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The Caribbean Hurricane PageUpdates from the Islands- - St.Kitts, Nevis & Montserrat - - |
More recent reports can be found on another page
- Friday Update |
This storm does not want to go away. The weather report
indicates that it is once again stalled somewhere to the north of us, between
St.Maarten and St.Barths. Conditions here have improvd somewhat, in the sense
that the rain has stopped for the moment but it is still very overcast. Winds
have subsided but continue to blow a bit with occasional gusts. People are out
today, trying to get a peek at what has happened.
College Street Ghaut came down again overnight dumping more
soil into the sea and streets.
The Frigate Bay area was flooded yesterday. The pnds there
overflowed onto the golf course and almost the entire golg course was one big
pond. The sea stormed the levee of the beach on the south side and dumped sea
weed and sea water into the salt pond which expanded to the point of reaching
the main road. No structural damage in evidence in the area, and I am not sure
yet if the water may have flooded the Jack Tar Hotel which is built aroud one of
the big ponds.
Port Zante is a major crisis. The restoration work which was
done since "Georges" was nearing completion, getting ready to dock
cruise ships for the season which has just begun. All that work has been
destroyed and more. The cat walks were redone in solid concrete - gone again.
Special wave deflecting defenses were put up - gone. The sea defence wall to the
south of the marina area of the port - gone. I don't know what they can or will
do with that port.
Cleanup work has begun - the buldozers etc are already out
clearing roads and ghauts. I hope to take a drive into the counttry area to see
what has occurred in the outlying areas.
More later.
- Fw: 11:03 post |
This information was sent to me so I decided to forward for everyone to read instead of trying to reword it. I'm sure the guests are being well cared for and will NEVER forget this trip. Lynne > Spoke with my brother at 8;00 who is employed by the four seasons. He also > mentioned four or five boats missing, tremendous waves. 130 guests still in > hotel, evacuation was cut short due to the deteriorating weather conditions. > The beachfront dining room at four seasons ruined, and there is no beach > left at this time. Anyone familiar with Sunshines ( bar ajacent to four > seasons) will have to wait for him to rebuild, he was completely wiped out. > It will be quite awhile before four seasons can reopen |
- Lenny |
Since my first postingI have received
email from some people with additional details. None of this is certain
but the sources are quite reliable.
The island ferry, Caribe Queen, and the
Sea Hustler and the Caribe Breeze set out to sea to avoid the storm. They
went south and appear to be fine.
Three boats in town sunk and another was
run ashore by its captain to try to save thing. Hopefully this
The airport of course is
Some houses on Low Street in Charlestown
went into the sea. Four Seasons car park is under 2 feet of water.
They must be in a real mess. Someone said you could not believe the waves
unless you saw them. More like Hawaii than Nevis.
Phones are working most of the time but
no electric or government water. The electric is turned off to prevent
damage from live wires to people, animals and buildings.
When I hear more I'll let you
Lynne Hubbard
- St Kitts |
I got through to St Kitts this evening, from Canada. I contacted the wrong person...by mistake, but asked how everyone was fareing. *This* pat told me that there was a lot of errosion on the island, with massive sea swells, but they were faring better than Georges. No one had been injured or killed, and everything was under control, but still minus electricity. The Frigate Bay area had lost some trees, and a few shingles - this I gathered from another friend, whose mother is down there. The telephone lines inwards, are mostely working, but again no contct from person to person on the island. I have a phone book handy, so if anyone wants a number down there, please e mail me. Anne |
- Lenny |
I have spoken to 2 people on Nevis
within the last hour(6-6:30EST). I am in the US but have a home in Jones
Estate, Nevis. The below is what I've heard:
LOTS of rain but less wind than with
Seas are terrible and coming over sea
From Jones Estate you could see what
looked like a cruise ship on the western horizon but it was just waves that
"I went to the deep water port about 3PM
AST and the waves were about 30ft. out at sea."
