[IMG: Luis; Credit: Norm Nelson, Bermuda Biological Station for Research - http://www.bbsr.edu/Weather/]

The Caribbean Hurricane Page

Updates from the Islands

- - Saba & St.Eustatius - -

If you have any information on the situation on these islands,
how trivial it may be, please forward it to me at: gert@gobeach.com -Gert

- saba
  • From: Gert van Dijken <gert AT vandijken.com>
  • Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 21:17:52 -0500 (EST)
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 19:14:34 -0600
From: jonathan_silverman AT chicago.kirkland.com
Subject: saba

Information on damage to the marine park and trails can be found at

- Sea Saba Post-Lenny Update (fwd)
  • From: Gert van Dijken <gert AT vandijken.com>
  • Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 18:56:31 -0500 (EST)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 1999 17:22:22 -0500
From: Bob Thompson <webmaster AT seasaba.com>
Subject: Sea Saba Post-Lenny Update


I'm forwarding along the following update that has been provided by Sea
Saba. The same information is now provided on their web site at
http://www.seasaba.com and continuing status updates will be posted there
in the

Bob Thompson
webmaster AT seasaba.com

November 28, 1999

Just a short ten days after Hurricane Lenny unleashed his late season
power, resilient Saba is already beginning to look better. New growth is
forming on Saba's battered foliage and those plants that survived Lenny's
full fury are even flowering. Saba has always had a reputation as an
immaculately well kept island. Non-stop efforts by Saba's Public Works
Department in clearing debris in the wake of Lenny only leave us awaiting a
healthy dose of sunshine to quickly restore Saba to its lush green state. 

As for Sea Saba, we will be accepting clients beginning December 3, but we
do suggest that first time visitors to Saba delay their trips until
December 20 wherever possible since we'd like you to experience Saba and
Sea Saba at their finest.
Hurricane Lenny confounded professional and amateur meteorologists alike
(not to mention us) by not only developing so late in the year but also by
forming in the western Caribbean and traveling in an easterly direction.
The storm's unusual track and its accompanying large storm surge played
havoc with many northeastern Caribbean ports and harbors with reports of
storm surge damage as far south as Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. Parking
himself nearly due west of Saba as a Category 4 hurricane, Lenny
incessantly battered Saba for some 30 hours with wind gusts to 170 mph and
storm surge up to 30 feet. 

First, the good news… No losses of life or serious injuries were
sustained on Saba. Unlike 1998's Hurricane Georges, there was little damage
to privately owned island homes. Similarly, the Sacred Heart Elementary
School, Saba Comprehensive School and the A.M Edwards Medical Center, so
badly hit by Georges, sustained little or no damage.  Only one hotel,
Scout's Place, suffered significant damage. The Cottage Club, Juliana's,
The Gate House and Queen's Gardens Resort report only minor cosmetic damage
and are fully operational and ready for guests. El Momo and Willard's
report only slightly more cosmetic damage and expect to be fully
operational and ready to receive guests within the next week. As of this
date, 95% of Saba's electrical and phone service has been restored. Our own
phone service has been restored with the exception of our fax machine's
line that we hope will be operational in the next day or so.

David Kooistra, Manager of the Saba Marine Park, was able to conduct a few
quick dives yesterday to assess reef damage, and reports only minimal
damage to the shallower areas of Tent Reef and Ladder Bay sites. Saba's
pinnacles walls and dramatic drop offs went unscathed as they normally do,
and it is these sites for which Saba has earned her reputation as a
world-class dive destination.            

Regular air service to and from Saba's Jauncho Yrausquin airport has
resumed. However, already battered by Hurricane Georges, the airport's
terminal and tower were destroyed by Lenny's knockout punch. On a positive
note, we see this as providing increased incentive for the Island and
Central Governments to obtain the funding necessary to expedite
construction of the new terminal building that had already been planned and
approved prior to Lenny. For the time being, however, you will have no
problem in observing the sign that reads "Please Keep Your Luggage Outside"
and that still remains standing. Indications are that emergency materials
and supplies are en route to Saba to construct a temporary facility that
will be used during construction of the new terminal facility. 

