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The Caribbean Hurricane PageUpdates from the Islands- - The Bahamas - - |
Map of the Bahamas (from Excite Maps)
Wondering about friends or family? Unfortunately I am unable to answer all the e-mail at this point of time. You can now post your plea for help on the Caribbean Hurricane Page Bulletin Board.
Do you have any info about the situation on the Bahamas? Please, forward it to me at gert@gobeach.com Also, check out the Bulletin Board. Let's try to help each other out! No news is bad news! Thanks, Gert
More Bahamas news at BahamasNet. Abaco Is. updates can also be found at: Abaco's Community Message Board. Note that you should not, I repeat, not post your plea for help on that message board. They are running in emergency mode and allow only 'new' information provided by ham radio operators and other first-hand reports. Please, post your plea for help on my board. Really, this is serious! Thanks, Gert
More recent reports can be found on another page.
- Re: San Salvador |
Latest Detailed Update from D & K Gerace: "The plane which took Dr. D. Gamble & party to SS today just returned w/the following news. Electricity has been restored to about half the island, but mot BFS & UE. Hopefully it will be back on by Monday. The Geraces house lost its antennas, satellite dish & some shingles. No other damage. W. side of island received the most damage by the storm surge. The E. side received the least damage. The report from BFS is that rooms in the builduing where graduate housing & faculty storage is located was the most damaged. Some windows are out of the dorm & 2 faculty rms." |
- San Salvador |
A plane from MSU has flown into San Sal & evaluated the island. The report is as follows. No injuries, no deaths. Airport is open. The island fared the storm surprisingly well. There is minimal damage. W. side was hit the hardest though Riding Rock will be taking guests this coming week end. Some flooding from storm surge. There is potable water. Phones are sporadic. Power plant was damaged & no power as of yet. BFS lost some windows & misc. minor damage. Supply plane due to fly from FL on 10/21. |
- On Behalf of Great Guana Cay-Johnny Roberts of Nippers |
Due to the catastrophic damages we incurred on Great Guana Cay e are appealing to all our friends & visitors to assist u in the restoration of our cay and the other barrier cays that will be isolated without power and supplies for months and months. We need "ORGANIZED" Aid. Mr. Lynn Borrow and Michelle - Have warehouses in Miami-Hialeah Florida Please, if you are able to offer in-kind donations or monetary assistance please call them. They have the list of required items that was forwarded to them. 305-826-7447 office 305-826-3328 Fax 305-868-0058 aid Guana Cay 2650 West 84th Street Hialeah, FL 33016 will post report on current issues this evening. |
- Harbour Island report from Michael Parks of Valentines |
Hi am Susan Brock. I just received a phone call from Michael Parks of Valentines on Harbour Island. Here is the latest news. Michael said that both Marinas are gone, he projects at least 6 months before they are up and operating. For latest on dockage availability check his website at www.valentinesmarina.com. or his email address safeharb AT batelnet.bs. The hotel at Valentine's will not be operating until Jan. 1. Their area has no electricity, water, or phones. They hope to maybe have water by end of next week. Electricity maybe in a couple of weeks, they are just not sure. Phones may take as long as two months to be up and operating. Without ice or electricity they are having a problem with food spoilage and are obviously short on water. There have been no injuries or deaths. A lot of flooding, roads out, and trees blown over. He mentioned that "the fig tree has been blown down", and that much of the beaches has been washed away. Rose and co. of the dive shop are safe. Please pass on this information. Sincerely Susan Brock. I could not post this on the message board, because it would not let me access new messages section or update my old one. I'll try again later. My parents Diane and Bill Stewart who were staying at Anne Stallworth's home on the island are safe. Thank God. :) |
- Treasure Cay update |
Posted by: Russell Mack (web page) Host: cc906063-a.stcl1.mi.home.com IP #: E-mail: <web-mon AT bahamas-mon.com> Date Posted: September 18, 1999 at 13:00:49 Subject: TC update from Robert Meister Message: I went to Treasure Cay on Thursday (9/18), so here are some facts and news of what we know so far. First of all, THANKS for all the tremendous support. If you want to help, The Bahamas Government has set up a monetary relief fund and here is the information for anyone who wants to donate money: BAHAMAS HURRICANE RELIEF FUND FIRST UNION BANK MIAMI 200 S BISCAYNE BLVD MIAMI, FL 33131 ACCOUNT NO. 209 000 199 2950 PLEASE DO NOT go to Treasure Cay unless you have some kind of permission or permit from the Bahamas Government or other emergency reason. You need permission even if you just want to drop off relief supplies, but you need to make sure that Local Government Social Service Administrators receive them at Customs. You will be charged duty otherwise. Main customs officer at TC is Mr. Bethel. If you need to come in, you must bring your documents. Please check for updates, because policies will change at some point. HERE IS MY BRIEF REPORT: The roads are open to TC with SOME flooding (receding now), debris and powerlines down including within TC. The good news is, Richard Collins (our engineer) has performed a minor miracle and restored approx. 