[IMG: Luis; Credit: Norm Nelson, Bermuda Biological Station for Research - http://www.bbsr.edu/Weather/]

The Caribbean Hurricane Page

Updates from the Islands

- - Antigua - -

More recent reports can be found on another page

- AntiguaNewsletter J_003
  • From: Nick Maley <Nick AT CineSecrets.com>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 11:08:37 +0000
AntiguaNewsletter J_003 From Nick Maley, Island Arts & AntiguaToday.com

Dear friends

Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruise Lines cleared Antigua for the arrival of their ships last Thursday and pumped a little life back into our business community. Most people don't realize that the worse, and often unnecessary, damage done to an island by a hurricane is economic. But these prestigious cruise lines have sent a clear signal that Antigua is in fairly good shape already.

Our hurricane hotline for Antigua at http://AntiguaToday.com/hurricanes
is now filling out nicely. The second major update is complete and we have specifics on damage, hotels, villages, beaches, places of interest and community info. There are a couple of dozen post Jose photos spread over 12 pages of info that help you see that we are functioning well. Power is now restored to MOST of the island... hopefully I will get it soon too.

Further updates will be delayed for a while since hurricane Jose forced me to postpone the printing of my new autobiographical Star Wars related lithograph "Follow Your Star" ( http://AntiguaToday.com/IslandArts/paFollowStar.html ) and I will be doing that for part of next week. I will be adding more to the hurricane site when I get back. Next I will concentrate on an extensive album of post hurricane images from around the island which should go up in a couple of weeks.

Nick Maley

-- ....................................................................................
 Island Arts Galleries

- Power back!!!
  • From: "Alan B. Scholl" <scholla AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 15:40:39 +0400 (GMT)

Our electricity was restored on Saturday night about 10:30PM. In my last
post I stated that after LUIS we waited 23 days, after GEORGES it was 13
and this time it was 3!!! The guys are working really hard and every night
there are more areas restored.

Alan B. Scholl

- First Half
  • From: Lucille Waite <lucillewaite AT compuserve.com>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 12:19:40 -0300
Survived the first half, though totally flooded from loss of shingles. 
Glad we had protected furniture.  We are in the eye now, waiting for the
next blast from the west.  Finished putting on shutters  (^_^)  I do
believe this thing has strengthned from the forecast.  Running on generator
as power out about 8 a.m.  Not much major damage seen, but a lot of missing
shingles, trash cans blown around, fences down, etc.  Wind starting to pick
up, so must shut down.  See you after the storm!


- I'm back
  • From: Nick Maley <Nick AT CineSecrets.com>
  • Date: Sat, 23 Oct 1999 10:00:31 +0000
Just a quick note to let you know that my phone is back and I've posted initial reports at our hurricane hotline at http://AntiguaToday.com/hurricanes

The storm was MUCH worse than we anticipated but DAMAGE IS SUPERFICIAL and only two hotels will be closing for a short while. At the hotline is my personal diary of the storm and the initial damage report. Photos will go up later today and I will start shooting detailed stuff tomorrow.



  • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 08:12:44 -0400
Things are being sorted out pretty quickly here...Last night in a special radio program The government advised that a final check on all the power lines and water lines (for the places who have piped water  as many of us use our own catchments )   was being completed by last night, hopefully... so that electricity could be turned back on  (except for places that have poles down ...or in my case,  the main transformer on the pole  has been blown off so that has to be replaced before we can have power...)     Have had many incoming emails asking about hotels especially for people who are arriving in the next few days..  Have been able to respond to a few of these.....  sorry but don't have a clear picture yet but can say that most hotels have  their own generators so can go on ok...
I am going to try to find out if the hotel association has an special info on the internet for hotel status and if so will advise...
       Am worried about John Fuller and his clan...as he must be without power/ phones  or would surely be on line???   will try to find out more...
           GERTS STORM 99  is a God send for so many people...For anyone who has benefited from this  please let Gert know...He works hard to keep it all going!!!!   I had an email from an Antiguan in New York asking about her 90 yr. old grandmother and 100 yr. old uncle  who live in Wilikies... was given their phone number but  when I called it what must be a CROSSED phone line connected with the Wilikies POLICE STATION..   Corp. Bellot there was kind enough to send someone go check on Marion Cornelius and Desmond Joseph and I was able  THROUGH STORM 99 -  to confirm they were ok and only had minor house damage... Am sure it was a big relief!  
           This morning is a bit better than yesterday in Antigua...but it is still gusty winds/ rainy and a bit gray as the satellite pic shows there is still cloud mass over us... REASSURANCE IS THAT OUR BEAUTIFUL BLUE SKIES WILL COME BACK!  and we will get the mess cleaned up...     main concern is some cloud mass out there now so watching it before  all shutters removed, etc!!!   surely we CAN"T BE HIT AGAIN!!!   

