[IMG: Luis; Credit: Norm Nelson, Bermuda Biological Station for Research - http://www.bbsr.edu/Weather/]

The Caribbean Hurricane Page

Updates from the Islands

- - The Bahamas - -

Map of the Bahamas (from Excite Maps)

Wondering about friends or family? Unfortunately I am unable to answer all the e-mail at this point of time. You can now post your plea for help on the Caribbean Hurricane Page Bulletin Board.
Do you have any info about the situation on the Bahamas? Please, forward it to me at gert@gobeach.com Also, check out the Bulletin Board. Let's try to help each other out! No news is bad news! Thanks, Gert

More Bahamas news at BahamasNet. Abaco Is. updates can also be found at: Abaco's Community Message Board. Note that you should not, I repeat, not post your plea for help on that message board. They are running in emergency mode and allow only 'new' information provided by ham radio operators and other first-hand reports. Please, post your plea for help on my board. Really, this is serious! Thanks, Gert

More recent reports can be found on another page.

- Briland Modem: Any Messages for Briland, 10/17?
  • From: Kimberly King-Burns <kkingburns AT convergenz.com>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 13:55:04 -0700
Please forward any important messages that any of you would like me to take down to the island next week. I'll be checking e-mail at info AT convergenz.com until Sunday noon [PST].

I'll be returning on the 24th, and will bring back any necessary responses at that time.

Regards --

Briland Modem
News & Information for North Eleuthera and Harbour Island, Bahamas
[It's much better in the Out Islands.]

- Briland Modem: Attention, Beachfront Owners
  • From: Kimberly King-Burns <kkingburns AT convergenz.com>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 13:52:29 -0700
To All Beachfront Owners:

The heavy equipment will be on the beach on Thursday October 21st. Property owners who want to participate should send a $2,500,00 deposit (to be applied against hourly expenditures as described in previous correspndence) made out toCARIBBEAN LANDSCAPE. LTD. People in the U.S. should send their checks to:

William E. Law
909 Fox Ridge Place
Wilmington, N.C. 28405

Bill must receive your check no later than next Thursday. He will take them over 10/22 and release them once he has verified that they are up and running. People on the island should communicate directly with Robert Myers at Caribbean Landscaping. 242 377 1149

Briland Modem
News & Information for North Eleuthera and Harbour Island, Bahamas
[It's much better in the Out Islands.]

- Re: Guana Cay
  • From: RUIZAMC AT aol.com
  • Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 22:25:21 EDT
Just a quick note to let everyone know that Lynn and I will be flying over 
the 15th for a quick weekend to sum up some things on the Cay.... Vince & 
Cheryl due to arrive here in the states on the 14th for a much needed break.  
 Annette & Bill came over yesterday and will be leaving for Canada in a day 
or two via automobile.   Leanne has her heart on staying in Ft. Lauderdale 
currently looking for a job, car, etc... Donna & Charles Sands were here in 
the states then went back to the Cay.  

Power was restored to various parts of the cay at 1:00 AM Monday or Tuesday 
morning not sure of the day... I've had insomnia lately...  Plans for the 
beautification are a go and any recommendations regarding agriculture, 
landscape ideas would help the cay.

Thanks for your continued support.

much love,


- Briland Modem: Harbour Island Club & Marina [12 October]
  • From: Kimberly King-Burns <kkingburns AT convergenz.com>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 11:33:35 -0700
The Harbour Island Club & Marina sustained damage during Hurricane Floyd, most if it to the dock, but the damage was far from what it might have been. While the dock boards were heavily damaged, most of the pilings remain in place, which will help hasten our return to service, which we are beginning immediately. The west roof of the bar and grill was blown away but it is more than 50% repaired at the moment, and should be completly within a week or two.

Additionally, our new kitchen addition is progressing nicely and will be ready for the coming season.
We are looking forward to our opening with all new state of the art pedestals with all new electric and water systems as well as the addition of cable TV. At the moment the opening date is undetermined, but we are aiming for early to mid December, and we will likely be open for the Millennium. Repairs will begin within 3 to 4 days. We will be back with you in about two weeks with a definite opening date. We would like to thank all of our customers from the past and look forward to seeing all of you, as well as newcomers, in the not too distant future.

Richard Ament

Briland Modem
News & Information for North Eleuthera and Harbour Island, Bahamas
[It's much better in the Out Islands.]

- Briland Modem: Harbour Island Beach Wall Report, Cost Calculations
  • From: Kimberly King-Burns <kkingburns AT convergenz.com>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 09:11:33 -0700
Dear Homeowners and Friends of the Beach,

On Tuesday, October 5, 1999, a small group of homeowners met with Keith Bishop, an engineer from Nassau, Dr. Kevin Bodge, a coastal engineer from Jacksonville, who specializes in Caribbean beaches, and Robert Myers from Caribbean Landscaping. I apologize to those of you who were not contacted about the meeting but time was of the essence and we tried to get the word out as best we could on short notice. We, of course, had no official standing, and we are not seeking any.

Dr. Bodge walked the beach and is preparing a comprehensive report, which I will forward as soon as I receive it. The recommendations were to begin a uniform approach to the entire beach consisting essentially of shaving the areas where sand has begun to rebuild along the water line and pushing it up against the dune line. The dunes will then, of course need to be revegitated as quickly as possible. A number of artificial construction stabilization alternatives were discussed. (It should be noted that there are people trying to sell everything from seawalls at $1,500.00 per foot to long plastic tubes filled with sand, to huge sandbags.) The engineers felt strongly that the best any of these alternatives will accomplish is to buy an extra hour or two during a severe hurricane. The worst is that they will be completely useless and substantially increase the erosion process.