The most significant damage the island sustained was to Fort Bay, Saba's
only port. While the large pier is essentially in tact, the small pier
(sometimes referred to as Fisherman's Wharf) was severely damaged. As an
essential lifeline, massive cleanup efforts are underway to restore Fort
Bay's functionality. Dredging work began shortly after Lenny passed, and
Saba has already received numerous supply vessels. At the same time, some
of Saba's hardy fishermen who depend upon Fort Bay for their livelihoods
are already using the facility. While it will be quite some time before
normalcy returns, Fort Bay is becoming more and more functional with each
passing day.

Lenny's heavy storm surge caused considerable damage to buildings in Fort
Bay including Sea Saba's workshop, fishermen's buildings and the Saba
Marine Park's Hyperbaric facility. Our insurance companies have assured
expedited claims processing so that our damaged equipment should be
replaced by mid-December.  Repairs to the building are already in progress.
The Saba Marine Park's Hyperbaric facility sustained heavy damage but is
repairable, and the Manager of the Saba Marine Park estimates that the
facility will be functional for January 2000.

On a personally sad note, Lenny's strength proved too much for Sea Saba's
boats. Both the Fanny Mae and Marilyn K were lost in the storm. However,
Sea Saba will resume limited diving operations on December 4 while
temporarily make use of the L'il Sis. We are presently negotiating the
purchase of two new identical boats and our goal is to have the diving
operation back to normal by December 20. We feel that these new boats will
allow us to provide our customers with even greater service and comfort. 

On a final positive note, our Windwardside facility survived intact and is
being staffed on a daily basis by Lynn and Sue who will gladly answer any
questions you may have. Alternatively, you may contact Beth Jansen at Dive
Saba Travel. Contact information is listed below.

Despite this late season setback, we at Sea Saba remain optimistic for a
healthy 2000 peak season. We'll be back in full swing shortly and we
sincerely hope that all of you will be back too as we continue to dive the
Sea Saba difference… except of course for you Lenny!       

Lynn Costenaro, John Magor and the Sea Saba Crew

Contact Info:

Sea Saba Advanced Dive Center
PO Box 598
Windwardside, Saba
Netherlands Antilles
Phone: 011-599-4-62246
Fax: 011-599-4-62362
E-Mail: diving AT seasaba.com

Alternate Contact Info:

Beth Jansen
Dive Saba Travel
4492 Harper Hill Road SE 
Port Orchard, WA 98367
Toll Free: (800) 883-SABA
Phone: (360) 871-7332
Fax: (360) 871-7335
E-Mail: divesaba AT aol.com

Bob Thompson
webmaster AT seasaba.com

- Saba Tourist Office update
  • From: Turquoise Interactive <feedback AT turq.com>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 17:34:34 -0500
Fyi, the Saba Tourist Office has posted an official Lenny update on their
web site.  The address is http://www.turq.com/saba/

Graham Talbot
Turquoise Interactive
e-mail: graham AT turq.com

- Statia
  • From: "B.J. Kanters" <b.kanters AT wxs.nl>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:28:47 +0100
Had contact again with our parents last night.
No personall injuries on Statia.
Small update for everyone known to the region.
The freighter "Miss D2" Had a problem during the storm close to St.
Kitts. The door opened and a container with food bound for Statia (wich
they really need right now) went in the ocean. Together with 6 brand new
cars and I am sorry to say one of its crew.
Not seen again. This is the first loss of live I have heard confirmed.
The man had a family somewhere, these people work hard for a small fee,
I allready said a prayer for him. I call on all of you to do the same.
Try to keep you all updated On Statia.

Anton & Barbara Kanters

- Saba
  • From: RPALA19 AT aol.com
  • Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 18:54:09 EST
I just talked to somone at the Cottage Club Hotel. She said that phone 
service is sporadic and they are working to restore it to rest of Island. 
Also that the airport is open but no phones due to the main building is not 
there anymore.

- Information re flights in and out of Saba (fwd)
  • From: Gert van Dijken <gert AT vandijken.com>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 12:45:31 -0500 (EST)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 11:40:03 -0600
From: jonathan_silverman AT chicago.kirkland.com
Subject: Information re flights in and out of Saba

According to Winair's US representative in Connecticut, the Saba's airport is
open and flights are going in and out.  Because I have not been able to get in
touch with anyone on Saba, I have not been able to verify this information.