- Power already being restored
  • From: "Alan B. Scholl" <scholla AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 07:57:57 +0400 (GMT)

APUA has been working diligently to restore power. Already the airport and
the hospital and parts of St.Johns already had power restored to them last
night! After the two previous hurricanes, there is a detailed restoration
plan in place and hopefully, the time to restoration should be shortened.

After LUIS my home (Lower Fort Rd) got power after 23 days. After GEORGES
it was 13 days. We will wait and see :-)

Alan B. Scholl

- Everything is fine.
  • From: "Elvin" <elvin AT asia.com>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 21:47:47 +0800
Dear all...

For those who wants to know more information of the Hurr. Jose in Antigua.
Everything has calmed down. There is no rain now, just slight wind. Lots of
were uprooted. All drivers around should be cautious of some wire cables
around on the roads. I should say there is no electricity yet in the town.
But I believe
major resorts and hotels have their power-generator up. Phone line is good
near Runaway bay...

Bad news is, my car ran out of petrol and the petrol kiosk is not open.
Thats all...


elvin AT asia.com

- 1 PM - Various things...
  • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 13:04:50 -0400
   VC BIRD   -  our only airport has reopened.... 
   Lots of telephone lines are still down and may just ring and ring..so keep trying if you dont  get through first time...
Questions I have received...   and dont know ...anybody can help pls. email me direct at  gilkem AT candw.ag
            How is Cat Club and Avrerials restaurant
           Is Sandles ok... couple arriving on Monday to be married there!!! 

- Strong Winds and Rains...
  • From: "Elvin" <elvin AT asia.com>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 09:53:38 +0800
Greetings....I was told that maybe i am the few with electricity and phone
connection...The place where i am staying, it is
almost flooded by the storm, it is located near the Riveira casino. Lots of
water around the area....There is one electrical pole or a phone poll, near
to fall to the roads. So must be really carefuly when driving around that
area. Remember to Look up!
Yesterday night, Wow heavy rain and storm...

I guess everything now is back to normal i hope. I am now back to my
work...Hope everyone in Antigua is fine.
Do contact me personally if you guys want to have more detail info..




  • From: "Alan B. Scholl" <scholla AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 08:06:34 +0400 (GMT)

Hailing from work. The drive up to work showed no serious widespread
damage. Note that this is local to my 7 minute drive from Fort Road to
Clare Hall. There was one roof gone on Wireless Rd but it came from an
abandoned house. It is raining really hard now since about 5:45AM, lots of
water flowing. 

Overall from what I have seen and heard there was damage but not the kind
that we had during LUIS and GEORGES. I think this storm was shorter and by
now most of us are turning this island into a hurricane bunker. Form my
window at work, there is no roofs gone and lots of the vegtation that left
us during LUIS and GEORGES are still there. The place still looks green!
It may seem that the trees are beginning to adapt to hurricane force winds
as well (joke).
Will continue to send when I hear more.

Alan B. Scholl
Email: scholla AT candw.ag  alan.scholl AT cwanu.cwplc.com
       schollab AT hotmail.com
Tel:   (268)480-4115        Fax:    (268)480-4105
Pgr:   (268)409-4638 (INET) Mobile: (268)464-1350
Ham:   V21BF
Antigua, West Indies - "Where Land & Sea Make Beauty..."

On Wed, 20 Oct 1999, Alan B. Scholl wrote:

> HI,
> It is 3PM and the worse is over. This was a pretty bad storm. The first
> half was worse than GEORGES, The eye passed over at 1:30PM. All was very
> calm with a light breeze.
> Part of our roof snapped off (asbestos roof) and cracked in othe places.
> The vegatation rook a beating as did my Sat TV dish ( I figured it could
> take 75mph but not 100 gusting 120) oh well.
> Lots of rain came into the house in the first half so it is all damp and
> soggy but it is almost over (the high wind). As I am writing this the rain
> is starting to get stronger.
> Both our telephone lines still work but of course power is gone and so has
> the running water. 
> Ciao for now. I will keep updating this forum.
> ======================================================================
> Alan B. Scholl
> Email: scholla AT candw.ag  alan.scholl AT cwanu.cwplc.com
>        schollab AT hotmail.com
> Tel:   (268)480-4115        Fax:    (268)480-4105
> Pgr:   (268)409-4638 (INET) Mobile: (268)464-1350
> Ham:   V21BF
> Antigua, West Indies - "Where Land & Sea Make Beauty..."

  • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 07:40:30 -0400
 7:00 A.M.
 Its a miracle .......  MAXICINE -  my 12 year old wild free flying mollucan cockatoo I have talked about throughout this hurricane ordeal....who weathered HURRICANE JOSE outside.... has just flown home!!!    She is battered and beaten up AND VERY HUNGRY...but appears to be unharmed.   I am so thankful  and this just shows  LIFE GOES ON  in spite...    After last Septembers hurricane my miracles were 3 baby love birds that survived in a nest accidentally left in the outdoor aviary through HURRICANE GEORGE   (see www.antiguatoday.com/news/updates/community/martha.html
and their little lives gave me the inspiration and strength to go on with getting on with life.......this time it is the return of Maxie!!  Thanks to all of you who have expressed concern over our well being....and over Maxie's fate!      Back to the big clean up!!   

- 5:30 AM after the storm!
  • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 05:53:41 -0400
EARLY MORNING WAKE UP with so much clean up to do...My phone lines on and off so I cannot always get logged on...and of course,  still no electricity... it has poured with rain all night long and is still raining... and still a bit gusty but most of the wind has gone.... In fact it seems Antigua took out most of JOSEs PUNCH...it has weakened to a tropical storm...thank goodness for the people now in the path...
        For me... more important than the clean up is hopefully the return of my wild cockatoo at first light...if she survived this terrible thing...
        Will try to find out more information on rest of island to pass on report to you all...

- MIDNIGHT... and sooo late
  • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 23:41:21 -0400
HURRICANE JOSE..   is nearly gone now.... but we still  have terrible gusts... and I have been awake for nearly 36 hrs... so gonna try to  sleep before I face  the clean up at break of day...    have heard Hodges Bay badly hit so hope john and nick & Gloria ok...  Especially  cause no word from John.... my phones on and off  (takes 20-30 log ons to get on line!!!  cause phone line blowin inthe breeze....  anyway.. seems JOSE had more punch than planned...and  it was so sudden for us...    so lets get it together as quickly as possible!!!             later

- Jose Update from Old Road Antigua
  • From: "Ken Hymel"
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 20:56:35 -0300
I am on battery power now.

Jose really threw 'us' a curve-ball here in Old Road.   Many have
lost their roofs.  I have galvanized sheet-metal in my yard that does
not belong to me.  I have shreads of leaves inside my house and 
a wash-tub under roof leaks in the back of the house.  There are
huge trees in the roads and the rest are de-foliated.  I am no longer
private !

More later.   I do not expect electricity for several days as many 
lines are off from peoples' houses and in or across the roads.

Happy here, regardless !!!!

I have images to send later on,  Gert.

Ken Hymel

  • From: "Alan B. Scholl" <scholla AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 15:00:48 +0400 (GMT)

It is 3PM and the worse is over. This was a pretty bad storm. The first
half was worse than GEORGES, The eye passed over at 1:30PM. All was very
calm with a light breeze.

Part of our roof snapped off (asbestos roof) and cracked in othe places.
The vegatation rook a beating as did my Sat TV dish ( I figured it could
take 75mph but not 100 gusting 120) oh well.

Lots of rain came into the house in the first half so it is all damp and
soggy but it is almost over (the high wind). As I am writing this the rain
is starting to get stronger.

Both our telephone lines still work but of course power is gone and so has
the running water. 

Ciao for now. I will keep updating this forum.

Alan B. Scholl
Email: scholla AT candw.ag  alan.scholl AT cwanu.cwplc.com
       schollab AT hotmail.com
Tel:   (268)480-4115        Fax:    (268)480-4105
Pgr:   (268)409-4638 (INET) Mobile: (268)464-1350
Ham:   V21BF
Antigua, West Indies - "Where Land & Sea Make Beauty..."

  • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 14:40:24 -0400
have passed MSG back to Italy that she is fine... Good to know this fine service Gert and Storm 99 does has sent some peace of mind to some nice folks far away....specially an  80 yr. old  worried mother...  I  tried to forward the email direct to you but they say your email wrong.. pls. email me direct...  gilkesm AT candw.ag