Obviously, there are certain homes that need to be shored up immediately or they will fall onto the beach. I am not an engineer (however I do make a living by occasionally cross-examining and terrorizing them) and cannot tell you anything more than my impression that these people made sense. Everyone seems to agree that we need to do something now. However, this same sense of urgency is leading some people on the beach to begin projects on their own. In this regard, Mr. Bishop informed us that we are required to obtain a permit from Nassau for anything we do as there are environmental laws in effect that prohibit projects that are not sanctioned by the government. We all groaned simultaneously at the prospect of a long drawn out bureaucratic quagmire and Mr. Bishop informed us that he believed that the Prime Minister is prepared to issue a permit immediately. A meeting was scheduled on Friday with the Prime Minister. I believe that Dr. Bodge's report was to have been presented at that meeting.

Everyone on the island is of course entitled to disagree with Dr. Bodge's conclusions and recommendations. All of us want to act quickly to restore the beach and protect our homes. In this regard I simply do not know what to tell you. Neither I nor anyone else present at the meeting is anxious to take the lead or make it appear like we are trying to force a solution on any of our neighbors. We are open to all suggestions and would like to hear them immediately. This letter is simply an attempt to report to everyone what has transpired to date.

The proposal on the table now would require a payloader and a bulldozer to be brought in from Nassau. The description and cost of the project is outlined in a letter/proposal from Robbie Meyers and a terrific cost estimator done by Don Taylor. I am attaching both to this letter. Please note that if you elect to participate you will be billed based upon the time spent on your property. Everyone's problems are a little different and it would appear to be the only fair way of doing it. The more people that participate, the more effective the restoration will be. That means that any one who wants to sign up should immediately try and convince his neighbors on either side to sign up. A uniformly restored dune is the goal we should all strive for. Nature will restore our beach. It will also restore our dune. Unfortunately, dune restoration is measured in geologic time.

We already have a significant number of commitments from property owners along the beach. Assuming the Prime Minister gives us the permit those of us who agree on the approach outlined above intend to get started immediately. If you want to participate, Mr. Myers has requested a deposit of $2,500.00 per property. I will be setting up an account with the Royal Bank of Canada on Monday to handle these deposits. I would propose that we release the deposit money when the equipment hits the beach. It is imperative that Mr. Myers we receives a sufficient number commitments immediately so that he can mobilize the machinery and get it over to the island.

Please feel free to call or e-mail me (Brilander AT aol.com) with your thoughts and positions. Cost questions should be addressed to Robert Myers (242-377-1149). Engineering and Permit questions should be addressed to Keith Bishop (242-394-5544, e-mail eia AT bahamas.net.bs) An effective way of communicating with a large number of people is to post your comments on Briland.com. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,
Howard L. Siegel


TEL (301) 738-1314
FAX (301) 738-3709
E-mail: Brilander AT aol.com
  • Attachment: Don Taylor's Beachwall Cost Calculations.doc

  • Briland Modem
    News & Information for North Eleuthera and Harbour Island, Bahamas
    [It's much better in the Out Islands.]

    - New Challenge
    • From: BDavis545 AT aol.com
    • Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 10:10:55 EDT
    New challenge:
    Billie and I arrived from Abaco last night.  What a mess; we took over a 
    donated ambulance, fully equipped for Northern Abaco.  What a blessing it was 
    for us.  The ambulance was donated by AMR and friends fully supplied it.  The 
    need was great for it in Abaco.  We have sent over 20 planeloads and 1 
    truckload of supplies since Floyd.  We have another truck going down next 
    week.  The islands are coming back slowly but the need is still great; homes 
    gone, lives changed.
    On Saturday morning Billie and I started on the north of Abaco and went south 
    village by village giving toys to children, hundreds.  Although it made us 
    feel good to see the joy on the faces, I cannot for the life of me see how 
    they can still smile.
    Our home is 85% gone but we were insured; I just hate to do it all over 
    again.  Billie and I plan to spend the rest of the year raising money and 
    supplies for the communities that were hit the worst.
    My family and friends are still sending supplies, primarily to the North.  We 
    have sent over approximately 20 planeloads of supplies-mostly foodstuff and 
    chain saws.  One truckload of food and clothes and one load with medical 
    supplies.  The ambulance we received from AMR was fully equipped.  Major 
    needs are for EMERGENCY MEDICAL SUPPLIES,   all over the Abacos.  We sent two 
    life packs, one for Cooper's Town and one for Marsh Harbour plus back boards, 
    splints, gauge, tape, soap, bleach, saves, lotions, washing products, library 
    books and toys.  Fr Ken Mackenzie and wife Mary are distributing the majority 
    of the non medical items to the north of Abaco.
    A joy was provided to Billie and I as we passed out toys, hundreds, from 
    Crown Haven to Blackwood.  We also offloaded carloads of supplies to several 
    families in Blackwood, and Cooper's Town and Hope Town.  One child looked up 
    and said "For me?  For me?"  I plan to make another trip at the end of this 
    week with a new load of mostly clothes and shoes.  Building materials are 
    finding their way to the needy by the government and others.
    My next project is to get a FIRETRUCK for Cooper's Town and another Ambulance 
    for the south of Marsh Harbour.  In addition, we plan to organize a major 
    crusade to get textbooks and computers into the schools.  DO NOT THROW OUT 
    YOUR OLD 286, 386 OR 486 get them to me and I will get them repaired.  We 
    will need hundreds.  Textbooks and library books are a major priority.  (If 
    the building is still standing), that does not mean the water did no damage; 
    books are wet, we need them all.
    I cannot sit at the computer and type to keep the word going forth.  If you 
    can help, please advise.  Besides those items that will come in naturally, I 
    would like to organize for BOOKS, COMPUTERS, AND A FIRETRUCK.  
    WANNA HELP, SEND ME AN EMAIL.  I am looking for someone to work at the desk 
    and computer work while I go ask companies for things.
    Billy Davis