- Lenny info from Saba
  • From: "BNR Mail" <bnr AT icx.net>
  • Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 10:37:51 -0500
We spoke to our daughter Alainna for just a very few minutes on Friday night at 6:30pm from Saba. We're not sure where they were calling form but someone had a cell phone they were letting everyone use to call home. She assured us that as far as she could tell everyone was ok. No electricity or phone, but ok. she did not expect power for at least 2 weeks & expected phone service to be restored to residences much later. It was wonderful to hear her voice...Barb Easterday

- Statia
  • From: "B.J. Kanters" <b.kanters AT wxs.nl>
  • Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 10:10:22 +0100
Yesterday we spoke with our parents on Statia. (Dutch plumbing service
N.V.) and this is what we know so far.
The Golden Era Hotel and Ginhouse are evacuated.The Bay road is still
flooded due to surge. The Hospital got through O.K., the airport doesn't
have too much damage. Power is still off on the Hill.
The Golden Rock area wich suffer extensifly last time got through O.K.
(guess they did a good job rebuilding). Further we do not have reports
on any personal injuries. (lets hope there aren't any).
Will have contact with the island again today if permits.
If so will keep you updated.
wish you all the best.

Anton & Barbara Kanters.

- Saba
  • From: hhassell AT i2020.net (Henry Hassell)
  • Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 19:09:33 -0500
I talked to an Amateur Radio friend on Saba about 5 Pm EST and also to
Laura Hassell about conditions on Saba.  There were no major injuries or
deaths on Saba although some building damage.. The power plant got by
with-out damage and is is starting to power up the south end now. (6
PM)  The remains of the Airport terminal were further destroyed as was
the temporary control tower.  Henry Hassell, hhassell AT i2020.net

- Re: Saba (fwd)
  • From: Gert van Dijken <gert AT vandijken.com>
  • Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 15:02:42 -0500 (EST)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 14:56:12 -0500
From: Kinda McBride <kmcbride AT one.net>
Subject: Re: Saba

The phones are up on Saba now, although I have not been able to get through
to anyone (I'm in OH). My sister in FL talked to an aunt earlier today and
got a general update. They thought the winds were worse than Georges last
year, and it lasted forever. There was a lot of damage, but I don't know the
extent yet. Everyone got through it ok, though, which is the important part.
The airport was severely damaged, as was Fort Bay, but I don't have a lot of
info about houses yet. I know many rooves stayed on, as a lot were replaced
after Georges last year. Hell's Gate got through pretty well, but I'm not
sure about the other villages. They did not expect a storm that quickly and
that strong, as is the case with the other islands. I'll write again if I
find out more.

- Re: Statia
  • From: Clifgate AT aol.com
  • Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 14:02:25 EST
What I know so far: Windward planes still in Curacao, not too much damage on 
Statia, can't go on lower road, they're blocked by mud slides. I expect 
another call later today with more specific information. Will pass info on to 
you when I know more. I was able to call there today, I called Lynn Rouse, 
and Jana Mason called me, so the telephones are okay, they all had local 
service during the hurricane, I think they took the dish down and that's why 
international calls couldn't go through. More later, S. (the Queen is 
supposed to come on Friday to access the damage)

- Statia
  • From: Gert van Dijken <gert AT vandijken.com>
  • Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 13:42:40 -0500 (EST)

Found on our Bulletin Board ( http://www2.gobeach.com/help/ ), buried in
the hundreds of other messages:

Name: stephanie janoska (clifgate AT AOL.com)
Date: 11-20-99 08:57

Got a call early this morning from Statia, things are pretty good, no-one
hurt, not too much damage. Don't have too many details, some mud slides on
lower road. You should be able to get through. 

