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For the most recent reports from Bonaire see this page.

- - - 2009 Hurricane Season - - -

  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:48:50 -0400

It’s blowing about 22 knots over at Lac Bay. Check out www.breathebonaire.com for live windsurf action. I am heading over…


Heading up  to Cape Cod via Newark Sunday AM. Danny better keep is bad &$$ away from my flight path. Don’t tell me it’s gonna be a rough ride up the Eastern seaboard..




Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana





- Wind and ..
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 08:40:20 -0400

Happy Wed. from The B in the BES Islands,


I woke to windows rattling indicating a nice steady breeze. It’s always welcome especially when we have heat indexes in the mid 120’s.  The sky is full of puffy clouds. No rain in sight.


Check out www.bonairecaribbean.com for some new listings soon…


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


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- whoooooooooooooooooo
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 10:37:13 -0400

Oh boy the weather is AWESOME…we had a major squall with heavy wind and pounding rains. I am getting my bills done…I LOVE THE RAIN


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana






  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 07:59:17 -0400

I woke to the pitter patter of rain…FINALLY..we have not had rain since mid July and then, it was only a little. My water barrel is full and the rain keeps coming in a slow drizzle. I could NOT be happier. All of the house plants and patio plants are out under the eaves getting washed. The dogs are none too happy as I will not let them in my car.  I loved our walk behind our house along the donkey trails but they were miffed to be out in the rain.


I spoke to my daughter who is in Cape Cod and at 11 PM she said the rain in S. Yarmouth driving home was torrential at 10 PM but in S. Dennis, nothing. No wind nada. Bill has passed the Cape and is heading to northeast it appears.

Windguru called this rain for Bonaire..thank you..


Follow my www.anguillabliss.com


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana







- Bonaire Update and Cape Cod Too
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 09:47:56 -0400

Bonaire continues to be dry, no wind and hot. Same old..


Just spoke to Mom in Cape Cod. She said there is no breeze, the air is still and the sky is “eery”. They have closed many of the beaches on Cape Cod due to the expected weather.

here is a great cam to see Coast Guard Beach up near the Outer Cape




Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"




Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana





- Dog Days
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2009 13:10:00 -0400

The sea is flat, there is a tiny bit of a breeze. We had no electricity in Belnem all AM but it’s back.


The weather station in Tera Cora is reading 94 with a head index of 106 so it is cooler today. I had my second flat tire of the week (lovely living on cacti land) and was dripping sweat getting it all sorted out. Stopped at El Fagon (Columbian Restaurant) for take out Dradu (Mahi Mahi) and again, just sitting was dripping sweat. Jumped in a hotel pool on the way home and now intend to work before my siesta.




Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana





- Hot at 8 AM
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2009 08:05:38 -0400

There is minimal wind today..it’s already over 88 f. I took the dogs for a drive south past Cargill Salt and the sea is very calm. A few divers are already heading out south. My friends have been diving at The Lake loving it. The Hibdiges leave for the New Forest tomorrow..I will miss pina coladas and game nights. They are back for Dec.


I used up all my rain water last night watering the East garden. Off to put out some water for the donkeys. It’s brutally parched here.


Bill looks massive. My daughter and Mom are on Cape Cod so I will warn them that they may see some surf over the weekend…


Heading up north myself soon….missing native tomatoes and corn on the cob…and my kiddo..first summer she has been off Bonaire and it’s been 10 weeks apart…it’s great when they spread their wings but..




Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana





- The Heat is On
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 17:14:55 -0400

Today the weather at Flamingo Airport was reporting 100.9 f and the heat index 124 f. I am very lethargic by 12 each day and end of lying on my daughter’s bed reading and napping. Around 6 it becomes tolerable. Time to head up to Cape Cod for my Sept. hiatus soon. Heading to my friend’s for happy hour. He swears he makes the best Margarita. I will report back. So far my pick is at Picante in Anguilla..wow, what a killer Margarita…


We need rain…follow my www.bonairebliss.com


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"




Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana






- phooey
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 16:10:51 -0400

Around 1 thunder boomers were pounding around the local sky. Towards the north the sky was black. Here, south of the airport nada. What a tease..the winds are up again..


I am up from my siesta. I would not dream of taking a nap in Cape Cod but here, phew, I am out like a light.