    - Eleuthera info
    • From: "Gene & Dolly " <seagrace AT together.net>
    • Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 17:38:14 -0400
    Hi there!
    Just a "thank you " for the pictures of our house.  They meant a lot.   
    We returned from Gov. Harbour last night.  The house suffered 
    severely, but the insurance adjustor has been very efficient and we 
    should have a check within ten days.  Work is scheduled when supplies
    Gov. Harbour has power to all areas in town and some out lying
    areas.  Electric employees are working around the clock literally. 
    Telephone service is being restored on a daily basis. Most of GH 
    has service now, as does Cupid's Cay. Water & electric was 
    suppose to be on today in areas around Balera Bay north of GH. 
     Buccaneer Club in GH and Mate and Jenny's in Point is now open
    for business. Pam's (GH) will be open this weekend for food. The grocery
    store downtown and Cathy and Sidney's store are open and well stocked.
    We were very impressed at how well everyone is doing!  All
    are pitching in to clean up, and supply boats are coming in
    on a daily basis!  Very upbeat people!  
    If anyone has specific questions, please pass them on to me.
    I'll answer them the best I can. We toured from Hatchet Bay to Rock
    Sound.  (Although with phone service back, communication is much easier!
    Gene & Dolly Bisson  "SEAGRACE HOUSE"  GH

    - gregorytown
    • From: " Bill Sandlin" <wsandlin AT texas.net>
    • Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 21:32:25 -0500
    gregorytown survived basically intact, at least not as bad as
    andrew.however the primary school was severely damaged. government is
    trying to close it down. help is needed to repair, rebuild, and resupply.if
    anyone wants to help send a check to gregorytown primary schoolp.t.a. c/o
    kay sandlin p.o.box 124 weir, texas 78674 it would be much appreciated.
    thanks kay cartwright, pam thompson, gladys thompson,eva thompson, rebecca
    courtemarche, ocelia daniels,and valencia thompson officers:gregorytown
    primary p.t.a. 

    - Pls Postb
    • From: Justin <justin AT ics-vcr.com>
    • Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 21:09:52 -0700
    If you could give the following some space on your site, i would be most
    Elbow Cay, Abaco, Bahamas  was hit very, very hard by Hurricane Floyd.
    Over 30% of homes
    were destroyed or seriously damaged. the Bahamian Government has
    declared Elbow
    Cay as one of the areas most affected by this terrible storm.
    We need YOUR your financial support to help rebuild the island. PLEASE
    every little donation counts !
    Please send what ever you can afford to :-
    The Hope Town Association Relief Fund
    c/o Royal Bank of Canada,
    Miami Agency,
    801 Brickell Avenue
    Suite 2100
    Miami, Florida 33131
    or send by bank wire transfer to:
    Royal Bank of  Canada
    Miami, Florida
    ABA # 066010694
    Account:  The Hope Town Association Relief Fund
    Account # 100-321-9
    Thank-you,  by your generosity, you can guarantee that you will have
    made a difference.

    - abaco updte from Doug Evans (fwd)
    • From: Gert van Dijken <gert AT vandijken.com>
    • Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 21:00:31 -0400 (EDT)
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 14:28:46 EDT
    From: BDavis545 AT aol.com
    Subject: abaco updte from Doug Evans
    I agree with you 110%.
    What is not being shown or noted is the quality construction that we do
    in Abaco.   Our houses are beautiful.  Our houses are strong.  Our
    codes have always far exceeded those in Florida.   Many houses are built
    exceed the local codes.  The damage to well built homes has been mainly
    minor (shingles, eves and gutters).
    A big problem was tree damage and debris.  But, clean up continues and
    communities are well along the road to getting back to normal.   What is
    being reported in the strong sense of community.  For example,  the entire
    able bodied community of Great Guana Cay  has been doing community work
    every day from 7am to 11am.
    I am also very pleased to report a return to green.  The leaves have
    to come back and the bush is starting to recover its lush green.
    Doug Evans 

    - Have you seen the Phoenix??
    • From: BDavis545 AT aol.com
    • Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 08:18:30 EDT
    If you have seen the Phoenix, I need the picture.  Please send to me or email 
    me the location.  While I am in Abaco this week I will take it's  picture and 
    post for all to see.  LOOK FOR THE PHOENIX.  This bird could be rising from 
    the foundation next door; he is fast so hurry.
    Billy Davis

    - Fr. MacKenzie has seen the Phoenix
    • From: BDavis545 AT aol.com
    • Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1999 08:10:27 EDT
    Have you seen the Phoenix?  I received this message from Fr. Ken:
    Bill you are right on to focus on the renovation efforts. We have seen great 
    progress since you were last here. People have collected and disposed of 
    trash (sometimes their former possessions in their homes) and are trying to 
    rebuild what they can. We have already spent some $7000 on building supplies 
    for all the folks up and down the line from Blackwood to Crown Haven, and 
    they need more. Soon replacement of things like refrigerators, etc., will be 
    an issue. We have 3 folks who need a whole new house, but most of our people 
    can rebuild where they are. The government has collected around $800,000 in 
    donations, but like all bureaucracies, are still trying to figure out how to 
    spend it. Meanwhile we just keep praying and building. Please contact us when 
    you arrive and we would love to meet your wife. Next week promises to be as 
    busy as the ones preceding it, but we would not be any place else right now. 
    We will try to track down the things that come over this weekend. God bless 
    you, Mary and Fr. Ken