1/3 of power capacity which covers the central area including administration/reception center, supermarket, medical clinic, the long building and other areas. The bad news is that all of our other generators in the power plant were flooded 3 feet deep with saltwater and are inoperable, maybe not even salvageble. We have already rented an additional generator for TC, but it will take time to get it there. Batelco's main phone exchange at TC was flooded with saltwater. GOOD NEWS. Believe it or not, the marina has surprisingly little damage to the docks with only one small dock down and a few planks bend or missing. Most boats look almost untouched, but some have minor damage to railings, outriggers, etc. Status Report: MARK KIM sank. PHOEBUS-hull damage starboard side JUSTICE-bad, most damaged boat in marina WIND CHIME-damage to sail only ELEGANTE-some damage to hull BETH SHEEBA-some hull damage BONJOUR-damage to starboard side If your boat is NOT on this list, consider yourselves lucky. You might have a broken antenna or outriggers or nothing at all. If you need to contact us, please call 954-525-7711. The hotel (Harbour Houses) building is intact, especially the newer roofs did very well with almost no damage. Parts of the older roofs came off and shingles are gone. The worst is the flooding damage. We estimate that storm surge was around 8 to 10 feet and saltwater got in the lower level of rooms. Several windows have blown out and A/C's are gone because of saltwater damage. Part of the seawall in front of hotel collapsed. More good news. The Tipsy Seagull has very mild damage (we all need a drink after this one). The Spinnaker Restaurant has about 8 windows blown in, therefore the inside is a mess. Carpet is history and kitchen got flooded as well. There is a hole in the roof on the backside. The administration center is fine (which is of great help to us). The real estate office collapsed. Windward Beach was still inaccessable, because of downed trees. I was told, almost every home has serious flood damage and this area is among the worst off. Storm surge at the resort was around 8-10 feet we estimate. Kiki Graetz almost drowned. She held on to a pole or piling in her house while water was gushing through. I am sure there are more stories like this of which we will hear. The Tillberg house roof collapsed and the house is a total mess, but Mr. and Mrs. Tillberg survived. They drove to the shelter during the eye of the storm. Phil English's house has a boat ? in his living room and the front side is bad. John Williams has his car buried almost completely in sand . And on and on and on, the damage to homes is extensive and sure will be in tens of millions dollars. Structurally, the majority of buildings did reasonably well, but once you have a leak and there are plenty, even a small one, everything got wet inside. And you know what saltwater does to your belongings and electrical outlets. Many homes and condos have lost shingles or more. Trailers flipped over, one was sitting on top of a pickup truck. The canal behind Atlantis is a complete mess. The docks are warped, boats sitting on top of warped docks, docks sitting on top of boats, boats sitting on top of lawns and a boat squeezed between a wall and Atlantis condo like it was parked there intentionally. Several boats sunk right there on that canal. One boat was washed out the canal, into the marina and across the bay 1/2 a mile away. The old barge outside the marina entrance now sits in front of the Kiebler house, which looked bad from the air. We anticipate to reopen the hotel, villas by December, if not earlier. The Marina could be open earlier. Our biggest problem is the electrical damage and tests will have to be done. We already had two minor fires when power was restored to certain areas. Please be careful, when the power comes back. In certain areas, bark was sheared off trees and every tree is down. The vegetation is virtually gone and it does look like a bomb went off. However, this will come back quickly (3-6 months). A saw a confused hummingbird looking for flowers, but there are none. I saw one dead kitten and someone in GTC saw a bird without feathers. Mr. Pinder and other people in the shelter heard the hurricane hunter plane over TC during the eye (I will give National Hurricane Center a call). Immediately after the storm, we (Treasure Cay Services) started a relief fund with 4 South Florida locations for dropoffs. We already sent two planeloads full of relief supplies including a packed cargo-converted Gulfstream Intl. Beechcraft. Thanks to Wendy Clements. These supplies went to Fox Town, Coopers Town, and to TC. Jim Nawn of Green Turtle Club has been active for GTC. As of last night, he said they needed manpower, because everyone is working on their roofs. Several of our employees have structural damage and flooding in their homes. It is almost a miracle, that no one died or had a major injury. In Fox Town, several people in a shelter left the church during the eye and ran to another shelter because the roof was in bad shape. When they came back after the storm, the church roof was gone. The prime minister yesterday said on the radio, that virtually everyone is homeless in Fox Town. Coopers Town looked bad from the air with several homes completely destroyed. Sorry, that I couldn't get this out quicker, but we were overwhelmed with calls and logistical problems. If you want to offer help, you can e-mail us at info AT treasurecay.com and list your phone number please. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. More soon, Robert Meister President Treasure Cay Services, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
- Channel 12 Correction |
