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- - - 2007 Hurricane Season - - -

- no rain in st barths
  • From: "frantz QUESTEL" <fanzy_431 at hotmail.com>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 19:58:48 -0400
Hi everybody

All the islands around St Barths received rain but here nothing. We can see on the satellite picture all the big clouds west of St KITTS and NEVIS this afternoon. Also we see the lightning around the island right now and the moon.

The tropical storm KAREN supposed to past far northeast of us, that's a good thing. We may have some little east to northeast swell but depending how far it will past from us. Next week is the beginning of october the month we had JOSE in 1999. This one wasn't big with its wind and sea but with its rain.

Hope we will receive 10 to 30 mm tonight it will be nice for the gardens

Take care and stay tuned we never know

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- maybe, maybe not
  • From: "frantz QUESTEL" <fanzy_431 at hotmail.com>
  • Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 19:28:21 -0400
hi everyone

Ingrid is playing with us in the northern leewards. Since a couple of day she supposed to live to the north but right now she's just at the door.

Today in st barths we had a nice weather, big sun and flat sea and too hot

So cross fingers if INGRID come to see us it stay only a tropical depression with some rain because we need rain

Take care and we'll see tomorrow

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- TD8
  • From: "frantz QUESTEL" <fanzy_431 at hotmail.com>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 18:22:21 -0400
Hi everyone

Tropical depression 8 is on the way but which way it will take? That's the BIG question for the next 3 or 4 days.
Today in st barths we had a nice weather without rain

So wait and see

good day

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- Big clouds, no rain
  • From: <fanzy_431 at hotmail.com>
  • Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 19:42:27 -0400
hi everybody

Here in St BARTHS, it was sunny until the biginning of the afternoon and after cloudy but without rain and we need rain. Concerning the low pressure system aroud 10N 40W, i went take a look on www.wunderground.com/tropical/ and it could come to see us in one week from now.
Nobody here need that

Let's hope we will be off its way.

Take care everybody

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