    - The Phoenix
    • From: BDavis545 AT aol.com
    • Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1999 21:50:55 EDT
    Like the Phoenix Bird rising from the ashes, Abaco is rebuilding fast.
    Billie, my wife and I are leaving Atlanta for Palm Beach with an ambulance 
    for shipment on Tuesday.  Then, on to Abaco with the many supplies provided 
    by displaced Abaconians in Atlanta.
    When in Abaco this week, I plan to check on our house, and then spend my time 
    taking pictures.
    I will not be taking Hurricane Photos.  I will be showing that Abaco is 
    coming back.  I realize that we must continue raising money and supplies but 
    we also must begin turning the public perception away from a Paradise waiting 
    for a Storm.  My personal crusade will be to show the strength and beauty of 
    the Abaconians with positive photos.
    On Friday we will be presenting the ambulance to the Clinic in Copper's Town 
    and meeting with the Director of Emergency Medical Services from Nassau.
    I will be eager to show you rebuilding and positive attitudes on our web page 
    when I return.

    - Help Needed
    • From: BDavis545 AT aol.com
    • Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 23:07:42 EDT
          The relief effort to overcome the ravages of Hurricane Floyd is
    now underway and many people have helped in the recovery so far
    but more needs to be done. Too often, after the media has stopped
    coverage, people forget the extent of the disaster.
          Anyone who has been involved in the aftermath of a major
    hurricane knows that relief must go on long after the media concern
    stops. Before this happens again and relief slips to the back of public
    awareness we need to appeal for volunteer action and set in place
    funding for relief efforts that can be accessed until a full recovery
    has been made.  The many people devastated by Hurricane Floyd
    will need help for the better part of a year and simple donations will
    wain in that time.
          Raffle/lotto sales can continue for the years that funding
    will be needed. Proceeds from these sales can reach hundreds of
    thousands and perhaps to the millions if the prizes are plentiful and
    the network of volunteers is in place.
          For example:  If just the original recipients of this e-mail buy
    ticket a week from now until Christmas we will raise over $50,000.
    If they will each sell 5tickets per week we will raise $250,000.
    If each will recruit 5 others to sell 5per week we will raise
    $1,250,000 before this Christmas. You can make the difference.
       The first step has been provided by The Christopher Foundation.
    They are making raffles available to groups and individuals
    seeking funds for hurricane relief. These Raffle Ticket Sales provide
    the incentive of a valuable tax deduction plus a valuable prize
    (a one-week condominium vacation) for helping a cause that the
    buyer is already inclined to support. The Relief Raffle can be the
    catalyst that loosens up the purse strings to turn concern into
    dollars-$$$. Forward this e-mail to everyone you know!
         Buy tickets, sell tickets &/or recuit volunteers.
    Raffle tickets and details are available  AT  1(407) 982-2575 or
    Billy Davis

    - San Sal Report
    • From: Gail Carew <carewG AT loki.cofc.edu>
    • Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 20:57:40 -0400
    > > >Here is a synopsis of the damage on San Sal.  Feel free to forward to
    > > >anybody you like.
    > > >
    > > >Sept  17-21, a team of five researchers, lead by Doug Gamble, surveyed
    > > >damage on San Salvador from Hurricane Floyd.  Overall, given the size
    > > >and intensity of Floyd, the damage on San Salvador was less than
    > > >reported and expected.  There were NO FATALITIES OR INJURIES.  Below is
    > > >a summary of damage to the island.
    > > >
    > > >*Bahamian Field Station: The worst damage was to faculty storage.
    > > >Windows were blown out and rain blew into the building.  The T building
    > > >sustained minimum damage, loosing a vent on the roof and screens on the
    > > >wet lab.  Two windows were blown out of the dromitory.  The snack shop
    > > >survived with screens intact.  Only one coconut tree survives along the
    > > >road between the dorm and the snack shop.  All other buildings recieved
    > > >minimal or no damage.  A door was blown of the pumphouse and cracked a
    > > >PVC pipe to the water storage tanks.  Two-thirds of the water in one
    > > >tank was lost and at the time of departure, there was decreased pump
    > > >capacity.  Due to this damage, limited freshwater was available to
    > > >island residents.  As many know Kenny and Don were off island during
    > > >Hurricane Floyd.  Tom Gossen, Gordon's replacement, did an excellent job
    > > >of preparing for Floyd and leading rebuilding efforts.  Tom should be
    > > >commended for his efforts.
    > > >
    > > >*Airport: No visible damage.  In fact, I haven't been to the island
    > > >since last December, so it seemed the airport grew during the hurricane.
    > > >
    > > >*Club Med: Extensive loss of shingles from roofs.  Chain link fence
    > > >around tennis court down, planks from dock missing but no structural
    > > >damage.  Evidence of flooding 100 yards from coast.  Construction crew
    > > >claimed will reopen in two weeks.  In short, minimal damage.
    > > >
    > > >*Riding Rock: Extensive damage.  Wave erosion destroyed sea wall and
    > > >side walk behind 'hotel', and villas.  Supports for porch 'missing' on
    > > >one side.  Extensive water damage in dining area.  Portion of roof blown
    > > >off bar.  Tree fell on two villas.  Workers claim Inn will be ready for
    > > >guests by the end of October.  Workers also claim the bar will be
    > > >expanded to encompass cement pad next bar and all work will be finished
    > > >in December.  Minimal damage to the Riding Rock Marina.  Docks broken up
    > > >and flooding on north end of Marina.
    > > >
    > > >*Cockburn Town:  Roof damage to church, museum, and old jail.  Much
    > > >rubble washed up on 'Iguana Square'.  Beach erosion caused structural
    > > >damage to several pink buildings near beach.  Some roof damage to
    > > >buildings down town.  Harlem Square stayed open for a party every night
    > > >during the hurricane.
    > > >
    > > >*Road along Fernandez Bay: Sea wall destroyed, portion of road
    > > >demolished and washed out.
    > > >
    > > >*UE and Lighthouse:  Minimal roof damage.
    > > >
    > > >*Interior: Salt spray damage but little downed vegetation.
    > > >
    > > >*I talked to Bernie about the well field near the airport, he said no
    > > >wells were lost, but power to one well was down for a while.
    > > >
    > > >*Snorkeled French Bay, Pigeon Creek, and Graham's Harbor.  Poor
    > > >visibility, but looked like minimal damage to marine life.  Lots of sand
    > > >washed up on banks of Pigeon Creek.
    > > >
    > > >*Very little damage on east side of island.
    > > >
    > > >Talk to you soon, and see you on San Sal in December.
    > > >
    > >
    > > >