OOPS! I Goofed! I got the days wrong on two of the video archives posted earlier. Here is the corrected post: Channel 12 out of West Palm has video archives of their news program at the following URL: http://www.broadcast.com/television/wpec/archive.stm To see footage and interviews click on Wednesday 11:00-11:35 Treasure Cay (3:00 minutes into video) Friday 5:00-5:30 Cooperstown (4:34 min. into video) Friday 5:30-6:00 Marsh Harbor (8:30 min. into video) Friday 6:00-6:30 Cooperstown (4:39 min. into video) Thursday 11:00-11:35 Paradise Island, Marsh Harbor (5:07 min. into video) You need Real Player to view these. You can get the plug-in from a link at the bottom of the webcast archive page (i.e., the URL above). I am sorry for any inconvenience! Email me if you have questions. (susan.bethel AT mindspring.com) |
- Hurricane Relief |
The Government of the Bahamas has decreed:
Material goods intended for import to the Bahamas for the purpose of hurricane relief should be consigned to: Bahamas Government Hurricane Relief Fund Don't shoot the messenger |
- FYI |
By PS on Saturday, September 18, 1999 - 10:55 am: In order to get a duty-free status on donations and materials being brought in the following procedure need apply: FAX: (242) 327-5806 MS TERESA BUTLER Permanent Secretary Office of the Prime Minister Nassau, Bahamas Address letter to the referenced above - explain 1) WHO you are 2) WHERE you live 3) REASON WHY you are bringing the materials 4) COMPLETE DECLARATION OF GOODS being brought in and 5) HOW they are arriving and at which PORT Once you fax this information to Ms. Butler you will get a fax back within an hour or so with a faxed permission slip which you will need to present to the customs officers upon landing at airport (bring receipts). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
- Casuarina Point Update |
By carol phelps on Saturday, September 18, 1999 - 12:00 am: Casuarina Point Update: Just received email answer from Malcolm Spicer in Marsh Harbour. They just got oii.net up and running again. He lost his house at Casuarina, several people lost houses there, alot of damage, but everyone safe. He thinks total phone service may not be available for 2 months. |
- FYI |
By Susan on Saturday, September 18, 1999 - 02:00 am: Channel 12 out of West Palm has video archives of their news program at the following URL: http://www.broadcast.com/television/wpec/archive.stm To see footage and interviews click on Thursday 11:00-11:35 Treasure Cay (3:00 minutes into video) Friday 5:00-5:30 Cooperstown (4:34 min. into video) Friday 5:30-6:00 Marsh Harbor (8:30 min. into video) Friday 6:00-6:30 Cooperstown (4:39 min. into video) Friday 11:00-11:35 Paradise Island, Marsh Harbor (5:07 min. into video) You have to have "Real Player." Any questions, please email me at susan.bethel AT mindspring.com. |
- Packing boxes no response will start packing in indiana just missed |
Just missed obtaining trailer any suggesestions?thanks john call toll free 1-800-881-2147 |
- FW: Bahamas Home Rentals |
_______________________________________________________________________________ From: dgmcginty on Fri, Sep 17, 1999 3:24 PM Subject: Bahamas Home Rentals Glenn Drummond just returned from Governor's Harbour. He felt it was not as bad as he had been lead to believe. He estimated 40-50% had severe damage. Clinic is ok, Barkely's had only water damage, grocery store open, Government building can be repaired; Griffins has gas until it runs out; lots of damage to the asphalt; damage to Govt. dock. He had electricity! They are right next to Batelco (which did lose it's roof as did Lois Hanson). He could not get down Banks to check on Chili's house; Folly and Cleartide seemed ok from the road; I believe you can get to Double Bay; Unique restaurant lost its windows. David and I are going down Sunday, taking visqueen (?), duct tape, candles, batteries, and water (Glenn said it was needed). We will post more after we return. Judy McGinty dgmcginty AT msn.com http://www.the-bahamas.com |
- FW: [Bahamafriends] Wonderful Report...Time to Help... |
-----Original Message----- From: Reg Metcalfe <regkit AT ican.net> To: Bahamafriends AT onelist.com <Bahamafriends AT onelist.com> Date: Friday, September 17, 1999 4:42 AM Subject: [Bahamafriends] Wonderful Report...Time to Help... Eleuthera Roofs were blown off, marinas destroyed, water, power and communication outages. Rock Sound and Governor's Harbour airports are open. Hatchet Bay harbour destroyed, with at least one boat blown 200 feet inland. Governor's Harbour hilltop Batelco roof blown off and generator out. Power restored at noon by BEC. Heavy flooding in Governor's Harbour reported. Glass Window Bridge closed because of road damage on both sides of bridge. Roads closed between Tarpum Bay and Savanah Sound and at James Cistern in Central Eleuthera. Prime Minister visited Wednesday. Abaco Sandy Point in the south end of Abaco suffered heavy flood damage with three feet of water covering local grocery strore. Marsh Harbour heavily damaged with roofs off at National Marine, Albury's Wholesale, Pizza Hut, Customs building. Docks on Front Street torn up and boats washed ashore Treasure Cay had many homes damaged. Hope Town suffered heavy damage in northern section. Elbow Cay cut in half Moores Island heavily damaged. No loss of life in Abaco although two people have been reported missing. Green Turtle Cay damaged but everyone accounted for. 5pm, Thursday, 16 Sept, 1999 The Miami Herald in Florida is coordinating donations for victims of Hurricane Floyd in The Bahamas. Donate money: Specify on check: Operation Helping Hands/The Bahamas and make check payable to one of these agencies: United Way of Miami Dade, Hurricane Floyd Relief Fund, PO Box 459007, Miami, 33245-9007: American Red Cross, International Response Fund, 335 SW 27th Ave, Miami 33135. To make credit card donations call 1-800-HELP-NOW. Donate supplies: drop off locations: all Tire Kingdom stores in Miami-Dade and Broward; Miami Herald Lobby, 1 Herald Plaza (off 13th street and Biscayne Boulevard), 8am to 6pm weekdays; Apollo Ship Chandlers, 1775 NW 70th Ave, 9am to 5pm daily; Parrot Jungle and Gardens, 11000 SW 57th Ave, 9:30am to 6pm weekdays; Vision to Victory Human Service Corp., 8400 NE Second Ave, 9:30am to 5pm weekdays; WEDR radio, 3790 NW 167th St, 9am to 5:30pm weekdays. Italian Seaways, 6113 NW 72nd Ave, 9am to 5pm weekdays; Gulfstream International Airlines, 5926 Ravenswood Rd, Fort Lauderdale, 9am to 5pm weekdays; Broward Motor Sports, 4101 Davie Rd, Extension, 9am to 5pm weekdays; Ocean Fest, Commercial Boulevard at A1A, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, 9am to 5pm. Friday through Sunday. 