Dinner with the Hibdiges from New Forest. We are heading to Mona Lisa. Their Bar Hap Menu is 13 USD. Big splurge for me. I am cutting corners BIG time as the Fall looks abysmal for bookings. Heading to Cape Cod in a few weeks.


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


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- Losing my mind..
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 09:38:34 -0400

I am losing my mind..for the past 3 nights I woke thinking I heard rain only to realize it is my fan…I am dreaming of rain. Just now, we had a 30 second shower. I ran out to uncover the rain barrel, put out buckets out and NADA..30 SECONDS..


We need rain…


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


THINK BEFORE YOU PRINT - to participate in an eco concious society please consider your personal office needs. Conserve paper and avoid waste. Think please before you print. Thank you.




- Getting a Little Crazy Here...
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 11:48:10 -0400

If I don’t see rain soon, I may wig out..I need a cloudy rainy day please……….


It is humid, not much wind and HOT HOT HOT…..


Check out www.anguillabliss.com to see my week review..what a blast..



Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


THINK BEFORE YOU PRINT - to participate in an eco concious society please consider your personal office needs. Conserve paper and avoid waste. Think please before you print. Thank you.



- Back to Bonaire Today
  • From: "Ann Phelan" <ann at bonairewindsurfing.com>
  • Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2009 06:25:45 -0400 (EDT)
My weeklong sojourn in AXA ends today. Back to my Bonaire life.

Weather forecast for the ABC Islands valid until Sunday morning 06:00 AST,
August 9, 2009.
Last updated: Saturday August 8, 2009, 06:00 AST (10:00 UTC)

Today: Variably cloudy with a few local showers.
Tonight and Sunday: Generally partly cloudy with a local shower possible

Forecast high will be 33°C (91°F), and low 26°C (79°F).
Sunrise will occur at 6:23 A.M and Sunset at 6:59 P.M.

Easterly and gentle to moderate; force 3 to 4 (12 to 30 km/hour, 7 to 16
Occasionally mainly in showers, fresh to possibly near gale in gusts;
force 5 to 7 (31 to 61 km/hour, 17 to 33 knots).

Synopsis: A tropical wave will enter the Eastern Caribbean Area today and
will move Westwards. This system is expected to influence the local
weather during the weekend. During the next 24 hours patches of cloudiness
are expected to move across the local region and some of these will induce
a local shower of parts of the ABC islands.

Sea conditions: Moderate with wave heights between 3 to 7 feet.

Tropical weather: None.

Special Features: None.

Outlook until Monday morning: Variably cloudy with a chance of a local

Forecaster: Figueroa

The next weather forecast will be issued on Saturday at 11:00 AST (15:00

From www.meteo.an

- Bonaire Weather Spotter in Anguilla
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2009 17:46:56 -0400

Am in Anguilla for Carnival and Regatta. Flight from BON to SXM piece of Cake. Dutch Antilles Express is getting their act together. Well done DAE. Crossing on Shauna Ferry from Dutch side was rough. Anguilla is sunny about 27c


Cheers from Anguilla


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


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- From www.meteo.an
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 17:32:34 -0400

Weather forecast for the ABC Islands valid until Friday evening 18:00 AST, July 31 2009.
Last updated:Thursday July 30, 2009, 17:00 AST (21:00 UTC)

.....................SMALL CRAFT EXERCISE CAUTION OVER OPEN WATERS.......................

This evening and tonight: Partly cloudy with a few isolated showers possible.
Friday morning: Partly cloudy, temporarily mostly cloudy with a few isolated showers; slight risk of an isolated thunderstorm.

Forecast high will be 33°C (91°F), and low 26°C (79°F).
Sunrise will occur at 6:22 A.M. and Sunset at 7:02 P.M.

Easterly and moderate to fresh; force 3 to 5 (12 to 39 km/hour, 7 to 21 knots)
Occasionally strong in gusts; force 6 (40 to 50 km/hour, 22 to 27 knots)

Synopsis: A tropical wave located over the local region will continue moving West this evening and tomorrow morning. Abundant moist air accompanying this wave may develop periods with more clouds and showers over the A,B,C. islands tonight and tomorrow morning. Expect during showers some gusty winds with risk of thunderstorms.

Sea conditions:
Moderate with wave heights of 3 to 6 feet. In or near showers seas could become fairly rough with wave heights of 7 to 8 feet. Owners of small craft are urged to take this into account and must exercise caution over open waters.

Tropical weather: None.

Special Features: None.