    - It's Gooder in Guana!
    • From: RUIZAMC AT aol.com
    • Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 22:22:29 EDT
    Magic!   A bud begins to bloom.   That's when you know it will all grow back, 
    it's the cycle of life.   
            Great Guana Cay, Abaco Bahamas the island known for  the 3rd most 
    beautiful beach in the world along with the longest barrier reef and home to 
    the World Famous  "NIPPERS" bar&restaurant, who by the way, served a group of 
    tourist from England today on upper deck under one of those colorful  
    umbrellas overlooking the Atlantic.
      The sun is shinning the water variations of blue and the Beach!   Is 
    beautiful, absolutely beautiful the sand is white, white, white it's more 
    beach than I've ever seen exclaims "Johnny Roberts" owner of Nippers Bar & 
    Restaurant along with his wife and family.   It's prettier than I've ever 
    seen it.....
    Tell everyone Great Guana Cay has been working hard.  We have cleaned up the 
    front street and the paths to the beach.   I 'm back to the regular schedule 
    of running the Mosquito fogger as usual so Mosquitos are at a minimum.   
    Although the grass and bushes took a wind beating from Floyd.  We are seeing 
    the beginnings of new sprouts.  A sign of good things to come.   
    We had been told to cut down the trees that remained standing near power 
    poles by BEC.  Because of this the harbor looks barren.  However, we are 
    deciding  what types of plants or flower bushes to place where the Royal 
    Palms once stood.    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  
    Folks, we are here and wait for your company..... back  to the laying low in 
    Dolphin Beach Resort -  Open 
    Coco Paradise          -  Open 
    Nippers Bar & Restaurant  - Open    
    Fig Tree Liquor Store  -  Open   *check your vhf for times*
    Fig Tree    -  awaiting tourist to come by and sit for a spell.
    Barrier Reef -  awaiting tourist to come snorkel
    Beach  -       awaiting tourist to sun / tan and play
    It's better in the Bahamas but it's Gooder in Guana!

    - Orphanage on Cat Island
    • From: "Randy Blake" <yblake AT acadia.net>
    • Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 20:47:22 -0400
    Hi, Eric and Susanna Hall have just started building an orphange at Old Bight, Cat Island.  We have had news that they are fine and that the Chapel held strong through the storm. I was wondering how much damage there was on Cat Island. Does anyone have any news from there?            Yvonne Blake

    - abacogirl
    • From: Cheryl Christ <abacogirl AT yahoo.com>
    • Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 10:58:30 -0700 (PDT)
    Hi Gert,
    Vince and I are well.  It was an experience going thru
    the hurricane. The winds were clocked at over 219 mph
    for 2 minutes.  We cannont complain. We had only a few
    shingles off and one rain gutter. Lots of trees down.
    Our community is working hard to restore the island. 
    Harmony abound for us all.  Vince has been repairing
    generators, fixing tires and offering assistance where
    needed.  My ICU experience has been called upon.  I
    want to thank you for all your concerns. We needed
    those prayers.  There are about 10 houses down and in
    need of much repair or demolished.  It's chain saws by
    day and generators by night.  BEC delivered the
    electric poles today and cable and wiring. We have
    heard we may have power by the end of the week.  I
    will e-mail again when I get a chance. I happened to
    stop in Marsh Harbor today.
    Do You Yahoo!?
    Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

    - Briland Modem: Thank you!
    • From: Kimberly King-Burns <kkingburns AT convergenz.com>
    • Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 16:34:40 -0700
    A huge thank you goes out to all of you who have generously supported the Briland Modem Relief Fund.  For those of you who have inquired, all donations to the relief fund are fully U.S. tax-deductible, as the Briland Modem Relief Fund is in fact a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation.

    We've just received our first order for supplies from Gregory Higgs of Higgs Construction on Harbour Island for those specific repairs. The initial order for lumber, plywood, shingles, nails, tar paper and drywall materials comes to $17,450, the at-cost estimate we have received from Palm Beach Lumber.  We'd like to ship the emergency supplies via G&G shipping later this weekend, and anticipate your whole-hearted support.

