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- Updates from the Islands -- - Martinique - - |
- image |
HI Gert Rain has passed now but according to the image below, heave heavy rains, gusty wind, flooding and maybe landslides must be expected in all the windward Islands Area but worst will be in the south... __________________________________ Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click. http://farechase.yahoo.com |
- breaking the silence |
Hi Gert After some days of silence, another system became stronger since last night ... definitely this year will reserve us more surprises as november 30th, seems to still far away with a probably "Gamma" that can form tonight or tomorrow if not as only a Depression. These passed three days, heavy rain and gusty wind was felt in our island and caused two dead people; roads, highway and little cities were practically sumerged by the water, especially on friday and that can continue today as heavy rain has just begun to fall down. Sky is completely overcasted and we can feel some wind gusts of 40 knots. __________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - Make it your home page! http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs |
- Update |
Hi Gert Two days ago another Tropical Wave was touching us, that brought us a lot of rain and wind. Now our sky is blue and there are no rain and almost no wind, Temperature 28 C, and only 10/15 knots of gentle wind Tomorrow afternoon we are waiting another tropical wave that will visit us __________________________________ Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click. http://farechase.yahoo.com |
- Alpha |
Hi Gert As predicted Tropical Storm Alpha formed today in the Caribbean, setting the record for the most named storms in an Atlantic hurricane season and marking the first time forecasters had to turn to the Greek alphabet for names. The previous record of 21 named storms had stood since 1933. Alpha was the 22nd to reach tropical storm strength this year, and the season doesn't end until Nov. 30. This system passed here last two days as a Strong Tropical Wave and brought us a lot of rain, strong wind and gusts of 35/45 minimum. Its last effects were felt until today, but now is gone and we are slowly returning to our normally weather. Temperature now 27 C The Houling of the wind is still listened in the distance. Tuesday another Tropical Wave is expected. __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail.yahoo.com |
- Weather has changed |
Hi Gert Here in Martinique since 10:00 am weather has changed due to the arrival of a new Tropical Wave. Temperature has dropped to 25 degrees, there is a lot of gusty winds of 30/45 knots and little rain for moments. Far away we can hear some big thunders, and our yesterday's blue sky was all day grey and overcasted and it seemed it won't be better tonight. As looking to the satellital image, I've realized, we are in the middle of this system and there is another one moving N-NW, coming just behind. __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail.yahoo.com |
- Now is confirmed for record books |
Hi Gert Wima had just gained the record of lowest pressure maintained for Hurricane Gilbert since 1988. Wilma has the lowest pressure on record for an hurricane in the Atlantic Bassin with its 882 MB, registered minutes ago by another air force plane and also based on dropsonde This 2005's season will be remembered without any doubt as the year of new records. __________________________________ Yahoo! Music Unlimited Access over 1 million songs. Try it free. http://music.yahoo.com/unlimited/ |
- Wilma and its records |
Hi Gert Wow!!! ... Hurricane Wilma grew into one of the most powerful Atlantic hurricanes ever recorded early Wednesday, in only one night !!! Wilma gathered force rapidly over the last day. Only Tuesday morning, it grew from a tropical storm into a weak hurricane Cat 1 and forecasters estimated it will be a Category 3 for thrusday!!!. Now as a Category 5 monster packing 175 mph wind that forecasts warned was "extremely dangerous." and based on a preliminary reading of its pressure, forecasters said Wilma was perhaps the most powerful Atlantic storm on record. In the morning an Air Force reconnaissance planes recorded a pressure reading of 892 millibars, the lowest minimum pressure for a hurricane in the Atlantic in 2005'season!!!. The strongest on record, based on the lowest pressure reading, is Hurricane Gilbert in 1988, which registered an 888 millibar reading. On Monday, Wilma became the Atlantic hurricane season's 21st named storm, tying the record set in 1933 and exhausting the list of names for this year. The six-month hurricane season does not end until Nov. 30. Any new storms would be named with letters from the Greek alphabet, starting with Alpha. __________________________________ Yahoo! Music Unlimited Access over 1 million songs. Try it free. http://music.yahoo.com/unlimited/ |