*** Gert van Dijken ( gert AT vandijken.com )
**** The Caribbean Hurricane Page - http://www2.gobeach.com/hurr.htm

- Saba Update
  • From: "Steve Hassell" <skhassell AT nwwin.com>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 11:27:50 -0400
At this time the only information we have is that they is a lot of damage, but no specifics, winds still high earlier this morning and roads diffficult to get thru, we  are hoping to hear more information soon. I have understood from an email from Curacao that a Hercules plane is coming there or is on stand by, to carry relief goods and people,  to SXM as soon as weather permits, a man-of-war, in the vicinty of about an hour away from Statia is waiting for the seas to subside more to get in. That's about all we know for now.
Anyone having info please email us.
Thank You,
Steve and Kathy and Laura Hassell

- Update
  • From: "Steve Hassell" <skhassell AT nwwin.com>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 18:34:38 -0400
Currently we haven't heard anything more from Saba and if anyone does have information please contact us at 713-944-9066 after 8pm. The previous number posted (713-946-2819) can be reached before 8pm only. And also email at skhassell AT hotmail.com
Let's keep hoping and praying for the best.

- Update
  • From: "Steve Hassell" <skhassell AT nwwin.com>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 14:10:37 -0400
Lenny update:
Hurricane still not moving much, and pounding the islands. Hope and pray for the best. Anyone with information or needing information please contact us at;
skhassell AT hotmail.com
or call us at 713-946-2819
Ask Steve or Kathy or Laura Hassell.
Thank you.

- Hurricane Lenny in Saba
  • From: Gert van Dijken <gert AT vandijken.com>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 12:26:21 -0500 (EST)
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 07:44:49 -0400
From: Steve Hassell <skhassell AT nwwin.com>

Hurricane Lenny update on Saba

For any of those needing to get in contact with Saba, we can't get through
either. However, we were able to get in contact with Stmaarten, and have
this number for a satelite link at the Lt. Governor's house. THis is the
number: (from the US): ********** This may not be on all the time,
so keep trying.

Saba's current status, Hurricane LEnny stationary, about 30 miles west
southwest of Stmaarten. The worst is still yet to come, so far there has
been little damage in Saba. The winds will continue like this for at least
another 12 hours seeing the storm is stationary.

Anyone having information, or knows of anyone's phone still working, or
any other information, please contact us, Steve and Kathy Hassell, at
713-944-9066 or 713-946-2819, or email: skhassell AT hotmail.com

As soon we have more information we will post it. 

Steve and Kathy Hassell

- Saba
  • From: "Kinda McBride" <kmcbride AT one.net>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 23:16:32 -0500
I have a message about Saba. I just talked to my mother there. She said that they are still waiting for the hurricane, it's still about 50 miles away. Everyone is fine so far, and trying to get some sleep while they can. Phone lines are still up & running with no problems.
K. McBride

- Saba and Lenny
  • From: Jill Gargano <jiller AT mpdr0.detroit.mi.ameritech.net>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 21:58:18 -0500
I have been in contact with my best friend on Saba and she has been
keeping updated on the situation.

Wins is really blowing hard and seems to be getting stronger right now.
They people on the radio say that St. Maarten is getting it worse.  I
hear that the water by Pelican Key and Maho has taken over roads and
some land.  They evacuated most of Pelican area.

Saba hopefully will be better off sice everyone is higher than water
I used to live there and don't mind keeping you updated!

Jill Gargano
reach me at
jilgargano AT hotmail.com

- Tuesday November 16 - Saba Prepares for Lenny
  • From: "Roddy Heyliger" <heylrody AT sintmaarten.net>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 21:22:23 -0500
Press Release - Island Territory of Saba
Saba Government Information Service (SGIS)
Phone: (599) 04/63311, 63312, 63313
Contact Person: Roddy Heyliger, Communications Consultant/SGIS (St. Maarten
 Cell 92720; Phone/Fax (599 05) 43829)
E-Mail: sabagis AT hotmail.com

For Immediate Release: Tuesday November 16 1999
Number of Pages Faxed:

Prepare for the Worse

Lt. Governor Antoine Solagnier says that everyone should prepare for the
worse with Hurricane Lenny approaching the island chain.  The Department of
Public Works personnel are busy working throughout tonite night closing up
and securing public buildings.

Emergency Centers will be open and manned on Wednesday morning at 8am.  The
shelters are as follows: the A.M. Edward's Medical Center in The Bottom;
Scouts Place in Windwardside; and the Community Center in Hell's Gate.  A
shelter in the village of St. John's still has to be determined and the
public will be informed of this as soon as possible.