    Please forward your donations to:
    Bank of America
    Briland Modem Relief Fund
    Account No. 21734 08237, ABA Wire No. 12100035-8
    Account address:
    255 North Pass Avenue, Toluca Lake CA 91505

    New Media Brokerage & Tech PR and Marketing Consultancy
    Guerrilla Marketing - Strategic Planning
    Public Relations - Corporate Communications
    10153 Riverside Drive - Suite 244 - Toluca Lake California 91602
    T: 818.761.5688 - F: 818.761.0024 - E:  info AT convergenz.com
    jFax: 661.761.9154 - eFax:  800.861.4606

    - Briland Modem Relief Fund - Harbour Island, Bahamas
    • From: Kimberly King-Burns <kkingburns AT convergenz.com>
    • Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 14:24:20 -0700
    For all of you who have generously asked about contributing to the Briland Modem Relief Fund, here's your chance to make your presence felt. 

    We've just received our first order for supplies from Gregory Higgs of Higgs Construction for repairs to be made to various general establishments on the island.   The initial order for lumber, plywood, shingles, nails, tar paper and drywall materials comes to $17,450.  We expect repair work to be ongoing for several construction companies and carpenters for the next few months, and appreciate your support.

    Please wire/mail your donations to:
    Bank of America
    Briland Modem Relief Fund
    Account No. 21734 08237, ABA Wire No. 12100035-8
    Account address:
    255 North Pass Avenue, Toluca Lake CA 91505

    The first shipment of supplies is being purchased through Palm Beach Lumber and shipped to Harbour Island via G&G Shipping in Dania, Florida.
    New Media Brokerage & Tech PR and Marketing Consultancy
    Guerrilla Marketing - Strategic Planning
    Public Relations - Corporate Communications
    10153 Riverside Drive - Suite 244 - Toluca Lake California 91602
    T: 818.761.5688 - F: 818.761.0024 - E:  info AT convergenz.com
    jFax: 661.761.9154 - eFax:  800.861.4606

    - Briland Modem Relief Fund - Harbour Island, Bahamas
    • From: Kimberly King-Burns <kkingburns AT convergenz.com>
    • Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 14:11:07 -0700
    For all of you who have generously asked about a Briland Relief Fun, here's your chance to make your presence felt.  We've just received our first order for supplies from Gregory Higgs of Higgs Construction for repairs to be made to various general establishments on the island.   We expect repair work to be ongoing for several construction companies and carpenters for the next few months, and appreciate your support.

    Please wire/mail your donations to:
    Bank of America
    Briland Modem Relief Fund
    Account No. 21734 08237, ABA Wire No. 12100035-8
    Account address:
    255 North Pass Avenue, Toluca Lake CA 91505

    The first shipment of supplies is being purchased through Palm Beach Lumber and shipped to Harbour Island via G&G Shipping in Dania, Florida.

    For the latest information, check out the Briland Modem:
    Island News & Information for North Eleuthera & Harbour Island, Bahamas
    E: <rum AT briland.com>
    much better in the Out Islands.]

    - Harbour Island Hotels: 27 September Update
    • From: Kimberly King-Burns <kkingburns AT convergenz.com>
    • Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 18:02:06 -0700
    Harbour Island sustained damage to both property and to its roads.
    Coral Sands Hotel
    The Coral Sands Hotel is closed until October 29th and sustained no damage. 
    All facilities will be available to guests. The beach sustained some 
    erosion and a beach bar was damaged.
    Ocean View Club
    The Ocean View Club is temporarily closed and will advise as to when it 
    intends to reopen.
    Romora Bay Hotel
    The Romora Bay Hotel is closed between September 7th and reopens September 
    30th. The hotel sustained little damage except to its landscaping.
    Dunmore Beach Hotel
    The Dunmore Beach Hotel is closed between July 8th and October 31st. The 
    hotel experienced no damage other than some trees being blown down and some 
    beach erosion.
    Pink Sands Hotel
    The Pink Sands Hotel is open but will close between October 1st and October 
    31st for its regular period of closure. The hotel sustained little damage 
    but there was some beach erosion.
    Runaway Hill Club
    The Runaway Hill Club is closed between September 16th and November 15th, 
    1999. The hotel sustained no reported damage.
    Tingum Village Hotel
    The Tingum Village Hotel is closed temporarily and will advise when it 
    intends to reopen.
    The Landing
    The Landing Hotel sustained some roof damage and is closed temporarily. 
    They will advise when it intends to reopen.
    Valentine's Resort
    The Valentine's Resort has extended its regular seasonal closing from 
    October 31st until January 15th 2000. The hotel sustained limited damage 
    and the dock will need to be repaired.
    For the latest information, check out the Briland Modem:
    Island News & Information for North Eleuthera & Harbour Island, Bahamas
    E: <rum AT briland.com>
    [It's much better in the Out Islands.]