- Wilma and others |
Hi gert After long vacances I finally come back ... It's hot in Martinique but there is a lot of wind, and little rain in Fort de France.. We are just in 30 degrees, There will be two tropical waves coming from the East in the next days, one of them could be a little more important, maybe after passing by us, it will become "Alpha" then 2005'season will pass 1933's record. Anyway this season will finish in November, so exists a lot of chances in having a new record this year... __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail.yahoo.com |
- Another active Tropical wave |
Hi Gert Here in martinique is being so hot lately 33 degrees in the mornings and almost 29 degrees at nights in Fort de France. It seems that our good luck will be finished by formation of another Cyclonic System, Blessed Saharien Dust that helps us till now, begins to disipate.. I hope this one is not going to become Phillipe ... unless after passing by our islands ... As you can see in pics attached it is so big to concerned most of us ... __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 http://mail.yahoo.com |
- After Katrina |
I would like to begin sending my sympathies and my priers to those people in New Orleans who are suffering the worst catastrophe of their lifes. After looking those terrorific TV's images of Katrina passing by Gulf Coast affecting three States and Miami, I only hope this will not happen again. Fortunately, at this moment there is not system in the air or trying to forming.. but, regretfully the Hurricane's season is not finished and we should wait more of these systems coming by our islands. We are just in the middle of the High season ... Here in Martinique is very hot lately; Not so much rains at least here in Fort de France, the temperatures is 33 degrees since tuesday, and the sky is a little hazy showing some kind of Saharia dust, with dry and warm air ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs |
- that's it !! |
Last three days were sunny and dry, with some rain, good for going to the beach. Tropical Depression 13 is born, and maybe will become "Lee" ; fortunately it will pass by the north of our island. I hope, there will not be any wind band reaching and affecting us so much. ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs |
- Sometimes a good weather doesn't mean a good day |
Hi Gert Here in Martinique these two days were plenty of sun, a little cloudy in the mornings... it was an excellent long weekend... really nothing to say.. Today our island woke up with the worst airplane's accident of all its life, Suddendly for most of the people, our wonderful weather tourned into a drama ... The sky stills blue but in our hearts there are only tears and shadows ... __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com |
- rain and thunders |
Hi Gert Today is since noon a very wet day, thunders and lightnenings are listened from the south before they arrive here (Fort de France); But the temperature is the same as the last days 32 degrees. In both images below, we can see clearly a probably next system coming, Will it be "Jose"? ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs |
- Crazy Weather Part II |
Hi Gert Who wanted an active Tropical Wave? Till 10:15 am today we experienced another thunderstorm with some rain but nothing like the one at 3:00 am The sky is overscasted now, there is no sun and we have some little rain now and then. ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs |
- some pics |
A good picture to share with you ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs |
- crazy weather .. no rest for us |
Hi Gert Today at 3:00 am we had a strong thunderstorm with heavy rain and gusts winds. light went out, because of the lightnetings and thunders that we felt so near. Now at 8:00 am sun is shining we had almost 27 degrees, the sky was overcasting until 7:30 am, at this time is a little better, with some heavy clouds coming from the Northeast. Tropical wave we expected for wednesday morning was finally no active and passed by the south. But during the day is predicted that we will have some other thunderstorms as we had in the morning because of the approaching of another tropical wave. I read Tropical Storm Franklin is near Bahamas and maybe it will be a "Gert" in the Central Caribbean Sea. Apparently, we would not have any rest this year. ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs |
- another tropical wave for tomorrow |
Hi Gert Today was a very sunny day especially in the afternoon with some little rain in the morning, so good for going to the beach, After monday 4 am's thunders and lightnings due to a no so strong Tropical Wave, we expect another one tomorrow morning. Fortunately thursday and friday we will have the sun again ... ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs |
- some wind blowing |