Four Seasons has alot of water in their
ballroom and all of the bottom floor rooms are wet.
Sea coming over seawalls but the wind is
not TOO bad about "80mph"
Rocks and debris all over
I'll let you know as I
Lynne Hubbard
- Lenny Update - St.Kitts |
Hi there folks - I was unable to report further
as electricity and telephone were out since last night. Phone service just
returned to my area so i am trying to get this through before it goes again - I
am operating my lap top on battery power.
We had a night of high winds, my estimate is up
to 70 - 80 mph, not really that severe, but a tree in my yard is felled. College
street ghaut ran during the night, eroding all the defences that public works
tried to put up (sand and boulders). It once again jumped its banks by the
bridge above Market Street and is undermining a property wall there. It has
dumped tons of sand and debri on the bay road, causing the sea, though pounding
the bay with mighty waves, to recede at its mouth about 150 feet. The sand in
the road is built up to make crossing level (i.e. instead of going
Port Zante is still being heavily hit. The
western defence wall of the port where it joins the Bay Road by New Town, has
been broken down to the extent that the sea has eroded the road itself in a deep
semicircle extending about half-way accross the road.
The gov't building which currently houses the
Treasury and Ministry of Finance lost its roof to the southern end of the
Ready-Fried Chicken by the cinema burned last
night - i don't know the cause as yet.
The wind and rain is continuing. This storm is
LONG!! We understand it stood still during the night. Around midday today wind
and rain picked up again, but has subsided somewhat at this time.
Will scout again later and give another update
if the lines are still up.
- St. Kitts/Lenny |
Just got off the phone with my daughter...They have a house full still waiting for the heavy hit...They have been waiting since last evening around 8pm. She said it's starting to look dark, which means the time is near...All electricity has been off since 3am, and water has been off since last night around 9pm. Looks like this one is gonna hang around a bit and do some damage. It's not moving that fast, and looks like it's going right for St.Kitts....My prayers to you all........ Timothy Hite Star Systems Inc. thite AT honor.com 407-875-7153 |
- Rough Seas.ppt |
It has been raining on and off since morning. At one points in the forenoon we got ash from the volcano fall with the rain. The seas are very rough. Six fishing boats were destroyed by heavy seas earlier today. Waves had been breaking over the emergency pier built at Little Bay. Current just went I have to go now. Victor M. James
P. O. Box 204 Montserrat W. I. Tel. (664) 491-5451
Fax (664) 491-6313 |
- The calm before the storm? |
As I type this (7pm) the wind is blowing but it is NOT TOO BAD. OK, we've had a lot of rain and it's still raining but I thought it would be worse. We've heard the weatherman who keeps telling us how bad it is - but it isn't YET! Regards, Prof. Peter 'The Optimist' Crane (Nevis) |
- Lenny |
Hello folks,
It is presently 4:50 pm and the winds have begun to pick up a
bit - no real serious wind in my area as yet, but the thunder and lightening is
intensifying at this time and is accompanied by moderate showers. I took a drive
down to the Basseterre harbour earlier today. Very high waves are pounding the
harbour, and I understand that small crowds watched a boat sink in the harbour.