24 hour hotline Miami-Dade: 305-377-6751 Broward: 954-467-6333 4pm, Thursday, 16 Sept, 1999 Nassau Water and Sewerage Department and Public Works have sent assessment crews to Out Islands most severely hit. The Dept. is experiencing water distribution problems in two elevated service areas in New Providence: Fort Fincastle and Winton, and advises the public to boil water that is intended for domestic consumption until further notice. These problems will hopefully be resolved by tomorrow morning. The Bahamas Hurricane Floyd Relief Committee, Cabinet office advises that the Minister of Finance has waived all customs and stamp tax on the importation of drinking water of Family Islands seriously affected by Hurricane Floyd, that is: Abaco and Cays, Eleuthera, Harbour Island, Spanish Well, Cat Island and San Salvador. The Minister of Finance will also give consideration to the waiver of stamp and customs duty on the importation of approved relief materials consigned to affected Family Islands. Items needed are: Potable drinking water, canned foods and juices, dry goods, construction materials: plywood, shingles, roof felting, facia boards, roof nails, tacks, hurricane clips and wiring. Three vessels will leave Prince George Dock Berths 19 and 20 between 3pm and 8pm this evening carrying supplies to Cat Island, Abaco and Eleuthera. All members of the public wishing to make donations to the hurricane relief effort on any of those islands are encouraged to have their donations to those docks at the above times. Cash donations may be made directly to The Bahamas National Disaster Relief Fund at any branch of the Royal Bank of Canada. Abaco Marsh Harbour and Treasure Cay airports are both open. Two teams of 30 defense force men have been dispatched to Abaco and Eleuthera to assist in the clean up effort. Grand Bahama Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham is to visit Grand Bahama and Grand Cay, Abaco on Saturday. Cat Island Power out throughout island. Telecommunications down. Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham visited Wednesday. Heavy road damage and consideration is being given to relocating main north-south highway. Airport is open. San Salvador. Badly hit with structural damage to its two major hotels, Riding Rock Resort and Marina and Club Med. Power and communications systems are still down. San Salvador airport is open. Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham is to visit island Friday. Grand Bahama Freeport International Airport was heavily flooded and remains closed until at least the weekend. New Providence All major roads have been reopened. and Nassau International Airport is open. All major carriers have resumed flights. BEC is working round the clock and expects to have all power restored by Saturday. All schools remain closed until Monday, Sept 20. All major hotels are open. Telecommunications remain out in some parts of New Providence because of extensive damage to Batelco buildings on Poinciana Drive and at Delaporte. Thursday, 16 Sept, 1999 Email message for Eleuthera residents: I am trying to head off some Hurricane Relief from North America. I got some information on Caribbean Exports in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Please contact Reggie (954)486-7033. Lots of Home Owners of Eleuthera are prepared for massive Hurricane Relief Distribution. Thanks, Chris Major chris_major AT troweprice.com 4103458623 Agencies to contact British High Commission - (242) 357-9005/6 US Embassy - (242) 322-1181 Embassy of the Republic of Haiti - (242) 326-0325 The Consulate General of The Gambia - (242) 362-5611 Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China - (242) 327-5206 _______________________________________________ CONVERGENZ/Solutions New Media Brokerage & Tech PR and Marketing Consultancy Guerrilla Marketing - Strategic Planning Public Relations - Corporate Communications <www.convergenz.com> 10153 Riverside Drive - Suite 244 - Toluca Lake California 91602 T: 818.761.5688 - F: 818.761.0024 - E: info AT convergenz.com eFax: (801) 912-7892 Bye from Reg and Kit. Orillia, Ontario, Canada Bahamas Site!!! Check it out...NEW!!!!! http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/2477/index.html Drop by and sign our guestbook!!!! UPDATED SEPT 12TH-99 AT 8:01PM Check out the 12 new websites.... Also Join our Bahamafriends Mail List......Lots of News! http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/Bahamafriends Just one click from your mouse!~!~! To Post to Bahamasfriends... Bahamasfriends AT onelist.com regkit AT ican.net regkit AT email.com regkit AT geocities.com ICQ # 1375312 Q-Talk Connection |
- Additional info |
Hi Gert,
I forgot to mention that Tom Smith said the kids were
cleaning up the mess, so all is well with Austin and
Amy. Laurie billlaurie AT xtalwind.net
- Sea Level Cottages Lubbers |
Just got an e mail from Tom Smith, Austin Smith's dad.