Good morning Gert, After my last message, at almost 200 am, I decided to have some more hours of deserving sleep At 1145 am there are some overcast skies, but not as dark as yesterday and a good wind blowing sometimes with strong gusts specially early in the morning, but nothing very important. There is no rain at all just some wind blowing. Last Wind band is passing by and leaving our island now. The wind is a quite increasing .. Emily is telling us Goodbye for good!!! ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs |
- Hurricane Emily |
As predicted, finally Emily recuperes its strenght and became Hurricane and its path begins to be N-NW. Here in martinique after the passage of the cloudy windy and rainy band in the morning until around 13:00pm, we were experienced a calm in the afternoon and early in he evening just before 11:00 pm And now some little periods of medium gusts and relative calm between and this should continue throughout the night. There is not rain now in Fort de France. ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs |
- Emily in the South ... | |
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- Emily in two and her eye |
Hi Gert As you can see on Satellital images below Emily was divided by in two and the northern part is affecting us now. I could see also and eye, is a little little clearer now, Is it beggining to be an Hurricane?. http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/TROP/DATA/RT/watl-wv-loop.html __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com |
- Emily approaches |
Hi Gert Today at 5:00 am, we had a little rain here in Fort de France, nothing important, it seemed that we would had another shinning day but approx., at 8:30 am, this shinning sun was completely covered by big grey clouds and the little by little we began to feel the force of the wind and much more rain. I saw this morning in the satellital images that Emily was divided in two and its northern part was going to affect us directly, and the southern part is going through Saint lucie, et Saint Vincent and Grenada. Anyway we are feeling part of its effects now. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com |
- another one |
HI Gert According to the Satellital images there will be another Strong Tropical Wave in the next days after "Emily" ; that by the way has two days for becoming a Tropical Storm or Hurricane, before approaching lesser antilles. This season has begun stronger than ever before, but by this moment the sky is blue the sun is shinning and we are having approx. 32 C. In two days all can change for the worst. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com |
- This week Emily will be probably visiting us |
Hi Gert Since sunday when I first saw the satellital images of this new system I was sure NHC will probably predict its path near here. Being sincere, I really though it was going to be a little more southern, as recently Tropical waves specially the one which had become Dennis has passed by the south. And now that it is becoming better organized it seems that Tropical depresion 5, will be near here -if not on us- this wednesday or thursday. I hope it is not going to became hurricane before visiting us. Here below some interesting pics. http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/TROP/DATA/RT/eatl-wv-loop.html ____________________________________________________ Sell on Yahoo! Auctions ? no fees. Bid on great items. http://auctions.yahoo.com/ |
- Another Tropical Wave for tomorrow |
Hi Gert I read "Dennis" is Cat 5 by now; hope it's not going to be so much damage in Cuba. Here since wednesday is sunny but windy with some rain specially at nights Another Tropical Wave will be here since tomorrow afternoon, but this is not going to be a big one as Dennis. http://www.meteo.fr/temps/domtom/antilles/pack-public/animation/animBISAT2.html __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour: http://tour.mail.yahoo.com/mailtour.html |
- other photo satellital |
As you can see in the photo, we are plenty of clouds, rain and wind now
Monica Jean-Vincent
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- report |
Hi Gert
It seems Tropical Caribbean season 2005 is officially began with Tropical Storm Arlene now June 9; and in comparision with last year first Storm Alex, actually became an hurricane, that appears in August 1st, this season was a little more hurried to begin.
Here in Martinique, we'd have a little tropical wave last week, but it still grey and cloudy and it rains a little more now in Fort de France;
Forecast says weather will no change in two or three days.
Last month was very very hot and dry here with temperature arriving to 32 C;
Temperature now 26 C.
Attached herebelow an interesting meteo france pic
Monica Jean-Vincent
Martinique __________________________________________________ |
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