- 2:15 p.m..... lost 4 hours...
  • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 14:30:12 -0400
4 hours of life and a bit of h.....    just went by...     ( this could give a young girl gray hair!!!    )    although I was logged on at 10 a.m. could not connect to cable and wireless so finally logged off...  then never  could get dial tone  again.... ....another incoming overseas call seems to have unlocked the phone and I quickly logged on and sent the 10 a.m report  4 hrs late...   Seems evbody but Peter and Curt in same boat...
and here is an up to date...
         the eye passed us about 11:30.... and it was  really weird.... total calm for over 30 minutes...and in THE MIST OF IT an AIRPLANE BUZZED over....   HAS TO BE THE HURRICANE HUNTERS....nobody else would be in THE EYE OF THE HURRICANE!!!   will have to reconfirm  they flew our  lat and longitude!!!  but has to be them!!! 
       Discovered the electrical transformer for  Half Moon Bay estate  is BLOWN OFF THE POLE...that's why 
 out of power since  last night.. 
     Second half of storm  (NOW GOING ON...)  MUCH WORSE THAN FIRST... wind whipping from  South and SOUTH WEST...  MET OFFICE says  they recorded 100 mph at airport...  so far my house in tact but looks like roof on my guest house trashed... shingles ev.where... am sure it is flooded!
         Thanks Peter for info on Suzanne and Fabrizio...am emailing  Mario on this and will also forward his email to  you in case Suzanne wants to respond more personally via you... Great to be of help along the way with this whole drama...
          Only report of damage is from friends in Jolly Harbor condo.... their front door blew off... tried to block it WITH A TRUCK...   also windscreens on cars have been blown out there.. too early to tell anything... but whatever it is,  Antigua is an old hand at pulling itself up by the bootstraps and now matter how bad  THIS STORM WILL NOT COMPARE TO LUIS...so am sure we will all  get our act together quickly...
          all for now...       

- 10 A.M... COUNTING DOWN...
  • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 10:10:31 -0400
STILL LOGGED ON!!!    and another hour goes by...Boy I usually hate to see the hours/ days/ years  fly by in my life... but now I am glad for every second that goes...
 but am having trouble connecting to Cable and wireless and actually sending emails.. even though I am on line..... so don't know if I can get this one through... may be my Que. to "turn tail and run"... and get moved downstairs!!!   sure would scare the  ____ out of me if my good ole galvanize roof peels back!!!
  and it sure is blowing and raining cats and dogs...
   Went outside again a little while ago...  strange...  we thought we would be getting the wind from the south and south west by now... but is all coming out of the northeast... and north.... blowing some of my favorite trees nearly to the ground...  so  I think this thing has  stayed east of us .... last  report I got at 8 a.m. showed it going through between Guadeloupe and Antigua... but I think  it may have tracked north...  wont know till  the  11 a.m...      unless on of my Hurricane hunter pals gets an email through to me with more...   If it is on the North that is better for us....  all guess work for me now... so... hope I am still around for 11 a.m. update and can tell you more.... 

- First Half
  • From: "Curt Waite" <cwaite AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 12:19:40 -0300
Survived the first half, though totally flooded from loss of shingles.  Glad we had protected furniture.  We are in the eye now, waiting for the next blast from the west.  Finished putting on shutters  (^_^)  I do believe this thing has strengthned from the forecast.  Running on generator as power out about 8 a.m.  Not much major damage seen, but a lot of missing shingles, trash cans blown around, fences down, etc.  Wind starting to pick up, so must shut down.  See you after the storm!

- horizontal
  • From: "Valid User" <someone AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 10:29:28 -0300
the rain is horizontal now
gusting up and down
visibility about 50 - 60 ft
seems to be ene to ne
cant believe that the phone lines are still up in picadilly
the pole out the front of our house is pumping madly
my daughters 4th hurricane shes only 4
shes singing "rain rain go away"
well see ya later
723 1573 have vhf for english harbour area

- Suzanne
  • From: "Valid User" <someone AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 09:47:04 -0300
Dear Martha,
I know Suzanne and her husband Fabrizio, I called them on the phone and they said all is well, please pass a message on that they are okay, their lines are open but keep going off and on. Peter

- 9 A.M... and another hour gone by...
  • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 09:16:15 -0400
Don't know how I am staying on line... 2 of my 3 phone lines OUT... nothing on them...  have never logged off since that 8 am overseas call I told you about  came in...  NONE of my 3 lines were working till then... and somehow that opened the line... and I got logged on...but am afraid to  log off as I probably cant get back on line... have been trying to call the MET OFFICE to what they are saying but no dial tone... and I wonder if johns  phone off since we have not heard from him...   I don't have anything to do but weather this thing out so may as well be with my computer and passing info to you... but still  think I should move downstairs... except if I log off here that may be it... sooner or later I will have to ....hurricane shutters rattling and makes me sort of nervous... but then  have had my house blown up once and that makes you gun shy...even though I know this is NOT a LUIS or GEORGE...  fear for my wild cockatoo out there!!  
        Just had  email msg. from  ITALY..  someone looking for their sister  (Italian from Naples )  - Susanne... she lives with husband and 2 children in English Harbor...the 80 yr. old mother in ITALY heard of JOSE on news and worried sick... so if you know  who this is  and can find out anything whenever pls. let me know...  so..  from  8 a.m. we have 4 1/2 hours till eye is near us...  12 noon... sure is getting worse now..  all for now..