Solagnier stated that everything at the Juancho Yrausquin Airport has been
secured.  The same also goes for the Fort Bay Harbour where all fishing,
dive and recreational boats have been taken out of the water.  

A contingent of marines is scheduled to arrive on the island tonite by
military helicopter.  The National Hurricane Committee met on Tuesday
afternoon to assess the threat of Hurricane Lenny to the island.

Torrential rainfall is expected and this can result in rock falls and
landslides.  Residents are advised to exercise extreme caution when driving
on the public roads after the hurricane.  Residents are also advised to
remain off the road if it is not necessary to be outdoors as emergency
crews will need free access to clear road blocks.  

Roddy Heyliger
Communications Consultant - Caribbean Information Provider
Email: medprocomm AT email.com
sabagis AT hotmail.com

Visit St. Maarten/Saba Web Sites: www.mrstm.com, www.mssaba.com
For Caribbean Vacancies visit: www.caribbeanjobfair.com

- Sunday Oct 24 Saba Preliminary Damage Assessment - SabaGIS
  • From: "Roddy Heyliger" <heylrody AT sintmaarten.net>
  • Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 21:09:47 -0400
Press Release - Island Territory of Saba
Saba Government Information Service (SGIS)
Phone: (599) 04/63311, 63312, 63313
Contact Person: Roddy Heyliger, Communications Consultant/SGIS (St. Maarten
 Cell 92720; Phone/Fax (599 05) 43829)
E-Mail: sabagis AT hotmail.com

For Immediate Release: Sunday October 24 1999
Number of Pages Faxed:

Saba Reports Close to Naf.300,000 in Damages

Lt. Governor of the Island Territory of Saba Antoine Solagnier, states that
a preliminary assessment shows that there is close to Naf.300,000 in
damages caused by Hurricane Jose.  A final assessment is expected on Monday
and this will be forwarded to the Federal Government for possible
reconstruction and development aid.  Solagnier says that part of the
damages can be covered by the Island Government, but external assistance
will be needed.

Members of the Executive Council on Sunday met with Governor General Jaime
Saleh, Prime Minister Suzy Camelia-Romer, and Minister of Finance Russell
Voges.  The aforementioned delegation visited the island to assess the
damage.  Members of the Executive Council briefed the delegation about the

The road leading to the Fort Bay Harbour is closed to vehicular traffic due
to the threat of landslides.  On Sunday the Fire Department was busy
washing down some of the rocks from the hillside which pose a threat of
coming down at a later stage.

The Fire Department will continue with its assignment on Monday and
according to the Lt. Governor/Chief of Police Antoine Solagnier, hopefully
the road will be open to vehicular traffic by Monday afternoon.  Damages to
this area is estimated at Naf.30,000 which also includes the Recreational
Building at the harbour.

Commissioner of Port Affairs Will Johnson says that an alternative road to
the harbour is needed as can be seen from the events caused by Hurricane
Jose.  Johnson says that this alternative road must be seriously looked

Another area that has been damaged is the Well's Bay Road where a wall was
washed away.  The Juancho Yrausquin Airport has Naf.150,000 in damages.  An
embankment near the apron as well as a fence was washed away.  The airport
however is open to commercial traffic.

There is an amount of sedimentation built up behind the Capt. L.A.I. Chance
Pier.  An amount of Naf.75,000 has been budgeted to dredge this area behind
the pier before it is washed to the inside of pier causing a hazard to
maritime traffic.  Their may also be damage some damage to the inside of
the Fishermen's Wharf as well as to the inside of the Chance Pier.

There was a number of landslides in The Bottom as well as in the village of
Hell's Gate.  Part of the road network was blocked, but later cleared by
the Public Works Department.

The tourism infrastructure is ok according to the Director of Tourism Glenn
Holm.  Their was some minor flooding which has already been taken care of.

Electricity and telecommunications is up and running.  Saba GEBE Manager
Dexter Johnson stated on Sunday that lightning had struck a transformer
which knocked out the electricity, but this was repaired by GEBE personnel.