He said no major damage at Sea Level Cottages and he was heading to Lubbers
tomorrow. Will return Tuesday with info. Phone still out. We are to rent there
next month for our 15th anniversary. Any info Tom sends, I will pass
- Helio with emergency Floats & pilots |
- update |
messages off other boards -- Posted by: Russell Mack (web page) Host: cc906063-a.stcl1.mi.home.com IP #: E-mail: <web-mon AT bahamas-mon.com> Date Posted: September 17, 1999 at 13:38:43 Subject: Harpour Island Report Message: >From the manager of South Bar on Harbour Island: A late Thursday afternoon report yesterday seems to confirm earlier reports that storm damage was minimal at Harbour Island. A friend of Kevin Turnquest, who owns Sandpiper Air, visited Spanish Wells and Harbour Island yesterday and reported back to Roger Carlson the following: --There were no injuries or fatalities at Harbour Island. --The power is back on and Batelco hopes to have the telephones working again by this weekend. --There was significant beach damage, and in places, there is a 40-foot drop-off to the beach. --There is no ice on the island, but they do have water. --There are a few trees down and vegetation on the ocean side is turning brown because of salt water drenching. --Most of the damage occurred when the back of the storm passed over the island. --The fig tree is completely gone. --Contact was made with Winslo, but we don't have any firm information from him. --Angus Peyton and his son may be going to Harbour Island on Monday, 9/20. Many thanks to all of you who have been sending me info. More later. Chris [Dirk's dad] -- age: >From an anonymous post at Bahamafriends: Government schools in New Providence will re-open on Monday, September 19 and are closed in the Family Islands until further notice. Eleuthera is totally devastated. The whole island is without water, telephone and electricity. Much of the roads are destroyed and gone. Many parts of the island are covered with water. Buildings and property are totally destroyed. This island got a twelve hour battering. In Tarpum Bay many of the houses are destroyed and in Rock Sound, the customs building is gone. To put it simply, what occurred in Nassau is trivial compared to Eleuthera. In Windsor's Bite and Greencastle a graveyard was washed out. You can see skeletons and coffins floating. In North Eleuthera and Harbour Island, beaches are destroyed. The Famous Fig Tree in Harbour Island is no more - Gone. THERE WAS NO LOSS OF LIFE! Driving today, there were many trees and power lines down. On the Western Esplanade a barge almost came on to the road. The wall to the road blocked it from being brought on the road by the winds of the hurricane. Hurricane Floyd passed through the Bahamas with 85mph winds hitting Nassau yesterday. Currently, it is clear skies and the sun is coming out. Normal breeze is blowing. I am updating from my parents house in Nassau East. The electricity is on. Water is still off. The Water and Sewerage is working to get it back on. The debris through the streets of Nassau is present. A lot of trees have blocked major roads like Robinson Road, Collins Avenue, Eastern Road, Fox Hill Road and more. BEC and Ministry of Works crews are working feverishly to clearing the roads. There is one unconfirmed death in Grand Bahama. Further, there are at least two persons missing in Abaco. It is alleged that Elbow Cay has been separated into two parts by Hurricane Floyd. The Paradise Island Airport is permanently closed as of September 13. Owned by Sun International, a major development is planned for where the airport is situated. Work resumes for everyone on Thursday. Most people are trying to get back to a state of normalcy. Freeport International Airport is covered with up to 6 feet of water. Many vehicles there are destroyed. Queens Cove area in the northern subdivision are damaged by flooding. The Fishing Hole road is closed due to flooding and storm surge that took it over. In West End, there was serious flooding and a number of houses destroyed and downed power lines. Residents had to be evacuated to shelters. One Pole broke in half over a house causing sparks and a fire. There was island wide power outage for a considerable amount of time. Pelican Point, Sweetings Cay were cut off in terms of communication. No communication from Eastern end of the island to Freeport. Reports say eastern end is ok. In the Delaporte area, there was 5 feet of water. To get to some of the houses, BASRA had to boat people from their condos to the land. The Go-Slow Bend is totally covered in water. At least one man was arrested yesterday on Bay Street when he was caught stealing by police at a restaurant. The Prime Minister left for San Salvador and the Deputy Prime Minister left for Abaco and Eleuthera to do inspections on the damages by Hurricane Floyd. Kudos to Love 97FM inclusive of Wendell Jones and Darold Miller for their continuous coverage during Hurrricane Floyd. They kept the Bahamian people informed and brought a degree of comfort as we were lambasted by the effects of Floyd. Weekly news will be updated daily with photos and stories regarding the state of things here in the Bahamas. _______________________________________________ CONVERGENZ/Solutions New Media Brokerage & Tech PR and Marketing Consultancy Guerrilla Marketing - Strategic Planning Public Relations - Corporate Communications <www.convergenz.com> 10153 Riverside Drive - Suite 244 - Toluca Lake California 91602 T: 818.761.5688 - F: 818.761.0024 - E: info AT convergenz.com eFax: (801) 912-7892 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Posted by Todd (encore AT texas.net) on the Plea for Help BB. Date: 09-17-99 