The waves are crashing over Port Zante, and collecting in the bay road area -
thus that area is flooded with sea water which cannot escape easily. We are
still hopng that the storm goes more northerly and steers away from
That's it for now
Percival Hanley
Shadwell Site
- Come in - the Water’s Lovely |
As I type this (1pm) the hurricane has not yet reached BUT - There are reports of houses being washed into the sea! The Capital (Charlestown) is flooded. People are requested NOT to try to get into town unless they have urgent business there. Friends report being without electricity SINCE LAST NIGHT! Even if the hurricane doesn't hit (and it will) it's still a very bad scene man! Regards, Prof. Peter 'Taking the High Ground' Crane (Nevis) |
- Lenny |
Reporting from Montserrat...We are experiencing extremely high seas, have had intermittent squalls...heavy rains, strong winds. We are expecting height of storm late afternoon. More later. Marlee Jones |
- Weather/situation updates (fwd) |
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 11:08:59 -0400 From: St. Kitts-Nevis Finance Co. Ltd. <finco AT caribsurf.com> Subject: Weather/situation updates I read your request for persons to assist with progress reports. I live in St.Kitts and would be willing to assist as long as power and telephone links will allow. The night was calm with no rain or wind. However intermittent showers started at about 6:30am and have intensified to more frequent downpours with accompanying lightning and thunder. The wind is still calm here - only rain thus far, but Kittitians have been to the hardware stores this morning from 7:00am to purchase necessary items to make preparation, which has to be carried out in the rain. The soil here is very saturated as only on monday we had a lot of rain that caused minor flooding. The Ghauts ran for a while but no major damage recorded. We are just bracing for Lenny and hoping that it will steer clear, or at least sufficiently clear to minimise the effects. On the lighter side, the one person in St.Kitts with the name Lenny is a "queer". People are joking about the fact that Hurr. Lenny is going the "wrong way", hence they also dub it queer!! Percival |
- Hurricane Lenny |
We had some early showers this morning with some thunder and
lightening. It is not raining presently but overcast.
No school today but teachers were asked to go out to assist in
securing the school property.
Carrs Bay and Little Bay are rough already.
(More information will follow.)
Victor M. James
P. O. Box 204 Montserrat W. I. Tel. (664) 491-5451
Fax (664) 491-6313 |
- it gets worse! |
With each update it just keeps looking worse for St. Kitts. Now the projected path brings the whole mess too close. Any complacency will no doubt be long gone by morning!! I know that a lot of people are holding out until morning to decide whether or not to board up. Hope it isn't too late to do so safely. |
- Power and No Power |
We had a power cut from 6pm yesterday to about 11pm and the storm hadn't come yet! We had another power cut just before 6pm. To EVERYONE - Good luck and stick with it! We all know what to do and we are strong. Support each other. Nice informative address from Gert van Dijken at 0:05, dontcha think? Regards, Prof. Peter 'still in the dark' Crane (Nevis) |
- Total Confusion |
As a senior politician said, today, "Hurricane Lenny crept up upon us like a thief in the night". People I spoke to said that the hurricane didn't know where to go! I have NO idea when the storm is going to hit and how hard it is going to be. My guess is that it will arrive in the morning and be VERY bad! The CENTER of the storm is not as important as its RADIUS! In other words, when we will we feel the effect? HOW BAD IS IT GOING TO BE? OK, I am fairly well prepared - but who else is? Regards, Prof. Peter 'running scared' Crane (Nevis) |
- Re: [HURR] - Lenny! (fwd) |
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 17:40:16 -0400 From: Jacqueline Armony <jalatuka AT caribsurf.com> Several business in Basseterre are preparing by closing their storm shutters and such. Hardwares and groceries are staying open to facilite last minute buying. Emergency meetings are being held with disaster preparedness personnel in the different areas of the island. Because of the already oversaturated ground, and the anticipated rain, we expect flooding which now happens routinely when there is even a slight drizzle! The heavy rains in the mountains in the past few weeks continue to pose problems in the lower lying areas so you can imagine how things will be if Lenny's watery self gets dumped on us. I just took off my storm shutters this weekend thinking it was all over! Have to start all over again. Take care all and good luck. Jackie A. |
