[IMG: Luis; Credit: Norm Nelson, Bermuda Biological Station for Research - http://www.bbsr.edu/Weather/]

The Caribbean Hurricane Page

Updates from the Islands

- - Dominican Republic - -

- lennny
  • From: "Luis González Fabra" <l.gonzalez AT codetel.net.do>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 08:36:35 -0600
    Los domicanos respiramos tranquilos despues que el huracán Lenny desvío su curso y enfiló hacia Puerto Rico tocando muy levemente, casi de manera imperceptible,  las cosas sureñas de  la República Dominicana. Las lluvias previas al huracán, sin embargo,  hicieron bastante daño, causando destrucción de viviendas ubicadas en lugares cercanos a los rios y en oos barrios más pobres de la ciudad de Santo Domingo, donde hubo derrumbes que  provocaron el traslado de algunas familias a lugares más seguros.

- Ref: Hurr. Lenny, statement
  • From: "joaquin tamberg" <j.tamberg AT codetel.net.do>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 22:27:55 -0800
There are things which are not supposed to exist but they do. Who ever would
have thought that in November a Catg,4 Hurricane would built up and on top
of this moving from west to east. It looks to me that nature also had to do
something out of the line before the change of the millenium. Just to be
remebered and indeed it will be remembered.

Here in the Dominican Republic we have been rather lucky to have been spared
by this Hurricane,but we all are feeling with all those people on the
Leeward Islands, who are in the misfortune to get always  hit either from
the  east and also from the west. This is unbelievable. As a ham radio
operator I was following every movement being unable to hear on the band now
the Leeward Islands being in skip with them. I only wish we could help some.
I take this opportunity to thank all the Hurricane-watch net members for
their magnificent work in providing information and sending warnings in
time, to have people prepare themselves for such disasters in time to keep
losses as low as possible. Let me express thanks to the stations as K0IND
Don, PJ8DM, K5 MP Mike,WB2DGL Joe and many others being unable to mention
them all, but there are many many operators, who are spending days and
nights, to serve the affected areas.I am sure all of us will also be there
in the future to help ease natural disasters.
Lets keep it up.
Joaquin Tamberg HI8JT

  • From: "Alamo, S.A." <alamo AT codetel.net.do>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 14:28:58 -0400
It's Tuesday, 2:12 PM Dominican Republic Time.  As yet we have not felt the torrential rains which were and are still being announced by most media.
Yesterday, Supermarkets and gasoline stations were overcrowded and people were making provisions as though a major hurricane was going to hit the island.   I, however, am quite optimistic that we will be spared.  It's enlightening to see that people are becoming more conscientious as to the disasters brought about by hurricanes.  The media are warning the people  specially those who live near rivers and falls.   The dams were opened to eliminate water pressure which caused much damage in the past,  shelters have been duly habilitated and, if nought else, Lenny is serving as a drill against future phenomena.
I am keeping my fingers crossed and am most anxious about our sister island, Puerto Rico.
Rose Lotfi
Santo Domingo, D.R.

- Lenni
  • From: Guillermo Vanderlinde <gevanderlinde AT yahoo.com>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 09:13:31 -0800 (PST)
Everything is very quite here in Santo Domingo.
Acording with the prediccions should have bee a lot of
rain falling, but so far it haven't . There was more
rain the two days before yesterday than today.
will be arround

Guillermo van der Linde
gevanderlinde AT yahoo.com
vanderlinde AT pucmm.edu.do
Do You Yahoo!?
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- Cloudly morning
  • From: Giancarlo Marucci <m.toro AT codetel.net.do>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 08:19:08 -0400
Una sorprendente mañana en Santo Domingo.
Desde ayer hemos estado esperenado a Lenny y todavía no ha dado signos
de vida.
La presión se ha mantenido en 1003 mb desde anoche a las 11 pm, signos
de que no hay acercamiento.
Es impresionante porque desde la costa se ve el inmenso cúmulo de nubes
y aqui no hay ningún signo, parece un dia normal.
El gobierno a diferencia de Georges ha estado sobre la situación, lo
cual es bastante positivo aun si no ocurre nada.
Esperamos lluvias y vientos de tormenta tropical esta tarde pero por lo
visto Lenny va a pasar a nuestro lado como si no quieisera dejarse ver.

- Re: [HURR] - Lenny
  • From: "Daryoush & Ann Fanaian" <d.fenaian AT codetel.net.do>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 07:04:49 -0500
Dear Gert and all
I didn't think I'd report this year...but here it goes.
People here are not fed up, in fact, they are taking many more precautions
than last year at the imminent arrival of George's.
We feel more confident with authorities who have seriously decided to tackle
any inconvenience which might arise due to the torrential rains and/or
Of course, we feel Lenny will not hit Dominican Republic, but what do you
know about hurricanes, specially this one which is so weird coming in
All communities in the southern part of the country are taking precautionary
measures, including evacuations since yesterday in the Barahona province.
We will keep you posted.
Ann Hoff-Fanaian
Santiago, Dominican Republic

- hello again
  • From: victor russo <vrusso AT oscarbbs.com>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 10:22:12 -0400
Que tarea mas incomoda,salir por estos medios,solo cuando la ira de los
Dioses desatan su furia al traves
de la maravillosa Madre Naturaleza,el año pasado estuve por aqui
antes,durante y despues que George despiadadamente nos ataco.
Estamos en Republica Dominicana y nos satisfizo llevar las informaciones

de los seres queridos de todas las latitudes que estaban en nuestro
pais,contestamos unos 130 e-mail y el llevar tranquilidad al traves de
estos medios fue realmente tonificante.
De nuevo la temporada, esta en nuestras aguas Atlanticas,esperamos que
esta vez solo sea de miedo y nervios porque NO pasaran por ninguna
isla,tampoco el continente americano.Desde ya Saludos al eficiente
GERT(no, al huracan)y por aqui a las ORDENES.!!!  Victor Russo

vrusso AT oscarbbs.com
vmrusso AT hotmail.com

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