14:57 PLEASE - Help get the word out - I am relaying this from the Abaco Home Page: GET YOUR SUPPLY DONATIONS OVER TO DC-3 NOW!!! Posted on 9/17/99 AT 12:21:24 by Kate, Brian Malone (Vernon's son) and Justin at oii.net "Everyone that wants to donate, this is your chance. Missionary Flights Inter. (561) 686-2488 has room for 5000 pounds of cargo and wants to leave ABSOLUTELY FULL on Saturday - AND NO ONE IS BRINGING STUFF!!!! Flood them w/supplies! Alert the WPB media to cover this airlift and encourage residents to donate, because if they get MORE than 5000 pounds, they will make more than one trip! If you can't donate, go down there and help them load the stuff. Call about sending $$$ cash donations to (561) 394-7951 this is a reputable group according to Brian Malone and it doesn't get any more official than that. Look at the "needs lists" on the board or contact me direct, email or phone (602) 277-0635 or Curt Darling Smith at (561) 745-7787. Dont wait another minute. Kate" from Justin: "Mark items clearly, ie 'Hope Town Relief', 'Foxtown Relief', etc. Deliver to Missionary Flights International, (561) 686-2488, MSI Ramp, Hanger 11, 3800 Southern Blvd., Palm Beach. Specific requests are: Marine VHF antennas, coax cables w/connectors (PL-259), massive amounts of duct tape. Lets rock-n-roll and get it over there!" "If donations are boxed, "clearly" write what is inside. IF POSSIBLE, pack them in HUGE 20 OR 30 gallon rubbermaid type containers so supplies will not get ruined and so the boses can be reused for salvage efforts. Thanks for your generosity. Give til it hurts! Kate" Now is the time for ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE BEEN POSTING OFFERS TO HELP - GET ON THE WAGON - GET THE BALL ROLLING - CALL EVERYONE, ANYONE, GET THOSE DONATIONS COMING IN - YOU ONLY HAVE "TODAY"!!!! Plane leave tomorrow! One DC-3 can carry more than all of the commuters combined! * ** *** Gert van Dijken ( gert AT vandijken.com ) **** The Caribbean Hurricane Page - http://gobeach.com/hurr.htm |
Dear Gert:
Just want to let you know that we have set-up a
general relief fund that will be used for those who are in most need. This
is to help the families of Abaco who have been most effected by Floyd. To
determine need, the senior commuity leaders will be contacted. The funds
will be used in the commuities, which have been most effected.
We would appreciate you passing along the word
so that we may assist these families as soon as possible.
Thank you for your assistance. Please
e-mail me if you should have any questions. Below we have inserted the
message we would like to post on gobeach.com.
Karen Legere
Abaco Vacation Res, Inc.
- News |
The Web site listed below has some very good reports leslie > >---------- Forwarded message ---------- >Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 19:46:28 -0400 >From: "Gregory B. Carey, Ph.D; Indira Carey, Ph.D." <gandicarey AT erols.com> >To: alan christensen <alan-christensen AT uiowa.edu> >Subject: Re: Eleuthera > > Just heard from Eleuthera via radio. They're getting supplies in now. My >Dad, Tim Bert Carey is still the only means of radio communications out of >Eleuthera. We got info to some FL pilots and US relief workers who want to fly >in. > No loss of life. Severe roof and tree damage. Daddy says that some people >don't have a dry place to sleep in their houses. My friend Chris Major and I are >trying to coordinate shipping into Eleu. Lots of people want to donate items. >Housing main priority. Especially in towns like Governor's Harbour and James >Cistern (eye passed over). Destroyed roofs estimates range 50-80% for 2 towns >respectively. Humanitarian disaster! > Thanks for compliments. > >I have 9/15 and early 9/16 update at > www.erols.com/gandicarey/index.htm >will post most recent information before midnite. > |
- Float plane/fuel/Helicopter/Boats Big and small |
Dear Gert Are these items still being sought immediatly we have been preparig and we can make Broadcast 900 am from Radio Station special report this AM please respond A.SAP thanks John SAFE TRAVEL & DIVING |
- Freeport, Grand Bahama |
Freeport International Airport Flood water subsided. clean-up going well. Runway open 7.00a.m-7.oop.m Sight landings only. Pilots to radio control tower on approach. Immigration & customs: up & running (limited to incoming, no pre-immig. to U.S.) Anything else you want to know? |
- san salvador (club med) |
have been trying to get in touch with club med officials to find out status of facility and staff. Club Med in Arizona announces that all guests evaucuated by yesterday. They stated that all G.O.s (staff) were being evac. to Paradise Island, but upon checking with Paradise Club Med. today we learned that plans may have changed. They say there were no reported injuries at the San Salvadore Club Med village. CLub Med also reported roof damage and extensive road washouts. Would appreciate contact from anyone about status of staff as we have not heard from our son, Sol Poyourow. I can be reached in California at 805-682-9555 or email at Poyrow AT Hotmail.com thanks, Douglas Poyourow |
- Facts on Guana Cay |