- lenny??? |
It looks to me like the situation for St. Kitts Nevis is worse with each weather update. Looks like it may come closer than orignally projected. What do you think Peter, are we all be too complacent? After all, we are on a Hurricane watch and T.S. warning as of 11:00 this morning. I'd like to know your take on this because nobody I talk to seems to be worried at all! Joanne |
- Here We Go Again |
Hurricane Lenny is out there! It is forecast to cross Puerto Rico in two and a half days. Get ready! Regards, Peter Crane (Nevis) |
- An Aftermath |
Last night the local radio station (VON) announced that there has been a "massive outbreak of gastric enteritis" here on Nevis and that a child has died from it. The station stressed the importance of food hygiene, particularly during the preparation of food. I agree that food hygiene is extremely important. Now, I don't know about you but it is easy to speculate that there might be a single cause for this problem. Is the water contaminated? Interestingly, we have had a LOT of power cuts since Hurricane Jose. Many people now have electric refrigerators and electric freezers. Need I say more? Regards, Peter Crane (Nevis) |
- And the Animals Went in Two by Two |
Aw C'mon! The joke is over! Turn off that tap why dontcha? Lots of rain and everything is luscious and green (except my vehicle which is rust-coloured). We met a lovely couple who are on holiday from Cape Cod (New England - USA), called Janice and Ron, who are having a great one-week holiday here on Nevis. They invited us to their Chalet. Unfortunately I had left my axe at home so I had to behave myself. I was astonished at the quality of their chalet - it is really lovely. They say that they love it here on Nevis and are going to come back next year. Remind me to carry that axe! Regards, Peter 'psychotically challenged' Crane (Nevis) |
Was that thunder I heard this afternoon at 5:30 local time?? LOL I guess the weather man was just a few days ahead of himself!! Joanne |
- Oh Lordy - Tuesday Update |
The forecast for Tuesday was Showers and thunderstorms. Dawn broke to a clear blue sky without a single cloud in the sky. Throughout the morning a few 'cotton-wool' clouds appeared until the cloud cover was no more than 10%. It stayed that way ALL DAY with a light and pleasant breeze. Not a drop of rain fell. No thunder was heard. The only way that it could be a more perfect Caribbean day would have been if a kindly old lady had pressed $1000 into my hand! The forecast was rubbish and you will be pleased to hear there will be no more 'Oh Lordy' updates. Regards, Peter 'waxing poetic' Crane (Nevis) |
- Oh Lordy - Monday Update |
The forecast for Monday was Showers and thunderstorms. We had dawn rain and a lovely morning. The afternoon was overcast with distant thunder and we had overnight rain. So far the forecast is close but not VERY accurate - GOOD! Regards, Peter Crane (Nevis) |
- Oh, Lordy |
No storms on the horizon, just a forecast for :- Monday Showers and thunderstorms. Tuesday Showers and thunderstorms. Wednesday Showers and thunderstorms. Thursday NO showers and thunderstorms but overcast Friday Showers and thunderstorms. Yours from dripping wet Peter Crane - Nevis |
- And now for something completely different! |
Copied from USA Today:- Astronomers predict big sky show. This year's Leonid meteor shower could light the sky with thousands of shooting start the morning of Nov. 18. But NASA says, a brilliant display isn't a sure bet. The Leonid meteor shower occurs every November and can have different intensities each year. A meteor shower occurs when space dust enters the upper atmosphere and burns up, leaving an illuminated streak in its wake that are commonly called "shooting stars". A normal meteor shower will produce a few to a few hundred streaks, or shooting stars, per hour. The Leonid meteor shower is caused when the earth passes through a trail of dust left by the Temple-Tuttle comet. This trail of dust is refreshed every 33 years when the comet passes through the inner part of the solar system. The Temple-Tuttle comet passed through the inner solar system late in 1997 and early in 1998. Astronomers hope that the comet left behind a good amount of dust, allowing for a meteor shower with a few hundred shooting stars per hour. A few astronomers are hoping that the dust produces a meteor storm, which is a few thousand to a few hundred thousand shooting stars per hour. The best viewing of the Leonid meteor shower will be during the early morning hours of November 18 from around midnight till dawn. Source: NASA I didn't know that! Well - well - well! That will make a welcome change from watching for hurricanes, children, won't it? Regards, Peter Crane (Nevis) |
