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Belize Update


Published: Mon, Jun 18 2012 07:31 EDT
By Diane Campbell <dcampbellbz at gmail.com>

We've lived on Ambergris Caye for 20 years.  This is to my memory, the wettest May-June we've ever seen.  The rains keep coming.
Cisterns are full-up, potholes are full-up too, but this is a time when our topography as a narrow island works in our favor.  The rain runs pretty easily off to the sea without flash-floods, major erosion or other dangers. 
On mainland Belize there are rivers full-up, a chunk of the Southern Highway washed out, rural villages inaccessible and fields of vegetables that are flooded and destroyed.  It's on it's way to being a serious situation.

At present San Pedro's biggest worry is how to entertain the tourists!  Thankfully lobster season just opened and Lobster Fest is in full swing, rain or shine.  
Eating, signing and dancing continue regardless of the weather.

Diane Campbell
Indigo Beach Homes
PO Box 101
San Pedro Town
Ambergris Caye

Phone + 501-226-5200

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