Gert, Michelle Ruiz Borrow here. Remember me... I know abacogirl personally i spoke to her mom already she knows cherly is alright. I left on a charter today with Bill & Anette Graville along with their daughter Leanne and Ann Heiniman (Sorry if I got your last name spelled wrong) of Man O War. We left from Executive Airport and landed on a dry runway in Marsh Harbour , yes there was a little water at the Airport but, anybody who knows Marsh Harbour Airport knows that when we get a good rain during normal conditions we have a little back up. Anyway we land start to unload are supples and Don a wonderful guy who works at the airport comes to assist us and we all greet with hugs and are you OK... he turns to me and say's are you here to pick up your husband Lynn? I said yes, Don responds he's been waiting for a flight out. I was so relieved that I send my generator and supplies with the Gravilles off to Guana Cay and my Husband and Charles Sands of Guana Cay came back with me and a few tourist waiting to get off the island. Please post that My husband is coordinating a Guana Cay Relief. We have no power and need Generators Badly! Power and phones will be out for months. My husband will post a fact, by fact of Guana's condition (not under Water) as stated on some boards. Lost foliage... Fig tree is standing strong (no Leaves) but, standing strong. God did Bless Guana Cay and Every Single Person is safe and the Guana Grocery Store operated by Slyvon Bethel is open Nippers is in tact.... Yes a few houses did get damage but only a few. Homes that belong to Vacationers mostly all the front street homes are fine... including the Clinic, Verna's House, Milo House, Milo's Store is fine. Vince & Cheryl (Abaco Girl) house is fine. We just need Generators now. Please call Mr. Lynn Borrow on availability of new & used Generators operational Please! For shipping to our Miami office Gateway Outdoor Adv. 2650 West 84th Street Hialeah, FL 33016 305-826-7447 Any donations to defray freight cost will be greatly appreciated. We are fighting for Duty Free Status. Commissioner Hart is assisting in this effort. My home number for Guana Cay Relief : 305-868-0058 |
- Spanish Wells info |
Spoke with Mr. Lymon Pinder in Nassau
today who had been in ship-to-shore radio contact with Spanish Wells. He
said there was no loss of life, no known injuries, no known lost houses,
but some flood damage on the east end of the island around the People's Church
and the Gospel Chapel. He reports two ships sank one of which was the Sea
Warrior. The Food Fair is open for business. Power is expected to be
on by the weekend, but phone service restoration is still in doubt. Mr.
Pinder will be going to Spanish Wells tomorrow, Sept
- Great Harbour Cay |
Great Harbour Cay Message from Happy People's Store My mom lives in Great Harbour Cay, but fortunately, was visiting me in the US at the time of the hurricane. We were really concerned about the folks in Great Harbour because it is so small and not far from Abaco. A homeowner flew there yesterday to access damages. Amazingly, it was reported that one would never guess that a storm recently passed through. Everyone is ok and no structural damage--except for the marina which was partly damaged by a large boat. The beautiful island is--as it was before. The Happy People's store is back in business. The power, water and phone lines (which is the case overtime it rains) are down. We know of two other homeowners who are flying in today. We will get further reports from them on Sunday. I hope this message brings comfort to many of the homeowners located throughout the world as there had previously been no reports from any source about the condition of the people or the island. Desiree |
- Tr: [phorum] |
here is an exchange of e-mail that may have some
interest for your readers.Again thanks for your assistance,it is
to have people like you
caring for other.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Joy Bethel <jbethel AT cairnstone.com> À : Me Richard Mongeau <rmongeau AT mongeau-harvey.com> Date : 16 septembre, 1999 15:25 Objet : Re: [phorum] Hello there, |
- pics |
http://www.gopbi.com/PORTALS/storm/floyd-bahamas-photo.html I found a good resource of picts from Eleurthera and other Bahamian locals hit by Floyd. I am still looking for an update on Gregory Town |
Wendell, one of our Special Hurricane Correspondents calling in again!! -Gert
- floyd |
Hurricane Floyd has finally left
the Bahamas, There was major damages
at the Northern Bahamas Island,
Eleuthera, Cat Island, Abaco, Grand Bahama
and Nassau. There was lost of power
and Communication at the central area
in Nassau. This shut Down the
Southern Bahamsa Island fot two Days.
Our system has just come online at
2:30 p.m today. However Great Inagua is
fine and back to normal. We are
watching Hurricane Gert, but it has
made a N.W shift, which looks good for
Inagua, at this time
Wendell Mortimer
- Ian and Karin Goodfellow Governors Harbour EL |
Satelite phone call 15 September PM from Goodfellow Farms Banks road Governors Harbour reporting that house is ok and property need a big clean up.Bedoin Sloop undamaged at Hatchet Bay. -- Douglas Goodfellow, 9 Laurier Court, Beaconsfield PQ H9W 4S7 Phone: Home-514-630-6107 Work-450-635-6511 Cell-514-927-9750 Fax: 450-635-5078 E Mail goodlbr AT mbr.centra.ca |
- FW: [Bahamafriends] Good Morning.....Bahama Friends... |