- TD#15 |
TD#15 is in the Caribbean Sea and is predicted to head over Nicaragua and Honduras. Please spare a though and/or a prayer for these poor people who have not yet recovered from Hurricane Mitch - last Year. I heard, recently, on the radio that Honduras lost something like 9,000 souls (with some 5,000 people still missing, feared dead) and 2 million (!) were made homeless. Many are still homeless! Regards, Peter Crane (Nevis) |
- Donkey Spiders - the True Story |
I am indebted to William Glover (a Nevis resident who is currently off-island) who writes:- 'You can't be doing much hands in the soil gardening or you would know that donkey spiders are unaggressive and rarely bite unless squeezed too hard. The bite is no more painful than a bee sting. I've had no end of them on my hands and arms over the years and have only been bitten once. Inclined to think the name derives from their coloration and slowness of movement. Known as 'matoutou' in St Lucia which is a bit strange as 'matou' is French for a tom cat. If you are really bothered by such beasts, stay away from the Amazon. Tarantulas there grow as big as dinner plates.' Many thanks, William. I might go straight out and make friends with a donkey spider or two. OR NOT!!!! Regards, Peter 'get that spider off me' Crane (Nevis) |
- Recovering from Jose |
Hi Gert, Just writting to let you know that our country ST.KITTS (in certain areas of the island) had land slides from the after math of Hurricane Jose, and we are still cleaning up our town from all the mud and sand that came down from our ghuts that are in the middle of our town, but all thanks to the almighty for his protection from all harms. St. Kitts is a beautiful country with loving, caring, and helpful people, and with that kind of personalities we have done a lot in the cleaning-up of our Island and are on our way once again. To all who have suffered in some way, you are all in my prayer always. Yours truely, Icilma. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com |
- What looks like rain? |
What looks like rain, falls like rain, and wets like rain? The Answer is - RAIN !! Today, it didn't come down in buckets. It came down in Bathtubs! My wife and I spent the afternoon mopping. Anyone know a good joke to cheer us up? Regards, Peter Crane (Nevis). |
- A Plague of Flies be Upon my House |
And not just flies but mosquitoes and DONKEY SPIDERS! Donkey Spiders are, I believe, a species of Tarantula but no-one can tell me exactly what they are. CAN YOU? They probably don't eat donkeys (ha-ha) but they can probably frighten them. They frighten me! They live in the ground with an entrance hole about one inch across. They are reputed to be very aggressive but I'm not sure about that. During excessively wet weather their homes get flooded, poor things, and they go a-roaming. I wish they would eat the flies and mosquitoes! My radio still doesn't work. Regards, Peter Crane (Nevis) |
- My Radio is Broken |
We've just been talking to some friends in the Gingerland Area - here on Nevis - who got the electricity turned on last night. That is MUCH quicker than last year, after Georges. Well done the Electricity department. My radio is broken so and I don't get TV - Oh Dear! Regards to everyone and cheer up Peter Crane |
- Is It Amazing? |
I have just been listening to ZIZ Radio - the local St. Kitts Radio Station. They said that, during the passage of Jose, the majority of Kittitians had Water, Electricity, and Television services. I live in Nevis so I cannot confirm this but I can definitely say that as far as I know, during the passage of Jose, NO NEVISIANS had Water, Electricity, or Television services - none. Maybe I am mistaken. I feel very happy for St. Kitts. Regards, Peter Crane |
- Two Days Later ... |
It's more than 48 hours since Jose called. We still haven't seen any sun - Grey skies is all. Not much rain, though today. Just one heavy shower this morning. LOTS of mosquitoes! Tell me, please, someone:- After a hurricane is the air laden with positive ions? You know - the little so-and-sos that make you feel depressed just before a thunderstorm. It feels that way to me but what do I know? We haven't ventured out yet because our 'road' is just a dirt track and the rain will have turned it into mud. Experience tells me that although it will be passable it will be very skiddy and I don't want to skid off the road THANK YOU! When we have to we'll take a look around. Bye for now, Peter Crane |