- Blowing dogs off chains!
  • From: "Valid User" <someone AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 08:57:35 -0300
Just got back from Shirley's, could hardly stand up it felt like we were sky diving, the boat that Martha mentioned is still on the dockyard wall and and I wish them the best. Mega Yacht Illusion is swinging in Falmouth, they should burn up a lot of diesel today, it's probably blowing 50 at Shirley's out of the NE, speak to you when it gets crazier, regards Peter 723-1573

- 8:00 AM...and picking up...
  • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 08:03:36 -0400
Don't know  where Allen is located but we sure are getting the big gusts here on the  Atlantic side...of course we are the first to get the winds...  can't say what wind is as I don't have a wind speed indicator... that is on my list to get for future...    I am still in my upstairs office on desktop but sort of  feel I should close down....(getting real noisy even through hurricane shutters... )    and  cover my desktop with plastic tarp and move downstairs...   my phones are out  - to call out... but just had incoming overseas call and as soon as we hung up was able to log on... so don't know  if when I log off  this time it  will break the connection... downstairs phone does not seem to be working....so hope I can be back to you later... not much rain yet...   so we are all hanging in there...t ill   later...

- 7:30 Report
  • From: "Curt Waite" <cwaite AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 07:34:28 -0300
7:30 a.m.  Winds definitely picking up.  Gusts to over 40 mph at Radio Lighthouse.  Not much rain yet.  On a quick trip out a lot of people still battening down.  Just about reached that point where people should be off the streets, I think.  Getting quite a bit of power fluctuation - probably high voltage lines blowing together...

  • From: "Alan B. Scholl" <scholla AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 07:05:10 +0400 (GMT)

It is 7AM and it seems as if we are somewhat spared. The center is at
16.7N and although there are strong occasional gusts, there is no
significant sustained wind, We lost power at 5:50AM after hearing a loud
crack (wires touching I guess). There has also been NO significant rain at
my location (Lower Fort Road).

Alan B. Scholl
Email: scholla AT candw.ag  alan.scholl AT cwanu.cwplc.com
       schollab AT hotmail.com
Tel:   (268)480-4115        Fax:    (268)480-4105
Pgr:   (268)409-4638 (INET) Mobile: (268)464-1350
Ham:   V21BF
Antigua, West Indies - "Where Land & Sea Make Beauty..."

- 6 AM and SUNLIGHT!!!
  • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 06:13:24 -0400
It is morning now!  and  I think it REALLY is the leading edge as it is picking up now... was quickly  out on my  slat roof to remove some Plexiglas plates I forgot...not even screwed down...just laid on top to stop rain!!!!!...and they had not blown off during the night...so that shows it was not so bad....    but they were now flapping a bit... wind gust  made it hard to stay for long  -  sort of scary!!!   (I was thinking what on earth is Curt doing   -- see previous write up -- putting up HURRICANE SHUTTERS NOW in this wind...but guess I am just as bad dancing around in those wind gusts on a roof  (do I want to be Mary poppins!!???)    It is just that no matter how much you do to be ready  it seems there are always more things to do or things left undone!!!!       Anyway,  from the top of the slat roof could easily see LITTLE COVE , bay just next to Half Moon Bay Beach... big waves now rolling in  ---  white foam/ wave action extending out  about  1/2 miles...   so I think we are now in for the tough stuff.......
          Once again...hope I can log on later!!!    after Hurricane George buried my phone line  from the pole in PVC pipe so guess that helps  (unless the pole blows over!! ) 
           OH...  5 a.m report shows  that JOSE has moved a bit more NORTH..   It is 75 miles east/ north east of us... wish it would keep tracking NORTH  but models show a turn to the west and if so it will come along our south coast...   next few hours will be our worst...and 5 am says WIND HAVE INCREASED a bit....   Thank goodness for  our Miami hurricane ctr info and   for the HURRICANE HUNTERS who get us all that good info... they have moved their planes from St Croix to Curacuo as St Croix may be in the path..... but they will keep getting us that needed info!!   Bless them and Gert at STORM 99 for  info!  