another report leslie _______________________________________________________________________________ From: R Elliott on Thu, Sep 16, 1999 10:00 AM Subject: Fw: [Bahamafriends] Good Morning.....Bahama Friends... To: Leslie File(s): text.html -----Original Message----- From: Reg Metcalfe <regkit AT ican.net> To: Bahamafriends AT onelist.com <Bahamafriends AT onelist.com> Date: Thursday, September 16, 1999 5:03 AM Subject: [Bahamafriends] Good Morning.....Bahama Friends... >From South Eleuthera Ham Radio Station Operator C6ABA AT about 8pm 9/15/1999 Via Greg Carey, KN4EL, Silver Spring, MD all via 14Mhz Radio -Talked with traffic controllers in 14.325, 14.262, 14.293 and -Airports being reopened, initially for emergency traffic -Two unconfirmed drowning deaths in Grand Bahama General: -US Air Force flew two falcon planes over islands to assess damage -3 U.S. coast guard cutters on way to Abacos with relief supplies -Still no word from San Salvador and Cat Island -Coast Guard flew in three helicopters into Rock Sound to assess damage and help with relief -Bahamas National Radio persons in Eleuthera helping with communications -Rock Sound Airport usable (refueling capability?) -Governor's Harbour Airport? -Roads between towns were blocked with sea water, sea-washed boulders and wind-blown trees. Some of these have been cleared, can travel although treacherously from South Eleuthera to Governor's Harbour -Water supply seems to be okay in South Eleuthera -Well water not contaminated with seawater as in Abaco -Electricity still off. Power station damaged. Generators soaked. Being dried out before starting up again. When electricity re-established, desalination plant at Hatchet Bay can run. -South Eleuthera, no general water supply until electricity on. -People with fresh water and power generators helping supply others with drinking water -Severe roof damage and oceanfront highways severely eroded -Beaches washed out -Phone service will be out for days as result of broken lines and flooding. -NO DEATHS -NO INJURIES -Rock Sound and South, Not much known Tarpum Bay: -Secondary Roof damage from flying roof(s) -Many missing shingles. Overall damage not severe -major loss, C6ABA's 4 element Ham Radio beam and rotator destroyed by high winds -Flooding in town of T. Bay Savannah Sound: -Many missing roofs -wind damage -extensive tree and utility line damage Palmetto Point -1 missing roof? Governor's Harbour -Eye crossed here -severe damage to Cupid's Cay -Harbour okay -Airport status unknown -Main food and supply store there destroyed -No injuries or deaths No communication with towns North of Governor's Harbour. James Cistern Hatchet Bay (Site of desalination plant) Gregory Town The Bluff Upper and Lower Bogues Current Eleuthera and Current Island Harbour Island Spanish Wells Overall Needs For Governor's Harbour, water, food? desperately need building supplies Other Bahamas: Abaco appears worst hit Airport was under 6ft seawater until today One Marina washed away Boats grounded in people's back yards Nassau: -Extensive flooding -Max winds around 90mph -Extensive wind damage -Most Phones back Bahamas in dilema. Many private craft trying to airlift supplies to affected areas. Bahamas Gov't turning them back because customs facilities non-existent. Aware that unscrupulous smugglers would gladly use hurricane situation to their advantage. Will be talking with Bahamas again in morning or in evening. Will upload any information later in day. ----Original Message Follows---- From: "Reg Metcalfe" <regkit AT ican.net> To: "Chris Major" <bahama_rock AT hotmail.com> Subject: Re: Bahamas... Bye from Reg and Kit. Orillia, Ontario, Canada Bahamas Site!!! Check it out...NEW!!!!! http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/2477/index.html Drop by and sign our guestbook!!!! UPDATED SEPT 12TH-99 AT 8:01PM Check out the 12 new websites.... Also Join our Bahamafriends Mail List......Lots of News! http://www.onelist.com/subscribe/Bahamafriends Just one click from your mouse!~!~! To Post to Bahamasfriends... Bahamasfriends AT onelist.com regkit AT ican.net regkit AT email.com regkit AT geocities.com ICQ # 1375312 Q-Talk Connection |
- Eleuthra News |
Someone forwarded me the following website with info on Eleuthra: http://users.erols.com/gandicarey/floyd04_new.htm * ** *** Gert van Dijken ( gert AT vandijken.com ) **** The Caribbean Hurricane Page - http://gobeach.com/hurr.htm |
- (no subject) |
My sister Dona Merritt and her friends in Key West talked to Lisbon who tallked to the Yeocco Mico via satellite phone. He says the creek flooded and that the Yeocco Mico "touched" the Anchor Snack Bar. He also says three fishing boats have gone down. The yeoci plans to return to Florida tomorrow. They report extensive water damage and some roof damage. If any one has any info on Spainish Wells and the people there, please post it on this page or contact me. We are out of or minds with worry. They report the phone tower heavily damaged. Thanks, Jody Merritt |
- Hurricane Information, Via Ham Radio |
Received via: Greg Carey, KN4EL Date: 09-16-99 11:30 From Marty Cont'd Tom and Bruce at Marsh Habour Marina okay Boats in backyards, but damaged little Vernon's Grocery Store, Hope Town, Okay Abaco and Elbow Cay separated from each other by ocean. Green Turtle ferry okay (not running). Docks appear okay Man O War Cay: 14 boats aground 5 sunk barge aground Green Turtle/White Sound -Green Turtle Club heavily damaged -shingles off Black Sound -no roofs damaged Great Guana Cay -severe roof damage -phone and electrical lines still down Reported by Marty and C6AKC See also The Board for more tidbits of news. * ** *** Gert van Dijken ( gert AT vandijken.com ) **** The Caribbean Hurricane Page - http://gobeach.com/hurr.htm |
- Hurrican Floyd |
I heard from my family last night from Spanish
Wells. They made contact via Satellite Telephone. My husband said
everyone is ok. My husband and his family were there for the past weekend
and could not fly out this past Monday due to the Hurricane. They are not
sure of the condition of the Eleuthera airport, but they are trying to get back
to Orlando as soon as possible.
- heard |
gert, i got info today that nippers at guana cay got thru and said that all the people were ok....Havent heard tho from my kid cheryle abacogirl.I will relax when i do we are getting all the rain from floyd in altoona-johnstown area today thanks shirley Kelley |
Older reports can be found on another page.
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