Outlook until Saturday evening:
Partly cloudy with an isolated shower possible.

Forecaster: J.N. Statia

The next weather forecast will be issued on Friday at 06:00 AST (10:00 UTC).


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


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- nothing
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 16:34:50 -0400

Here in Belnem we had no rain and only a little rain. The radar looks ominous and at one point the sky was black but NADA



PHOOEY…we need rain


I am heading to Anguilla Sat for Regatta and Carnival….I would welcome a change in weather..Bonaire is so boring..


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


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- Bonaire Weather News
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 11:37:35 -0400

The winds are averaging about 20 knots. A tight pressure gradient is allowing this nice flow of cooling air. There are dark clouds but no rain. The heat index was 129 f on Monday. Time to finish work and hit the pool. Am knackered from the windsurf event so cannot even think about windsurfing..maybe later.


See my new blog posts on www.anguillabliss.com and www.bonairebliss.com


If folks are on Twitter please add me? phelana


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana

- Rain Hurray
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 11:14:24 -0400

Hurray, we had a heavy dose of rain just as www.windguru.cz promised. There was heavy thunder as well. Now the sun is out and the winds are freshening for our Pro Kids Freestyle Event slated for today and tomorrow. Please check out www.bonairebliss.com for some killer photos taken by Stephen Thuell. The slalom event last week was incredible.


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana



- Final Day of IFCA Slalom World in Bonaire
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 09:10:52 -0400


Sadly www.windguru.cz our official weather site is predicting light winds. That means 9.0 sails will prevail. See some amazing snaps on www.bonairebliss.com and www.bonaireslalomworld.com


A great event so far..


www.prokidsfreestyle.com all weekend and next week I write and rest..I think..



Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


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- ticks in the Caribbean
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 08:48:18 -0400

Hi Caribbean Weather Gurus


The name of the product I use to fight the battle of ticks is: Taktic ( amitraz)


I buy it at the vet. Frontline does NOT work with my dogs.


This season is not so bad. Last May / June we were infested. Now a few each day so I have not used the amitraz yet.


Winds are lightening up here in Bonaire for www.bonairebliss.com our windsurf event details are there..


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


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- ticks and wind
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2009 07:37:44 -0400

Greetings and Bon Siman


The winds are light for opening day of www.bonaireslalomworld.com . We have competitors from all over the world. I pray for nice wind.


To Lisette in Dominica:


I use Tack Tick for my dogs. I get it at the vet. Frontline does not work in Bonaire for me and the ticks we have. Google it..it’s a miracle..last year ticks were horrid..this year not too bad.


We need rain.



Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


THINK BEFORE YOU PRINT - to participate in an eco concious society please consider your personal office needs. Conserve paper and avoid waste. Think please before you print. Thank you.






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- A bit of rain..
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 10:54:15 -0400

Windguru nailed it again..we had a few rainshowers this morning cleaning off dust and giving our plants and wild animals a nice drink of water. The winds prevail for our international sailors competing at www.bonaireslalomworld.com and www.prokidsfreestyle.com


Have a nice day


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


THINK BEFORE YOU PRINT - to participate in an eco concious society please consider your personal office needs. Conserve paper and avoid waste. Think please before you print. Thank you.






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- Rain?
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 13:32:04 -0400


We are back in a dry spell but www.windguru.cz predicts some heavy duty rain for Sat. AM and big winds…the radar on www.stormcarib.com reveals a blob heading our way..hope so..you all know how much I love weather…


Wind looks good for www.bonaireslalomworld.com next week.


Follow your ww.bonairebliss.com


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 09:30:50 -0400

A MAJOR squall is passing thru Bonaire..the winds are easily gusting beyond 40!! Heavy rain..gotta run..


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


THINK BEFORE YOU PRINT - to participate in an eco concious society please consider your personal office needs. Conserve paper and avoid waste. Think please before you print. Thank you.






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- More Rain
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 08:43:32 -0400

Well the sun quickly faded. I took the dogs south past the salt hills and the rains returned. The winds were howling and it was raining cats and dogs. It’s rather cool outside. Wouldn’t you know I have two loads of laundry to hang. It’s ok, I needed a weather change and our island really needed rain.


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


THINK BEFORE YOU PRINT - to participate in an eco concious society please consider your personal office needs. Conserve paper and avoid waste. Think please before you print. Thank you.