- Update
  • From: "John Fuller" <fullerj AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 06:08:24 -0400

- Jose
  • From: "Curt Waite" <cwaite AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 05:32:56 -0300
5:30 a.m.  Very uneventful night.  Looks from the 5 a.m. report that Jose is on more of a track to cross
Antigua later this morning.  Some gusts and shotgun blasts of rain during the night, but nothing to write home about.  The winds at Radio Lighthouse (1160 kHz) are 8-13 out of the ENE.  However looks like we are just now on the leading edge so should start to see more action soon.  I may have to go shutter the other side of the house before long with the new track and intensity. Should be an interesting day.

- 4:45 a.m...
  • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 04:45:52 -0400
Still here...can't sleep...never can in these hurricanes...  was just able to go outside in an semi protected court yard area..(was really looking for one of my 3 kitties that never came home) wind not as bad as I expected...and rather gusty  and not constant... still  pitch black out there... official sunrise is 6:01 a.m.... but the  met office said we may not see  "sunrise"  so well due to heavy cloud cover.  Projected path of this thing on STORM 99  shows it almost over Antigua!!  So  I know this is "calm before the storm".  We are lucky it comes at night... the coolness will take some of the energy out of the storm so maybe it will  not be as bad as it would in the heat of the day.    Back later,  I hope... guess I will have to log off   -- and hope I can get back on -- since we pay for our time on line here in the islands...  been logged on  few hours now...

- 3:40 AM and still holding!
  • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 03:40:59 -0400
Well... it is another day...so my computer clock tells me..  power out down here at Half Moon Bay and phone lines off and on...had to try about 20 times to get dial tone...kept getting error MSG of no dial tone and just kept trying  --to my surprise suddenly was on line.. ( guess being "hard headed"  and determined  (which my mother always told me!!)  pays off sometimes!!!!   
          rain has been on and off and actually slept few hours...but strong gusts woke me up... Just managed to speak to our met office  located at the Airport... 14 miles away from me..
   they  have recorded gusts of 34 knots... eye now 85 miles to east of Guadeloupe... lots of rain that end...  and movement is northwest so  they think we will get  it a bit closer than earlier  reports...  
         Met office has a  HOT LINE for the gen public.. 268 463 4638   -- this  reads -  word for word.... the latest  advisory from the Miami hurricane center  and is update as soon as new info comes in--- wonderful for those who do not have STORM 99 and update info... 
          Will hope to be back to you again....that means my  phone lines are holding out --  but no mains electricity...that long gone...as of about  8 p.m. last night... 

- Update
  • From: "John Fuller" <fullerj AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 03:18:44 -0400

- Update
  • From: "John Fuller" <fullerj AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 02:45:49 -0400
its 2:41.off and on squalls to now.wind10-20mph more in squalls. west wall very near.surprisingly little wind.we took this thing a little too lightly.all boarded up and battened down.all hells going to break loose within an hour.still have elec.and phone!!what's your phone no. gert if you want a call in storm.sat.photo looks terrifying.

- now what?
  • From: Nick Maley <Nick AT CineSecrets.com>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 02:14:14 +0000
It's 1.00 am and the breeze is steadily growing. Today was filled with deja vu, but it was nothing supernatural.... just an extraordinarily familiar routine.... as we hunkered down for the 6th hurricane to mess with Antigua in 10 years.

The highlight of the day was probably watching the excited antics of SunSail crew noisily abusing each other as they hastily struggled so secure their fleet at Jolly Harbour. As I busily stripped off sails and secured lines on my 27 foot C&C "Pumkin", a SunSail crew of two hurled 50 foot boats around the 100 foot channel between finger piers and threw lines over the side to a guy chasing them in a dingy. The guy seemed to have little idea of how to catch the lines and not a clue of what he was expected to do with them when he did. Most boaters seemed to be taking the storm seriously though and the atmosphere at Jolly beach was less than jolly!

Lots of queues at the pump stations and hoards of people buying just about anything in the supermarket. If there is indeed a purpose behind all things then I have no doubt that hurricanes were created to provide supermarket owners with enough cash to restock their shelves in time for Christmas.

We moved 40,000 prints in my downtown gallery to ensure that they were safe from the estimated 5-10 inches of rainfall. Past storms ripped off the roof clading there and we've learned from experience to protect our assets from rising damp. In a remarkable effort we managed to turn a perfectly presentable store into a big heap covered with plastic.

My roof has more nails now. (Even as I write I can hear my neighbor, John Fuller, adding more to his roof too). I ran around cutting down trees and hedges that seemed fine yesterday but today were TOO close to the house or incoming phone and power cables. My wife's 35 parrots & all our favorite house plants now occupy the main reception area of our home and art gallery in Hodges Bay PLUS half our apartment. The four dogs are pacing the hall. The four cats are trying to gain a suitable vantage point from which they can ambush the 35 parrots. Thank god we don't have fish any more or we would probably have a pond in the bath!