- Re: [HURR] - Jose: where oh where... |
Hi Gert, Hurricane Jose did pack his punch. First i must say before the storm pass our country (St.Kitts), the community got prepared quickly, for the Hurricane, Hardware stores, Supermarkets, Drugstores, ect open late on Wednesday, 20th, October,1999 so that residents can buy up last minuet surplies. In my village where i lived, houses were boarded up, and villagers can be seen gathering extra water for storage. During the event of the Hurricane passing our islands, we experiance gusty winds, and a few scattered showers. When the storm passed we recieved lots of rain that causes mudslides in some parts of the islands, soil erosions, our guts in the city flowed heaverly, and those in different parts of the country flowed also. In some parts of the Island flood waters flowed through some villagers yard, which causes the water to rise and flood through their homes but minimum damages to some and others have to seek help who has sustaine maximum damage. Through it all St.Kitts have excape the forse of the winds and we thank God for his mercies. Right now villagers are just cleaning up and getting things back to normalcy, a few citerzens are still out of electricity and water but thank God no life was lost to my knowledge. To the rest of the Carribbean Islands you have my sincer good wishes and heartfelt symperty if you have sustaine major damages. God bless you, Icilma ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com |
- hurricane jose |
I agree with Peter Crane's report, however I would add that the rain was excessive!! The College Street Ghaut was like a raging river and at times was completely impassible, even at the top where there is a bridge. The Ghaut overflowed just on the other side of the bridge. There's a lot of mess in town. I heard that one man was washed away in the waters and possibly a bus went down too. Both of these were unsubstantiated reports. All is quiet now. I hear that the Hurricane Centre is sending out a plane to check out another area south east of us in the morning. JW |
- Have a good day - Jose |
To anyone who is worrying - don't Worry. Jose wasn't too bad but there has been a lot of rain AFTER the hurricane passed. The eye passed about 40 miles to the East of us at its nearest point. That put us in the so-called 'lee' of the storm and the HURRICANE winds had a radius of 30 miles so we only got STORM winds! in fact, during the storm my wife and I spent a lot of time on the gallery - enjoying the experience. I haven't heard of any casualtues. Electrical Power keeps coming and going so the Electricity Department are doing much better than they did last year - but Georges was a BAD one. The local Radio Station (VON) is full of self-congratulation about how well prepared we were and how well we weathered the storm but cynics (and, of course, that DOESN'T include me) might say that if the eye passed directly overhead we would have been EXTREMELY badly hit. Many people hadn't even boarded up their property! Peter Crane |
- Jose |
Hurricane warning was given on Tuesday. Most residents boarded up homes and businesses in preparation for Jose. Yesterday Wednesday Jose passed by but we got only gale force winds blowing at times from different directions and gusting periodically. Very little rain came during the strong winds. The island was over cast all day but we got more rain last night after the winds had passed. The seas were rough during the storm. Some place were out of electricity yesterday but by this morning electricity had been restored in the Geralds area and it is believed that by this afternoon electricity will be restored 100%. None of our poles were blown down only minor problems we encountered here on island. The ferry has not being running since Tuesday morning. It will resume operation as from tomorrow afternoon (Friday). We have had several showers of rain for the day. Presently it is not raining but it is overcast. Victor M. James
P. O. Box 204 Montserrat W. I. Tel. (664) 491-5451
Fax (664) 491-6313 |
Montserrat |
- Go away - Jose |