Commissioner Johnson added that during the past days the island received 18
to 191/2 inches of rain.  "Jugglars Pool in Rendevouz was full and
overflowing.  It formed a lake and attracted tourists and medical students
to the site.  Back in 1955 we had the Alice flood which brought with it in
four hours 24 inches of rain," Johnson stated.

Antoine Solagnier says that he would like to thank the personnel of the
Department of Public Works, the Marines as well as the Fire Department and
residents for their roles in the orderly preparation before the hurricane
and the clean-up thereafter.

The Governor General's delegation was given an island tour with the
exception of the harbour area.  The delegation was also accompanied by the
National Disaster Coordinator as well as a Military representative.

Roddy Heyliger
Communications Consultant - Information Provider
Email: medprocomm AT hotmail.com
sabagis AT hotmail.com
Visit St. Maarten/Saba Web Sites: www.mrstm.com, www.mssaba.com
For Caribbean Vacancies visit: www.caribbeanjobfair.com

- Friday Oct 22 - 2.15pm
  • From: "Roddy Heyliger" <heylrody AT sintmaarten.net>
  • Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 14:11:14 -0400
THE BOTTOM, SABA - The Lt. Governor of the Island Territory of Saba Antoine
Solagnier, has advised residents not to go out driving due to the
torrential rain fall.  The heavy rains could result in landslides.

Those persons who need to go out are advised to drive with extreme caution
due to low visibility in the villages of Hell's Gate, Windwardside and St.

Emergency services have been busy on Friday with the restoration of
electricity to certain homes that didn't have any.

The island has been experiencing thunderstorms and lightning with high
gusty winds since Thursday night.  One resident said that the winds were
higher than the night before.

The majority of business on Saba are close.

Roddy Heyliger
Communications Consultant - Information Provider
Email: medprocomm AT hotmail.com
sabagis AT hotmail.com
Visit St. Maarten/Saba Web Sites: www.mrstm.com, www.mssaba.com
For Caribbean Vacancies visit: www.caribbeanjobfair.com

- No Damage Reported on Saba
  • From: "R Heyliger" <sabagis AT hotmail.com>
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 17:14:31 PDT
THE BOTTOM, SABA - Lt. Governor Antoine Solagnier made a preliminary 
assessment of the situation on the island Thursday morning and reports that 
their has been no structural damage on the island.
On Friday it will be business as usual for the private sector.  The tourism 
infrastructure did not suffer any damage and is intact.

Tree branches, traffic signs and some stones littered certain parts of the 
island due to the high gusty winds on Wednesday afternoon and evening.

Restoration of Electrcity Ongoing
Work crews from GEBE are busy with restoring electricity and the Governor is 
hoping that by the end of the day (Thursday) that all residents would have 
electricity.  The Fire Department is accompanying the crews as a safety 
measure as they go from village to village checking the high and low tension 

The island did not any telecommunication problems based on a preliminary 
assessment up to now.  All phones are in working condition.

The Airport Terminal Building at the Juancho Yrausquin Airport was not 
damaged.  Preparations will be made to have the airport open for Friday 
morning.  Pending weather conditions on Friday, the first commercial flights 
may be able to land.

Heavy seas continue to pound the Capt. L.A.I. Chance Pier as well as the 
Fishermen's Wharf at the Fort Bay Harbour.  According to the Lt. Governor, 
the possibility exist that some sedimentation may have occured inside the 
harbour, but this could not be fully assessed due to the rough seas.

Hurricane Emergency Centers
The Emergency Centers were closed at 12midnight last night (Thursday).  
Personnel manning the centers were also sent home and the Governor would 
like to thank those who assisted.

School and Government Offices
Normal school service will resume on Monday.  Government Offices are closed 
on Friday as it is a holiday for government employees.  The offices will be 
open at regular office hours on Monday.