Now that we have everything truly organized, we sit and wait, meditating on the day's achievements and wondering what will happen next. Whatever transpires, I will be out taking photos as soon as the weather improves which (phone lines allowing) readers will find at our hurricane hotline at http://AntiguaToday.com/hurricanes .... a very popular page after hurricane Georges last year.

I sometimes wonder whether surfers looking for info about our island in a storm realize that with the TV off (and often power too) we have little idea of what is happening beyond our line of site, general info from the net and a few radio stations that seem to know less than we do. So how about this for a deal. I'll tell you what I know if you email me with news that you pick up from TV and other sources. It will give us something to think about while we try to figure out how long it might take to put everything back the way it was before got so organized.

Nick Maley
-- ....................................................................................
 Island Arts Galleries ( http://AntiguaToday.com/IslandArts )


- 11:45 PM AND HOLDING...
  • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 23:48:36 -0400
             will hope I can keep letting you out there wherever you are know how it is here....  For tonight we are told we will get winds from the east....then early a.m. from the southeast... and that will be the eye...    then  it will come from the south and we will know the eye is over us!   
                till  the next time..

- montserrat (http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/data/volcano/montserrat.gif)
  • From: "John Fuller" <fullerj AT candw.ag>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 22:32:48 -0400
you gotta see this photo NOW.what do we do now?

  • Attachment: montserrat.url

  • - Update
    • From: "John Fuller" <fullerj AT candw.ag>
    • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 22:14:29 -0400
    one feels that one is in a movie.this can't be happening.so many extraordinary coincidences converging into one night.one year and one month ago i sat here awaiting the beast GEORGES-and now JOSE.the hires5 photo is frightening and with each hour it inches north.looks like it will come right over us again.there was a general last minute panic this p.m.evryone buying plywood,nails batteries,water and gigarettes(some rum too).wind now a touch north of east and strengthening with the occasional squall with 30-40mph winds and heavy rain and then back down to 15-20mph steady.now we engage some hurricane foreplay(tv long off) and sit around and think of that thing creeping at us intent on greivous bodily harm.many have been caught with their pants down.for many it will be their first hurricane--hr>
    - where is JOHN FULLER
    • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
    • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 19:15:30 -0400
       John... hope you are boarded  up and ready.... where are you??? you keep us posted on the opposite side of the island!!!   

    - 7 p.m. UPDATE
    • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
    • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 19:12:34 -0400
     Wind is gusty now here on top of the highest hill of Half Moon Bay  (and I suppose  highest on the east coast?...have to ck that one out!)... but still hard to think what is coming...  tree frogs chipping away... and sadly for me, I was unable to catch my wild beautiful free flying cockatoo... she knew something was up when she came in at sunset to feed....  so she will face this on her own.. for the first time..    know it seems silly to worry about a BIRD...or the fish  and marine life... but I do!!!  
          Anyway,   still doing some more final closing up -- saving a few more potted plants, etc...  then gonna do the final close up of the house...   will be on and off line probably all night if my phone line holds out... and will call the MET OFFICE to get their input along to pass on to you guys... 
                   If anyone knows the whereabouts of 2 masted schooner  OCEAN STAR  (Captain John Stoll  and mate John Beede)  let me know if they are safe after the storm...have been touch with their family who are concerned...
                Thanks to those who have sent emails of concerns... prayers for Antigua  and safety for us...
             More later.........

    - 3 pm Tuesday...JOSE
    • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
    • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 14:57:50 -0400
        2 PM shows Jose bit more NORTH....closer to Antigua...and a bit stronger...  several people have called to ask  for help it their homes...so trying to do what we can to help each other around here...  I just caught 29 of my love birds....   14 more to go....then the others to move inside...  Many businesses and bank have closed at noon so people can get their home secured...   
                   they say we should start feeling it about 3 am  (WED...)
             I will  try to transmit off and on during the storm...(what else can I do locked up with no electricity!!  cant ever seem to sleep through these things!  they will probably turn elec. off...but have battery operated laptop...as   long as phone lines hold out...   so those who want to know...keep checking  STORM 99 reports ......

    • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
    • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 12:33:54 -0400
            STILL LOOKING LIKE IT IS GOING SLIGHTLY SOUTH OF US... but we will certainly have the effects  -- so rushing to do some more preparations and will be back to report more when there is time...  at least we are not aboard a SHIP IN THE SEA with no safe shelter!!! 