It is 22:20 on 19 October 1999. The rain is coming down. Is it a normal shower or disturbed weather being spun off by Jose? I hope that it is a normal shower because we haven't finished our preparations and it is too dark and late to do any more - and I'm shattered! We've closed our hurricane shutters (except one which won't budge) but we have not yet cleared the yard of debris (we've just had some building work done). I've got some boarding-up to do which I can't do until day-break and I pray that Jose will keep away until I've finished. Before I go to bed I'll have to do a bit more inside (plastic sheeting over spare bed, etc.) Good luck to all - roll on the dry season! Peter Crane |
- Jose |
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:07:14 -0400 From: Jacqueline Armony <jalatuka AT caribsurf.com> Was in Nevis at a workshop when we heard of the news of Jose coming our way. We returned back to St. Kitts on the last ferry about 2 pm. The warning is up for both islands (although we continue not to exist in the Weather Channel) and people are beginning to prepare. NEMA is issuing warnings and asking people to heed them. Schools are closed for tomorrow and hardware stores open after usual closing hours. Plans for various functions have been postponed or cancelled. We thought it was all over for this year....but it was not to be. |
- Is there a storm? |
I went shopping, in Charlestown, this morning and spoke to many people. The vast majority knew NOTHING about Jose! The few who did said things like - "I don't believe that it will come here". WAKE UP, NEVIS However, I was told that the Four-Seasons resort (a VERY major hotel) is evacuating. What that means I know not. If it's true I know not. I'm preparing - so there! Good luck to everyone in the path. Peter Crane |
- Watch out - there's a storm about |
I'm keeping my eye on TD#14 - are you? It looks like it will quickly pass through the Tropical Storm range and soon become a hurricane. Worse still - some models have it heading pretty much towards us. We are STILL in the season. Keep prepared, Peter Crane |
- Unreserved Apology |
When I wrote my last article I thought that it was vaguely witty and vaguely informative. A couple of hours later I realized that the wit was ill-advised and, although I haven't received any complaints, it was probably offensive to some members of the community. I HAVE NO WISH TO OFFEND ANY MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY. I abhor all attempts to demean ethical groups. Sexism, homophobia, and racism (for example) are anathema to me. To anyone who was offended - I APOLOGISE. Sincerely, Peter Crane |
- TD#12 is just a PUFF! |
I've been watching TD#12. It has become almost stationary (about 1475 miles away) and is predicted to dissipate. Phew!! We're getting quite a lot of welcome rain here and, as long as They (you know who I mean), keep away I am sooooo pleased. But we are STILL in the season - so keep prepared and keep the faith. Regards, Peter Crane |
- Re: (autoreply) |
Dear Gert, I pray that the lord will keep those people in Florida and N.C safe from the power of Floyd, who seems to have a mind of his own. But what about Gert? What is he/she going to do to the rest of us down this side? I care about what Floyd is doing, but it seems not much is talk about Gert and many people is a bit worred in my country about that Hurricane. Is it likly to change its course at any time? please see what information you can get about this Hurricane Gert. St.Kitts is still experiancing some scattered showers now and then but our wheather is okay for now, and is warm, so any rain we recieved is well needed to cool down the earth. To all our Hurricane update friends i say take care and may god keep you all in this Hurricane season. Yours truly, I King __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com |
- Update |
Dear Gert, Glad to informed you that our country, St.Kitts, was spared from the power of Floyd. We only recieved rain and thunder storms thats about it. Over the weekend residents collected water and extra food just in case Floyd change its course but we were bless to have escape such a hurricane. Thanks for giving me this opportunity to share with others what took place in our island, but we are getting prepared for Gert IF it come our way. Yours respectfully, I King __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com |
- Will Floyd Fizzle? |
Almost exactly one inch of rain fell in northwestern Nevis in the two hours before 8am, but except for a few rumbles of thunder Floyd hasn't had much to say for himself as yet. Winds no more than light and heavy cloud cover all about except in the north, which is brightening. All in all, Floyd so far is just another rainy morning in the Caribbean at Nevis. William Glover ********************** William Glover Mango Corners, Jones Estate NEVIS, West Indies (Antilles) wmglover AT caribsurf.com |