Wednesday Night Weather Conditions
According to Lt. Governor Antoine Solagnier, the villages of Hell's Gate and 
Windwardside experienced sustained wind speeds of over 35 miles per hour 
with gusts to 50 miles per hour or higher.  The wind speeds in the villages 
of St. John's and The Bottom were not bad when compared to the two other 

Roddy Heyliger - Information Provider
Saba Government Information Service SGIS
Email: sabagis AT hotmail.com
Web Site Saba News: www.mssaba.com

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

- Tuesday Oct 19 Advisory 1 - SabaGIS
  • From: "Roddy Heyliger" <heylrody AT sintmaarten.net>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 20:39:07 -0400
Press Release - Island Territory of Saba
Saba Government Information Service (SGIS)
Phone: (599) 04/63311, 63312, 63313
Contact Person: Roddy Heyliger, Communications Consultant/SGIS (St. Maarten
 Cell 92720; Phone/Fax (599 05) 43829)
E-Mail: sabagis AT hotmail.com

Advisory 1
For Immediate Release: Tuesday October 19 1999/8.00pm
Number of Pages Faxed:

Saba Well Prepared for Hurricane Jose

Lt. Governor Antoine Solagnier reports that Saba is well prepared for
Hurricane Jose.  "Everyone is better prepared than last year.  The level of
attention is higher," Solagnier points out.  The National Hurricane
Committee met on Tuesday morning to discuss the approaching Hurricane and a
plan of action.

The Department of Public Works (DOW) throughout Tuesday started to close up
Government Buildings.  This action will continue and be completed on
Wednesday morning.  The Terminal Building at the Juancho Yrausquin Airport
has been boarded up and all telecommunications and air traffic control
equipment secured.  All vessels with the exception of one dive boat at the
Fort Bay Harbour have been taken out of the water or have sought shelter

The Lt. Governor is advising all residents to only go outside on Wednesday
if necessary.  Those who have not completed their hurricane preparations in
relation to 
boarding up their homes should do so early Wednesday morning.  The
Department of Public Works will be making their final preparations in
relation to the final approach of Hurricane Jose.

Governor to Address the Nation
Lt. Governor Antoine Solagnier will be addressing the people of Saba on
Wednesday October 20 on the local Radio Station PJF-1 93.9 FM pertaining to
the approaching hurricane.  Solagnier will at that time provide additional
information to the residents of Saba.  Residents are asked to stay tuned as
the time for the national address is not yet known.

Emergency Hurricane Shelters
Emergency Hurricane Shelters will be open from Wednesday morning at 10.00am
 They will be manned by two marines.  On Tuesday the shelters were prepared
and stocked with medical and other supplies.

The Governor has established an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at his
Residence in The Bottom.  A satellite telecommunications system has already
been set up and is functioning.

A contingent of 13-Dutch Marines arrived on the island on Tuesday just by
coincidence.  They were on another assignment, but will be used to man the
EOC, and the Emergency Hurricane Shelters.  

The decision to bring in additional Police or other support personnel from
various branches of Government or other bodies according to Solagnier will
be made at a later stage.  Otherwise everything is ready and all
preparations have been made. 	

Roddy Heyliger
Communications Consultant - Information Provider
Email: medprocomm AT hotmail.com
sabagis AT hotmail.com
Visit St. Maarten/Saba Web Sites: www.mrstm.com, www.mssaba.com
For Caribbean Vacancies visit: www.caribbeanjobfair.com

- Sunday Sept 12
  • From: "Roddy Heyliger" <heylrody AT sintmaarten.net>
  • Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1999 16:51:13 -0400
Sunday Sept 12
Hi folks,
The Island Territory of Saba has been experiencing Hurricane Floyds feeder
bands especially today Sunday.  The wind is out of the South and up until
3pm all regular Winair flights were cancelled due to cross winds at the
Juancho Yrausquin Airport, Flat Point.  On Friday and Saturday all four
daily flights landed as usual.

Reports coming from the Fort Bay Harbour on Sunday afternoon indicate very
rough seas due to the Southerly winds.  It was reported from the Harbour
Master's Office that none of the local fishermen nor dive operators took
out their boats as a precaution.  However the Sea Rescue Foundation did
take out their vessel.

Overall Weather Conditions
The island has been receiving some small showers over the weekend.  On
Saturday evening the winds became more gusty and shifted to the South and
has been so throughout Sunday.  Their was some thunder and lightning
Saturday evening as well as thick fog.  

Roddy Heyliger
Communications Consultant
Email: medprocomm AT hotmail.com
sabagis AT hotmail.com
For Saba News: www.antilleannews.net
For Caribbean Vacancies visit: www.caribbeanjobfair.com

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