    - Abaco relief and rebuilding update #2
    • From: Rick Graef <outislands AT earthlink.net>
    • Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 10:37:53 -0400
    Abaco Relief and Rebuilding Updates:
    26 September 1999 - 9:25PM
    Update #2 contains the following information:
    1. Relief/rebuilding effort overview
    2. A request for additional (reliable) information
    3. Introduction of an interactive Abaco information map
    <http://go-abacos.com/storm/map.html> which includes vacation facilities
    "reopening" updates and timeframes as well as settlement/cay relief, repair
    and rebuilding updates
    3. The Bahamian government's relief effort policies
    4. South Florida donation addresses for supplies, materials and financial
    5. Supplies still needed
    6. Thanks to all the participants in our relief effort
    7. Instructions on how to remove your name from this mailing list
    The relief effort is starting to make a difference for the better in the
    lives of the folks most dislocated by the impact and influence of Floyd.
    Due an on-going lack of reliable information regarding Man-O-War Cay's
    relief and rebuilding efforts, the following update and related references
    focus on all the Abaco cays and settlements except this wonderful Cay.  As
    is true of 'most all of the Abaco relief efforts, we are doing everything
    possible to target relief effort attention on the areas and people most in
    need of assistance: the Abaco settlements and cays of Fox Town, Crown
    Haven, Grand Cay and Coopers Town to the north, and Crossing Rock, Little
    Harbour, Sandy Point and Mores Island (75 percent of the Mores Island's
    homes are completely destroyed or uninhabitable) to the south.
    Electricity and phone service are still virtually non-existent in Hope
    Town/Elbow Cay and Guana Cay.  Electricity and limited phone services have
    been partially restored in Green Turtle, Marsh and (to a lesser extent)
    Treasure Cay. Settlement by settlement information and relief/rebuilding
    update pages have been created on the go-abacos website
    <http://go-abacos.com/storm/map.html> and are accessible through an
    interactive Abaco map.
    Marsh Harbour information keep coming in, and (as you might expect) the
    marinas and docks have apparently taken a major beating.  The central part
    of town has electricity in areas, two gas stations were open as well as
    several hardware stores, one bank and the Golden Harvest Supermarket. The
    ferries are once again providing their essential services, even though
    their docks in Marsh Harbour are mostly destroyed.
    All but one or two of the docks along Eastern Shores are entirely
    destroyed. Triple J Marina has ruined docks with many boats sunk or
    completely broken up. Royal Harbour subdivision (behind Sand Dollar Shop)
    has 3 large boats on land.
    Many of the oceanfront homes on Scotland Cay were heavily damaged or
    destroyed due to beach erosion, wind or water damage.
    Mores Island was just about decimated ... over 75 percent of all housing on
    this industrious little Cay to the west of Great Abaco Island has been
    destroyed or is unfit for habitation.  Virtually all homes in Sandy Point
    (western shore of Great Abaco) experienced flood damage.
    And, speaking of flood damage, readers of this update may have seen the
    video or print images of Floyd's destruction which showed many homes to be
    still relatively intact (many still had their roofs and "looked"
    inhabitable).  However, due to many, many of the Abacos' settlements' close
    proximity to salt water (Sea of Abaco or the Atlantic), the "invisible"
    damage caused by salt water flooding (and a 23 foot storm surge recorded in
    north Abaco) is extraordinarily.  Ruined appliances as well as electrical
    and plumbing systems (including electrically powered well-water pumps),
    buckled floors, fallen walls, sagging (unsafe) roofs, ruined furniture
    (including bedding) ... and the list of salt water damage just goes on and
    on.  The municipal distribution systems for electric and phones also
    suffered significant damage as a result of salt water incursion.
    However, on a brighter (and final) note  for this update, many of the
    Abacos public schools (including the "All Grade" schools on many Cays and
    Settlements) plan to reopen for students (some schools will operate on a
    restricted basis until repairs can be completed) as early as September 27.
    Amazingly enough, this includes schools in some of the hardest hit areas!
    We hope to provide additional positive update information in the very near
    future.  We offer a heartfelt thanks for your interest, concern, prayers
    and donations and, in the very near future, expect to offer information in
    this update about a long-term program to continue helping to make the
    Abacos just a little bit better.
    Rick Graef/webmaster
    rick AT go-abacos.com
    The "local knowledge" vacation and map guide for The Bahamas' Abaco islands
    1574 NE 36 Street
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL  33334
    If you have any RELIABLE knowledge of specific relief and rebuilding
    efforts, or re-opening dates not included on go-abacos or in our
    newsletters, PLEASE send it to: reopening AT go-abacos.com.  While we're
    currently focusing on the relief/rebuilding efforts, the 6500-7000 people
    per month who visit the go-abacos website will be looking for
    rebuilding/reopening information to plan their next Abaco adventure.  This
    repair, rebuilding and reopening information will be posted on the
    appropriate Cay/Settlement page regardless of whether or not a specific
    property is a go-abacos sponsor.  You might also want to provide this
    information to Lori at http://www.bahamastravelnet.com, Sinclair at
    http://www.oii.net or any other Abaco-information resource (website) you
    know of (the grammer's bad, but the meaning is fairly good).
    Additionally, if you are planning to bring relief supplies or donations to
    the Abacos (or Eleuthera), the government regulation on duty free/stamp tax
    free importation of materials are easy to follow, but strictly enforced as
    PLEASE DO NOT go to the Abacos to deliver relief supplies unless you have
    some kind of permission, authorization or permit from The Bahamas
    Government or other pressing emergency reason.
    You need permission, even if you just want to drop off relief supplies.