- Me no study Emily |
I spoke to a few people, today, asking how they felt about Emily. Most people said "Emily??". Many were not bothered and their sentiments are best expressed by a gentleman, called Vance, who said "If it do it do and if it don't it's better!". So ... no-one is worried .. so why should I? Regards, Peter Crane |
- Re: [HURR] Emily |
On 8/26/99 9:43 AM Gert van Dijken (gert AT vandijken.com) wrote: >I don't really want to send this message, but Emily is coming closer and >closer. The 3 day forecasts over the last day or so are not very >consistent, while yesterday afternoon models showed that Emily might go >right over you, last night and this morning give Emily a more eastward >turn. With most at Nevis having four proper hurricanes under their belts (Hugo, Luis, Marilyn, and Georges), not many here are concerned this Thursday morning about a tropical storm named Emily since all took in stride the 5 inches and more of rain that fell this past Sunday when a tropical depression passed through. No damage, though, save a few more holes in the road. Peter Crane's hurricane checklist is most comprehensive but I would offer a few suggestions: Cover every bed with one of those waterproof sheets (tarps) since a water-logged mattress will soon become a lumpy and moldy mattress in need of replacement. Those who have pools without an overflow pipe should open the pool drain and drop the water level 6-12 inches, depending on anticipated rainfall from storm. Remove and stow away pictures and any other objects on walls that would suffer from water damage. Put towels behind door sills and thresholds. Double doors should be secured against blowing in with a length of 2x4 across the full width of the doors. Put a piece of electrical tape over all outside keyholes to keep water out of the lock mechanisms. Disconnect mains power and TV antenna/cable at the first sound of thunder. Fill bathtubs, if you have them, with water for drinking, washing, and toilet flushing. Fuel and oil the chainsaw, and keep it handy. Just before a storm is a good time to spread fertlizer around the drip line of trees. Coconuts on palms near a building should be removed before they become flying cannonballs. Any ripe or nearly ripe fruit on trees should be harvested as there will be none after the hurricane. Is your homeowner's insurance paid? Lastly, my wife recommends a good stiff gin for sleeping through a hurricane. She slept all through Georges while I was mopping away. Warm regards, William Glover ********************** William Glover Mango Corners, Jones Estate NEVIS, West Indies (Antilles) wmglover AT caribsurf.com |
- Tropical Depression |
Tropical depression?? It's depressed me! Maybe our local radio station (VON) gave warning of it but I didn't hear any. I had just cleared some 'junk' from a couple of rooms, stacking it in the yard when DOWN came the rain, soaking everything. And my dodgy knee is aching! And ... no that's all. At least the cistern is now full and the crops have had a good (a great) watering. Keep smiling, Peter Crane |
- Our Checklist |
If anyone is interested, here is our Hurricane Preparedness checklist:- Check and then close Hurricane Shutters Check Hurricane lamps & buy lamp-oil Stock up 1st aid kit Check Portable radio Batteries - buy Check Torches Fill buckets with drinking water Fill buckets with washing/toilet water Fill flask with hot water (for drinks) Get blanket to put over freezer Turn freezer up Ice bottles in freezer Store ice cubes in vacuum flasks Buy non-perishable foods & milk Use up perishable foods Secure documents in waterproof condition Sharpen cutlasses Buy fuel for generator Get portable gas ring ready with bottled gas Lock off and secure bottled gas Inform family (abroad) of impending hurricane Nail/screw wood over unprotected doors/windows Get hammer, wood, nails at ready Get mops & buckets at ready Get waterproof coats & wellingtons at ready Put rugs away from risk of water damage Fill vehicle with fuel Get waterproof sheets at ready Empty garbage Clear yard of debris Put away garden tools Stow garden hosepipes Stow plant-pots from gallery Stow furniture from gallery Fill sand bags & place in strategic positions Move beds from walls If anyone can suggest any useful additions I would be grateful. Similarly, if anyone requires explanations I will supply. Good luck - Peter Crane |
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