_0179.JPG copy
- Danny Boy
- From: Papp Scott <largocee at comcast.net>
- Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 07:56:52 -0400
Oh Danny boy, have a safe and quiet trip. Say hello to family on the Cape if you will but don't overstay your welcome. And by the way, parents please watch your children if you decide go wave peeping.
My heart goes out to the Kennedy family. We have lost a great man, flawed yes, but the Senator gave his life and family to the cause. He will be missed.
Beautiful morning here on Key Largo. A rain shower last night brought our recently trimmed mystery plant a host of new flowers but the day looks to be mostly clear with a chance of rain or thunderstorms. Very hot though and a bit humid. I understand that this will be the forecast through the end of September!
We are still learning this boating thing with the help and guidance of good friends and sometimes strangers. Our neighbor Capt. Mike McDonnell of Biscayne Bay Pilots (Port of Miami) showed us how to swing the Rox'Sea Music on her davits out of the water and into the backyard for tiedown in the event of an event. Much easier than trailering and an easy swing back into the water when things clear. I spent most of the day yesterday cleaning and waxing the hull while she was out of the water and she looks beautiful. We'll be showing her off out at North Nest Key tonight.
Heres an easy one from one of our greatest authors and commentators:
Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. EMERGENCY PREPARATION

J. Scott Papp
26 Jean Lafitte Dr. Key Largo, FL 33037 cell# 786-999-5430 ceefl.com
- Quiet Here
- From: Papp Scott <largocee at comcast.net>
- Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 11:35:45 -0400
A tropical wave moving in the Gulf should stay north of the Conch Republic. We are feeling winds around 10 knots, gusting to 17 out at Molasses Reef. A nice heavy rain shower gave the crops a wash last night, but all is quiet, slightly cloudy, today. I can't keep my eye off Bill, though, no matter what the models say. The trailer is repaired (had to call in the cavalry (South East Trailer Sales in Tavernier, quick, reliable and professional) so I can pull the boat if needed. My best wishes to our friends in Bermuda, and a gentle nudge to family on Cape Cod.
"Weather forecast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning." Who said it?

J. Scott Papp
26 Jean Lafitte Dr. Key Largo, FL 33037 cell# 786-999-5430 ceefl.com
- Blue skies and light winds
- From: Papp Scott <largocee at comcast.net>
- Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 08:18:49 -0400
Absolutely beautiful weather here again today with cooler temps and light winds but it looks like the remnants of Ana will be right over us Thursday morning. We are hoping the calm after the storm will get us out on the reef for a couple of dives before Bill comes by. I trust you all out there have everything locked down and stocked up. Pay heed to the great Margo Channing: "Fasten your seatbelts it's going to be a bumpy night." Terrific movie, superb actress and good advice.

J. Scott Papp
26 Jean Lafitte Dr. Key Largo, FL 33037 cell# 786-999-5430 ceefl.com
- Florida Keys
- From: Papp Scott <largocee at comcast.net>
- Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 16:27:55 -0400
Hello and good afternoon from the Florida Keys. My wife and I , as well as two dogs and a cat, moved from Connecticut to Key Largo this past January, seeking refuge from the interminable New England winters. I have been reading this site daily since I found it three weeks ago, as it seems to be the best source of information on what is going on and most importantly, what is coming. I trust I will be able to provide equally useful commentary and information about our situation here. I know the Keys are not, strictly speaking, Caribbean, but we do share the hurricane experience with our friends to the south. We too need to consider evacuation, preparations, getting the boat out of the water,or just hunkering down with our animals in place.
Full disclosure: the company I work for is deeply involved in disaster recovery and rebuilding so therefor I have a commercial and personal interest in the progress of the hurricane season. Our emergency response services are available throughout the Keys and South Florida up to Melbourne and Orlando. I can be reached anytime at the cell number or email below. Please accept my apologies if this brief and final mention offends but it is solely in the interest of full disclosure.
We are presently enjoying a little weather appetizer here in Key Largo, overcast, rain, lightning and some boomers waking the dogs Hazel and Tobago. I understand we may see a bit more serious action come Thursday or Friday and I have been working all day on a frozen wheel on the boat trailer in anticipation of moving the "Rox'sea Music" to a safer haven. I thank all the correspondents who have provided info on Ana's progress and I will provide updates on conditions here as they develop. Of course, if anyone is looking for specifics on friends, family or whatever here in Key Largo please call or email.
Again, thank you all for the excellent work and I hope to live up to these standards.

Scott Papp
26 Jean Lafitte Dr. Key Largo, FL 33037 cell# 786-999-5430 ceefl.com |