    Please address your faxed permission request to The Bahamas Government
    Hurricane Relief/ Administrator Joseph Ferguson (FAX) 242-327-5807 -
    Attention of Ms. Theresa Butler - Permanent Secretary, Office of the Prime
    Minister. On your fax, you must include who you are, where are you going,
    why are you bringing materials (for the relief effort), the list of items
    on your plane or boat, tail number of plane or boat registration ... you
    need an official authorization (by return fax - usually 4-5 hours) before
    you leave, or you may not be allowed in and/or will be charged duty on your
    relief supplies.  The Administrator's office will forward a copy of your
    duty and tax waiver for your relief shipment to the customs officials at
    your stated destination, and the whole relief supplies and immigration
    process will then proceed smoothly. If you need to come in, you must bring
    your personal documents as well. Please check for updates, because policies
    will change at some point.
    Additionally, as is unfortunately the case in major catastrophes, a few
    "less than altruistic" relief groups have also come crawling out of the
    woodwork so, if you're considering donation of funds or materials for the
    relief/rebuilding effort (or know someone who is), please make sure you
    have dependable knowledge of the groups or individual(s) to which/who
    you're donating.  The relief organization of which go-abacos is a part
    (primary members as well as contact, financial donation and material
    drop-off information can be found at the end of this update) are working
    under Bahama government guidelines and are in contact with senior
    government officials on an almost daily basis.
    Abaco supplies/material drop-off locations:
    GULFSTREAM International Airlines
    5926 Ravenswood Road
    Fort Lauderdale
    Mon-Fri., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
    For information, please call: 954--266-3000 Ext. #200
    750 NE Seventh Ave.
    Dania Beach, FL
    Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    For information, please call: 954-920-0306
    TREASURE CAY RESORT & MARINA'S US operations office
    2301 S. Federal Highway,
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316.
    For information, please call: (954) 525-7711
    Financial donation information:
    8900 NW 18th Terrace
    Miami, FL 33172.
    Accepting monetary donations only - 100% of all donations will be applied
    to BAHAMAS RELIEF. Please note BAHAMAS RELIEF on your contribution.
    For information, please call: 305-597-4404.
    Marine Industries Association of South Florida
    2312 S. Andrews Ave.
    Fort Lauderdale, FL
    Accepting monetary donations only - 100% of all donations will be applied
    to BAHAMAS RELIEF. Please note BAHAMAS RELIEF on your contribution.
    For information, please call: 954-791-2600.
    Supplies still needed include:
    Bottled water, water containers (at least one uncontaminated water supply
    has been located in Treasure), non-perishable dry foods (rice, flour,
    grits), towels, toiletries, baby food and formula, diapers, mattresses and
    bedding, cooking utensils, chain saws, home siding, generators, plastic
    sheeting, sunscreen, gloves, bleach, rakes, mosquito spray, screening,
    first-aid kits, battery packs, brooms, VHF radios, canned foods, lumber,
    Benadryl, shovels, flashlights, construction materials including material
    required for roof repairs (sheet rock, plywood, shingles, roof felting,
    facia boards, lumber (2x4, 2x6), roof nails, tacks, hurricane clips and
    wiring); tarpaulin and visequeen (heavy plastic sheeting); furniture.
    Many, many thanks to:
    Gulfstream International Airlines (Airline President Mr. Tom Cooper and
    Wendy Clements); Channel 4's (WFOR) Neighbors-4-Neighbors program (Lynn
    Cameron and Mayte); the Jefferson-Pilot radio stations in South Florida;
    radio stations WIOD-AM, WINZ-AM, WQAM-AM, ZETA 94.9 FM; Stiles Corporation
    (Ft. Lauderdale - Terry and Theresa Stiles, Jeff Lis); Broward Motorsports
    (Davie - Shawn); Home Depot; Italian Seaways (Miami); Treasure Cay Services
    (Ft. Lauderdale - Robert and Kelly Meister); Ride Motors (Hallandale); G &
    G Shipping (Dania Beach); American Marine Products (Bob Sullivan); Marine
    Industries Association of South Florida (Maureen Anstey of Prudential
    Florida Realty), Florida Yacht Brokers Association (Barb Tierney of
    Bradford Yacht Sales), Catholic Charities (Bruce Netter - Archdiocese of
    Miami) and many, many other anonymous Florida residents, clubs,
    organizations and corporations.
    To be removed from this list:You have received this newsletter/Abacos
    relief and rebuilding update (the first of an on-going series) as a result
    of (1) your request, (2) your e-address was provided by Lori
    Lachnicht/Bahamas Travel Network, (3) you previously expressed interest to
    go-abacos in finding out more about the Abacos or (4) you "opted-in" to
    go-abacos.com's e-mailing program.  If you would rather not receive
    additional information from go-abacos about the Abacos relief and
    rebuilding efforts, please send a blank e-mail to nostorm AT go-abacos.com
    immediately remove your name from our update list.  We've received only two
    removal requests to date from the 800+ recipients of this update, and
    neither of the removal requests referred to an e-mail address within our
    files.  We apologize if you've received this newsletter in error.
    NOTE TO ALL ABACO BUSINESS - mailto:rebuild AT go-abacos.com - Whether or not
    you're a go-abacos sponsor, PLEASE provide us with news of your business'
    occupancy/use status and, if you're "closed for repairs", please tell us
    when you expect to be open.  Go-abacos averages (pre-Floyd) more than 7000
    individual visitors per month, and these folks need to know as soon as
    possible when you'll be "open for business" so they can begin planning
    their next "Abaco Adventure".  Please send all information to
    rebuild AT go-abacos.com and we will post it as quickly as possible.
    Rick Graef
    outislands AT earthlink.net
    Bluewater Marketing Services, Inc.
    Regional, national and international marketing, advertising and
    communications services
    1574 NE 36 Street
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL  33334

    Older reports can be found on another page.

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