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- Wind Guru Nailed It
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 07:59:46 -0400

Well, once again, www.windguru.cz nailed their forecast. As promised major heavy duty rain fell in Bonaire late yesterday afternoon. The winds were gale force and the amount of rain was substantial. My rain barrel filled up and the yard was massive puddles. Prior to this, we lost power in the Belnem area. I am not sure about other areas. I sat with the doggies outside on the covered patio with a sweatshirt on and read with a flashlight. Finished Sky Burial, a story about Tibet. FANTASTIC.


The winds are strong today but there are puffy clouds with peaking sun.


Follow your www.anguillabliss.com


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


THINK BEFORE YOU PRINT - to participate in an eco concious society please consider your personal office needs. Conserve paper and avoid waste. Think please before you print. Thank you.






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- Finally some weather to talk about..
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 13:47:00 -0400

We have had intermittent downpours that last 2-5 minutes. What a tease!


From www.meteo.an


Weather forecast for the ABC Islands valid until Saturday midday 12:00 AST, July 04, 2009.
Last updated: Friday July 03, 2009, 11:00 AST (15:00 UTC)



Today: Partly cloudy, briefly mostly cloudy with a chance of a local shower.
Tonight through Saturday midday: Variably cloudy with a few showers with a slight risk of thunder.

Forecast high will be 33°C (92°F), and low 26°C (79°F).
Sunrise will occur at 06:15 A.M. and Sunset at 7:04 P.M.

Easterly and moderate to fresh; force 4 to 5 (20 to 39 km/hour, 11 to 21 knots)
Occasionally strong to near gale in gusts; force 6 to 7 ( 40 to 61 km/hour, 22 to 33 knots)

Synopsis: A tropical wave was located just East of the Eastern Caribbean. Most of the associated weather lies well ahead of the wave and is expected to reach our region during the next 24 hours. Therefore, expect as from later tonight an increase in clouds and conditions that are favorable for shower activity across the local islands. Furthermore, moderate to strong winds will result in moderate to locally fairly rough sea conditions. Marine users are urged to take this into account.

Sea conditions:
With wave heights of 3 to 7 feet, sea conditions will be moderate to locally fairly rough; temporarily and locally seas could reach 8 ft. Small craft should exercise caution over open waters.

Tropical weather: None.

Special Features: None.

Outlook until Sunday midday:
Mainly partly cloudy with a chance of a local shower. Sea conditions will remain locally fairly rough.

Forecaster: Figueroa


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


THINK BEFORE YOU PRINT - to participate in an eco concious society please consider your personal office needs. Conserve paper and avoid waste. Think please before you print. Thank you.






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- rain dance
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 12:04:55 -0400

Does anyone want to join me in a rain dance..we need it badly…


Winds are averaging 24 knots at Lac Bay with MUCH higher gusts. My 4.2 meter sail was perfect for windsurfing today.


Follow my www.bonairebliss.com




Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


- From www.meteo.an
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 07:12:43 -0400

Weather forecast for the ABC Islands valid until Thursday morning 06:00 AST, July 2, 2009.
Last updated: Wednesday July 01, 2009, 05:00 AST (09:00 UTC)

Today: Generally partly cloudy with chance of an isolated shower.
Tonight through Thursday morning: Partly cloudy, occasionally mostly cloudy with a few local showers and gusty winds.

Forecast high will be 33°C (92°F), and low 26°C (79°F).
Sunrise will occur at 06:14 A.M. and Sunset at 7:04 P.M.

East to Southeast and moderate to fresh; force 4 to 5 (20 to 39 km/hour, 11 to 21 knots)
Occasionally strong to near gale in gusts; force 6 to 7 ( 40 to 61 km/hour, 22 to 33 knots)

Synopsis: A tropical wave moves West over the Tropical Atlantic while advancing the Southeastern Caribbean. Periodical cloudiness with increasing chances of rain is expected to characterize the second half of the current week.

Sea conditions:
With wave heights of 3 to 7 feet, sea condition will be generally moderate.

Tropical weather: None.

Special Features: None.

Outlook until Friday morning:
Variably cloudy with a chance of a few local showers.

Forecaster: Abraham.

The next weather forecast will be issued on Wednesday at 12:00 AST (16:00 UTC)


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"






Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


- Wild Winds
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 21:03:06 -0400

It was averaging 23 knots all AM whilst I sat in a meeting at Bonaire Windsurf Place. I kept reading the wind gauge. The rest of the week looks nuclear. I wish we could get some rain. The island is parched and brown. Just back from Anguilla..




Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


- Windy Wow
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 10:55:17 -0400

May and June are stellar months for wind..it’s hot about 28 c but the wind is refreshing. The entire landscape is brown from serious lack of rain. I wish we could have one day to soak the plants and give a nice drink to the wild donkeys and goats…


We are gearing up for www.bonaireslalomworld.com and www.prokidsfreestyle.com.


I am just back from 3 nights in Anguilla. Man, I love that island. Check out www.anguillabliss.com




Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


- Bonaire Needs Rain
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 08:04:46 -0400

From www.meteo.an


Weather forecast for the ABC Islands valid until Thursday morning 06:00 AST, June 18, 2009.
Last updated: Wednesday June 17, 2009, 06:00 AST (10:00 UTC)

Today and Thursday: Generally partly cloudy.

Forecast high will be 32 º C , and low 25 º C.
Sunrise will occur at 06:11 A.M. and Sunset will be at 7:02 P.M.

East to Southeast and gentle to moderate; force 3 to 4 (12 to 30 km/hour, 7 to 16 knots)
Occasionally fresh and mainly during daytime, strong in gusts; force 5 to 6 ( 31 to 50 km/hour,
17 to 27 knots)

Synopsis: No significant changes expected in the current weather pattern.
A generally partly cloudy sky is expected to prevail.

Sea conditions:
With wave heights of 3 to 6 feet seas will be mainly moderate.

Tropical weather: None.

Special Features: None.

Outlook until Friday morning:
Generally partly cloudy and continuing dry weather condition.


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"




Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana






- Big Wind and Island News
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 08:39:56 -0400



Bonaire has been experiencing BIG wind and hot temps. This weekend is the Bonaire Jazz Festival http://www.bonairejazz.com/ and then after that Dive Into Summer Program. http://www.bonairediveintosummer.com/


July is an exciting month when we host the IFCA Bonaire Slalom Worlds and Pro Kids. I work the press and hospitality desk at both and love the energy.  Take a peak at www.bonairebliss.com for island updates.


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"




Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana


Please ask me about travel insurance to protect your vacation investment.


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  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 08:58:24 -0400



Bonaire is experiencing heavy duty winds. May is typically windy so this is to be expected. No rain to speak of…


Follow your www.bonairebliss.com


Ann Phelan

Caribbean Wind & Sun Vacations  "creating dream vacations since 1988"



Skype: caribchakita
Twitter: phelana

THINK BEFORE YOU PRINT - to participate in an eco concious society please consider your personal office needs. Conserve paper and avoid waste. Think please before you print. Thank you.





- FW: Press release Animal Shelter Bonaire
  • From: "Ann L. Phelan" <ann at bonairecaribbean.com>
  • Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 14:56:16 -0400

Bonaire dogs are superdogs


Animal Shelter Bonaire launches dog sterilization campaign


"Bonny the Superdog" is a new initiative of the Animal Shelter Bonaire targeted at reducing the growing number of unwanted and neglected dogs, through a sterilization project. Goal is to sterilize 500 dogs within a one year period, starting as from May 15th 2009.


There are already too many dogs on Bonaire. The reason is that many dogs just run loose and get pregnant at a young age. That is why everyday new puppies are born and too many of them have no future. As most people don’t want so many dogs, they drop them off at the shelter or let them roam around. The dogs become stray dogs; they have no food, become sick, aggressive and cause problems. Because of this every year 1000 dogs are put to sleep. This can be prevented!


The best way to keep a dog healthy and prevent it from roaming around, is to have it sterilized. This is the best alternative for the dog owners and their dogs, and it prevents animal suffering. Female dogs are more alert after being spayed. Male dogs tend to stay around the house more after being neutered, since they are no longer interested in female dogs in heat. Therefore sterilizing of all dogs is beneficial.


Apart from sterilizing the animals, the Animal Shelter Bonaire also wants the residents of Bonaire to become more conscious of the importance of having their animals neutered, not only to prevent suffering amongst the animals but also for their own peace of mind.


The sterilization campaign "Bonny the Superdog" has been set up by the loyal volunteers of the Animal Shelter Bonaire; T-shirts and flyers have been designed and printed, all is pre-financed by the shelter.


Website Bonny the Superdog: www.bonnysuperdog.com
Website Animal Shelter Bonaire: www.animalshelterbonaire.com

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