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The Caribbean Hurricane PageUpdates from the Islands
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 1998 21:10:57 EST From: Johanna Porta (portamedina@hotmail.com) Subject: Nicaraguan donations and help sites Hi! I would like to direct you to some nicaraguan sites where people can donate and see what are the things that are being needed the most. The sites are the following: for donations: http://secure.catalog.com/nic-on/form/visa.html for help with things: www.nicaragua-online.com/ayuda.html homepage containing info: www.nicaragua-online.com/ for help, news and donations: www.ibw.com.ni/mitch/ for donations: www.violetachamorro.org.ni/ homepage containing info: www.ibw.com.ni/ Thank you very much for your precious time, and it's a great thing what you're doing. Good-bye.
"MusicKey" recommended the following links: http://www.centralameriaca.com/nicaragua/hurricane.htm http://www.laprensa.com.ni Also: - news:soc.culture.nicaragua newsgroup on nicaragua with some postings of mitch and needs of country - http://sashimi.wwa.com/~roustan/listuno.html list of nica on net gives names and email sometimes phone and address -- good for contacts of someone near to person looked for. - http://www.nicaragua-online.com/ has message board Mitch and other - http://library.advanced.org/17749/chat.html another nicaragua chat site You can use irc to 'chat' with Nicaraguans. Some info from Musickey: People can chat in Nicaragua irc news by going to my page and entering for server any of the following : irc.cic.net irc.erols.com undernet.mindspring.com u2.abs.net irc3.concentric.net tai.wwa.com irc.lvdi.net elric.internetconnect.net irc2.worldnet.att.net undernet.nac.net home.amug.org irc.cetlink.net irc.aros.net irc.connetnet.com hobo.il.net irc01.irc.aol.com irc06.irc.aol.com Then for port, enter 6667 and for channel enter nicaragua or nicaraguita Users will need a computer with an irc chat program to access the honduras channel These can be found for free download on the internet. Try searching for pirch, mirc or irc also search for archie which lets you search for files on the internet, and then search for those irc names. For those that have webtv, they can go to my webpage at http://home.talkcity.com/basinst/musickey and use the chat4tv irc. This irc also lets them search for sites on the web while in chat, and they appear below the chat screen, just scroll down. This will allow chatters to access hurricane info while chatting, and move back and forth between chat screen and what ever central american site they searched for.
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