    - TS JOSE
    • From: "Alan B. Scholl" <scholla AT candw.ag>
    • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 11:05:16 +0400 (GMT)
    Now that the storm has swung a little closer towards us my comments about
    "any hurricane less than 100mph..." are quickly being forgotten by my
    friends who uttered such. The sky is darkening and there is a bit of
    tension/uncertainty amongst my co-workers.
    If it passes south of us we could get a beating as the intense part of the
    hurricane seems to be conectrated in the NE corner. We could get some
    flooding as we have been getting regular rain over the last few days/weeks
    so the ground is somewhat saturated.
    Alan B. Scholl

    - TS JOSE...
    • From: "Alan B. Scholl" <scholla AT candw.ag>
    • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 07:41:55 +0400 (GMT)
    Currently it is overcast and slightly above normal wind fomr the NE. There
    are patches of blue sky but it started drizzling on my way to work a few
    minutes ago. People are asking about the storm but after LUIS and GEORGES
    anything less than 100mph does not seem to stir up too much concern.
    Alan B. Scholl
    Email: scholla AT candw.ag  alan.scholl AT cwanu.cwplc.com
           schollab AT hotmail.com
    Tel:   (268)480-4115        Fax:    (268)480-4105
    Pgr:   (268)409-4638 (INET) Mobile: (268)464-1350
    Ham:   V21BF
    Antigua, West Indies - "Where Land & Sea Make Beauty..."

    • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
    • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 07:35:43 -0400
       Early morning report from our MET OFFICE  shows eye of storm..soon to be a hurricane over Guadeloupe...  just south of us... slight north turn puts eye OVER US...   they will come back at NOON to  say START BOARDING UP...  but for me...  we are getting ready from now as we live OUTDOORS and lots of things have to be moved....  can always put it back if no problem..  but  I think we are going to get it this time... and even though it is NOT A LUIS...  it will be a hurricane by the time it comes here...probably within 24 hrs...  and things will blow around...  wont be able to answer  any of you personally now... so keep checking this page for quick updates...

    • From: "MARTHA WATKINS GILKES" <gilkesm AT candw.ag>
    • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 01:55:29 -0400
    ANTIGUA IS ON A HURRICANE WATCH AS OF 8 P.M.  MONDAY NIGHT...   THAT MEANS  WE "COULD BE" IN HURRICANE CONDITIONS WITHIN 36 HOURS... AND THAT WE SHOULD ALL PAY ATTENTION... EVONE GETTING RELAXED ABOUT IT ALL THIS LATE IN THE SEASON.   WAS ON A BIG CONSTRUCTION SITE  NEAR MY HOME TODAY   (had print out of STORM 99 info on  JOSE... all the guys  would  hardly believe there was something so close there...  it sort of slipped up on  us!  
              Old Captain Woolly could have told us not to get complacent......He was in command  of the Royal Mail Steamer THE H.M.S. RHONE .  She was sunk in the British Virgins by a late season hurricane  on October 19th, (That's TODAY) 1867   (some research says  October 29th).  
           Anyway,  our met office is wise to put us on alert...as have lots of other islands.  It is now 2 a.m. and they say they will  give us a better pic. of what to expect at  6 a.m.   For me, I am grateful  we are getting the info the Hurricane Hunter airplanes provide us in the heroic service those guys and gals do with PRECISE info...not just satellite info.   No body doing much yet as this all came to our attention late Monday afternoon.. but John is right...    if I can catch my beautiful free flying wild molucan cockatoo at first light  when she comes home to feed,  I sure will...    then I only  have  46 other birds to think about!!!    
                At least  this thing is NOT A LUIS OR even a GEORGE...but  looks like we will get some outer winds bands for sure...and  hopefully needed rain... 
             will know more after  the sun comes up!..... 

    - Update
    • From: "John Fuller" <fullerj AT candw.ag>
    • Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 22:01:10 -0400
    winds already gone into the northeast and steadily increasing.it's been flat calm to slight breeze(as is usual here in october and november} for the past weeks until yesterday when ever so slowly the speed has increased to now a steady 12-15 kts as i said from the n.e.we all still believe it will pass south but as time passes it's becoming less and less south!it really does look impressive.i believe that the worst damage will be to the banana crops between guadeloupe and st.lucia.they are very susceptible to wind.there is no panic or scurrying.it seems quite certain that even if it becomes a cat.1 we'll manage easily-not at all like the bahamas a few weeks ago.we surely need the rain.of course all the boat people are already nervous.the amazing thing is how late in the season it is.i bet dr.gray is saying "i told you so"
    the bush telegraph is amazing.everyone seems to have known about the storm even before the met. office.the internet is making a big impact on this sort of info- spreading.i guess MARTHA will be packing her birds away for the umpteenth time.more later.

    Older reports can be found on another page.

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